Year of the Dragon: character characteristics and compatibility

The dragon is in the fifth place in the eastern calendar. It is associated with joy and good luck. According to astrologers, people born in the year of the Dragon are especially lucky and happy.
Dates of birth and character characteristics
The Year of the Dragon in the Chinese calendar fell on 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000 and 2012. The next year of the Wood Dragon will be 2024.
The most successful time of the year for these people is spring, their favorite month is April. Dragons born during a thunderstorm are immensely happy in life. Black and yellow colors bring success to this sign. Lotus, sage, mandrake attract good luck.
Amethyst is a stone that protects the representatives of this sign. According to astrologers, Finland, Ceylon, Spain, Nepal, Cuba, Kenya, Bolivia are the best places to live for the representatives of this sign.

Features of people
People born in the year of the Dragon have both positive and negative character traits.
The positive characteristics include the colossal potential of these persons. They are bright and charismatic, always in the spotlight. They are loved for their openness and constant willingness to come to the rescue, the most intimate is shared with them. Dragons always achieve their goals, for this they work tirelessly. This is helped by their natural ingenuity, curiosity and desire to constantly comprehend new things, to learn.

How negative factors can be noted incontinence and irritability, stubbornness, desire for arguments... There are situations when such people, in order to achieve personal goals, go over the heads of others. It is better not to offend them, since they try to punish the offenders in return.
Excessive demands on themselves and those around them quite often weighs on their loved ones.

With women Dragons it can be quite difficult, as they are blinded megalomania. Such a lady does not notice other people's merits, it is useless to argue with her: she is always right. Close people, as a rule, forgive her these shortcomings, because she is cheerful, easy-going, savvy - you will not get bored with her. With her extravagance, such a woman is able to cope with problems as well as men.
She stands out in the crowd for her well-groomed appearance and extravagance.

Matriarchy reigns in her family, the wife has the reins of financial management and the entire household... Everything in the house is adjusted thanks to the orders of the hostess. Love is not the most important thing for her the main thing is that the husband is flexible and listens to his wife in everything.

Men born in the Year of the Dragon have the characteristics inherent in these mythological creatures. They are able to break the heart of any woman, tempting the weaker sex with their charm and ability to predict the desires of a girl. They have no equal in bed, where they surprise with both sweet speeches and the virtuoso talent of a sexual partner.
However, for all their charm, they are prudent egoists who are caring and attentive only when it suits them.

These men are able to lead other people, skillfully persuading, building trusting relationships and intelligently planning the path to success.

The dragon gives the kids the best qualities. Little Dragons so charming that they fall in love with themselves at first sight.
They are freedom-loving little rebels who don't like prohibitions... They consider the punishments for offenses to be undeserved.

These children are very talented. They are fascinated by drawing, singing, dancing.
Parents should be clearly aware that their child is a born leader and this quality should not be suppressed. It is required to teach them to establish the right relationships with peers who do not always like someone else's command.
There will be no problems with studying at school, this will be facilitated by the mutual understanding of the Dragons with teachers and classmates, who are always ready to help.
Parents will be delighted by the reverent and caring attitude of children - both small and grown-ups - to them.

Character by the elements
The Water Dragon is distinguished by its lust for power, demanding the impossible from others. He likes to bathe in the glory. He is an excellent diplomat who knows how to resolve conflict situations even among warring parties. In family relationships, he remains faithful. This sign corresponds to black.

Wood Dragon talkative. Through life he goes ahead, not choosing easy paths, finding non-standard solutions to emerging problems. In love, this is a very passionate, power-hungry partner. Wood Dragon correlate with green.

Among all the Dragons, the Earth one stands out for its special mobility. He always and everywhere has time, while finding time to weigh the decisions made. Family values are paramount for him. You can rely on him with confidence.
He greatly appreciates the mutually good attitude of his wife, feeding on this, and creates comfortable conditions so that the wife and children do not need anything. This is a yellow mark.

For the Metal (Golden) Dragon, career and material wealth are in the first place. He loves money, and they reciprocate. To get rich, you don't have to work very hard: career success and the corresponding growth in profits are destined for him by the stars. He especially values executive subordinates. White is the symbol of the Metal Dragon.

