Year of the Rooster: characteristics, elements and compatibility

The Year of the Rooster is the tenth in the twelve-year cycle of the Eastern calendar. People born this year become the soul of any company, but quite often they turn out to be hostages of their own vanity.

Dates and types
The Year of the Rooster, according to the Chinese calendar, occurs every twelve years. However, this is also true for any sign of the eastern horoscope. The Rooster comes in tenth on the list after the Monkey and before the Dog. For people of these birth years, brown, yellow and gold are considered lucky colors. Of the numbers, 5, 7 and 8 will bring special luck, as well as those numbers that contain them, for example: 58 and 75.
If possible, they should always have flowers such as cockscomb and gladiolus in vases on the table. The south and southeast are considered good directions for Roosters. Unlucky for the representatives of this sign are numbers such as 1, 9 and 3, and again their various combinations. In addition, the red color and the east direction of movement bring them bad luck. It should be mentioned that for those born in the year of the Rooster, the fourth and twenty-sixth of the lunar month, as well as the second, fifth and eleventh months of the lunar cycle, are considered successful. They should avoid the third, ninth and twelfth months of the Chinese calendar.
The last year of the Rooster was in 2017, and the next one is to be expected in 2029. It is important to mention that the signs of the Chinese zodiac are determined not in the way we are used to, but according to the lunar calendar, and even with the arrival of the New Year in China, the exact date of which is somewhere between January 21 and February 20. Thus, the holiday is celebrated on different days from year to year. For example, not all people born in 1993 received the sign of the Rooster. That year, Chinese New Year was January 23rd.

Those born from January 1 to January 23 still belonged to the year of the Monkey, and already those born after January 23 became Roosters. As a rule, you can determine your sign of the eastern horoscope using special calculators that are easy to find on the Internet. The next year of the Rooster, which, as already mentioned, is expected in 2029, will come on February 13th. It is worth mentioning that each year of the Rooster has its own special characteristic, depending on the dominant element, and sometimes color.
In 1993, the Chinese year lasted from January 26, 1933 to February 13, 1934. The Water Rooster patronized him. The Wood Rooster turned out to be a symbol of 1945. The cycle then lasted from February 13, 1945 to February 1, 1946. In 1957, the Chinese New Year was celebrated on January 31, and saw off on February 17, 1958. People born that year fell under the influence of the Fire Rooster

Earth Rooster was responsible for 1969. The cycle lasted from February 17, 1969 to February 5, 1970. The next time the Rooster came into people's lives in 1981. It happened on February 5, 1981. The influence of the Golden or Metal Rooster ended on January 24, 1982.
In 1993, on January 23, we celebrated the Year of the Water Rooster, which lasted until February 9, 1994. The next time the Rooster "knocked" in 2005 and he was Wooden. The cycle of the Chinese calendar lasted from February 9, 2005 to January 28, 2006. The Fire Rooster dominated the lives of people in 2017. His "reign" lasted from January 28, 2017 to February 15, 2018. Finally, in 2029, the phenomenon of the Earth Rooster is to be expected, which will be able to influence the lives of people from February 13 to February 2, 2030.
There is one more characteristic of each year - color. There are five colors in total, and they alternate in a specific order. For example, black became the patron saint of 1933 and 1993. In 1945 and 2005, there was a blue hue, while red dominated in 1957 and 2017. For 1969 and 2029, the main color is yellow, but white has been present only once in the last hundred years - in 1981.

Character of people
The characteristics of a person born under the sign of the Rooster are very interesting. Such people stand out for their self-confidence and friendliness, which makes them the star of any society. Representatives of this sign are very popular due to their sociability, honesty and openness. While they love being in the spotlight, that doesn't make them self-centered and selfish. The rooster is faithful to family and friends, honest and very open.
Nevertheless he does not hold vanity: to demonstrate his external beauty, to attract the attention of others, to captivate the crowd - all this is in their style... It is worth mentioning that Roosters are generally of excellent health. In addition to innate immunity, they always try to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Roosters are fond of various sports and love walking.

