2002 - the year of what animal and what is typical for its representatives?

Knowledge of certain character traits according to the eastern horoscope, the influence of the zodiac sign on interpersonal relationships makes people more tolerant of each other. Those born in 2002 will not always have an easy, but very interesting life.

general characteristics
According to the eastern calendar, 2002 passes under the sign of the Black Water Horse. This is the seventh sign of the Chinese horoscope. It started on February 12 and was completed on January 31, 2003. The animal symbolizes light, sun and exorbitant labor. The water element gives softness. The black color impels to knowledge. The zodiac sign of Gemini corresponds to the Eastern year of the Horse.
The fiery and quivering Water Horse has a free, indefatigable disposition. She is characterized by inexhaustible energy, strength, courage and speed. Restless animal is very direct in expressing his feelings. Pleasant in all respects, the Water Horse has excellent manners and a wonderful sense of humor. He knows a lot about the world around him, he is often a polyglot. An interesting interlocutor attracts people with her speeches and charms them.

Unlike the impulsive, easily excitable, very proactive Fire Horse, which wins in any dispute due to its fighting qualities and assertiveness, the animal of the water element disposes of interlocutors, instantly makes them its supporters and admirers only thanks to the natural gift of looking at the world around us with great amazement ...
The aquatic representative of the sign is less hot-tempered than the wards of the Horses of the other elements, knows how to calmly and attentively listen to the interlocutor's point of view that differs from her own. Has a tendency to show off.

The Water Horse is recommended to leave early home, as dependence on parents does not allow it to reach its own potential, which leads to a gradual extinction. She does not tolerate control and herself must manage her personal space, finances and her family. Prudent and practical in terms of money, the Horse is able to properly distribute finances, save them. Uncontrolled waste of money is not for her.
She always cares about her own well-being, she easily adapts to a difficult environment. Prefers an easy life full of entertainment and fun travel. Loves to enjoy life. Often commits rash acts.
The horse easily takes risks and can get involved in any adventure. Frequent changes in plans and interests negatively affect all of her affairs.

The thirst for new sensations and adventures promotes the choice of extreme recreation. She loves to visit museums, exhibitions, circus, concerts, theaters and cinemas. The Black Water Horse is completely immersed in his inner world. Her unbridled fantasies and illusions often lead to uncontrollable consequences. The water element endows its wards with carelessness and haste, which often lead people to injury.

The character of a person is imprinted not only by the year of birth, but also by the day and month. The Chinese horoscope in combination with the traditional zodiac sign, which can soften or strengthen a person's year of birth, is of no small importance for relationships. The influence of the zodiac constellations on the character traits born in the year of the Water Horse:
- Aries is consistent in his thoughts, but possesses anger and fervor unusual for a Horse;
- Taurus always makes concessions, there is no selfishness in him at all;
- Gemini cannot resist in one place, which does not give them the opportunity to bring the work started to the end;
- vulnerable and withdrawn Cancer is afraid to openly show his feelings and show others his weaknesses;
- fearless Leo is capable of a lot, but is too selfish;
- Virgo is saved by practicality, but the organization of affairs and their effectiveness can suffer from its inconstancy;
- Libra can adjust to others, but as a result, they do everything their own way;
- Scorpio is the wild and most addicting Horse;
- Sagittarius has a lot of hard work and stability;
- smart and purposeful Capricorn is able to reach the highest peaks;
- Aquarius is distinguished by a great desire for comfort, resourcefulness, ambition and incredible activity;
- in balanced Pisces, a benevolent character wins over.

Character traits
The Water Horse leads an active lifestyle. It is extremely rare to indulge in proper rest and almost never sits in one place. With the right direction of their irrepressible energy, talented representatives of the watermark achieve a lot in their lives.
Strong persistent character saves from fear of any difficulties. She can always find a way out of a very difficult situation. But serious problems sometimes lead the wards of the watermark to despair. The horse loves to make long-term plans, carries them out with a methodical sequence.
Intense sports and great taste allow them to maintain grace and grace until old age. The horse always monitors its health and pays great attention to its appearance.

Positive traits:
- activity;
- endurance;
- perseverance;
- hard work;
- courage;
- friendliness;
- responsiveness;
- kindness;
- sociability;
- charm.

- excessive fussiness;
- whims;
- adventurism;
- irascibility;
- unfocusedness;
- coarseness.

