Eastern horoscope

2024 - the year of which animal and what does it mean?

2024 - the year of which animal and what does it mean?
  1. general characteristics
  2. Character of male dragons
  3. Character of dragon women
  4. Interaction with other signs

Time flies fast, and 2024 is just around the corner. Many are interested in his predictions in advance. According to the Eastern calendar The Green Wood Dragon will be the symbol of this year. What to expect from him and how to behave, let's try to figure it out in our article.

general characteristics

So what do you need to know about the Year of the Green Wood Dragon? It will start according to the Chinese horoscope on February 10, 2024 and end on January 28, 2025. This animal is mythical and difficult, respectively, you need to be ready for changes and bright events in life.

Astrologers say that The dragon is a symbol of good luck and luck, it brings prosperity and prosperity. Under this sign, real leaders are born who value themselves highly and confidently go towards their goals. Their main qualities are impulsiveness and determination, and their character is explosive and stubborn. However, given that a tree will become the element of 2024, this will give such people peace and tranquility. Therefore, it turns out that absolutely diverse qualities are harmoniously combined in one person.

People born in the year of the Wood Dragon are calmer and more delicate than, for example, representatives of the Fire Dragon. They are sociable and easily find a common language with others, creating a pleasant impression of themselves.

Character of male dragons

We can say that men who are born this year are very lucky. They have character traits such as nobility and a strong sense of justice. Intrigues and gossip are deeply unpleasant for them. They are not conflicting, they try to avoid disputes and solve emerging problems through negotiations.

Such men have a very developed self-esteem. They are always able to look gorgeous, they are distinguished by cleanliness. Dragon men are exceptionally pleasant conversationalists, always behave politely, tactfully and do not seek to impose their opinions. They very rarely go into conflict and are absolutely not vindictive. They are called real gentlemen.

With all this, such men have rather cheerful and easy-going character, they have an excellent sense of humor. They do not try to offend the interlocutor, but choose very mild irony. They cannot imagine themselves without communication with other people. Male dragons make excellent teachers and mentors, as well as loyal friends.

Such a man is very versatile, but at the same time accepts other points of view, not trying to defend his innocence.

Able to become a competent leader, as he is very observant and helps subordinates to develop the necessary working qualities. He enjoys well-deserved respect in the team, since he himself is often an excellent specialist in his field, preferring to constantly develop, not stopping at what has been achieved. Even in ordinary positions, he is always in good standing with his superiors.

In relationships with women, such men are simply flawless.... They are very gallant, attentive and courteous, while they have such charisma that the fair sex in most cases cannot resist. However, after it is determined with the choice of a life partner, it often becomes demanding, choosing the ideal model of relationship. A dragon man needs the best woman in the world, one that he can be proud of.

As for family life, here dragon men are very emotional and can be capricious. They can vividly express their emotions and feelings, both positive and negative. Requires attention and care from the chosen one, but if she receives what she needs, she becomes an excellent spouse and father. The family is behind him like a stone wall, always relying on his protection and support. She adores children, she can realize her pedagogical talents through them, spending a lot of time nearby.

Character of dragon women

A bright and charismatic dragon woman has time to experience ups and downs, achievements and failures in her life. However, she is distinguished by inexhaustible optimism, does not give up and always believes in the best. Problems and difficulties will never be able to stop these representatives of the fair sex, but will make you think and study all the ways to solve them. In addition, they are distinguished by total luck, thanks to which many negative nuances simply go unnoticed for them.

Such a woman will never sit back and complain about life. She will prefer to act and will go to the end. This is a great leader who is not scary to follow. He also has creative talents, can dance, sing or paint well. Often, it is the development of this gift that helps women dragons find themselves and earn good money.

They can be called true ladies. They are very tactful and have a good upbringing. With such a woman, it is not a shame to appear in any society, she has ideal manners, is very sociable and is able to support any topic in a conversation.

They are not in a bad mood.

Men call the representatives of this sign very temperamental and are drawn to them. Such ladies attract attention, being completely unpredictable. When communicating, the stronger sex is more and more fascinated by them. It is almost impossible to bring a dragon woman out of herself; she tries to control her emotions as much as possible.

Just like the dragon man, he has a developed sense of self-esteem. She strives to choose a serious and successful person as her life partner.

She will not allow herself to be disdainful of herself and will immediately end a relationship that does not correspond to her ideas of a worthy union. He loves comfort and understands the importance of material values, so he will not live with a loser or gigolo.

Interaction with other signs

Consider compatibility with other signs of people born in the year of the Dragon.

  • Concerning Rats, it is the perfect partner. With her, the Dragon, provided that he occupies a leading position in a pair, can start both personal and financial relationships. The rat is more rational and will help to cope with emotions.
  • Union with Bull much more complicated. There will be a constant struggle for leadership here. Tiger and Dragon are a strong and promising union. Two strong, complementary personalities are connected.
  • The relationship between the Dragon and Rabbit will not develop in the best way. The fact is that the eared one is overly cautious and even fearful, he will be strained by interaction with such an extraordinary person.
  • Two Whelps they will not always be able to get along together. The problem is that they can start suppressing each other. However, in the case when everyone is willing to make compromises, the relationship can become quite harmonious. The easiest way is to pair up with a Water Dragon.
  • A good partner for the Dragon is Snake... She is very wise and will be able to tactfully take control of her partner's hot temper and emotionality.
  • Union with the Horse - not the best option for the Dragon. This is because not one of the signs is ready to make concessions. However, they can have excellent sexual compatibility.
  • Among the most unsuccessful representatives for creating an alliance can be noted Goat and Dog. It will be difficult for them to find a common language with the Dragon, and the difference in characters will lead to irreparable consequences.
  • A good union is expected with Monkey... In relationships, harmony and mutual understanding will reign. The couple will support each other in all endeavors.
  • You can try to choose a dragon as a partner and Rooster. Relationships promise to be strong, the main thing for each of the representatives of the signs is to try to control themselves and not express emotions especially violently.
  • And finally, the ideal partner for the Dragon can be called Pig... She is very economic, will take care of the family hearth and always admire her chosen one, which cannot but please and amuse the Dragon's pride.

For the characteristics of the dragon sign, see the following video.

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