Eastern horoscope

2000 - the year of which animal and what does it mean?

2000 - the year of which animal and what does it mean?
  1. General characteristics of the symbol
  2. Character traits
  3. Friendly relations
  4. Love relationship
  5. Which professions are suitable?
  6. Compatibility

If the description of the signs of the zodiac considers the date of birth of a person, other factors are much more important according to the Eastern calendar. Each year is assigned its own patron animal and element that affects the fate and character of a person. In the East they believe that it is this symbol that protects and protects a person throughout his life... In 2000, this mission is undertaken by White Metal Dragon. Consider what he promises to those born under this sign.

General characteristics of the symbol

Finding out what year 2000 was according to the Chinese horoscope is quite simple. But it is important to know what such patronage promises to a person born during this calendar period. The main "totem" animal of 2000 - White Metal Dragon - highly revered in China... This mythical character is considered a true ruler, a wizard who grants wishes and punishes disobedience. Influencing the life and destiny of a person, this sign brings to them the luster of cold steel - not as bright as gold, but emphasizing valor and honor.

The element of metal, according to Chinese tradition, is associated with sadness and severity. This element moderates the cheerfulness of nature, adds prudence and melancholy to it. The White Metal Dragon is the toughest, truly lonely. He does not need the company of other people so much, and this affects everything - from the manner of communication to social behavior. Sharpness, bordering on rudeness, often turns even the closest people away from him.

In terms of its emotional properties, the Metal Dragon is one of the coldest, cruel and calculating signs of the eastern horoscope. He is almost devoid of compassion, but has a kind of code of honor.

Do not expect emotionality from these people. They are too calculating and need socialization. In a sense, they always violate the established framework and rules, but at the same time they rarely violate the law or seriously harm others.

The patron saint of 2000, the White Dragon, thanks to the ability to curb emotions, turns out to be an excellent analyst and a good strategist. His innate fearlessness makes him a man of action. For the most part, these people are punctual, obligatory and honest, they cannot be bribed. In addition, unlike other Dragons, this one is able to calmly endure criticism, which has a beneficial effect on his relationship with the outside world.

The best time for people born in 2000 is autumn with its warm days. They feel good in cool, sunny weather. The green color has a beneficial effect on the mood and well-being of Metal Dragons.

Character traits

Let us examine what traits the character of men and women born in 2000, according to the Chinese calendar, born under the sign of the White Metal Dragon, possesses. They are wayward, self-confident and smart. But their intelligence has more practical applications and serves as another sharp weapon in the struggle for a place under the sun. These Dragons are not very emotional, but they are scary in anger and quite vindictive. They are ready to forgive those around them a lot, but not laziness and stupidity.


Born in the year of the Metal Dragon, a man is distinguished by his self-confidence and uncompromising attitude. He will not listen to other people's opinions, spare the feelings of others. Straightforwardness is a characteristic that he is truly proud of. If a man born in 2000 takes a leadership position, his subordinates will receive criticism without any division into ranks.

In love relationships, these people are also despotic, picky and hardly open their hearts. He remains faithful to his partner, but requires almost complete submission from her. Any moments that arouse jealousy can bring him to a fit of anger. If the spouse complies with the conditions proposed by him, this house tyrant will be ready for anything for his family.


Outwardly modest and even quiet, a woman born in 2000 is a real volcano of passions under strong metal armor. She hides her ambition under the guise of diligence and willingness to take on the most difficult work. Her intellectual development is above average, a woman born under the auspices of the Metal Dragon is versatile and has many hobbies... These ladies are characterized by legibility in communication, they share personal and business communication circles.

In personal relationships, the White Dragon woman does not suffer from attention deficit. She is ready for an easy free relationship, but she always chooses a man from the higher rungs of the social ladder.

Representatives of this sign are not ready to lock themselves in the kitchen, but they realize their career ambitions on their own, without outside help. She will not tolerate criticism in any form from close people - in the family it is the woman who will occupy the dominant position, and the husband will have to accept this.

Friendly relations

In friendly relations, the White Dragon is quite selective. This sign is very sensitive to criticism and any comments, hardly tolerates criticism and generally prefers to lead. The much less ambitious representatives of the Eastern calendar will become good friends for him. The Pig belongs to this category, always ready to admire its brilliant companion. A good ally in any business for him will be the Cat, which has sufficient diplomatic abilities so as not to affect the pride of the Dragon.

Unexpectedly, but quite an interesting experience can be the friendship between the representatives of this sign with the Tigers. The charismatic and bright Dragon here will be able to suppress even the imperiousness of his predatory friend and will get maximum pleasure not from rivalry, but from submission.

Among the symbols that you definitely won't be able to be friends with are the Bull, the Dog. They are distinguished by an overly realistic view of things and are not ready to admire the dazzling brilliance of the dragon facade.

Love relationship

In love relationships, people born in 2000 have a pretty good chance of finding happiness with representatives of several signs of the eastern horoscope at once. To the White Metal Dragon who wants to build a happy family, it is worth taking a closer look at the representatives of several symbols.

  1. Rooster... He most often makes up a party of calculation, but becomes a good life companion for the Dragon. His desire for success will spur his partner to advance in his career.
  2. A monkey. She is more cunning and resourceful than the simple-minded Dragon, helping him to understand the intricacies of human nature. The dragon, in turn, will provide her with a reliable and safe rear, forgive her excessive narcissism.
  3. Goat. She will be happy with the Dragon, he will be able to satisfy her vanity, provide the desired level of comfort. But when it comes to mutual support, you should not count on the Goat.
  4. Snake. The only problem in this alliance may be Dragon's jealousy. The rest of the couple will perfectly complement each other, even has every chance of celebrating a golden wedding.
  5. Rat... Another union of convenience that can make the Dragon happy. The rat will benefit from this union and will also be quite happy.

