2005 - the year of which animal and how is it characterized?

According to the eastern calendar, 2005 is the year of the Blue Wood Rooster, straightforward, self-confident and hardworking, on the one hand, and vain, hot-tempered, on the other. In the Slavic calendar, this year is considered the time of the Screaming Rooster. In any case, this bird is warlike, which could not but affect the characters of people born in 2005.

Which animal became the symbol in the Chinese horoscope?
The rooster in the Chinese horoscope becomes the owner once every 12 years; in Eastern mythology, this bird is a symbol of the Sun, awakening the world, a harbinger of dawn. The Chinese love the Rooster - they consider him a noble creature, because he takes care of the chickens, finds food for them and “invites” them first to dine, and only then he himself relishes. Many believe that this bird is able to ward off evil spirits from the hearth, to protect it from misfortunes, especially to prevent a fire.

Some eastern peoples, in general, did not eat rooster meat, despite the fact that they sacrificed it to the gods. According to mythology, the Golden Rooster lived on the Sun itself and was the ancestor of the magical three-legged bird.
To this day, many Chinese people put the image of this warlike bird on the front door to ward off evil entities from the house., provide calmness and harmony. For many years, Chinese artists have depicted the Rooster on furniture and household utensils, hoping with its help to achieve career advancement.

In one of the distant provinces of China, to this day, the custom has been preserved to present a rooster and rice vodka on the day of celebrations: weddings, birth of a child, at the beginning of the construction of a house.

General characteristics of people born in 2005
Like the symbol of the year, people born in 2005 have a bright and extraordinary character. This is a kind of cocktail of positive and not very human qualities.
First of all, those born in the year of the Rooster are very sociable, there are always a lot of people around them.

Many representatives of this sign are so talkative that they are sometimes tedious, while another category is discerning and contemplative people. The rooster loves to be in the spotlight, he likes flattery, he makes acquaintances very easily. True, in some cases, Roosters are more than meticulous and scrupulous, which is not very pleasant to those around them.

The representative of this sign is too attentive to his appearance, you can hardly see him sloppy or dressed out of fashion. It is especially important for him not to become “like everyone else”, a gray mouse and merge with the crowd, a bright individuality - this is what the people of this sign of the eastern calendar strive for. Often they become an adornment of any corporate party, and compliments from others do not bother them at all, even if all the attention of others is focused on their own person.

But in no case can you imagine the Rooster as a pompous and narcissistic person, on the contrary, they are always ready to help, know how to empathize and support. Only sometimes someone else's support seems excessive to them - they are self-sufficient and confident that they will cope with all the problems on their own.

Elegant, bright, representatives of this sign cannot fail to attract attention, they never go unnoticed.
The second category of Roosters is a little closed, the so-called introverts, who live only with their inner world. It often seems to them that those around them cannot understand them, and then such a category of representatives of this sign can fall into despair. But there are not many of them.

Distinctive features of the characters according to the signs of the zodiac
Active Roosters, regardless of their year of birth, almost always achieve success in all their endeavors. Nevertheless, depending on the zodiac signs, there are distinctive features in their characters.
- Aries. People born under this zodiac sign are brave and purposeful, almost always achieving what they want.
- Taurus. Always ready to help people in need of support. During his life, it is sometimes difficult for him to adapt to the world around him, but he knows how to plan his future career better than others. Energetic Taurus boasts an inexhaustible source of internal energy.
- Twins. The activity of this zodiac sign gives the Rooster extraordinary energy. People born at this particular time are distinguished by intellectual knowledge, they become highly educated representatives of society.
- Cancer. Cancer-Roosters are very controlled by emotions, they are rather skeptical of the opinions of the interlocutors. If they feel uncomfortable in society, they become skeptics and selfish.
- A lion. Honesty, nobility and vanity are the hallmarks of the oriental bird in this zodiac sign. They love to be in the spotlight, their warlike nature allows them to stubbornly pursue their goals. Always being the first is the Leo-Rooster's credo.
- Virgo. To argue only on the merits, but to remain an insecure person in your soul are the hallmarks of the Virgo-Rooster. Nevertheless, such people carefully plan their future, are prone to analysis. For the most part, they are dreamers, they often choose between reality and fantasy, but they are always interesting with them.
- Scales. They love to chat, always surrounded by an admiring company. This is probably why they turn out to be professional diplomats. Despite outbursts of anger, Libra-Roosters do not like scandals and showdowns.
- Scorpion. An interesting nature with a difficult character, internally contradictory, has the gift of persuasion. They are very hardworking and persistent. These representatives of the zodiac sign choose a profession related to communication.
- Sagittarius. Enthusiasts, easy-going, ready to travel all year round. Such people like to argue, and too sparklingly, but, despite this, they do not add enemies. They often do not finish the job, have an analytical mind, know how to manage money and are in constant search.
- Capricorn. A creative nature that does not like conflicts are special features of the Capricorn-Rooster. They love power, but not despotic, but reasonable. Smart, talented, they attract others, they choose friends very carefully.
- Aquarius. Freedom-loving, ready to fight for their ideas, true leaders, Aquarius, born in the year of the Rooster, become excellent leaders. They are honest and straightforward, have a huge circle of friends, appreciate reality and often make the necessary decisions.
- Fishes. Compared to other signs of the zodiac, Pisces are not entirely confident in themselves, they are very susceptible to the opinions of others. Many of them find it very problematic to simply relax, and Pisces find consolation in financial well-being. Those with a sharp mind, have good taste and, like everyone else, try to draw attention to themselves.

