Year of the Rat: dates, characteristics of the symbol and people

The Chinese are sure - most of all truly charming people among those who were born in the Year of the Rat. They are smart people who, by nature, have well-developed strategic thinking.... They know how to benefit where others do not find anything worthwhile. It is difficult for them to refuse, they are hardworking and corroborating in a business that is truly important to them. These are interesting people, in close communication with whom difficulties rarely arise.

Characteristics of the symbol of the year
The rat is traditionally associated with realism, cunning and the ability to adapt to the most difficult conditions.
The sign of the year denotes quick wits, vitality, high vitality, sociability and the ability to always find one's own benefit.
According to the Chinese horoscope in the twentieth century, the following were considered the years of the Rat:
- 1900;
- 1912;
- 1924 (Wooden);
- 1936 (Fiery);
- 1948 (Earthen);
- 1960 (Metallic);
- 1972 (Waterborne);
- 1984 (Wooden);
- 1996 (Red Fiery).
In this century, the sign was only once - this is 2008. However, the dates of the year, it is worth remembering, do not coincide with its usual calendar meaning.

For example, the year of the Earth Rat began on 7.02. 2008 and ended on 25.01. 2009.25.01.2020 the year of the White Metal Rat begins. Metallic is sometimes interpreted as Iron, and Earthy as Yellow.
People born this year are not deprived of external brightness, cunning, tenacity, artistry or talents in the visual arts. Representatives of the sign are aimed at success in society, material benefits are important to them. Through perseverance and iron determination, they manage to achieve success where others are unable to pave their way. They are discerning, if they focus, they can count on good intuition.
Even if the most authoritative advisers are nearby, the Rats will listen to them carefully, analyze every word, but they will do as they have already decided to do... Even if no one around them believes in their success, they will manage without support. In a sense, the general denial even provokes the Rats: they will go ahead, use all the new tools to achieve their own goal.

By nature, they are cunning, so the Rats manage to be excellent manipulators. And even having stuffed more than one bump on this, they continue to manipulate and build the development of the situation in a way that is beneficial to them.
They are somewhat cynical, but often skillfully disguise their cynicism. They themselves do not really like him, they work on themselves, on their virtues, but natural cynicism appears. And this can be a revelation for loved ones, unpleasant and unexpected. Rats remember offenses for a long time, they are vindictive and stubborn in their desire to punish the offender.
In the Year of the Rat, it is very important for all signs to save money, calculate every step, and improve their status. These are good years for moving, changing surroundings, as this year people increase their adaptive abilities.

During these years, you need to be prepared that you can gossip and weave intrigues behind your back. And you yourself must not succumb to this temptation.
These years can be considered a time of searching and finding serious feelings. Traditionally, the Year of the Rat can be considered successful for the Rats themselves, as well as for Bulls, Pigs, Dragons, Monkeys. Difficult time for the Tiger and the Horse, the Rabbit and the Rooster, the Goat. For the Snake and the Dog, these years are neutral.

A person born in the year of the Water Rat is romantic, amorous and malleable to his feelings and passions. There are no prohibitions in love for him, but he can show coldness in building a career. People whose year of birth fell on the year of the Wood Rat are constant and loyal in relationships. Even a mistake made along the way becomes a lesson that they learn very well. They know how to ask for forgiveness and are ready to wait for it for years if the person is really important to them.

People born in the Year of the Earth Rat are a little less ambitious. They are hardworking and know that this is their strength.
Where others take heights with courage and charm, they rely on hard work and diligence. The description of those born in the year of the Metal Rat is dedication, pride, sensitivity. The sexual temperament of these people is very bright. Representatives of the Fire Rat sign unpredictable, often erratic and capricious (especially girls)but they are extremely adventurous, so they can take place in business. These are good interlocutors with whom you are not bored, they make fun jokes and will be interesting for a long time.

These are emotional and open people who are often hampered by waywardness. Only the interlocutor or woman is fascinated by the Rat man, how he shows stubbornness, clings to trifles and it is impossible to argue with him. In love, they are open to experiments, they love challenges and provocations, they are able to arrange them themselves. In youth, men of this sign are in search of the ideal. It's just that the woman does not suit them: and if the chosen one lacks something by the standards of the Rat man, he can forgive her for it. But it will still alter "for themselves."
They have an interesting appearance. And even if the Rat is modest by nature, it knows how to present itself. The character and disposition leaves an imprint on the appearance. Not always self-confident, they are prone to shocking.

