Eastern horoscope

2029 - the year of which animal and what does it mean?

2029 - the year of which animal and what does it mean?
  1. Character
  2. Health
  3. Relationship
  4. Love

The Year of the Yellow Earth Rooster falls in 2029. A person born at this time is distinguished by determination and an iron grip. Such qualities can only be envied. Roosters are sociable, they always know in what light it is better to present themselves, they know how to find common topics to support any conversation. The disadvantages include impulsiveness - the representative of the sign does not tolerate injustice and can rush into battle without thinking about the consequences. The active Rooster is a symbol of the sun, the beginning of a new life. The Yellow Rooster cannot be deceived - he tears up relationships with those who are cunning and play twins. The color of 2029 is yellow, the element is Earth, the time of reign is from February 13, 2029 to February 2, 2030.


Positive qualities of Roosters: hard work, fairness, loyalty to others, practicality, decisiveness, responsibility, organization, diligence, endurance, realism, strategic thinking. Negative qualities: excessive self-will, self-centeredness, self-confidence, rudeness, fanaticism, pedantry, criticality. People born during this period are observant and resourceful. There are many talented individuals among them, they like to work without any discomfort from it.

Those born in 2029 are brave and self-confident. The rooster is never in the shadow, in the company he is always in the spotlight.

Friends appreciate him for his honesty, openness and sociability. The Yellow Rooster and betrayal are incompatible things, because a person born under the auspices of this sign is very loyal to his friends and his soul mate. In addition, it has an excellent taste - it always looks attractive, which already attracts attention. This sign is painful for the lack of attention from others.If the Rooster tells something, then he expects to be listened to attentively, without being distracted by extraneous things. He is very fond of talking about his achievements and praising himself. And if those around him notice his positive qualities, the joy of the Earth Rooster only increases from this.

  • Colors that will bring good luck in all matters: bright yellow, brown, gold.
  • Lucky numbers: 8, 5, 7.
  • Colors not recommended: red.
  • Unlucky numbers: 9, 1, 3.
  • According to Chinese astrology, a certain flower is suitable for each symbol of the year. If you need to present flowers as a gift to the Rooster, then a coral tree and gladiolus are perfect for this.


Those born in the Year of the Earthy Yellow Rooster are distinguished by good health. In life, they are always active, they do not like to sit still. They love walking, which is good for their health. The representatives of the sign have strong immunity, even with any disease, they quickly recover without additional help. But The Earth Rooster is very stress-prone and overly capricious.


For a successful relationship with the Earth Rooster, it is advisable to show a sincere interest in him. Such persons like to talk about themselves and their successes - they cannot be stopped. In order for the Rooster to be comfortable, he needs to be listened to and praised in every possible way. Because of this, people can be uncomfortable in the company of an egocentric Rooster.

People born under this eastern sign are very loyal friends and value friendship highly. They do not throw words to the wind and expect the same from their loved ones.


Each animal in the Chinese zodiac has an individual characteristic. In the East, people are very sensitive to ancient knowledge, choosing a partner for life. Before entering into a serious relationship, Chinese people usually check their love compatibility horoscope. The best compatibility of the Rooster is observed with the Snake and the Ox, since these signs, like him, relate to the earth element.

According to the Eastern calendar, the rat is not suitable for the Rooster. The same can be said for Dog, Horse and Rabbit. A rat in a duet with a Rooster will not create anything good - conflicts will constantly occur in their pair. The Rooster and the Horse have similar negative sides of character, which will make the relationship tense, because of this, the couple will have quarrels all the time.

Born in 2029, he is a bright, unusual and colorful person. When communicating with him, you need to be patient, because the Yellow Rooster can be arrogant and vain. Each eastern sign has its own characteristics, do not forget about this, then relations with representatives of other signs will be easier to correct and harmoniously build.

For the characteristics of people born under the sign of Rooster, see the next video.

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