Friendly relations
Horses know how to be friends like no other. They never betray their friends.The horse is able to penetrate deeply into the soul of people, delicately conduct a conversation and shower his friends with countless compliments. Near the ward of the water element, any person begins to feel like the most important person not only in his life, but in the whole wide world.
Water Horses really need support, approval and praise from their friends. They can't stand criticism. Any slightest reproach from a comrade deeply wounds. Silence is worse for them than torture. If one of the friends becomes silent for any reason, the Horse immediately loses control of itself. They need confidence in a secure shoulder.

Love and marriage
The ardent and passionate Water Horse completely dissolves in love, she gives herself completely to the overwhelmed feelings. Love relationships can easily turn the heads of the representatives of this sign. They are ready to create long-term and strong bonds. For the sake of an adored object, they are able to fly away to the ends of the earth. Such behavior does not always benefit them, because in an outburst of love passion they express their readiness to quit their job, to leave unfinished business.
People of the water element do not tolerate frivolous relationships. If the Horse Man meets a young lady to his liking, then he instantly transforms into a good family man, passionately in love with his home. Horses girls are endowed with amazing grace and beauty, attracting representatives of the opposite sex.
A woman who was born in 2002, over time, becomes an excellent mother, a wonderful housewife, a close friend of her soulmate and a faithful wife.

Which professions are suitable?
The employee of this sign needs constant approval and admiration for his talent. Otherwise, the ability to work quickly fades away. The horse needs periodic breaks from work, since it does not differ in perseverance and quickly gets tired of the labor process. After a short break, the performance resumes.
From the wards of an aquatic animal, excellent purposeful leaders are obtained. They can handle any obstacles and showdowns with opponents. Subordinates value organizational skills and often express this to their boss. Praise and compliments contribute to even greater ability to work and to quickly move up the career ladder. Opponents cannot withstand the onslaught of the Horse, they instantly surrender.

The most suitable professions for the animal of the water element are teachers, journalists, reporters, artists, guides, hairdressers. Horses are suitable for specialties that require public speaking. In political activity, they can achieve tremendous success due to their ability to surpass the enemy with speech and manipulate the crowd from a distance.
A talented and very capable Water Horse easily achieves its goals and desires. Their drive for personal gain makes them great businessmen.

Cheerful and easy-going, the Horse finds a common language with all other representatives of the zodiacal circle. Inner fire encourages her to constantly move forward and draw others with her.
The Chinese calendar considers options for the compatibility of the Water Horse with other signs of the eastern horoscope in family, friendly and business partnerships.
- With those born in the year of the Rat the marriage will go wrong. The initial passion quickly subsides, and a complete misunderstanding of each other remains. In friendship, things are better. Doing business together can lead to good results.
- A happy union can develop with people who were born in the year of the Ox... These two signs have very similar thoughts and feelings. But the Bull must periodically give in to the intractable Horse. This applies to love, friendships and business relationships.
- With Tiger couples are perfect in all respects. They do not need a long grinding, but it is advisable to give each other more freedom. There is complete harmony in marriage and friendship.In general business, these signs are capable of achieving colossal results.
- With a soft and pliable Rabbit family union is possible only if it is restrained by frantic outbursts of jealousy. It is better for the opposite sex of these signs to be friends than to create a serious relationship. Strong friendships are possible. Doing business together is unacceptable due to too different interests and views on entrepreneurship.
- Often family relationships end in divorce. with dragon as a result of a violent outburst of emotions and mad passions. Harmony is hindered by insufficient attention and lack of support from the Horse. Business partnerships are also out of the question.
- Snake attracts the Horse with its mystery and charm, but not for long: too many contradictions arise between these signs. In adulthood, a harmonious union is possible. The same situation develops in friendship and business.
- With its peers and representatives of other elements of the same animal, the Horse constantly defends its independence in love, family and business relationships. Despite a similar inner world, the couple is doomed to fragility.
- Sheep makes an ideal match for a horse ward in business, friendship and family. The union is based on respect for each other and equality. Equivalent halves of a single whole are added.
- A monkey is a great friend to the Horse. Love relationships are often interrupted due to the desire of both signs for independence and because of the two-way requirement of complete obedience to each other. Joint business with mutual desire and consent most often thrives.
- A worthy soul mate is the Rooster. They understand each other perfectly. The similarity of characters and life priorities allows you to create strong alliances in friendly, family and business partnerships.
- Strong family union with the Dog based on her dedication. In turn, the Dog receives in this relationship respect, love, affection and moderate passion. Business partnerships are perfect too.
- Pig bestows stability, peace of mind, and kindness. Friendship, family and business relationships develop for a long time. Animals are able to double the strength of each other, thereby creating accessibility to the joint conquest of all spheres of life.

You will learn more about the characteristics of the Horse sign later.