It is a consequence of a neurotic character, a kind of protection from their own complexes.
To balance, the Rat man cannot be deceived. When he is confident in his irresistibility, he begins to make mistakes. Light doubts will keep him in good shape, they will make a person more discerning, attentive. In this state, he has developed analytics, he calculates steps and does not make mistakes. But a person convinced of ideality begins to do outright stupid things.He “blows away”, error follows error, it is hard for him to stop.
At work, he is ready to be the best, and he has a lot for this.

He is a shrewd employee, curious and conceited. He may resist the mission entrusted to him, for a long time does not agree to a new position, but if he has already agreed to it, he will be desperate and outstanding.
If he feels that the work does not bring him pleasure and does not become a resource for him, he will leave it without regret. The Rat man has a flair: if things are bad at work, he will feel it before his colleagues. If a thunderstorm is foreseen in the family, he will not wait for its start, he will react first. If a partner cheats on him, he will quickly see through him. In the family, this man will be a good friend, loyal and reliable, but you should not expect much romance in marriage from him.

The Rat girl has an often inexplicable attractiveness and charm. At the same time, she can be a completely non-fiery beauty, but men are not ready to be aware of this. She radiates femininity, she likes the looks and attention, she actively responds to them, but does so carefully.
But the Rat woman is not devoid of masculine traits. She is decisive, businesslike, in a difficult situation she can pull herself together and not panic. This is an energetic sign, a woman will think about fatigue only when everything is over: in the process of the most difficult and energy-consuming task, she is maximally collected, active, productive, works tirelessly.

These are zealous natures who know how to save. They have a stash to keep them from going through really tough financial times.
With all its moral ideals these women are real materialists... They do not confuse these two areas, they know how to accept and accept expensive gifts without a twinge of conscience. They become truly generous only in relation to their loved ones. If an expensive gift is directed towards someone who is not the closest person, this is a calculation.
These are optimistic, outwardly bright women, whose gaiety, however, can hide nervousness and even self-doubt. They are afraid of the situation where insecurity will become visible, when they become vulnerable. Therefore, the Rats are thrifty, they know the workarounds, lay down the straw and do everything so as not to stay at the broken trough.

They can achieve professional success in completely different areas. At the same time, they often take not talent or really strong abilities, but perseverance and zeal.
They can pass the exam better than others, because they have learned everything by heart. For example, they themselves are not able to do something outstanding - write a poem or a picture. But they will study everything to the smallest detail, they will understand poetry and painting better than many.
Among the Rats there are many who are called arrogant by others. The woman herself does not consider her dedication and perseverance to be arrogance: it is just that while the others are delicate, she takes her own. At the same time, thanks to the ability to chatter the interlocutor, she will pretend that the situation is out of her control. A contradiction also arises in the scale of values: often Rat women are the best analysts and advisers. They can expand the girlfriend's situation in such detail, so precisely that it is not necessary to go to a specialist. But they show themselves less harshness, they allow them to shift the norms of morality when it comes to them personally.

This child sincerely loves his family, he is attached to her and will not exchange it for any friends. But this quietly coexists with the feeling of possessiveness, well-developed in the Rat child. If his parents stop giving him the same amount of attention, he becomes jealous and resentful. To attract attention, these children are ready for various destructive actions. Although at first they try to earn parental approval for impeccable studies, for which they are often called upstarts.
Usually babies born in the year of the Rat start talking and reading early. They love books because they can learn a lot from them, books are not only fun for them, but, above all, a resource.

They are smart and resourceful children who delight their parents with consistency and diligence. If there is no obvious success in their studies, they will still find a niche where they will receive regular praise.
Through praise, they realize their own worth.
These guys are hard to fool. They will pester the interlocutor, sometimes going into sheer boredom. They are naturally able to manipulate, so weaker natures fall for it. Even friends who voluntarily take this status sometimes suffer from the persistence of the Rats. Among friends, children of this sign have only the same bright personalities, strong and unbending. With others, a long and equal friendship does not work.

Since Rats know how to analyze, solve a problem in several moves, plan, make good reports, and so on, intellectual activity suits them. They are able to sit down for documents in the morning, and get up almost at midnight - everything will be done inside and out. They get along well with people, but tenacity and perseverance sometimes cause problems with colleagues. They will convince them to the last, even if deep down they themselves are not sure that they are right.

It is important for them that they have the last word.
Rats can take place in areas such as:
- jurisprudence;
- politics;
- pedagogy;
- any administrative positions;
- advertising and trade;
- journalism.
They love the details. If they immerse themselves in the project, then their breath in a new business will not go astray with the arrival of the first difficulties. While other people wave their hand in the direction of something not particularly important, they will figure out even the smallest details. It does not seem to them that they are marking time. Rats are confident that their strength lies in not missing out on anything. If you can come up with a professional Rat's credo, it is "Owning information - owns the world."

