Eastern horoscope

2022 - the year of what animal and how is it characteristic?

2022 - the year of what animal and how is it characteristic?
  1. General characteristics of the symbol
  2. Character traits
  3. Friendly relations
  4. Love and marriage
  5. Which professions are suitable?
  6. Compatibility

2022 - the year of which animal? It is to this question that we will give the answer in our article, and also talk about the characteristics of the character, those who will be born this year, and consider their description in friendship, family and profession.

General characteristics of the symbol

Symbol of 2022 on the eastern calendar, it will be the Water Tiger. The Year of the Tiger comes every 12 years, but the animal of the water element comes only once every 60. This sign endows its representatives with kindness, a sharp mind and wisdom, as well as a constant desire to learn everything new and unknown. Born in 2022 will be very calm and restrained, it is difficult to piss off such people, they always maintain clarity of thought and presence of mind even in the most extreme situations.

The water element makes the character of the formidable Tiger softer and more pliable. Such people are very open, ready for new experiences, they are well versed in others and easily identify lies. The combination of formidableness and gentleness will allow those born in 2022 to control themselves and monitor their emotions. They can be cold-blooded, and when needed - soft and tender, like kittens.

Predators of the Water element are not as temperamental as their relatives, patronized by Metal, Wood, Earth and Fire. This even plays into their hands, as they know how to behave sensibly and make plans competently.

Character traits

Tigers, whose element is Water, are very kind, balanced and intelligent. Such people are endowed with tact and know how to listen to a partner, they are ideal interlocutors with a talent to convince others and lead. Perseverance allows them to achieve their goals and quickly solve any problems.There are few things that can confuse representatives of this sign, they make excellent leaders. Flexible and careful, they have the strongest energy that can be felt from afar. A developed imagination endows them with oratory and talent in the field of writing. Water Tigers become good family men, but sometimes they can go overboard with the control of a loved one.

Anyone born in 2022 will have a wide range of interests, such people are fond of different activities and will not stop studying until they achieve a complete understanding in the chosen area. Sometimes they are too impulsive and take risky steps, so others need to bring them down to earth. It should be noted that they know how to listen to colleagues and quickly change direction for the better.

Water Tiger man

The males born in the Year of the Water Tiger are incredibly charming and charismatic. They are perfectly mastered in a creative environment. Many Water Tigers became talented actors in their time. Sociability makes it easy to make new acquaintances, and most of them may come in handy in the future. A sharp mind and resourcefulness allows Tiger men to avoid failures and quickly go through any obstacles. The tiger endows such people with courage, thanks to which they know how to defend their opinion. Water, in turn, makes them flexible and complacent, which allows you to maintain pleasant relationships even with enemies.

Tiger men are good-looking and know how to attract the attention of women. Not only beauty, but also good manners helps them to win the favor of the fair sex. They know how to behave gallantly and take care of girls, arranging pleasant surprises and dates for them. When choosing a bride, Water Tigers rely on an inner feeling. As a rule, they have a happy family, where husband and wife live in harmony and love.

Loyal partners, it will be difficult to seduce them, they are loyal to their beloved. Such fathers treat children with attention and surround them with love.

Water Tiger woman

Girls of this sign are very creative and gifted individuals. They will not jump over their heads and are well aware that they can handle it. Tigresses are gentle people in need of constant care, but if necessary, they can calmly stand up for themselves and repulse their opponent. Their weakness is only visible, inside they are very strong and have good intuition, allowing them to see through others. They easily find a common language with other people and know how to get attention and admiration from men. Ladies who are destined to be born in 2022 will have an unprecedented beauty that attracts the opposite sex.

Sly Water Tigresses know how to flirt competently and sometimes make fans do crazy things. They twist men, while not making a final choice in favor of one or the second, and even more so slowly to get married. They look closely at the fan for a long time, but, having made a choice, they are faithful to him to the end. Representatives of this sign of the eastern zodiac love romance and interesting meetings. Tigresses are exemplary wives and good mothers who manage to work and build a career.

Friendly relations

In friendship, Water Tigers are uncompromising and very demanding. As a rule, it is difficult for them to get along with a person of an equal level. Sincere, brave and loyal friends, they are overbearing and love to rule others. Strong and strong-willed people will not adapt to them. To make friends, it is important for a Tiger to learn indulgence and slightly lower the bar that not everyone can reach. Those who manage to become his friend find themselves a truly reliable and optimistic life partner.

The optimal friendship for the Water Tiger will be united by a common goal: work, business or other task.

Love and marriage

Water Tigers are very passionate natures, loving adrenaline and strong feelings. They can seek a person they like for a long time, and they are ready for many actions, sometimes even bordering on insanity. Tigers surrender to love completely, but as soon as everything starts to go measuredly and calmly, they get bored. Water Tigers are not as temperamental as their other relatives, therefore they prefer the family to any intrigue on the side. Quarrels and jealousy are not about them, they are characterized by love and loyalty, which they carry throughout their lives.