It is also believed that the character of the Rooster is also influenced by the peculiarity of the year in which he was born. For example, in the year of the Wood Rooster, very energetic, but at the same time sensitive people are born. The main negative traits of their character are called excessive self-confidence and imbalance. The Fire Rooster "gives birth" to reliable and responsible individuals, distinguished by innate time management. The Earth Rooster is the "ancestor" of very nice and sociable people who are famous for their generosity and reliability. The Metal Rooster is determined, persistent and not afraid of difficulties. Finally, in the year of the Water Rooster, very kind people are born, capable of compassion and able to find a way out of any difficult situation.

A man born in the year of the Rooster looks very attractive to the opposite sex. In addition to the fact that he is an interesting person, he also looks well-groomed and tidy, and also behaves gallantly. Usually, The rooster takes care of his appearance, health and physical shape, however, the main goal of all rituals is the correct presentation of himself in society. A man loves to become the soul of any company and charm all the ladies around him. This explains why he has no problem getting romance.
Since women are immediately fascinated by the magnetism of the Rooster, the relationships in his life are quite numerous and short-lived. In most cases, the Rooster has a happy family only in adulthood, and early marriages, if any, end in a quick divorce. In order to be always "on horseback", a man must always receive the attention of others, exchange energy with them. Otherwise, he may well come to a full-fledged depression.
The rooster prefers to command, and therefore does not tolerate being in second position in any relationship: from friendship to work. He is sure that only his opinion is truly right, and will defend it with all his passion.

In a dispute, the Rooster man is not shy about harsh expressions and is not afraid to offend others, having sunk to a full-fledged scandal. The rooster often criticizes others, but does not tolerate similar behavior towards his own person.
The Rooster woman looks no less impressive than the man of the same year of birth. She has a good sense of style, is able to present herself and be remembered by others for a long time. Surprisingly, the taste of Rooster women is much better than that of men, since the latter are prone to the acquisition of variegated and overly colorful outfits. She is sociable, charming and a real star.
However, the character of the Rooster woman is rather complex. It combines such difficult qualities as straightforwardness and capriciousness, as well as sociability and internal tension. At the same time, she can be eloquent and active, but at the same time, brooding and prone to introversion. She is prone to changes in appearance, but remains true to her character. In general, appearance for a woman is a rather important life issue. She carefully takes care of her own beauty and health, but at the same time categorically evaluates the image of others. A straightforward Rooster lady can declare what, in her opinion, is wrong in the outfit of someone nearby.

The woman is an artistic nature and quite often devotes herself to creative activities. Ease of communication and the ability to find a common language with anyone allow her to realize herself in professions that require constant interaction with people. Lady Rooster constantly flirts, makes new acquaintances and sometimes makes spontaneous and not too deliberate actions. By the way, she handles money quite sensibly.
As well as a Rooster man, a woman needs to constantly remain in the spotlight, because this makes her truly happy... Events attended by a large number of people are a full-fledged source of energy for them. Lack of love and attention in her life can even lead to health problems. A woman born in the year of the Rooster has many loyal friends, in a relationship with whom she is ready to give attention, support and warmth. For some girls, friends are even more important than family.
The disadvantages of such a woman include pride and bragging, an obsession with her own appearance, as well as a lack of flexibility. In general, both those Roosters consider only their position to be correct and do not even consider other points of view.

The obvious advantages of the ladies are considered her responsibility and focus on business, the desire to always achieve goals and carefully perform any tasks: from cleaning to starting a business.
Little Cockerels are not afraid to express their opinions, which sometimes leads to problems with others. They are smart beyond their age, love to read and spend time alone with themselves. This behavior of Petushkov pleases parents, but sometimes annoys peers. Such character traits allow the representatives of the sign to succeed in life in the future. As a rule, little Cockerels are loved and respected by those around them. They are interesting, loyal to friends, smart and dreamy.

