Year of the Horse: characteristics and types of elements

The Chinese horoscope has become very popular in recent decades, and it must be admitted that sometimes the characteristics that it ascribes to people surprisingly coincide with reality. If you were born in the Year of the Horse, perhaps understanding your esoteric inclinations, strengths and weaknesses will allow you to succeed and become happier.

Dates and types
The Year of the Horse, like any other symbol of the Chinese calendar, occurs once every 12 years. Horses, according to the eastern horoscope, are people whose date of birth fell on 1930, 1942, 1954, 1966, 1978, 1990 or 2002, and the last time the year of the Horse was in 2014.
Therefore, now the Year of the Horse will be in 2026, but it must be borne in mind that the Chinese years do not coincide with the generally recognized ones - for example, the last year of the Horse began on January 26 and ended on February 13 of the following year. The start date is flexible, but the next sign always comes into effect after the New Year holidays, at the end of January or at the beginning of February.
The eastern horoscope is actually not limited to just a sign - to each of them he also attributes an element and color, which have a secondary impact on a person's fate.
In our country, they usually do not go into such details, but people born in 1990 are not just Horses, but White Metallic, in 2002 - Black Aquatic, in 2014 - Blue Wooden. In 2026, we can expect the birth of people who, according to the horoscope, will be Red Fire Horses, in 2038 - Yellow Earthlings.

Character traits
The Chinese calendar is so popular because it gives people the opportunity to get a preliminary idea of a person whom they haven't even seen yet - just by knowing their date of birth. Here it must be admitted that the characteristics indicated are not an axiom, but rather a probable tendency that can be leveled out or strengthened by the same zodiac sign. Nevertheless, in general, experts can predict human behavior quite accurately.
The Horse man, like the creature in whose honor the sign is named, is distinguished by hard work - he devotes all of himself to a career, and doing nothing is absolutely not for him. This is a bright personality, capable of being an adequate and good boss, because such a guy effectively solves complex problems and at the same time does not lose a positive mood. Such a man, as a rule, is smart, it is interesting to communicate with him, while he does not put pressure on others at all, and therefore they like him.
In terms of career, this is a rather promising person, since he has all the necessary qualities for promotion - here he has intelligence, moral stability, and leadership skills. In principle, all these characteristics are good in love, but the Horse man does not seek to suppress his soul mate - instead, he prefers to choose a lady of the heart who will gladly step into the shadows and cover the rear of her beloved, without pretending to be a dominant role.

In order for a marriage with a horse to be harmonious, it is better to leave him the right to say the last word and decide.
Relatively little is required of a girl - to be faithful and stable, and also not to try to play the role of a leader. If the wife fully meets the above expectations, the man will sincerely love her and will not refuse to fulfill many of the whims.
What's curious a married man A horse usually attracts increased attention from outside ladies, who openly envy his happy chosen one. However, it is not in the rules of such a guy to look for adventure on the side - with his wife he is extremely honest and decent, therefore treason is unlikely, even if there are all the possibilities for this.

The Horse Girl has features very similar to those of men of the same sign, - she is characterized by determination and moral stability, as well as a practical mindset. The above characteristics allow such women to get a good education without stressing, which later becomes the beginning of a good career. In it, they, using iron logic and rational thinking, usually also achieve heights.

Horses are criticized for being quite demanding of their surroundings and are distinguished by enviable stubbornness - even just making friends with them is not so easy, because they usually appear in the role of a shadow leader who may not speak loud words out loud, but still will not give up his own.
At the same time, it is stupid to perceive such a person as a solid negative, for example, such a lady is unlikely to deceive and cheat you. She is straightforward and will say everything as she really thinks, but at the same time she does not tend to discuss others behind their back.
If it is difficult to be friends with the Horse, then to be at enmity with her is just the height of recklessness. The fighting spirit of such a lady is very strong and if she considers that you are her enemy, it will not seem a little to you.

Excessive self-confidence often interferes with such a girl in a relationship, because Mademoiselle does not like other people's advice and very rarely listens to them, which only aggravates the situation. The Horse's self-confidence only grows with age, therefore, experts advise the representatives of this sign to get married quite early - in their youth, grinding in with her husband will be much softer.
The girl herself is usually advised to remember that the male ideal of the second half is embodied tenderness and gentleness, while the Horse herself constantly strives to demonstrate a stronger position.

In childhood, the "branded" horse traits are not yet fully manifested, but from a young age it is noticeable that Horse is an independent child... Such children are more likely to turn out to be disobedient and self-willed, often they are also credited with a certain amount of selfishness - not listening to other people's recommendations, they instead like to give out their own.
Teenager Horse does not see himself in the parental home - as soon as a relatively suitable opportunity arises, young people will fly out of the nest and try to create their own. Such a person does not run away from marriage, but in the family he wants to be a leader who influences even the smallest aspects of domestic life.