Fire Dragons are very common among celebrities.... These people are distinguished by unfading youth and energy.They are at the epicenter of tumultuous events, traveling and taking part in extreme activities. Passion and love are the natural habitat of such a dragon. The Fire Dragon is associated with red.

Description of astrological signs of the zodiac
The description of the year of birth in combination with astrological signs gives an even more complete characterization of the personality.
- Confidence, energy, business acumen of the Dragon-Aries help him achieve career growth. In love, he is looking for a subordinate, not an equal partner. Especially appreciates sincerity in relationships.
- Cheerful optimists Taurus Dragons always get what they want. They are company favorites, kind, sociable and empathic.
- Twin Dragons (both men and women) have their own core. These are highly intelligent people who lead an active lifestyle. They hold a pronounced leadership position in the family, which does not always have a beneficial effect on the preservation of family well-being. Not all partners can withstand their excessive emotionality and straightforwardness.
- Inconsistency between Dragon and Cancer creates a special character that combines emotionality and timidity, the depth of this refined nature. They are very gentle, but self-confident individuals.
- A combination of Dragon and Leo is effective. A harmonious fusion of charisma, charm and energy. In men, this manifests itself in amorousness, and in women - in frivolity. At the same time, they maintain the purity of family relations. The creativity of such a combination of signs helps to realize the most successful plans.
- Union of the Dragon and the Virgin causes misunderstanding from others. He has his own outlook on life, even the simplest problems acquire gigantic proportions in his attitude.
- Good-natured man Dragon-Libra arouses the sympathy of other people. He does not like to quarrel, but if necessary, he will stand up for himself and for those who are dear to him. He is very persistent in solving the assigned tasks. Its negative features include vanity and excessive stubbornness.
- An unrestrained flurry of emotionality comes from the Dragon-Scorpio. He is terrible in anger. It is very difficult to live with him in peace and harmony. This sign is not inferior in anything. To balance aggression, his energy should be directed in the right direction. For example, provide an opportunity to play sports. With this character, you can achieve excellent results in this field.
- Successful combination of Dragon and Sagittarius... An optimistic view of the world around him, dedication, versatile interests make his life interesting and eventful. He easily finds a way out of conflict situations, preferring compromise solutions to problems. This is a favorite of women.
- Astrologers consider the Dragon-Capricorn interesting and multifaceted personality. You won't get bored with such a person. He is open in relationships with the opposite sex, while showing excessive emotionality. Mutual understanding and respect reign in his family.
- Healthy, strong in spirit, discreet Dragons-Aquarius they value their independence, so they are in no hurry to tie themselves to family ties. They love to travel and learn new things. Unlike other Dragons, they calmly react to criticism.
- Dragons-Pisces hover in the clouds, indulging in their dreams. Problems worry them very little, everything in their life seems easy and simple. They are conflict-free, they successfully find compromise solutions to problems. Having a strong will, they do not seek to take a leading position. Luck is especially supportive of this combination of signs.

Profession and career
People born in the Year of the Dragon can do everything. They can achieve success in any area, the main thing is that the profession is responsible and exciting. If they don't like the job, then nothing will hold them back: neither high wages, nor a good team.
In search of an interesting job for themselves, they will definitely find something that really fascinates them.

They make talented artists, circus performers, they can become film actors, successful screenwriters. They can be carried away by a career as a correspondent, where they can best prove themselves as political observers or military correspondents. Success in the scientific field is also possible.
Work related to travel and geology will be a joy. They can realize themselves as priests. The profession of a doctor is ideal for them.

However, the ambition of this sign does not make it possible to feel fully satisfied, being subordinate. Leading and giving orders is what pleases such people.... At the same time, for career growth, they do not spend a lot of effort, go up the career ladder, without engaging in any conspiracies, but simply honestly doing their job.

Love and relationships
Those born in the Year of the Dragon know how to love and be loved. They can be fully trusted in this regard. The time spent with them will be unforgettable.
The Dragon man is very responsible in his search for his soul mate, making high demands on his future spouse. In the process of courtship, he constantly surprises his beloved with surprises and romantic displays of feelings.

The Dragon woman is distinguished by her femininity, but at the same time she can be very categorical in relations with men. If something offends her, she calmly expresses everything that is sore to her partner.
If a man does not like him, then he has no chance to melt the heart of the Dragon woman, she will mercilessly stop all attempts to conquer her.