Positive and negative traits
The typical Rooster has a number of both positive and negative qualities. Representatives of this sign are very bright, self-confident personalities, capable of achieving a lot in life. They easily converge with people due to the fact that they easily find a common language with anyone and literally radiate good nature. A positive quality of the Rooster can be called his confidence, which, together with the artistic side, allows a person to properly manifest himself in any situation. Of course, sociability is also a plus - the Rooster loves to be the soul of the company and does not tolerate loneliness quite well.
A straightforward person is not afraid to voice what he thinks. His vile manner can sometimes offend others, but this flaw is usually forgiven, since the Rooster is the guarantor of honesty and frankness. Courage is another important benefit. Such a person, without hesitation, begins to defend the weak, but at the same time he will be glad if his feat is appreciated by those around him.
Roosters achieve success due to the fact that they are not afraid to work. The work is always done with great care and attention to detail. By the way, the representative of this sign is not inclined to delegate - he would rather do something himself than instruct someone else.

Of the negative character traits, one should definitely mention courage and excessive self-confidence. Such kind of positive traits quite often develop into arrogance and some kind of vanity. However, the Rooster is seen by others as a bright personality and prone to eccentric actions, so many of his not very good "episodes" are forgiven. However, the Rooster's self-confidence very often leads to the fact that he rushes into scams and adventures, without thinking about the consequences. While most of the time things end well, failures are also likely.
Arrogant Roosters tend to give advice that was not asked for, as well as get involved in other people's affairs. Hot temper leads to frequent disputes, the result of which, by the way, is less important than the process itself. Stubbornness is also characteristic of Roosters, which, together with conservatism, makes communication with such a person extremely difficult.

Professional activity
Roosters quite often become careerists who put success at work at the forefront. However, hard work and innate talents allow them to achieve their goals without much effort. It is believed that professions related to communication or public speaking are suitable for representatives of this sign. For example, in this case, we are talking about a journalist, TV presenter or radio host, blogger, sales manager, teacher or public relations specialist. In addition, good positions include stylists, restaurateurs, farmers, athletes and the military, surgeons and dentists, as well as police officers and security guards.
One of the main problems facing the Rooster is the intervention of others, for example: advice, complaints and instructions. Therefore, if there is such an opportunity, he tries to work for himself and not become part of the team.
Despite this, a person constantly needs the praise and approval of others, because pleasant words are the ideal motivation that makes you work even faster, more efficiently and better. This also explains why Roosters tend to take on excess work.

Love and relationships
Roosters in general are excellent partners in both love and friendship. They are devoted to their soulmates, family and friends, and also sincerely appreciate what they have. Moreover, such people always keep their word and fulfill their promises, which, of course, always benefits the relationship.Potential conflicts are the result of a little narcissism and a desire to regularly show off their accomplishments, which can offend others. It is extremely important for the Rooster that the partner not only understands him, but also “feeds” his self-esteem. When breaking up, he will be more worried about his own image than because of the immediate termination of the relationship.
The relationship of such a person starts quickly, and develops rapidly. He behaves very eccentrically, and sometimes even imposes his persona on a person. However, after the conclusion of the marriage, the Rooster calms down and shows his deep nature. In addition, he continues to demand the adoration of the crowd, large companies, stormy parties, and therefore family life does not last long.

The compatibility of the Rooster with other signs of the Chinese horoscope is rather unusual. The best love relationships are built with Bulls and Snakes, but it is better not to mess with Rats, Dogs, Rabbits and Horses at all - the result will be unsuccessful. With the Tiger, the Rooster has pretty good chances not only for friendship, but also for a strong marriage relationship. The same prospects are characteristic of the Dragon. If one of the pair is Goat, Monkey or Pig, then you will have to make every effort to build something.
Despite the fact that the Rat and the Rooster have a lot in common, they are still clear opposites, and therefore form very unhappy couples. Moreover, it is believed that even if a union arises, it will end for monetary reasons, up to poverty... A strange relationship is not capable of transforming into a strong friendship. As for the business, it is likely to cease to exist due to the fact that both partners will consider themselves more important and will be unable to make joint decisions on an equal footing.

