Chinese horoscope: which animal belongs to which year?

The Chinese horoscope is popular not only in the countries of the East, but all over the world. Knowing which animal protects a person, one can understand what fate awaits him, how he can establish communication with others.

Description and history of occurrence
The Eastern horoscope has existed for many thousands of years. An ancient legend says that it was created by the Buddha himself. Leaving this world, he called all the animals to him in parting. But only 12 of them came to him. In gratitude for this, the Buddha decided to give each of these beings the opportunity to rule on Earth for a whole year. Thus he compiled a complete twelve-year astrological cycle.

All signs of the Chinese calendar are depicted as a large circle. They are located in a certain order, opposite each other. Astrologers claim that such couples are people who are opposites. They are incompatible with each other. Therefore, as a rule, they have to spend a lot of time trying to find a common language.

Calendar structure
The beginning of the Chinese calendar was previously considered to be 2697 BC. NS. Later this date was moved a little, and now it practically coincides with Christmas. The Chinese horoscope is based on three major periods.
- Ten-year cycle. In Eastern culture, five basic elements or elements are of great importance. Every 2 years from this cycle they associate with one of the elements. It has a certain effect on people.
- Twelve-year cycle. Eastern astrologers associate each of the 12 years with one of the animals. When drawing up a Chinese horoscope, it is important to take into account the fact that the beginning of the year is not fixed in it.It can be in early or late February.
- Sixty-year cycle. The cycle is based on 60 combinations of elements and animals. During these six decades, each sign has been combined with different elements. The current 60-year cycle began in 1984.

Separately, it should be noted that each of the twelve animals governs not only one year, but also a month. The countdown begins from December, which is under the auspices of the cunning Rat, and ends in November, ruled by the wise Bull.
The elements
According to Chinese philosophy, each element is under the auspices of a certain planet. The patron saint of the elements of metal is Venus, earth - Saturn, fire - Mars, water - Mercury, wood - Jupiter. Each of these elements has a special influence on a person.
- Water. This element endows people with gentleness and calm character. In addition, she is responsible for intuition. Representatives of this element are most often engaged in creativity. They can become successful artists or poets. Also, such people manage to realize themselves well by developing their own business.
- Metal. The main characteristics that this element endows a person with are straightforwardness, self-confidence and decisiveness. Such people can be great inventors, lawyers, or doctors.
- Fire. People under the influence of this element are distinguished by their bright character and determination. They can be great politicians, educators, or public speakers because they can easily attract and hold attention to themselves.
- Wood. This element endows a person with such qualities as resourcefulness, sociability and good nature. People born under her influence always achieve their goals. But best of all they manage to realize themselves, doing art and literature.
- Earth. The main features that this element endows a person with are endurance, conservatism and practicality. Representatives of the earth's elements become excellent businessmen, lawyers or architects.

Do not underestimate the opportunities that each element provides. Focusing on the date of your birth, you can reveal all your talents and achieve excellent results in your professional activity.
Table by year of birth
Patron animals also significantly influence a person's character and the areas in which they can develop. You can find out your zodiac sign according to the eastern horoscope using a ready-made table.

Characteristics of the zodiacs
A detailed study of your sign will allow you to better understand yourself.
People born under this sign, from the outside, seem confident and calm. They have an innate charisma and attractive appearance. Rats easily adapt to any situation and look for their own benefit in everything. Their actions are rarely imprudent. People who are under the auspices of this animal make excellent politicians, businessmen and speakers. It is very easy for them to realize themselves in any profession that requires communication with people.

In love, representatives of this sign show great care and are not afraid to openly show emotions. They always need their partner to show reciprocal feelings. After all, it nourishes them and allows them to feel more confident, not only in relationships, but in life in general.

The representatives of this zodiac sign are characterized by such traits as hard work, perseverance and discretion. Bulls almost always bring the work started to the end. Moreover, they are true to tradition. Therefore, any innovations can throw them out of balance. Bulls are often called workaholics. Because of this, they can excel in many areas. The representatives of this sign make excellent leaders. Moreover, such people make good husbands and wives. Having found "their" person, they are ready to remain faithful to him to the end. Loneliness Bulls do not like.Therefore, they always try to avoid it.

People under the auspices of this animal love new experiences and unusual places. Throughout their lives, Tigers try to travel as much as possible. They are friendly and confident. This attracts many to them. It should be noted that tigers are quite gullible. This often leads to them getting into trouble. To prevent this from happening, they need to monitor their surroundings.

In love, Tigers are fickle. They need to be nourished with new feelings and emotions. Therefore, such people tend to often change partners. In the East, they believe that the Tigers are lucky and are able to protect the house from thieves and crooks.
In addition, it is believed that two representatives of this sign will not be able to get along in the same house. This applies to both close relatives and partners.

