Eastern horoscope

2001 - the year of which animal and what does it mean?

2001 - the year of which animal and what does it mean?
  1. General characteristics of the symbol according to the Chinese horoscope
  2. Character traits
  3. friendship
  4. Love
  5. Which professions are suitable?
  6. Compatibility

Most astrologers are convinced that 2001 was a turning point for many people. He passed under the auspices Metal Snake, which has a difficult character. At all times, it was this animal that was associated with wisdom. What qualities does a person born in the year of the Snake possess? What is his compatibility with other signs? The answers to all these questions can be found in this article.

General characteristics of the symbol according to the Chinese horoscope

2001 according to the Eastern calendar is the year of the Metal Serpent. The general characteristics of the animal will help many to understand the characteristics of the character of the one who was born under the sign of the Snake. After all, the year of birth in many respects even determines the fate of a person.

The snake is the sixth sign in the Chinese horoscope. The general characteristics of this sign suggests that His strong points of character are responsiveness, excellent sense of humor, intelligence, determination and determination. As for the shortcomings, among them are suspicion, inconsistency and jealous disposition.

In many countries of the East, this animal is treated with special trepidation, believing that it is the wisest and kindest creature. According to the Chinese horoscope, the Snake is a symbol of elegance, beauty, dexterity, cunning and even magic.

People who were born in one of the summer months of the year of the Snake, will definitely be lucky and happy, because this animal is very fond of the sun and heat. Numbers such as 2, 8 and 9 will bring good luck to everyone who was born this year. As for the color, then those born in the year of the Snake should choose a red or light yellow shade.

By their nature, they are very inquisitive and sophisticated persons who always try to be at their best in everything. They strive to get the best education, are interested in absolutely everything and are always ready to receive new knowledge. In their society, it is never boring, they are able to maintain a conversation on absolutely any topic.

In addition, Snakes surprisingly attract people with their mystery. They manage to create a unique atmosphere around them that attracts many. They easily manage to attract everyone's attention and easily charm everyone around them.

Character traits

The Metal Serpent is the most closed of all Serpents. She prefers loneliness and at the same time feels very comfortable. Of course, this feature is reflected in the character of everyone who was born this year.

We can say with confidence that such a person is a real strategist who knows exactly how to behave and knows how to derive his own benefit from any situation. The peculiarity of the character of such a Snake is that she is never interested in the opinion of others and acts solely for her own interests. Only the closest and dearest people can become an exception.

We should also mention that the Snake possesses subtle mind, excellent intuition and prudence. Such character traits allow you to achieve a lot in this life. Such a person never devotes to his plans. The snake independently nurtures ideas, develops an action plan, develops its own strategy and surprises everyone around with a ready-made result.

We can say with confidence that people born in the year of the Snake, like the animal itself, love to act silently, without attracting attention to themselves. At the same time, they know how to occupy the most advantageous position for themselves. They do everything with such persistence that no one can prevent them from implementing their plans.

Overconfidence is another character trait. The snake is very painful in moments of failure. Any defeat is perceived aggressively. Since the Snake loves power and is always confident in her own strength, in moments of failure she closes in herself, trying to understand its cause and developing a further plan of action.

In family life, people born in the year of the Metal Snake behave extremely docile and soft... They love to create coziness in their home and it is important for them that they are always comfortable in it. They are very partial to exquisite and exclusive things that can become a worthy decoration of their home interior. Their love for solid and unusual things is manifested from the very childhood.

Another feature of those born in the year of the Metal Snake is that they have very strong intuition.

Sometimes it seems that they are even able to hear thoughts and feel the soul of another person at a distance. Despite the fact that outwardly they seem cold-blooded and indifferent, in fact they are very sensitive and vulnerable people. It's just that Snakes are used to hiding their true feelings and emotions from others.


Those born in the year of the Metal Snake behave very carefully with other people. They are accustomed to leading a closed lifestyle and this suits them perfectly. Strangers are treated with great distrust, so sometimes it seems that Snakes do not believe at all in the sincerity and disinterestedness of friendly relations. They also show such caution towards those with whom they have known for many years.