Description of astrological signs of the zodiac
The sign of the zodiac under which a person was born in the year of the Horse affects his character to the same extent, therefore, most often a person is characterized by a combination of year and date of birth. Consider the combinations of the Horse with all the signs of the zodiac.
- Aries, as befits a Horse, he is very confident in his own opinion and is not at all inclined to change it, even if the advice of a stranger seems wise. Nevertheless, in comparison with other Horses, leadership is difficult for Aries - he is constantly not sure of his actions, therefore it will be difficult for him to reach the highest peaks.
- Taurus Horse Is an alloy in which the best features are enhanced, and the worst are leveled out. This is a very purposeful person, whose tremendous endurance allows him to achieve good results even in hopeless cases. The industriousness here is simply enormous, but there is not so much selfishness typical of the Horse.
- Twins do not shine with equine diligence, but they are extremely good in the field of communication. These are interlocutors who are able to strike up a productive conversation with anyone, they are sociable and friendly, and therefore are liked by others. Having figured out how to use it for their own benefit, they can become successful even in spite of laziness.
- Cancer - This is an exemplary egoist, whose purposefulness translates into extreme forms of neglect of other people. If necessary for the sake of the goal, this person will literally go over their heads, which makes his career successful, but makes it difficult to stay with him.
- Horse-lion - this is the maximum concentration on what seems to be the most important to the representative of this combination. At the same time, the Horse cannot be considered a complete workaholic - she does not forget to devote time to her family and is given to her as passionately as to work.
- Virgo characterized by increased accuracy and diligence, and these traits, combined with equestrian hard work, provide impressive results in the workplace. The only disadvantage of this combination is the eternal lack of confidence in their own abilities - sometimes Virgo herself refuses to fight, although it was worthwhile to compete.
- scales from the outside they seem simple, but if necessary, such people know how to present themselves from the best side. They do not lack confidence, and a good command of public speaking gives hope for success in any endeavor where you need to work with people and think soberly. At the same time, in private communication, such a person may seem like a heavy interlocutor.
- Scorpion egocentric, he rules his life himself and does not listen to others at all, even if they are definitely on the side of good. Equine traits allow the irresponsible Scorpio to overcome any obstacles thanks to hard work, while the person does not lose good humor.
- Horse energy Sagittarius more often than not, it is directed completely in the wrong direction - often even such a person himself does not really understand what goal he ultimately goes to. Despite some loss in life, such a Horse will not allow himself to be guided by anyone and will bend its winding and tangled line to the end. There will be more than enough opposites in this character.
- Capricorn born in the year of the Horse - this is almost an ideal boss.The organizational skills of such a boss are developed to the limit, while he equally highly values all his employees and tries to find such a scheme of work in which no one would be offended. Even criticism from such a person, despite the direct nature of the statements, sounds benevolent, because Capricorn usually has no enemies.
- Maximalism of Aquarius makes the Horse constantly and persistently move towards the goal, which some others objectively see as fantastic and unattainable. It will simply not work to convince this person that he is moving in the wrong direction, and the persuasiveness of his speeches is quite high, but he cannot choose truly competent people from among his followers.
- Horse-Fish - this is one of the most unstable combinations in principle. Such a person has no conviction of anything on the scale of his entire life, he always doubts and is constantly looking for something new, which would seem constant, but still never finds one. This is an eternal wanderer who is difficult to stop and make to stay.

Work and career
The horse cannot be called an individualist - this employee feels great in the conditions of the team and it is here that he shows his best qualities. No wonder, because Horses tend to good organizers - this is quickly noticed at the top, and a purposeful employee will sooner or later lead his colleagues. Those appreciate the chef's efficiency and inevitably succumb to the horse's charm, but practically constant cheerfulness The horse allows you to forgive her rudeness and intemperance, if such does happen.

Even if such an employee has not yet reached the point of being a boss, the management of the company usually values this person very much.
If the Horse has already said that it is taking on the task, there is no doubt that only a special force majeure can interfere with the successful completion of the work - even if in the process the employee has lost interest in his activities, he simply will not allow himself to give up everything halfway.
The above horse characteristics clearly show that such an employee, with the appropriate qualifications, would be useful to any company and in any position. However, when choosing a profession, it is worth focusing on strengths, and this, in addition to diligence, charm and oratory, as well as leadership qualities.
This combination of talents allows you to work effectively in show business, being a presenter or actor, giving lectures, conducting complex research or training athletes.

Love and family
For most Horses, the characteristic features are sociability and constant cheerfulness, which means that such a person simply is not a loner. From among the many sympathizers, you can always choose several people who are suitable for the role of a future partner, but for the Horse it is extremely important that she is the main one in the family.
If a potential soul mate agrees to such a distribution of roles, then she is unlikely to have anything to complain about - a loving representative of this sign surrounds his family hearth with care, and his impressive ability to work allows households not to feel a lack of anything. The second half, agreeing to make the house cozy, is real happiness for the Horse.

