2013 - the year of which animal and what does it mean?

For those people who want to know what animal the year 2013 was under, it is usually important to get information on the eastern (Chinese) horoscope, because it is he who largely determines the fate of a person born under the auspices of one of the 12 signs. In this case, we will focus on Black Water Serpent. Let's consider what character of a child born this year she promises according to the Eastern calendar, and also what the choice of a future profession will be his correct decision. Let's touch on some other topics as well.

Character features
The eastern horoscope, in contrast to the western zodiac tradition, uses 12 patron symbols that are directly related to archetypes taken from the animal kingdom. The Water Serpent is no exception. This representative of amphibians is considered strong, resourceful and fearless, cold calculation and analytical thinking are inherent in him.
In Chinese, the name of the animal - the symbol of the Year of the Snake - sounds like "shi"... This is the sixth sign of the eastern calendar, which corresponds to the constellation Virgo in the western zodiacal circle. Despite its coldness The snake is ranked among the elements of fire, and the most successful time of day for it is from 9 to 11 in the morning.... But based on the belonging of the year, the dominant element in it will still be water - fluid, changeable and dynamic.
According to the Chinese horoscope, the year of the Black Water Snake began on February 10, 2013 and lasted until January 31, 2014... Therefore, those who were born between these dates fall under his patronage.
It is worth considering that when interpreting the eastern horoscope, all factors are taken into account.So, the black color of 2013 means unity with space and the depth of waters. It opens up special opportunities for self-development and realization for people born during this period.

The attitude to the very symbol of the year in Eastern culture is very different from Western perception. The snake here is the personification of wisdom, foresight, foresight. Some sources even point to the unification of this animal with a mythical dragon, which is literally deified in China. In a number of countries of the East, the birth of a child in the year of the Snake is considered a happy omen, as it promises wealth and prosperity. It is not for nothing that in ancient legends it is these animals that possess magical powers, generously bestow material benefits on those who treat them with due respect.
Do not be afraid of the black color, which is associated with 2013. It symbolizes in many ways uncertainty, the need to prepare for change, and at the same time the chances that open up before the brave and courageous people.
The coldness of the water adds to the Snake, already changeable, even more prudence and pragmatism. But representatives of the sign know how to use these qualities for their own good.

Characteristics of children born in 2013
The patronage of the black Water Snake promises a child born in 2013 the opportunity to choose almost any path in life. These children are naturally inquisitive, they have a desire for discipleship from birth. They are talented, they easily comprehend new sciences, they are not bored with doing things that require perseverance and perseverance.
The Water Serpent brings some prudence and even the qualities of a strategist to the child's character. Such a kid is careful, does not rush to meet danger or something unknown. He will first think over his further tactics, and only then he will act for sure. But his natural suspicion makes it a little difficult for him to communicate with others.
The snake remains closed on itself all its life, not fully revealing itself even to loved ones - you should not be afraid, self-sufficient individuals much more often achieve great success in life.

The trust of the parents is very important to a child born in the year of the Water Snake. He needs much more independence than his peers, so adults in the family should take this into account in the course of upbringing. The broader the scope of the child's powers, the more confident the child will grow up in himself. In addition, a high level of responsibility helps these children be truly good pet owners. You can safely entrust pet care even to a baby 4-5 years old.
In communication with peers, representatives of the Water Snake sign are very selective, they find it difficult to get along with new people, but they know how to make friends faithfully and firmly for many years. Usually they form a close social circle of 2-3 people, the connection with which passes from children's communication to a real adult brotherhood. These children treat the rest of the team evenly and politely, not showing emotions unnecessarily.
Boys born in 2013 can be hot-tempered and aggressive if they think someone is invading their territory. It is imperative to teach the child to control emotions, not to encourage such outbursts.

Learning propensity
It seems that children born in the year of the Water Snake can do everything - they are talented, diligent, have a clear mind. These are people with the inclinations of mathematicians, physicists, chemists - they gravitate more towards the exact sciences, but they may well achieve great success in the humanities. If children born in 2013 are learning music, it is better to choose a string instrument or a drum group for them. This is where they can be most successful.
The best tactic for parents while their child is in school is non-interference.
The child, whose patron is the Water Snake, is diligent enough to cope with homework.Moreover, it is definitely not worth forcing him to study any subjects. It is enough to provide support and freedom of choice, and the student will cope with the rest.

Key Recommendations
Physical activity in a child born in the year of the Water Snake is quite high. He loves to be the first, strives to win, actively explores the world around him. Do not limit children in their entertainment, it is better to offer the opportunity to move safely and freely around the sports corner. They have a penchant for rock climbing and acrobatics, athletics and sports such as basketball, volleyball.
Representatives of the Water Snake sign according to the Eastern calendar have very many character traits depending on the hour of birth. "Nighttime" children are calmer in nature, and their life, most likely, will pass without violent upheavals.
Children born in the afternoon, especially those who were born at noon hour, will experience ups and downs, but it is for them that the lucky star shines most of the way, ensuring the fulfillment of the most ambitious plans.

Distinctive features of the zodiac signs
Combining the analysis of the zodiacal and eastern horoscope is a fairly popular method that allows you to make a more accurate individual forecast. But it is important to remember that all constellation recommendations are focused exclusively on the typical representatives of a particular sign. In other cases, it is better to resort to drawing up a personal horoscope.
Let's see how the birth in 2013 under the auspices of the Water Snake affects different representatives of the zodiacal circle.
- Aries. Born in 2013, the representative of the Aries sign is a rather hot and controversial nature. The Water Serpent balances these character traits somewhat. Her patronage makes a person more sensitive, with a subtle nature, helps to brighten up artistic and creative inclinations. Parents of an Aries child must be prepared for the child's mood swings, learn to cope with his egocentrism. If the representative of this sign learns to listen to his inner voice, to follow intuition, a great future awaits him.

