Year of the Rabbit (Cat): characteristics and compatibility

The Eastern calendar is a very ancient phenomenon, judging by the Chinese legend. According to her, the animals invited to the Buddha could not pass all the tests. Only 12 of them reached the goal, for which they received the right to rule for one year out of the cycle. The fourth in a row was, according to one version, a rabbit, according to another - a cat. In any case, these furry creatures have many features and characteristics in common. How does the year affect the character of people?

What are the dates and when will the year of the Rabbit (Cat) be?
According to the Chinese horoscope, people born in 1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999, 2011 have their patrons Rabbit (Hare, Cat). In general, this animal personifies a humble beginning, a good disposition, sensitivity, combines sociability and alertness at the same time. If we draw the analogy of birth according to the eastern and western horoscope, then the Rabbit is analogous to Cancer. The next year of the Cat will be in 2023. The rabbit is located in the zodiacal circle between the Tiger and the Dragon. According to the theory of the five elements, each sign receives the name and properties of a certain element every sixty years.
- The year 1963 passed under the sign of the Water Hare. The type of people born this year knows how to win the sympathy of others. In addition, they will always come to the rescue, are shrewd and smart. However, the closed nature does not dispose to excessive communication.
- 1975 was the year of the Wood Rabbit. This creature is friendly, peaceful and charming. Everyone who was born under this sign knows how to communicate with people, is active, perfectly adapts to any circumstances.Unfortunately, such people are not always balanced, they often cry.
- 1987 passed under the auspices of the Fire Rabbit. At this time, people were born who have a superbly developed inner voice, but empathy is too developed. They are open and good-natured, trusting, love communication. They are often in a bad mood, but very patient.
- 1999 passed under the sign of the Earth Rabbit. Those born this year are distinguished by high intelligence, insightful, able-bodied and purposeful. They are not afraid of difficulties, although they are stubborn and intolerant.
- 2011 marked the year of the Metal Hare. The intuition of people who were born under his sign is very developed. They always achieve their goals, are smart, think quickly, love to work. They make real careerists, while they are closed and not open to people.

The nature of the representatives
The characteristics of people born in these years, in general, have some similarities. For example, regardless of gender and age, Rabbit people:
good-natured, empathic;
have a delicate taste;
restrained, well-mannered;
love guests, communication, do not incite conflicts;
are good at persuasion and make a good impression.
There are also common negative traits:
impatient, often capricious;
cowardly, do not like to make decisions quickly;
pedantic and petty;
whiny and prone to depression.

The male rabbit is distinguished by the ability to make a pleasant, even lasting impression. Moreover, both women and men. They are well-mannered, have good manners, while being simple, not pretentious. Ladies often find them somewhat mysterious, so they so want to get to know each other better. Rabbit man does not feel very well in modern civilization. Such people are subject to passions, and they are not afraid to demonstrate them. Confessing their feelings for them is quite a feasible task.
This type of men is not inclined to change women, they are looking for their only one who will reciprocate. For Rabbit Cats, feelings, love, sincerity, complete acceptance are very important. They usually marry early. Despite the impressive list of advantages, they have plenty of disadvantages. For example, Cats have a poor idea that there may be an opinion in the world that is different from their own. These signs of the zodiac do not know how to give in, they are often infantile, so it is not easy in a relationship with them. Moreover, such people have an excellent reputation in society. They rarely argue and quarrel, they know how to behave, express themselves culturally.
Rabbits-Cats are good at doing business, as their business flair and ability to achieve their own are at their best. If such a man wants, he will definitely achieve the desired level of income. Cats know how to win over people, are moderately adventurous, but not reckless.
Unfortunately, they do not consider deception to be a sin, therefore they are capable of it.