The Ox and the Rooster are able to form an excellent union, but only if they are willing to work on the relationship. For example, a rather vain Rooster will have to stop behaving at home the way he is used to in large companies of not very close people. Two signs can become excellent friends, but it is categorically not recommended for them to tie a business relationship. When working together, the Ox will make every effort, and the Rooster will not be able to respond to him in kind, which will provoke conflicts.

Rooster and Tiger can form a very difficult union. If both do not pacify self-interest and selfishness, the relationship will be doomed. From the very beginning, the tiger will begin to relate rather negatively to the fact that the chosen one loves to boast and "fluff up feathers", and this discontent in the future can exceed all the good that is in the relationship. Therefore, sufficient effort must be made to maintain the functionality of the union. Friendship and working relationships are not particularly recommended for these two signs.

Rooster and Rabbit are considered a bad combination. Despite the fact that they have similarities, the differences are too obvious. For example, the Rabbit is very worried and upset about the typical behavior of the Rooster. The friendship between the signs is also in question. As for working relationships, their meaning is only for the Rabbit, but the Rooster is of little use.

Rooster and Dragon can form a strong union, which is based on the mutual desire to have a family and, of course, feelings. The ambition of both signs, as well as some characteristics of the Dragon, can lead to the fact that the marriage turns out to be of convenience. If the Dragon has money and position in society, then his partner will be extremely disposed to marry. Friendship between the signs is also based on mutual sympathy and self-interest in relation to the Dragon's money. A work relationship can be successful, especially in any public area. In addition, it is important that the Dragon still has the leading role.

Rooster and Snake are the perfect complement for each other. While the former evaluates the external image, the latter pays more attention to the internal content, but together they make a great team. While love life can be tricky, friends make perfect friends. However, these signs are not recommended to start a joint business.

Horse and Rooster do not really get along with each other. However, if fate nevertheless brought them together, frequent separations, for example, on business trips, are the key to the functionality of the union. Friends from them turn out to be unimportant, but comrades who meet only at entertainment events are quite good. The signs work poorly together - the Rooster is not able to trust the Horse, while the Horse believes that the Rooster is not investing enough.

The Rooster with the Goat is a rather complex combination. Everyone, as a rule, prioritizes their own activities and neglects a partner. Maintaining a relationship is only possible in a situation where both partners begin to work on the relationship, value their partner and take into account his feelings. Friends and business will most likely be impossible due to many misunderstandings.

A Rooster with a Monkey will not be able to build either love or friendship - both will begin to make claims and feel unhappy. In a joint business, the Monkey can easily cheat the Rooster. Relationship with the Dog does not add up, in principle, for the same reasons. In addition, the Dog is annoyed by all the noise made by the Rooster.

It is very difficult to build relationships with Pigs. They are very strong personalities, but they have completely opposite qualities. The working relationship between signs is destroyed due to mistrust between partners.

As for the two Roosters, horoscopes do not even recommend starting any interaction. Any kind of relationship will be destroyed due to constant quarrels and conflicts.
Famous representatives
Celebrity Roosters are present in many fields of activity. For example, a prominent representative of this sign is Catherine II... There are many Roosters in the field of culture, for example: Yuri Nikulin, Leonid Yakubovich, Dima Bilan and Ksenia Sobchak. Of the athletes, it is worth mentioning Andrei Arshavin and Konstantin Tszyu. The list of foreign stars is no less extensive - Roman Polanski, Natalie Portman, Matthew Perry, Beyoncé, Karl Lagerfeld and many others were born in the year of the Rooster.

For men and women born in the year of the Rooster, see the next video.