Earning the respect and trust of the Snake is not an easy task, and sometimes even impossible. But if someone succeeds in this, then the one born in the year of the Snake will become the most loyal and reliable friend on whom you can count on in any situation.

We should also mention that men born this year absolutely do not tolerate rivalry. It doesn't matter if in a friendly or business area, they always need to feel superior, otherwise the relationship will simply be ruined.To his real friends, whom the Snake man will appreciate, and they respect him in return, he will help in everything.

The woman behaves very coolly in friendly relations. She will never share her thoughts, experiences, even with a close friend. In addition, such women are completely discreet and will never spread gossip.

Female snakes are also appreciated for giving their friends practical and valuable advice. The Snake woman approaches any question very seriously.


Due to its complex nature, the personal life of those born in the year of the Metal Snake is not as easy as we would like. Men primarily want understanding from a woman. They are looking for the one who can become for them not just a mistress or a good housewife, but will also be the best friend, advisor and closest person.

A man born under this sign dreams of seeing a reliable life companion next to him, who will inspire, support, understand, help in everything and, most importantly, will not contradict him.

He is one of those men who, having chosen one woman, remain faithful to her forever. Men born this year strive for a strong union and will always protect their family, doing everything possible to achieve harmony at home.

The Snake woman often shows self-confidence and selfishness in personal relationships. She will first of all think about herself, about her own benefit, her feelings, interests, and only then about the thoughts of her partner. As a life partner, she wants to see the most worthy partner next to her. The snake will never pay attention to a loser who has not a penny in his pocket. A wealthy, promising, generous man who occupies a high position in society is her ideal.

It is worth noting that such women make ideal wives. They will always treat their spouse with understanding, will inspire, support and provide him with comfortable conditions at home. The Snake woman knows exactly how to farm and how to raise children.

Which professions are suitable?

Those born in the year of the Metal Snake can easily choose absolutely any profession. Success awaits them in any area. They have hard work and cunning, which allows them to reach great heights in any field of activity. In addition, they calculate every step they take down to the smallest detail, thanks to which they almost never make mistakes.

Snakes easily find a common language with all people. We can say that by nature they are psychologists who know how to understand the character of anyone who is around. Thanks to this, they never have conflicts with colleagues or superiors.

Despite the fact that sometimes Snakes are able to substitute a person for their own benefit, they will never take on an "unclean" business. If they feel threatened or dishonest, then they leave such work without regret.

Snakes possess organizational skills, therefore, they often occupy leadership positions or decide to start their own business. They carefully think over every step, but if something does not go according to plan, then they withdraw into themselves and get lost, which interferes with their work.

Snakes can prove themselves excellent in psychology, philosophy and other related professions. In addition, professions that require calculation and discipline are excellent for them, so they often choose military affairs or service in law enforcement agencies as their profession.

Thanks to their dedication, they can easily achieve success in sports. And organizational skills allow them to become excellent teachers or trainers.


This eastern zodiac sign has the best compatibility with the same Snake. And this is not surprising. Two people born under the same sign will always be able to understand and accept the peculiarities of the difficult nature of their partner.

Also, the Snake can build quite harmonious relationships with those who were born in the year of the Pig or Tiger. Together they can succeed and create a family that will suit both.

Relationships with those born in the year of the Goat, Rabbit, Dragon and Monkey can also be quite successful. But here everything will not be so easy. A long and happy marriage can only happen if one of the partners can compromise. The snake, of course, will not dare to take such a step. Those born in the year of the Dragon also rarely make concessions, so the relationship with them will be the most difficult. But those born in the year of the Goat and the Rabbit will be able to step over themselves for the sake of family happiness.

Friendship, love or business relationships are impossible with those who were born in the year of the Ox, Rooster, Horse and Dog. The Snake will constantly conflict with them. Contacts are possible only if the Snake, having felt the benefit, is able to show wisdom and make concessions.

For the characteristics of the character born in the year of the snake, see below.

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