Curious women Rabbits are always looking for new knowledge and impressions. They appreciate a good joke, they often play to the audience. They can gossip with pleasure, intrigue and flirt equally well. It is unlikely that anyone will be able to predict how a lady will act in a given situation. Such women always go ahead, rarely ask for the opinion of outsiders. But the innate sense of tact and the ability to behave do not cause negative fire in their address.
The promises of the Rabbit woman can be trusted, they perfectly suit the household, everyday life, in the family they are very comfortable with them. A hospitable hostess, a woman Rabbit loves to be in a society where she always makes a pleasant impression. Her element is passion, friendship, relationships. In this she has few equal, she is ready for anything for the sake of friends and loved ones. If a man truly loves her, she will find a way to make him happy. In the event that her love is not mutual, she will quickly lose interest and will not invest in a relationship.

Children of the Rabbit are very good-natured and charming, they obey their parents, are dreamy and can soar in the clouds. Parents will have to try hard and bring them back to earth from time to time. Learning is easy for them, they are sociable, so school life is devoid of standard problems. They rarely become outcasts, as they know how to attract people to their side, are charismatic, interesting. With Baby Bunnies, parenting doesn't become too difficult.
Parents should not be afraid of calls to school and complaints from teachers, this child knows how to get along well with others and grasps knowledge on the fly. Such children can be trusted. The main thing is to more often pull the child out of the illusory world that attracts him. These children are extremely emotional, strive for perfection.
In the future, they often have money problems, so from childhood you need to teach your child financial literacy.

The eastern horoscope attributes magical properties to pearls in relation to the Rabbit. Jewelry with pearls personifies the essence of the deity, life as a gift, respectively, the feminine principle. Pearls symbolize and bring the Rabbits loyalty and inviolability of relationships, beauty, love. Eliminates betrayal and unfaithful people from life. It is customary to give this talisman to newlyweds and unmarried women, as it helps to find love.

Rabbit (Hare) Figurine
Another amulet that brings good luck not only to those who were born in the year of the Rabbit. First of all, the figurine of the moon hare with a mortar is appreciated.
This is a symbol of a strong family, loyalty, fertility.

Maneki's cat
Brings success, financial well-being, wealth. In addition, according to legends, representatives of this year need to purchase amulets related to the sea, for example, from amber. Turquoise and ruby will also bring good luck. You can wear jewelry, pendants, a keychain, or purchase a stone figurine at home. It is believed that it is not enough to buy such a talisman, you need to be presented from a pure heart with the most sincere intentions. Then he will help Rabbit to cope with any problems.

Compatibility with other signs
People born under this sign get along well with others, they know how to build relationships and communicate with different types of people. However, it should be borne in mind that it will not work to dominate the Rabbits, since they do not accept any pressure. Pushing them around and forcing them to do something is a futile task. But if you study the character of the Rabbit well, it will not be difficult to get along with him. Moreover, you can even try to convince him to change his point of view, although this can be difficult. With some signs of the zodiac cycle, the Rabbit is easier, with someone it is harder.
The Dragon. This sign sympathizes with the Rabbit-Cat, because they are optimistic and do not like conflicts. At the same time, one cannot but take into account that the Dragon's striving for leadership and autocracy leads to alertness on the part of the Hare. They don't like people trying to control them. However, do not despair, mutual understanding with this sign is quite real, provided that both want it.
Goat. These signs have a lot in common, for example, a rich imagination, daydreaming, a desire to comprehend new things, the ability to understand art. The capriciousness of the Goat does not repel the calm Hare a little.
Horse. These signs communicate well with each other, both are cheerful and harmonious. The Horse's ambition is compensated by the calmness and ability of the Hare to communicate respectfully.These signs can also conflict if they do not immediately find a common language.
Rooster. It is better for these people to avoid contacts altogether, especially close ones, they will only annoy each other. It will be extremely difficult for the artist Rooster and the sophisticated Rabbit to find a common language.
A monkey. The worldview of these signs is the opposite, but they can communicate without conflict. Most often they will be happy with each other, since their mutual qualities complement each other.
Pig. Mutual respect between these signs will allow them to communicate well, in addition, they are both not conflicting, calm. If someone is capable of doing a bad deed in such a relationship, then it is definitely not the Rabbit.
Dog. These signs are both charged with loyalty and comfort in a relationship, so they get along well.
Rat. These signs are strictly prohibited from entering into any relationship. If necessary, communication should be kept to a minimum.
Tiger. It is unlikely that this communication will be harmonious, the signs are poorly compatible, although the Cat and the Tiger are related.
Rabbit. With his own kind, contrary to belief, the Rabbit communicates without much enthusiasm. But there will be no serious conflicts between them.
Bull. The power-loving Ox can annoy the Rabbit, therefore, too close communication will not work, but with a certain amount of desire, they can calmly communicate in small doses.
Snake. They are not very similar, but they can communicate without conflict. You should not wait for a close relationship.

