Eastern horoscope

2015 - the year of which animal and how is it characterized?

2015 - the year of which animal and how is it characterized?
  1. What was the Chinese zodiac symbol?
  2. General characteristics of those born in 2015
  3. Distinctive features of the zodiac signs
  4. Suitable professions
  5. Compatibility

It is believed that a person's year of birth largely determines the main traits of his character. The Goat became the symbol of 2015 - the patron saint of creative, but unorganized natures.

What was the Chinese zodiac symbol?

According to the Eastern calendar, 2015 was the year of the Goat, the eighth year in a twelve-year cycle. The Wood Goat took over on February 19 and ended its reign on February 7, 2016. The characteristic features of the feminine animal include sincerity and modesty, therefore, people born in that period are distinguished by the aforementioned characteristics.

However, the Goat favors persistent and even stubborn individuals, not tolerating frivolous behavior and rash actions.

The element of the year turned out to be the Tree, which is responsible for creativity, decisiveness and even elegance, and the color of the year became blue (although according to some sources, green). As a result, the peaceful Goat also became Wood and Blue, which, in general, provided ideal conditions for the birth of a child.

General characteristics of those born in 2015

It is highly likely that a child born in 2015 will become a creative person - an artist, actor, writer or poet. Surprisingly, a children's horoscope predicts the same likelihood of a successful farmer being born. Since the Goat is also a Wooden one, new leaders can be expected. The colors patronizing the year, blue and green, will have a positive impact on the fate of green-eyed and blue-eyed children.

Those born in the year of the Goat do not tolerate loneliness and require constant support and help. They are not able to win in conflicts and do not like change. While those born in 2015 value safety and consistency the most, most often they exhibit characteristics such as distraction, organizational difference, and refusal to make important decisions.

In adulthood, a female goat will strive to find a reliable spouse who will provide her without question and give her the opportunity to maintain home comfort and be creatively realized. A considerable amount of time will be spent on mystical hobby - for Goats, as a rule, this is a very attractive topic.

Children born in 2015 will grow up charming and very artistic adults, from the first words, dispose others to themselves. Most of them will also prove to be the bearer of natural elegance and grace of movement. Goats not only tastefully dress and furnish their home, but also form their own unique style, which many even seek to emulate.

Both men and women of the Goat will easily build relationships with the opposite sex, but not all of their chosen ones will be lucky in the same way.

Goat men are not ready to take responsibility and shift it onto their women without any remorse.... Despite their beautiful courtship, they often lie and cheat on their life partners. The Goat woman happily takes a place next to a strong man and disinterestedly shares love in return.

Of course, the Goat was born in 2015 and has rather unpleasant negative traits characteristic of both sexes. Despite her peacefulness and calmness, she can be selfish, unceremonious and even a real traitor. Qualities like helplessness and lack of organization are likely to be the main disadvantages for the male representatives of the Eastern calendar sign. However, problems at work can occur for both men and women. The reasons are the same - indecision, lack of initiative and inability to take advantage of the chances offered by fate.

Distinctive features of the zodiac signs

Aries born in 2015 are becoming extremely unusual personalities, after all, there is a combination of such traits as artistry and will, weakness and strength, well-developed intuition and self-confidence. Aries-Goat periodically shows them, then other character traits. For example, they may either purposefully pursue goals, or try to deviate from decisive action and shift responsibility to someone else.

However, the artistry of such people is always present and only becomes brighter and more intense. In addition to creative realization, in their life there is also a general creative attitude to life, expressed in the design of the house, the creation of an external appearance and many other important components.

Taurus, born in the year of the Goat, has a developed intuition and heightened emotionality, which makes it possible to better understand the people around him, but quite often determines the actions of a person. However, they remain realistic and do not hang in the clouds, but rely on their own resources and experience. Despite the fact that Taurus itself is characterized by hard work and practicality, the Goat adds a sufficient amount of laziness to his life. Taurus-Goat, just like Aries-Goat, is a rather contradictory nature, perfectly realizing itself in creativity.