Which profession is suitable?
Given the previous characteristics of people born in the Year of the Wood Rooster, they should be interested in specialties related to the environment of people, perhaps even a stage. It is very difficult to imagine such a creative nature, spending time sorting pieces of paper. Although if we take into account the presence of an analytical mind in people born this year, then checking accounts in some huge corporation is just what you need.
Basically, routine work can cause them persistent dislike, monotony can even lead to an emotional breakdown.
The work for the Blue Rooster should be very interesting to him, meet his taste, which, admittedly, has been canceled in some cases. That is why representatives of this sign often become highly professional stylists or fashion designers. The world knows many representatives of show business, who also represent the Year of the Rooster, whose career has developed more than successfully.

The fate of this sign is also developing well in the field of politics - the world of struggle and competition, the opportunity to debate and defend one's point of view is simply created for it. Law enforcement agencies are also perfect for Roosters: military service will help realize the ambitions of such extraordinary people. This also applies to work as a firefighter, rescuer, bodyguard.

Based on practice, the career of those born in the year of the Rooster proceeds abruptly, in leaps and bounds: straightforwardness and love of disputes can sometimes do them a disservice, but ambition and ambition always help to go towards the intended goal.
Relationships with other people
According to astrologers, the Rooster symbol is a unifying sign. Family and social ties are noticeably strengthened under the wing of this warlike and proud bird. It is in this year that the representatives of the sign have new plans, solve global problems. For in order to create a harmonious union with the Rooster, or just to become a close friend, you must remember that he always strives to be a leader - both at work and in the family... This is a complex nature, in which the desire to communicate and be liked by everyone is ideally combined, and at the same time, to convince other people that they are right, resorting to various methods - shouting, argumentation and even manipulation.

Close people may not understand how carefully these birds, regardless of whether it is a man or a woman, relate to their appearance. Some of them are simply absorbed in their own person.But it is not only the appearance that worries the Rooster - people walking with him through life should know that, climbing the career ladder, their chosen one completely surrenders to the chosen path, achieving financial well-being and social recognition.

In family life, many Roosters are often disappointed in their soul mate: those, in the opinion of the freedom-loving feathered, do not correspond to the bar that he himself sets in personal relationships.
How does the Blue Wood Rooster get along with the rest of the zodiac signs according to the eastern calendar? Astrologers give a lot of advice in this regard, listening to which you can not be mistaken when creating a family or long-term relationships.
- Rat and Rooster. These two signs are unlikely to be able to create a favorable union. Despite the fact that the Rat, like our hero, has a lot of ambition, they cannot come to a common denominator: the brilliance and periodic bombast of the bird is in no way combined with the charm and cunning of the rodent. Their union is waiting for discord and financial collapse, divorce with a showdown. The same applies to friendship - each of them will try to take a leadership position, as well as business relations, when the common cause fails.
- Ox and Rooster. This is where the relationship can become more than promising. The only condition is a reasonable compromise: the Rooster will have to moderate his commanding inclinations a little. Friendship will be strong, but business relations should not be in a hurry.
- Tiger and Rooster. A family union can destroy mutual egoism - both of these signs are used to only receiving, not giving anything in return. For the Tiger, the noisyness of a bird is an unacceptable option, which can later develop into unfair accusations. There will not be enough mutual understanding in friendship, and it is better for them not to enter into business relations categorically.
- Rabbit and Rooster. The marriage union will become a tedious task: the shocking attacks of a proud bird scare away the Rabbit. As for relationships in business, only a mammal will win here, and the Rooster should know this.
- Dragon and Rooster. An ideal relationship in the case of sincere mutual love and respect. The financial position of half will only strengthen the relationship of the Rooster, however, as in friendship: the Dragon's money will become a solid foundation. In business, the whole position of the winged serpent is also decisive.
- Snake and Rooster. These two signs harmoniously complement each other: the Rooster evaluates the appearance, the content is important for the Snake. But even despite this contradictory fact, harmony reigns between them, just as in friendly relations.
- Horse and Rooster. Relationships can develop under the condition of long separations: only then these two signs can be together and keep the family together. Friendship is possible only at the level of optional meetings, and business relations are futile: the Horse does not believe in the seriousness of the colleague's intentions.
- Goat and Rooster. The family will be preserved thanks to mutual respect and patience: the life goals of these signs rarely coincide. Only by appreciating the importance of each other, these people will become one whole. Friendship won't stick to Bluebird's whims.
- Monkey and Rooster. Marital relations are doomed: the family will not bring happiness and success, both of them will be unhappy, however, as in friendship. In business relationships, a catch is possible - the Monkey will constantly deceive and evade responsibility.
- Rooster and Rooster. Two proud birds will never get along in the same territory - constant strife and squabbles will nullify all efforts. It's the same with friendships and business relationships.
- Dog and Rooster. The dog is constantly annoyed by the indefatigability and noise of the Rooster, family ties will not seal this union. Business relationships and friendships are also impossible due to mutual hostility.
- Pig and Rooster. It is unlikely that these two signs will be able to maintain a harmonious relationship: the Pig strives for justice and sensual pleasures, and the Rooster is brave and aggressive. It is better for them not to make friends, in general, and the business may fall apart due to the lack of mutual support.

A bold and independent Rooster is a bright and unforgettable phenomenon.In order to maintain harmonious relations with him and learn to understand him, it is necessary to carefully study the opinions of astrologers.

You will learn more about people born in the year of the Rooster in the video below.