With caution, but still permissible are love and marriage relations between representatives of the year of the White Metal Dragon and people who are patronized by the Horse. But betrayal of a partner can hurt your pride.

Dragons get along well with their peers, but their relationship will be like Chinese fireworks with short lulls and bright emotional outbursts.

Which professions are suitable?

The choice of professional activity for representatives of the Year of the Metal Dragon is recommended to be made in favor of activities that exclude monotony. Routine is contraindicated for them, in addition, these people hardly obey strict regulations. Rather, they are free creators, capable of creating new ideas and solutions, making breakthroughs and overcoming other people's skepticism. People born in 2000 good chances of mastering one of the professions that do not imply a constant stay in the office.

An uncommon trait of the Metal Dragon's character is the ability to display composure amidst general panic. They make excellent crisis managers or successful representatives of risk professions. These are excellent lifeguards and stuntmen, volcanologists and conquerors of snow-capped mountain peaks.

The professions recommended for people born in 2000 include everything related to public speaking. They are passionate politicians and lecturers, masters of public speaking and artists. The love of risk can lead the Dragon to a career in the field of criminal law, where his talent as an orator will be in demand in judicial pleadings. Besides, this sign has a penchant for medicine - it can be good field surgeons or operating doctors in hospitals.

Escaping routine, Metal Dragon may become a musician or actor, freelance artist, sculptor, or art dealer selling works of art worldwide... In any case, he will definitely not be bored, fleeing every time he has an attack of longing for adventure.


The combination of Western and Eastern horoscopes reveals a complete picture of the character and preferences of people born in 2000.The zodiac sign influences fate no less than the patronage of an animal included in the circle of the Chinese calendar. And every White Metal Dragon must necessarily take into account the recommendations that the horoscope gives him.


    The White Dragon of the sign Aries is distinguished, indeed, by a fiery character. This person flares up almost instantly, and it is not at all easy to cool his ardor. These are the most rushing and constantly in search of people. In the life of such a Dragon, there are always a dozen of begun and abandoned affairs that he will not complete.


      The most stubborn representative of the zodiacal circle. Combined with the Dragon's vanity and his penchant for hedonism, it can turn into a reckless bootie who treats everyone at the bar, but remains lonely at heart. With the right distribution of career aspirations, he is capable of a lot, but high demands on a partner make it difficult for him to find a pair.


        The element of air in combination with the Metal Dragon creates the type of person who can handle everything. These people are dreamers, emotional and open, artistic, always ready for new experiences. They make travelers and explorers. Gemini born in 2000 do not recognize authorities and always follow only their convictions.


          A hermit by nature, in combination with the Metal Dragon, Cancer turns into a real knight in an iron impenetrable shell. But with close people, they are able to open up for real, showing remarkable emotionality. Their outward charm is deceiving. Cancer will always be careful with strangers.

            a lion

            A brilliant combination of royalty and desire for brilliance. His craving for a beautiful life is almost indestructible. Born in 2000, Leo will shine in a secular society, conquer sports peaks, while remaining generous and magnanimous.


              The most implacable Metal Dragon. This representative of the Virgo sign will not only put everything on the shelves, but also impose a strict ban on any changes. Often people of this type remain loners, committed to a certain lifestyle.... But at the same time, they are strict not only towards others - such a person will also keep himself within the framework established by him.


                Charming and artistic White Dragon - he is able to charm anyone at first sight. But his pursuit of brilliance and admiration often forms an environment far from the definition of good company. If Libra's talents are properly developed, they are quite capable of gaining fame in the field of music, cinema, painting.


                  Selfish and emotional Scorpio born in 2000 will never show his feelings in public. But those close to him get 100%. Vivid impressions that he gets in the pursuit of wealth or fame can become an adrenaline trap. For the sake of fulfilling desires, this person will go over their heads, he does not recognize authorities and is ready to defend his innocence to the end.


                    The most disorganized Metal Dragon. The eccentricity of this representative of the eastern horoscope is multiplied here many times, turning into carelessness. Sagittarius born in 2000 forgets about his promises, allows himself to be late for work, can even calmly oversleep his own wedding... But everything is redeemed by his positive attitude and disarming smile.


                      The most materialistic Dragon, which is guaranteed to hide a chest of gold in its cache. Combined with Capricorn's pragmatism, hard work and perseverance, these people can achieve career heights in any profession. But you should not expect emotionality or manifestations of feelings from them.


                        Creator and dreamer - this is what the White Dragon will be in combination with the sign of Aquarius. Such people are born to inspire and create beauty. You should not limit their impulses, with proper support, Aquarius born in 2000 are capable of a lot.


                          Atypical for their sign, these Pisces look and behave relaxed and may well go out of their comfort zone. Defeating discouragement and fear thanks to the steel nature of the Metal Dragon, these people perfectly cope with the most difficult and ambitious tasks. They are successful, successful in business and career.

                          All these characteristics are relevant for typical representatives of the zodiacal constellations. If a person has additional aspects in his horoscope, it will be necessary to draw up an individual natal chart.

                          Next, watch a video with a psychologist's story about people born in the year of the dragon.

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