Rabbit (cat)
According to legend, when Buddha chose animals that would patronize people in a certain year, the cat was late for this meeting. It is said that this was due to the rat. It is for this reason that animals are still at enmity. As a result, when the cat nevertheless came to the Buddha, he was put in the same place with the rabbit because of the similarity of their characters.
People born in a year under the auspices of two animals at once are very lucky. Rabbits love sophistication and pleasant company. At the same time, many consider such people to be superficial. This can turn off potential friends. Rabbits have a rich imagination that connects them to the world of art. Representatives of this sign can easily realize themselves in any creative profession.

Representatives of this sign can become truly happy with people they fully trust. Women born in the year of the Rabbit need more attention from their second half more than others. They are able to create a warm atmosphere in the house and are happy to maintain their family hearth for many years of life.

The Dragon
Representatives of this bright sign are very energetic and active. They are also distinguished by their endurance and determination. This allows them to achieve significant success in life. Relatives and friends appreciate the representatives of this sign for their directness, as well as for their willingness to help everyone in any situation.

It is also important to note that Dragons are real perfectionists. They constantly strive for excellence. This makes the representatives of this sign demanding of both themselves and those around them.
Dragons show themselves quite brightly in love. They are ready to do almost everything for their soul mate. But for this it is important for them to feel that they really need their loved one.

This animal is very revered in the countries of the East. People born in the year of the Snake are extraordinarily wise. Making any decisions, they are guided, first of all, by their intuition and life experience. Their sixth sense is developed quite strongly. Therefore, they easily distinguish between truth and falsehood. Snakes can be called real romantics. It is they who are ready to please their loved ones with pleasant deeds and original gifts. But at the same time, people born in the year of the Snake are real owners and jealous.

Representatives of this zodiac sign are distinguished by good taste. They love attention, so they spend a lot of time in crowded places. Horses love to give compliments to loved ones and friends. They expect the same attitude towards themselves from others.
Horses always move confidently towards their goals and believe in themselves. The negative traits of representatives of this sign include selfishness, as well as the inability to control your anger. But in adulthood, Horses can learn to fight with themselves and behave more restrained.

Choosing a partner for life, representatives of this sign often play the role of hunters. Therefore, it often happens that after conquering a loved one, they immediately lose interest in him.To prevent this from happening, they need to constantly surprise and surround them with care.

In the eastern calendar, all signs of the zodiac are indicated by hieroglyphs. This causes some confusion among those who are interested in the Chinese horoscope. Indeed, in ancient Chinese, the same symbol was used to denote both goats and sheep at the same time. Therefore, now one year is called differently.
The people under the auspices of this animal are peaceful and charming. They perfectly adapt to any life situation. Goats are great manipulators. But at the same time, they do not want to harm other people in any way. Representatives of this sign do not like to lead. They prefer a measured lifestyle and a stable job that brings them good money.

Goats try to find a partner with whom they will feel completely safe. Most of all, they value comfortable living conditions and loyalty to their soulmate.
A monkey
This sign of the eastern calendar gives people a great sense of humor and cheerfulness. Monkeys get along well with both men and women. They are also distinguished by the desire for knowledge. They love to learn and always try to use the information they receive in practice.
In love, representatives of this sign can be slightly superficial. Unfortunately, many marriages with such people end in divorce. To prevent this from happening, they should choose as partners those who can easily adapt to the changeable nature of the Monkey.

Representatives of this sign show their emotions vividly and are distinguished by their directness. They love to dress brightly and draw attention to themselves. Throughout their lives, they dream of prosperity. Therefore, they always work hard. At the same time, independence is very important for them. They do not like to be controlled and limited in their actions.
In family life, representatives of this sign also appear very clearly. Life with them is full of surprises. Moreover, such people are quite vulnerable. If the other half disappoints them one day, it may well undermine their faith in love.

People born in the year of the Dog have a strong character. They are brave and fair. Dogs very rarely share their feelings with others, preferring to solve all their problems on their own. Another distinguishing feature of such people is loyalty. They are always devoted to both their work and their soul mate.
In order to establish relations with a representative of this sign, a person must be ready to adapt to his character. If the relationship between partners is warm and trusting, such a couple will last long enough.

Representatives of this sign are ready to go to great lengths for the sake of their friends. They value their loved ones and relatives. From the outside, such people seem gullible, naive and even defenseless. But at the right time, they are always ready to stand up for themselves. People born in the Year of the Pig can effortlessly create comfortable living conditions.

Choosing his soul mate, the Pig completely devotes himself to her. Representatives of this sign can be real romantics. If they don't like something, they rarely talk about it directly. Most often, Pigs simply ignore the person who offended them.
The sign of the zodiac largely influences the character of a person and his fate. Having studied his horoscope and having learned the strengths and weaknesses, everyone can understand in which direction he should develop in order to achieve maximum success in his life.
The Chinese horoscope in the video below.