In friendship
It's better not to be friends with the Dragon, it will be a dangerous and difficult relationship that will periodically strain both. A friendship with a Goat can become very lasting based on their shared passion for graceful, tall and sophisticated. They will be friends with the Horse for a long time, they can communicate all their lives, if at the very beginning they learn to smooth out differences. Too energetic Rooster with its eternal theatricality and drama is not the best friend for the Rabbit.
The Rabbit will not get bored with the Monkey, it will be a fun and easy friendship, especially since the Hare will definitely help out in a difficult situation. A good relationship will start with the Pig, the friendship will turn out to be quite strong and long. The relationship with the Dog will develop very successfully, since both of these signs are loyal and know how to appreciate people, they are reliable, they can carry friendship throughout life. It will not work to create valuable friendships with the Rat, Tiger, Ox.
You can be friends with the Snake, but not too close.

In love and marriage
The union with the Rat is a failure, except for chaos and eternal misunderstandings there will be nothing in it.

- It will not be easy enough in a duet with the Bull, difficulties and misunderstandings are provided for him. The Bull loves to rule too much, so even the Rabbit's patience comes to an end.

- It is worth considering several times before starting a relationship with Tiger. The rabbit will quickly get tired of sorting things out, and he will end them.

- The rabbit tandem is also not ideal, each of them will strive to prove their exclusivity and sublimity.

- A marriage with the Dragon can be very successful if the Rabbit is able to cope with his desire not to obey anyone.

- The relationship with the Snake will also be restless. Moreover, the homebody of the latter will not fit into the Rabbit's way of life.

- A marriage with a Horse has excellent chances for a long and strong family. They are freedom-loving, but in moderation, so they will be able to keep each other within limits.

- Not a bad alliance with the Goat, they value each other for their similarity and common interests.

- It is better to stay away from the Monkey in terms of relationships, as she is too quarrelsome and likes to pretend.

- It's a bad idea to marry a Rooster. The hare hates drama and pathos.

- The best union will be with a Dog - faithful and intelligent. This family can become truly happy, and the relationship is cloudless.

- Another successful duo is Pig and Rabbit.

In a career
In business, they will be quite comfortable with the Goat, especially if the field of activity is independent, without subordination to each other. With the Dragon, real success can only be achieved if you build the right relationship. The hare should be able to limit himself to recommendations on the case and not try to control everything, giving the Dragon the right to decide everything finally. Otherwise, their business union is doomed. With the Horse, they will forever compete, but in a sporty way, without anger, with passion. Therefore, both will be successful.
The desire to hide the true intentions from partners will nullify the business union of the Rabbit and the Rooster. The complete failure of the business awaits the Rabbit in alliance with the Monkey. The Rabbit has a good chance of getting rich in tandem with the Pig, he is agile, she is lucky.
Absolutely stunning prospects open up from a business duet with a Dog. She will never betray the Rabbit, he will be able to smooth out all the corners and treat her partner with respect. Plus, both signs are incredibly hardworking.

Celebrities born this year
The characteristics of the mark are described in the following video.