Pisces-Goat quite often shows such negative character traits as thoughtlessness of actions, capriciousness and unreliability. Such a person consists of fantasies, desires, which he always indulges, as well as laziness, and as a result creates a very difficult combination.

Pisces most often tend to go with the flow, and not fight with circumstances and conflict with someone. In addition to developed intuition, there is such an element in their life as fatality. Pisces born in 2015 will often commit incomprehensible to others and rash acts, explaining them to others and to themselves by fate.

Libra born in 2015 has a very unusual future, because they are a combination of artistry and aesthetics, which practically from birth indicates a creative path. Unfortunately, undeniable talent follows along with a difficult temperament that includes qualities such as selfishness, laziness, high self-esteem and unwillingness to take responsibility.

Libra-Goats love themselves but quite often they ignore the feelings and emotions of others. Of the arts, music and poetry often prevail in their lives. It must also be said that Libra's nature is not passive, so they can show both rigidity and harshness in necessary situations.

Scorpios, born in the Year of the Goat, become not only creative individuals, but also scientists, inventors and businessmen. Despite the abundance of conflicting character traits, they all get along quite harmoniously in one person. Sagittarius born in the same year care more about their own well-being than anyone else.... They love new experiences, so they often become avid travelers, easily change jobs and strive to take everything from life.

Capricorn-Goats can be workaholics with a creative streak: the goat nature is responsible for translating ideas into reality, and the goat adds a creative twist to everything.

Aquarius-Goat is able to combine mind and feelings in its activities.... Despite the fact that such people are realistic, their intuition is quite strong and often comes to the rescue.

Gemini born in 2015 are practical, active and usually successful. They perfectly interact with people, are distinguished by their friendliness and lightness of character. However, this is in harmony with moodiness and even bouts of melancholy. Despite the fact that Gemini sometimes commit rash acts, this gives them the opportunity to live a rich emotional life.

Cancer-Goat quite often behaves like a small child who does not want to grow up, struggle with difficulties, and also take responsibility for his life. They play the role of observers and do not seek special actions. Leo-Goat is a bright and contradictory nature.

The impulsive owner of such a combination lives by his emotions, desires and aspirations, therefore he either actively manifests himself in society, then “goes underground”.

Virgo-Goat is practical and rational, but at the same time emotionally unstable. The problem is that the Goat and Virgo are practically opposites in the matter of implementation, despite the same perception of reality. Emotional problems quite often turn out to be the cause for serious crises in the life of such a person.

Virgo tends to criticize others, but does not notice their own shortcomings. Their creative and political life is very unstable, but in science, representatives of these signs feel calm and harmonious. It is believed that scientific literature is almost the best option for realizing Virgo.

Suitable professions

It is believed that the Wood Goat in the future can become an excellent trainer, teacher or teacher in any field. She quickly and without much difficulty wins the attention of the audience and continues to hold it throughout the communication. Of course, numerous creative professions are also suitable for the Goat - actors, designers, florists, musicians, artists and illustrators. If a person born in 2015 decides to take up teaching, then it would be good to give preference drawing, art history, or something similar.

People born in the year of the Goat can become good employees, but still under several conditions. They should receive clear assignments and recommendations, in addition to this, the right motivation is important for the Goats.

Goats work well in a team, best together with those colleagues who were born in the Year of the Horse. In the process, they do not strive to show initiative, but they approach the task with a high quality.


There is a special compatibility table, thanks to which you can see with which representatives of the eastern calendar the Goats will find happiness, and with which they are simply not on the way. The Goat feels best in relationships with Rabbits, Pigs and Horses.

The worst relationships are built with Bulls, Dogs, Snakes and Dragons.... The relationship between the Goat and the Rat is very unusual - this is either enmity or ideal compatibility. The Goat is friends with the Tiger, but the relationship with the Rooster will require additional efforts. The Goat with the Goat, as well as the Goat with the Monkey, have good chances of building a relationship.

Next, watch a video describing the nature and inclinations of people born in the year of the Goat.

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