They love new knowledge and immerse themselves in it with all seriousness. But if knowledge does not promise good dividends, they will not waste their energy on it.
Rats believe that everything should be useful.
Family and love
Basically, people of this sign take family relationships seriously. They can start a family early, not really understanding what begins after painting in the registry office, but even the first disappointments will not push them away from the idea of building an ideal marriage. They respect their partner, but they will bend him under themselves, even if he doesn't like it. Let it be in a mild form, let it be unobtrusive, but they will get their way.
Rats are different: someone is very passionate, ardent in love, someone is cautious. But both that, and another may well get along in one person. Avid of compliments and courting, they flirt with pleasure, run on dates and respond to the actions of their admirers. But in a whirlpool with a head - it's still not about them.

They are not at all ashamed to be used by those who love. True, the Rats themselves do not call it that.
They are sincerely convinced that you have to pay for everything: their society, attention, time are also worth something. And who said the price should be low?
In the family, they love to plan, set new goals, and do not tolerate stagnation. They are good organizers, caring and demanding parents. If trouble happens to their relatives, they spare no effort to help. In the family, they value loyalty, but if they are disappointed in a partner, they are capable of treason. And this is not a one-time action, they look closely at the new partner, try on, plan a possible transition to a new family. And they often repent of this, because a spouse or spouse is a person whom they once loved very much, they put a lot of effort into building relationships with him.

To atone for the guilt of treason, they are ready for much. But offended partners often reproach them that they are accustomed to enduring suffering and hardships in comfortable conditions.
Indeed, the Rats in no life situation will agree to the deterioration of living conditions, deprivation of the usual comfort. They are still materialists, although they are capable of deep feelings.

The eastern calendar assures that A good marriage can be obtained by the Rat, who chose the Dragon. These people do not lose interest in each other for a long time, they know how to enjoy life, they often have related goals. They are able to maintain a passionate relationship, they feed each other energetically. Love at first sight often happens in relation to the Tiger, he bewitches the Rat with sex appeal, appeal. The Rat and Monkey will not get bored, but at times will suffer from too bright a relationship. It will be good for her and with the Dog, who will be able to mask the Rat's flaws with her patience and understanding.

Real sparks of love slip between the Rat and the Pig, but intellectually people can be completely different.
In marriage with a Snake, competition may be the main obstacle., the signs will not want to give in to each other, they will always compete, albeit subconsciously. Rat and Rat can start a stunning romance, perhaps the most vivid in their life. But this is a very shaky idyll, which is often destroyed by mutual claims. Relations with the Rooster can be successful, unless the Rat gets caught by the spender.

It is better not to start a love relationship with the Rabbit, but to stop at a warm friendship.
Conflicts are also possible with the Goat., since her romance and hovering in the clouds will irritate the rational principle in the Rat. According to the eastern calendar and love union with the Horse is doomedthough short-lived relationships can be flamboyant.

Famous celebrities
In the year of the Rat, many bright and shocking people, provocateurs, were born, but their talent is indisputable. A striking example of this is Cristiano Ronaldo... He is known not only for his sports talents, but also for scandalous statements, secrets of his personal life, very close attention to his own appearance. In the year of the Rat, two geniuses of the modern information era were born at once - Mark Zuckerberg and Pavel Durov.
Each is charming in its own way, it is their intellect that lies at the heart of charm. Like women and Maxim Vitorgan, also born in the year of the Rat. A typical representative of the mark can be called David Duchovny, not a classic handsome, but he conquered the darkness of hearts. Alexey Makarov also represents this sign, he is charming and talented, although his biography was also not without scandals.

The famous representatives of the sign include the beautiful Julianne Moore. She is not a supermodel, but her appearance has haunted several generations of male viewers.
And also Gwyneth Paltrow, from not the most grandiose appearance, she managed to take the main thing, made an emphasis on this and fell in love with more than one recognized handsome man. Take the same Brad Pitt. Ekaterina Barnabas - also a typical representative of her sign. She knows how to rely on her appearance, but she knows that only she will not go far. She is successful, insightful and can maintain interest for a long time.
Other celebrities of this sign include - Elena Korikova, Maria Kozhevnikova, Eminem, Catty Perry, Cameron Diaz, Carmen Electra, Vanessa Paradis, Prince Harry, Svetlana Permyakova. Rats are people who are generously endowed with charm, who know how to present themselves to the light. But they will be demanding in relationships, do not always admit their mistakes, remain materialists to the end.
The characteristics of people born in the year of the Rat, see below.