Home for the Horse is a quiet family hearth, where there is no place for discomfort. This is not the kind of person who will endure constant quarrels for years, attempts to designate someone else's leadership and debate over insignificant trifles. Faced with the fact that she is constantly pointed out, the Horse will take a pronounced defensive position and will not retreat from its own. If the problem cannot be solved by subordinating the rebellious soulmate, the representative of this sign will not stand it and will simply leave.
Such people are often called faithful partners, but if you want sincere love from them for many years, it is important not to run the relationship to the level of routine. To bring something new is the responsibility not only of the Horse itself, but also of the second half.
Horses make pretty strict parents, because their straightforwardness applies to everything. They do not always think about how to show the child their displeasure with him, but he will always know if mom and dad are unhappy.
The result of such relationships within the family may be the most unexpected - in some cases, children grow up disciplined and well-bred, in others - they deliberately go into conflict with their elders and do not find mutual understanding with them.

Giving each person a detailed description of the year of his birth, the eastern horoscope allows using the same method to select a pair that suits. Again, all the characteristics of each sign are not perfectly accurate, because a couple of supposedly incompatible signs can find a compromise and mutual understanding, and good compatibility of two signs does not mean true family happiness. Nevertheless, you need to at least have an idea of what can be expected from this or that partner, therefore we will consider all potential halves by year of birth.
- Rat with Horse almost completely incompatible, especially if the Horse is Fire. Everything is so incongruous that the representatives of these signs do not agree even in business cooperation, but all because they have nothing in common. The only way to unite them is to find a common enemy, but such a foundation is not serious for creating a family.
- Bull - the person is quite domineering, he, like the Horse, loves to control the situation, and even more loves to command. The horse, in turn, does not listen not only to commands, but even to simple advice, because sooner or later someone will not stand it.
- Tiger in essence, they are very similar to the Horse - they know how to work hard, are confident in themselves and appreciate their own efforts. At the same time, both are quite independent and willful, therefore it is important for such a couple not to engage in attempts to remake each other. Constant arguments in this alliance are inevitable, but with strong feelings, everything can be solved.
- With a rabbit one of the most successful couples will come out, since this is exactly the quiet and domestic partner that the Horse needs so much. The roles here are distributed a priori, both in each other see the image of a comfortable partner, and therefore the union can be long-term and productive.
- The Dragon - the irreconcilable enemy of the Horse. In a union, he requires constant attention to himself, but his partner is simply not ready for this, because Horses are selfish, and they also devote a lot of time to work and finding themselves. You can try this combination, but you can get a fiery combination.
- Snake Is an option that allows for both success and complete failure. Snakes are intelligent and understanding, they are ready to forgive many of the shortcomings of partners, provided that they provide them with versatile comfort. If the Horse copes with the adequate requirements, the pair has a chance.
- Two horses in everything they are in harmony with each other, but their mutual desire to be leaders in the family can become a big problem. If there is a leader, then there must be a subordinate, and if one of the two for the sake of love (or by virtue of the zodiac sign) obeys, the union will be happy.
- Goat at first glance, it does not suit the Horse at all, since they are antipodes, but in general there are traits in their character that make it possible not to notice each other's shortcomings. If there is passion, such a couple may well count on saving their union.
- With Monkey and Horse there are practically no chances - these are such different personalities that they cannot be together. The Horse does not tolerate any deception or cunning, and for the Monkey this is an absolute norm of behavior, and although it may not do it out of malice, it will not be possible to avoid quarrels.
- With a rooster it will be extremely difficult, since this is a cocky and critical partner, and the Horse really does not like any attacks against him.Interestingly, of these two, it is usually the Horse that has the stronger charisma, because the victory will almost always remain with it. Constantly fighting back, she injures her partner, and he will leave one day.
- Union with the Dog looks very promising, because this partner does not require excessive attention to himself and does not show displeasure with the fact that the Horse is all the time fixated on solving his problems. At some point, the Horse will understand how lucky he is and then he will do everything so that the Dog is also comfortable.
- Pig Horses seems too lazy, but the Horse itself for the Pig embodies, oddly enough, inconstancy and constant doubts. Because of this, regular disagreements will arise, because the partners have practically nothing in common, so the prospects seem dubious.

Notable representatives
The charisma and leadership qualities of every person born in the Year of the Horse simply had to give the world a number of celebrities from different spheres. Often such people ruled their states very harshly. The political leaders include Vladimir Lenin, Nikita Khrushchev, Leonid Brezhnev, Nelson Mandela, Franklin Roosevelt and Harry Truman.

Creativity Horses, constantly looking for themselves, have also never been alien. Vivid examples of this are Alexander Dovzhenko, Ivan Bunin, Vasily Sukhomlinsky, Rembrandt, Antonio Vivaldi, Paul McCartney, Sean Connery.

Without the trademark equine perseverance, it would be difficult for humanity to achieve outstanding success in science.
The list of scientists born under this sign is relatively small, but suffice it to recall that such people as Sir Isaac Newton and the first man on the moon Neil Armstrong belonged to this sign.

For the characteristics of people born in the year of the Horse, see below.