- Taurus... The most stubborn Water Serpent. A person with such a combination of horoscopic indicators is generous, but scrupulous in business, capable of becoming a patron of the arts. Taurus, born in the Year of the Snake, have a high chance of success in business, they make good stock analysts or antiques dealers. In addition to extraordinary logic and grandiose stubbornness, these people tend to be introverted in character, so they do not need the company of others too much.

- Twins. Great dreamers and projectors, and under the influence of the Water Snake, Gemini turn into real dreamers, capable of not only inventing, but also realizing the most ambitious plans. Skillful intriguers, they know how to manipulate people, using the art of diplomacy, almost always come out dry. With such a set of qualities, Gemini born in the year of the Snake will definitely not be left without a good position and a successful career.

- Cancer. The most self-contained Water Snakes. It is from them that artists, thinkers, travelers and researchers are made. Cancers are good friends, loyal and reliable companions in life, they maintain ties with their family for a long time, they are in no hurry to gain independence. The double protection of the elements of water makes them rather closed and mysterious, but at the same time they retain the delicate sensitivity of nature.

- A lion. In this combination, the wisdom of the Water Serpent is added to the self-confidence and pride of Leo. People with such a horoscope always have many friends and acquaintances, they are the real soul of the company, they love trips, travels and new experiences. Overflowing energy often pushes Lions born in the year of the Snake on adventures, but they always cope with the most difficult situations, easily adapt to new conditions.In addition, in such a combination of signs, people are not characterized by a thirst for enrichment and greed, therefore they are generous and magnanimous.

- Virgo. Virgos born in 2013 can only be envied. Accuracy and punctuality are inherent in these people from birth, they are responsible, they love order, even at a young age they know what they want to achieve. Their only drawback is a sharp tongue, which is highly discouraged to fall for. Virgo with such a horoscope comes easy, they prefer self-education, they are quite easy to communicate.

- Scales. The combination of the elements of water and earth in the horoscope of Libra, born in 2013, creates dangerous hurricanes and storms that they will have to face on their way. By their nature, such people are eternal wanderers and seekers, pleasant companions, but always led. They do not strive for leadership, preferring calmness and stability, but at the same time they are selfish, looking for their own benefit in any situation. In this case, innate diplomacy and wisdom helps to save Libra's situation.

- Scorpion. Even he himself does not understand how complex and multifaceted. Scorpio, born in the year of the Water Snake, will always be a clear leader, rebel and revolutionary, irreconcilable and disinterested. He has a full range of brilliant talents, so he can choose almost any direction for his development. In childhood, communication with Scorpio can be complicated by his capricious disposition, but as he grows up, he will learn to be more flexible.

Sagittarius. The most ambitious Water Serpent is guaranteed to be a Sagittarius horoscope. Representatives of this sign were born to shine, captivating others with their charm. They have good propensities for sports and creativity, they get carried away easily, but cool down quickly if the applied efforts do not bring results.

- Capricorn. The most sensible children born in 2013 were born under the auspices of the Capricorn sign. These "little adults" from a young age know exactly what is good, therefore they behave in accordance with this unspoken code. However, natural prudence does not prevent them from well determining the measure of permissible risk, and under certain conditions, representatives of this sign can go all out.

- Aquarius. Representatives of the Aquarius sign in 2013 received the prudence and wisdom of their eastern patron, but retained their natural liveliness and curiosity. In childhood, parents have no time to get bored with them, and teachers at school will not be left without work. It is better to direct the child's activity to scientific or research activities, invention. Here he will be able to show his talents to the fullest.

- Fishes. The most unpredictable representative of the zodiacal circle, born in the year of the Water Snake. Pisces are flighty and adorable, good-looking, very sensitive. Representatives of this sign are happy to fall under the influence of a stronger partner, friend or parents, but willingly use their patronage.

Which professions are suitable?
The choice of a profession can also be determined by those inclinations that are brought into the character of a person by his belonging to the sign of the eastern horoscope. It is better for children born in the described period in the future to give preference to the following areas of activity:
- science, especially the exact disciplines;
- ethnography or anthropology;
- linguistics and linguistics;
- pedagogy or tutoring;
- PR and Marketing;
- HR and recruiting;
- psychology;
- playing sports;
- fashion and beauty.

The Water Snake's talents are quite varied. She can equally well gain fame in robotics or become an organizer of an art biennale. But in any case, representatives of this sign, independent from birth, will find their way in life.
The best partners for people born in the year of the Water Snake are the Rooster and the Ox. They also gravitate towards gloss and gloss, but lack the desired sophistication.The wisdom and innate elegance of the Serpent will help add the necessary sublimation to this relationship.
Passionate alliances are obtained with Dragons, but quarrels are inevitable in such a pair.

Strongly unsuitable for people born in 2013, personal and business relationships with people born in the year of the Pig, Horse and Tiger... All of them are too touchy and simple-minded for the Snake's loving intrigue, therefore, they will cause her to be neglected.

For friendship and joint business, alliances with the Monkey, Goat are suitable. Polite neutrality is maintained with other Serpents.

For the characteristics of the character born in the year of the black snake, see below.