Usually, next to representatives of this sign there can be people of two types, depending on age and life period... The first type is people who always admire their partner and are ready to adapt to his character. Tigers, in turn, treat such an attitude with nobility and accept admiration with pleasure, they will not abandon their partner. The second type includes people equal to the Tiger, who are just as active and disobedient as he is. This kind of relationship is like a constant struggle.

Which professions are suitable?

The tiger empowers its people with the strength, leadership, and courage that will enable them to become great speakers and leaders who lead others. Representatives of this sign make excellent politicians and businessmen who are not afraid of obstacles, ready for competition and military action. Often, when doing business, excitement forces them to take serious risks that help them achieve heights. Unfortunately, in some moments the Water Tigers lack cunning, and their uncompromising nature does not allow listening to the advice of discerning people.

Passion, courage and the ability to be assertive help the representatives of this sign achieve leadership positions. Predators achieve success in scientific, writing and sports activities. Curiosity and craving for new knowledge, combined with a strong character, will help such individuals become an excellent teacher and lecturer. With students and subordinates, Tigers behave very sublime and demanding, but at the same time they know how to inspire others to achieve goals.

Inborn discernment allows you to correctly turn deals and not be mistaken in your judgments. Water Tigers are much smarter than other representatives of their sign, they are suitable for professions where it is necessary to talk a lot and convince other people.

They make good travel agency workers, PR people, HR managers, pilots, flight attendants, actors and musicians.


Consider the compatibility of the Tiger with other signs.

Rat and Tiger

These signs are not very suitable for each other, but with a strong desire, they may well create a family. A wise and judicious Mouse will easily win the heart of the Tiger, but her desire to constantly cheat and deceive her partner can cause conflicts. Different values ​​make friendship between representatives of these signs impossible, but business relationships can be quite successful.

Bull and tiger

The different temperaments and character of two people will not allow them to be together. A practical Ox, for whom family and material values ​​are at the head, will not be able to get along with a romantic adventurer who loves independence. Both signs are very stubborn and domineering, so there will always be a struggle between them, and not only in the family, but also in friendship, as well as in business.

Tiger and tiger

Two predators are unlikely to be able to build a strong family. Having met in their youth, being passionate partners, they will get along well. But then constant disputes over supremacy may begin, so they will part. The exception is a pair of Tigers, who joined in adulthood. Friends can be together for many years, and then fall out once and for all.

The similarity of characters both unites them and becomes the cause of frequent conflicts.

Cat and tiger

Representatives of these signs briefly intersect, since they do not interest each other.Even if a relationship develops between them, they will not be together for a long time, as they will be constantly jealous and quarreling. Such people will be able to make friends, but not for long.

Dragon and Tiger

Quite good compatibility of two strong-willed and noble people who quickly fall in love. Their life together will be full of romance and passion. Harmony can be disturbed by passion for friends or work projects. There may be quarrels, but lovers will quickly make up. Friendship and business relationship with the Dragon is very strong, as they understand each other well.

Snake and tiger

Absolute disharmony. The predator will not be able to get along with the Snake, as she is too perceptive. The two signs have too little in common, they are completely incompatible. The only chance for such a couple is if the Snake is a woman, since with wisdom she can curb the passionate disposition of her partner. These people are also unlikely to be able to make friends and run business, since they have different approaches to these issues.

Horse and Tiger

This couple will be able to create a truly happy family, especially if both can curb the desire to be a leader. The optimal combination would be a pair of a woman-Horse and a man-Tiger, since the weaker sex has enough wisdom to give in to a partner and support him in time. In friendship and financial partnership, a slightly strange situation arises: being away, both miss, but when they meet, they begin to argue.

Monkey and tiger

These signs are practically incompatible. A cunning Monkey often deceives a partner, which is completely unacceptable for a Tiger. The couple has a chance for harmony if the Monkey is female. Men are quite condescending to their wife's antics, while she will not let the gambling partner get bored. The business and friendly relations of the signs last until the first deception.

Goat and tiger

This pair is clearly not the best, as the stronger partner can "eat" the other. The goat will not be able to provide a reliable rear either in the family, or in friendship, or in business.

Rooster and Tiger

The union of this couple will not be the most durable. The rooster loves to show off and live in public, which is completely unusual for a serious family man Tiger. None of the partners likes to obey, respectively, there will be constant disputes and scandals in a couple. Friendship between them is also unlikely, and they will be able to maintain a competent business relationship if both work under someone else's leadership.

Dog and Tiger

A favorable combination for both signs that have a thirst for justice and put family values ​​at the fore. Practical Dogs go well with optimistic Tigers and complement a partner well. With a mutual desire, there is an opportunity to create a harmonious and happy family. Friendship and business with such people are also going well.

Pig and Tiger

Another great combination of two creative people with similar personalities. The Wise Pig will adjust to the partner and direct his energy in the right direction for the good of the family. If the Tiger does not involve the Pig in all sorts of adventures too often, the couple has a great chance to build a strong relationship. In friendship, these signs also converge, however, they will not have a business relationship.

In the next video, you will find more information about the sign of the Tiger.

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