In family relationships, such women take the lead. Men are attracted to them by independence and cold calculation.
In marriage, both men and women of this sign give themselves 100%, not even expecting to receive the same amount in return.

- Two Dragons - it's too bright, too complicated. The division of power, pulling attention to your person does not promise peace and tranquility between them. Most likely, their rivalry will end in a major quarrel.
- Dragon and Rat Union good, because for the sake of an adorable Dragon, the Rat is ready for any stupidity. The Rat selflessly adores its partner, but, unfortunately, this is not always enough for the Dragon. Having fallen in love with another woman, he will easily leave the devoted Rat.
- The Ox-Dragon connection mutually beneficial to both: the Ox will stir up the agility of the Dragon, and the Dragon will rest slightly next to a calm partner. But mutual peace will not please them for long, since the Dragon needs an accelerated rhythm of life.
- Courage, energy, enterprise of the Tiger and the Dragon bring these signs closer together. Their life together is exciting, full of adventures, sometimes conflicts, but in the end they will learn to live and work in a team.
- Dragon-Hare Union successful when the man is a Hare. His selflessness and philosophical mindset will help him withstand the overly temperamental nature of the Dragon for a while. But for the time being, the Hare's patience may run out and then scandals are inevitable. The best option is to live together, when one of the spouses will be out of the house for some time.
- The combination of a wise Snake and an elegant Dragon - one of the best. Next to the Serpent, the Dragon will feel its greatness even more. The snake also agrees to the supporting roles.
- Dragon and Horse united by the unity of characters, they are ready to burn and fight for their ideals. They can handle the most adventurous situations. It is better when the woman in this union is a Horse. The dragon, admiring her beauty, will help to fulfill her wildest fantasies.
- Dragon and Sheep Union has its pros and cons. The sheep needs a patron, which the Dragon can become. But it is not in the nature of the Sheep to give compliments to its partner, but the Dragon feeds on them and becomes even more irresistible from this. If the Dragon is a woman, then, most likely, the Sheep will do something wrong.
- The monkey suits the dragon with her philosophical reasoning about life, she is seductive, knows how to give compliments and shows respect for her partner in time. These qualities are quite suitable for the Dragon. And the Monkey is delighted with his charm. They do not fight for leadership, they know how to appreciate each other. In tandem, they are successful in life.
- The union is brilliant Dragon and Rooster... Both enjoy making an impression on those around them. The Rooster is proud that the fire-breathing Dragon chose him. Flattery to the Dragon is the best medicine for all family problems. But over time, disagreements are possible due to misunderstandings. The dragon can be irritated by the unselfishness of the partner and his unbridled pursuit of beauty.
- Unfavorable union Dragon and Dog... The dog is indifferent to the beautiful Dragon. Even falling in love with such a handsome man, she will only suffer. And the Dragon, not receiving the attention he needs from the Dog, will simply wither away.
- The dragon benefits from an alliance with the Boar, but for the Pig, he is not ideal. The dragon will simply absorb the whole essence of the partner, turning his head with his charm and wise advice. The Pig will simply forget about himself for a while. Over time, he will become more confident and liberated.

Famous representatives
Among celebrities, both domestic and foreign, those born in the Year of the Dragon are very often found. These are writers and poets: Pablo Neruda, Alexander Blok, Alexander Green, Maxim Gorky, Joseph Brodsky, Marina Tsvetaeva, Bernard Shaw; famous actors and singers, composers: Gregory Peck, Marlene Dietrich, Vyacheslav Tikhonov, Soso Pavliashvili, John Lennon, Bruce Lee, Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov.
Among them are famous artists: Salvador Dali, Ilya Repin, Mikhail Vrubel.

Those born this year reached heights in the sports field: Pele, Vladislav Tretyak. Among them there are philosophers, psychologists: Sigmund Freud, Immanuel Kant. Among the representatives of this sign there are many politicians: Vladimir Putin, Che Guevara, Eduard Shevardnadze.
The most joyful years of life for this sign of the eastern horoscope begin at maturity, after 35 years, when much has already been achieved, and the best is yet to come... Life for those born in the Year of the Dragon is very similar to a game where the rules are set by a not very serious player. As a result, he becomes a winner, achieving the desired result.
For more information on the character of a person born in the Year of the Dragon, see the video below.