2016 - the year of which animal and what does it mean?

According to the eastern calendar, each year is patronized by its own animal. It determines not only the well-being of the period for everyone, but also the key features of the character and fate of those who were born at this time. The Fire Monkey, the ninth sign of the eastern horoscope, was the patron saint of 2016. She endowed the children changeable temperament and sudden mood swings.

General characteristics of the symbol
Monkeys are quite temperamental and emotional, but cunning and cunning. Born in 2016 are capable of breaking through to their goal. According to the Chinese horoscope, the representatives of the sign are not distinguished by high morality or constancy. It is noteworthy that Monkey endows people with a special change of mood... At intervals of a couple of minutes, they can be very funny or extremely aggressive and hostile.
The animal, according to the Eastern calendar, is very emotional. Consistency is only expressed for purposes. Emotions change, but the type of activity remains the same. People born under this sign remember their plans and do not stop there.
Monkeys go through life easily, without anger and nostalgia for the past.... A flexible mind allows you to ponder several ideas at the same time. Representatives of the sign easily turn enemies into friends, persuading the opponent. Usually Monkeys are more attractive to the opposite sex than representatives of other signs. They know about this and skillfully use this feature for their own purposes.

Character traits
The Red Fire Monkey gives wisdom, peace-loving and extravagance to all who were born under her patronage. Typically, representatives of the sign have extraordinary talents. Many parents from the very childhood notice in babies a special, not at all childish, insight. With this feature, Monkeys go through life.
Most of the representatives of the sign are able to make the right decisions on an intuitive level. These are sensible people, with an enviable speed they think over several outcomes of the situation and choose the best one. Most of life's troubles do not happen to Monkeys due to their natural instinct. They have dreamed of a future profession since childhood.
Under the auspices of the fiery element, people become more active, inquisitive and possess special energy and strength. People around you notice the purposefulness of the Monkeys and are happy to do business with them. The representatives of the sign direct all energy to achieve the desired. Moreover, such assertiveness persists in all spheres of life.
It is noteworthy that Monkeys know how to love better than others. They usually fall into the monogamous category and remain faithful to their partner. These qualities are especially noticeable in children who live in comfortable conditions. With close communication, you can notice that the representatives of the sign behave aloof. It may even seem selfish on their part.

In fact, people born under the auspices of the Monkey are simply immersed in themselves and are prone to philosophical reflection. This has nothing to do with selfishness. High intelligence sometimes persuades the Monkeys to cheat. Cunning, playfulness and agility sometimes make the representatives of the sign change their plans. More precisely, these qualities can significantly change the direction vector.
Usually Monkeys very unstable during adolescence. This period promises some emotional difficulties. As they grow older, the representatives of the sign balance and become more judicious.

Friendly relations
Those born in the year of the Fire Monkey are sociable. They are always surrounded by friends and feel good in a large company. People under such patronage are always cheerful, love to tell funny stories and often become ringleaders. They can arrange small pranks, but without anger, just for the sake of laughter.
Monkeys simply love to establish social contacts. Around them you can find very different friends, and they find a common language with each, using an individual approach. Sometimes the representatives of the sign do not even remember exactly what connected them with a particular person. When choosing friends, Monkeys do not pay attention to social status.
Representatives of this eastern sign do not like to stay at home. They are regulars at theaters, clubs, cinemas and other entertainment venues. Monkeys can cheer up anyone, even the gloomiest person. Representatives of the sign love to get together with friends and share different life stories. But they don't know how to keep secrets.

There are many friends around the Monkeys, but relationships are rarely close. Such people are simply unable to build bonds based on deep emotional attachment. When making friends with Monkeys, you should not take everything to heart and expect seriousness from them. Variation in views and preferences leads to a constant cycle of companions. It is noteworthy that even such a feature is not able to reduce the attractiveness of the Monkeys in the eyes of other people.

Love and marriage
Monkeys can be extremely unpredictable for their partner. High emotionality can lead to the fact that a minor turmoil develops into a huge quarrel. However, the representatives of the sign themselves will be sure that the reason for the scandal was, moreover, very significant and fundamentally important. The surrounding people see the Monkeys attractive.Over time, of course, the image becomes more natural and mundane.
In a relationship with Monkeys, it is simply impossible to get bored, you will not be able to drown in the routine.

In their younger years, representatives of the sign can have fun and indulge in too much. It goes away with age The monkey finds a partner to whom he will be faithful throughout his life. If the marriage was concluded before that very moment of tranquility, then the couple will have to go through a lot. However, if the feelings are genuine, then in the end the union will be truly indestructible.

