Eastern horoscope

2014 - the year of which animal and what is special about it?

2014 - the year of which animal and what is special about it?
  1. Which animal was in the Chinese zodiac?
  2. General characteristics of people born this year
  3. Distinctive features of the zodiac signs
  4. Compatibility

Astrologers say that in many ways the character and fate of a person depends on the year of which animal he was born according to the Eastern calendar. It has been noticed that many children born in 2014 are distinguished by an outstanding, but somewhat selfish character. It is worth considering which animal is considered a symbol of 2014, what features are inherent in children born at this time, with which signs of the eastern calendar they are most compatible.

Which animal was in the Chinese zodiac?

According to the data presented in the Chinese calendar, animals, symbolizing 2014 is the Green Wood Horse... Taking into account the cycle of 60 years in the Chinese calendar, the previous year of this animal was 1954.

The tree is considered one of the most stable elements. It personifies creation, development, constant growth. In Chinese philosophy, a tree means life and strength, perseverance and diplomacy, flexibility and movement.

The horse is considered the personification of freedom, strength, passion, dynamics, gambling and speed., while it symbolizes hard work, endurance, perseverance, stubbornness, willfulness.

General characteristics of people born this year

The general characteristics of people born this year are are as follows:

  • insight;
  • self-confidence;
  • constant movement and search;
  • thrift and sensible attitude to money;
  • irascibility;
  • ambition;
  • self-esteem;
  • pride;
  • independence;
  • selfishness.

Such people are usually distinguished by a cheerful disposition, sociability and sociability.

They quite easily find a common language with people, command respect and trust from others.

For some natures born in the year of the Wood Horse, sometimes excessive talkativeness and a tendency to pressure an opponent who objects to their opinion is characteristic. These people love to be in the spotlight, striving to be there at any cost. It should be noted that they most often succeed in doing this without much difficulty, since they are really interesting and highly educated interlocutors, capable of supporting almost any topic of conversation. The desire to be in the spotlight and the lust for fame often makes such people popular and famous.

To attract public attention, these natures often resort to a variety of methods.

In this they are helped by their own charisma, assertive and sometimes eccentric behavior, bright style of dress, unusual habits and manners. In communicating with natures born in the year of the Green Wood Horse, it is worth showing compassion and understanding. Often they are hot-tempered, conflicting and even aggressive. Their outbursts of anger make a very strong impression on those around them. Being sympathetic to such expressive actions, you can arouse in these people a feeling of gratitude, earning their respect and trust.

Astrologers claim that people born in the year of the Green Wood Horse are endowed with unique talents and abilities.

For this reason, it is important to pay attention in a timely manner to the makings of a child born in 2014. It is possible that he has genius abilities and talents that need to be actively developed.

Children born in 2014 do not tolerate pressure on themselves. They are reluctant to follow other people's advice, rarely listen to parental opinion. Very often such children already in the first years of life actively show their “I”, try to become independent faster. Natural endowments, good memory, diligence, the ability to easily learn and master new skills help them a lot in this.

The patronage of the Horse can help a child, born in 2014, to become a successful politician, financier, athlete, public figure or artist in the future... Such natures with equal success can engage in both intellectual and physical labor. A huge role in achieving the goals of people born under the auspices of the Horse is played by natural perseverance, perseverance, determination, hard work, striving for independence and independence.

Even if at some stage such a person quits doing a certain thing (for example, due to a loss of interest or lack of time), he will definitely return to it later and successfully complete what he started.

Children born in 2014 grow up to be dreamers. This wonderful trait must be encouraged by parents, because it is largely thanks to it that the child begins to form the first goals at an early age. It should be noted that in the year of the Green Wooden Horse, many famous persons were born - presidents, actors, athletes, writers, directors, poets, military leaders, scientists. These are such legendary personalities as: I. Babel, N. Khrushchev, Boris III (Tsar of Bulgaria), P. Kapitsa, P. Rybalko, N. Viner, F. Hollande, E. Kusturica, U. Chavez.

Distinctive features of the zodiac signs

Significant influence on the character and fate of a child born in 2014, also has his zodiac sign.

  • Child born this year under the sign of Aries, will be distinguished by special stubbornness, irascibility, energy. At any opportunity, he will try to demonstrate his assertiveness, confidence, independence and desire for leadership.
  • For children born in the specified year under the sign of the Bull, are usually characterized by perseverance and constancy, determination and hard work. They rarely succumb to impulsiveness, trying to act deliberately and correctly.
  • Children born in 2014 under the sign of Gemini, are distinguished by their sociability and ingenuity, flexible mind and energy. They can take on several tasks at the same time, but not complete them. In this, parents should help their children, correctly directing their tireless activity in the right direction.
  • For children born in 2014 under the sign of Cancer, sensitivity and caution, responsibility and independence are inherent. Adoption and support from adults is important for them.
  • Children born under the sign of Leo in 2014, they are active and energetic, striving to be the best and always be in the spotlight. They are often capricious, show selfishness and self-confidence.
  • For children born in 2014, born under the sign of Virgo, often characterized by persistence and attention to detail, curiosity, craving for everything new. In some cases, they may be disturbed by fussiness and anxiety.
  • Children born in 2014 under the sign of Libraare usually sociable and sociable. They easily converge with peers and do not like to be alone.
  • For children born in 2014 under the sign of Scorpio, stubbornness and determination, willfulness and ardent temperament are characteristic. They can be aggressive and even use brute force towards other children.
  • Children born in 2014 under the sign of Sagittarius, usually characterized by such traits as openness and love of freedom, activity and energy. These kids love to make noise and indulge, they willingly participate in outdoor games.
  • Children born in 2014 under the sign of Capricorn, are usually distinguished by diligence and diligence, dedication and constancy. These children demonstrate discipline and responsibility from an early age.
  • Aquarius childrenborn in 2014 are often distinguished by out-of-the-box thinking, ingenuity, sociability, originality. However, many of these children are characterized by selfishness and inconstancy.
  • For children born under the sign of Pisces in 2014, characterized by a cheerful and good-natured disposition, rich imagination, many hidden inclinations and abilities. Such children need to develop their talents, which parents should pay attention to in time.


Natures born in the year of the Green Wood Horse get along well with those born according to the eastern calendar in the year of the Goat, Tiger and Dog. They often have very negative relationships with those who were born in the year of the Rat., which is usually due to completely different views on life, as well as an insurmountable difference in interests and life principles. With the rest of the representatives of the eastern calendar, the Horse most often develops friendly and friendly relations. In many ways, the formation of such relationships is facilitated by the fact that natures born in the year of the Wood Horse arouse interest and respect from other people.

For people born in the year of the Horse, see below.

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