Which professions are suitable?
Monkeys have a lot of talents, a high level of intelligence, and quickness. In fact, there is simply no such area in which the representatives of the sign could not find themselves.... It is noteworthy that people under the auspices of such an animal are not afraid of hard work. They are willing to spend a lot of time in the office or in the factory if it helps them achieve their goals.
Better to choose mental activity. Monkeys can be realized in a creative profession, especially in literature. Moreover, we are talking not only about writing books, but also about journalism, teaching, correction. Other options for suitable professional areas:
- accounting;
- medicine;
- diplomacy;
- architecture;
- engineering;
- directing and cinematography;
- jewelry making;
- sales and commercial activities.

Monkey is a specific sign of the zodiac. Its representatives are rather picky about choosing a partner and life partner. Features of compatibility with different signs are presented below.
- Rat... Such a loving relationship is most favorable. Rats just love to spend time with Monkeys. When it comes to friendship, the situation is slightly different. The relationship will be maintained mainly through the efforts of the Rat. In a work environment, these people are excellent at finding a common language. However, the idyll will be broken if the Rat blindly obeys the Monkey.

- Bull. To create a marriage, such a couple needs to work on mutual understanding. The monkey likes the decency of the partner, but an excessive love of work can seem boring. The bull is gradually studying his chosen one and all the nuances of his character. Ultimately, partners can accept each other with all the flaws. In friendship, the Monkey will constantly joke about the Bull. True, without aggression, in a kind way, so this will not spoil the communication. If the representatives of the sign meet in a business setting, then the Monkey will definitely find a way to throw all the work on the Bull. The latter will not like it; tension or even open conflict may reign in the team.

- Tiger. The relationship is rather complicated and undesirable for both. All the time there will be continuous clarifications, conflicts and misunderstandings. The constant desire to joke and mock can play a cruel joke with the Monkey. An emotional and hot-tempered Tiger can begin to behave despotically. It is still possible to preserve and stabilize the union, subject to the presence of children and a large family. But the friendship between the representatives of the sign always develops successfully. The lightness and positivity of the Monkey really likes the Tiger in a relaxed atmosphere.
The working relationship between the signs can be quite productive, because they are both willing to do anything for the sake of a goal. It is important that the Monkey will have to give up tricks, and the Tiger - from aggression.

- Rabbit. Such an alliance can hardly be called successful. Moreover, the representatives of the sign rarely find each other attractive. It's a rare occasion when friendships become really close. Collaboration is usually counterproductive. Representatives of the sign do not trust each other and are constantly trying to appear better than their partner.

- The Dragon. A successful union is literally imbued with understanding. However, the further outcome of the relationship depends solely on the behavior of the Monkey. Friendship is going well. The dragon can be of benefit to the Monkey, allows her to behave sincerely and openly. The working relationship will also be quite comfortable.The dragon will favorably accept the ability of the Monkey to cunning and twist.

- Snake. Quite contradictory forecasts give stars to such an alliance. The beginning of a relationship is possible if the Snake wishes, but the development depends entirely on the Monkey. The latter needs to become more serious and stop being cunning. The snake will have to work on pride. Friendship is possible, but rather it will be friendly, superficial relationships. Collaboration is best avoided. Such a union is fraught with problems for the Snake.

- Horse. This is another case when the union can be called unfavorable. Representatives of the sign are generally incompatible. The horse is too sensitive to his freedom and has a share of selfishness, which the partner does not like. The monkey will annoy his soul mate with frivolity and carelessness. Friendship quickly dwindles. The Horse cannot trust the Monkey and feels in constant tension. Collaboration is excluded due to the large difference in values and means of achieving goals.

- Goat. Relationships are possible only if the Monkey is financially secure. Representatives of the sign cannot build a union on sincere love. Friendship is quite possible, they will joke and have fun together. It is noteworthy that both signs will not make attempts to make communication closer, deeper. Business relationships develop well with a competent combination of the social connections of the Monkey and the exceptional skills of the Goat.

- A monkey. Love relationships are built on sincere and mutual sympathy. Friendship will be successful, representatives of the sign can communicate on personal topics or just laugh at any nonsense together. Business relationships necessarily require a third. Both signs are great at planning and have good strategic thinking, but they don't want to get the job done.

- Rooster. Another unpromising union in all areas of life. The relationship between the representatives of the sign is always tense and can explode at any moment. Anyone can be the initiator of the conflict, as a reason - little things.

- Dog. Quite a dubious union, which should not be pinned high hopes. The dog always idealizes everything and the Monkey will surely take advantage of this with cunning. Friendship can be fraught with difficulties. Usually people gradually but surely move away from each other. It is better not to start a business relationship - the Monkey is inclined to deceive the Dog.

- Pig. The representatives of the sign have too little in common. The monkey appreciates the partner and treats him with respect, but it can still be cunning and fooling. Friendship is permeated with mutual understanding and sympathy. The working relationship develops well, provided that the representatives of the mark have one common goal.

For the characteristics of the character of people born in the year of the monkey, see below.