Ox man: years of birth, characteristics and compatibility

A person born in the Year of the Ox is considered hardy, strong-willed and purposeful. He gets tired of idleness, strives to create, do, be active, while he can count on the best fulfillment of his plans. A man born under this sign has a lot to conquer new heights, to make a bright career.

Dates and Elements
According to the eastern horoscope, the next year of the Ox will be very soon, it will begin February 12, 2021. The last year of the Ox was from 01/26/2009 to 02/13/2010. People born under the sign of the Bull are those who were born in 1925, 1937, 1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009. But, as with the zodiac signs, the date of birth is important. The Chinese year does not start on January 1 - in most cases, it is February or the end of January.
For example, the year of the Wood Bull began on February 20, 1985, and the year of the White Bull began on February 15, 1961. Only on February 7, 1997, the year of the Red Fire Bull started.
Signs change every 12 years, and there is also a change of elements - metal is replaced by water, water - wood, wood - fire, and fire - earth. And these elements also leave an imprint on a person born in a certain year.
People who were born under this sign can be called patient and balanced. They stand firmly on the ground, they cannot be knocked down by illusory dreams. And although their creative thinking can be very developed, they understand how not to make themselves a victim of dreams and a prisoner of dreams.
These are realists, although they do not really like this trait in themselves, but it can become a support for loved ones.

Strong qualities
The Ox man is a hardy and strong man. It is difficult to knock him off the chosen course, he understands his goals, the ways to achieve them, and also makes every effort to achieve the goal. He has almost no doubts about his decisions, intuitively feels how to act in a difficult situation.
The main characteristics of the sign are poise and patience. He tries not to fuss, to do without unnecessary conversations and emotions. Inside, he can worry, but he will not show his panic to the environment. At the right time, the Bull can pull himself together and do as the situation requires. He does not always look like a hero, but, indeed, he is able to become one. And this is not a craving for fame and standing ovation, but a clear inner vision of the situation and a willingness to solve it.
It's not petty but generous, easy-going person... The things he creates are never done quickly or poorly. If the Ox man builds something, it will be a building that will last for many years. If he comes up with a vegetable garden, it will be a plot that will delight the harvest for more than one generation. If he decides on transformations in the field of professional activity, these will be grandiose steps.
A bull is a man of great deeds, plans, projects. He understands what he is putting on himself, and realizes that not all powers will be able to delegate. But he takes on a difficult task, because he sees the result in advance. Not all of his projects are visible and understandable at once, often people only after a while are able to appreciate the efforts of the Bull. But he does not expect an instant result - he knows how to wait and believes in himself.

Weaknesses of character
The bull is patient by nature, but if someone pisses him off with his deceit, stupidity, resourcefulness, the man becomes enraged. He is capable of the loudest and most offensive words, he will tear and throw. It is enough just one such attack so that the situation does not repeat itself. The Bull does not often allow himself to rage, but if he did, everyone will remember it.
He is demanding and not always lenient. Since he himself is a man of perseverance and labor, he measures everyone according to his own pattern. He does not like talkers, does not tolerate the slow and indifferent. And I am not always ready to understand that all people are different, and they can follow different paths to good results.
He does not always try to peer at a person, sometimes he does not even try to listen or understand.

Finance and career
This is perhaps the most hardworking sign of the eastern horoscope. In his ability to work honestly and work hard, he really has no equal. This is a workaholic who will be tormented by idleness, passive rest and the absence of bright projects that should replace each other. He can work for days, not notice weekends and holidays. But it is important for him that it all pays off, makes sense. He is not afraid of the demands of the leadership, he is not afraid of grandiose projects - he is disciplined, smart, knows how to do his job.
It cannot be said that he is seduced by leadership positions. But if the work path leads to this, he will not resist for long. And even more so it will not be scared. If somewhere the Bull is 100% confident in himself, it is in work. He will make high demands on his wards: this is good for an enterprise or organization, but not all colleagues share the Ox's perfectionism. At work, he may have ill-wishers who want to moderate his ardor. And the Bull does not always know how to consider someone's bad intentions in time.
Finance is a controversial part of such a man's life. The Ox rarely experiences a lack of money. More precisely, there really will be no urgent need for them, because these people are real hard workers. But he doesn’t really know how to save money, invest money wisely. And if a thrifty nature who knows how to count money falls into the companion of the Bull, he will be lucky. He himself is not only bad at saving money, but he is not particularly trying to learn how to do it. For him, this is all vanity, insignificant, far from the main thing in life.

What are they like in love and relationships?
Despite the ambitiousness, courage and perseverance in professional activities, in love, a Ox man can be modest and shy... Since he is used to being realized in the profession, amorous experience often passes him by. If a person is worried about this, he comes up with the role of a hero-lover and does everything so that no one doubts this.
If a man is not very worried about the lull on the love front, he will simply wait patiently for the situation to resolve by itself. He often loves in return - he simply responds to the feelings of the one who told about her love.
Sometimes, due to the modesty of the Bull, it is impossible to see. Women often pass by, considering it ordinary, unremarkable. And only an intuitive, perceptive woman will take a closer look at a man, behind whose modest appearance there are a lot of advantages.
Bulls make good family men, but a marriage can crack if a man understands the inequality of spouses. He needs a woman who will try the same. Lazy, cunning, without special talents, girls do not seduce him at all, even if they are beautiful coquettes.
From such he tries to stay away.

It can be very difficult to understand that a Ox man is in love.... He is in no hurry to demonstrate his feelings, knows how to hide emotions and hide jealousy. For a long time, a woman feels simple sympathy from him and is already desperate to see something more. But when the object of attention leaves the Bull, he stubbornly catches up with him and, finally, explains himself.
This is a devoted and sincere person in love, he may not be particularly eloquent, but his actions and aspirations will be better than the most beautiful words. If there is a woman next to him who can dispel his complexes, who can give him confidence in himself, it will be a strong and wonderful relationship.
In sexual life, the Ox is a little shackled. Love is one thing and sex is another. He doesn’t think it necessary to give all the best in bed. But he is able to follow his partner, slowly open up and find interest in this area of life. And not just interest, but a desire to improve and not get hung up on something of the same type. But to say that it is not the most fiery sexual temperament that prevents the Bull from being happy in his personal life is impossible: the man of this sign knows how to keep balance and compensate for his dim sides with expressive actions.
Almost all Bulls from Capricorns to Sagittarius can be laconic romantic. They will not hang on to the girl's ears, but they will sing beautifully and play the guitar. They may not be great at toast and promises, but they can make a beautiful dinner. They really have many advantages that are revealed not in words and emotions, but in real care and attention.

How to conquer it?
Bulls like well-groomed women, in whose appearance there are no conflicts. They celebrate bad taste and lack of restraint in makeup. They don't like gray mice, but women who are too bright also cause concern. The bull likes elegant, naturally beautiful girls, slender and with a pleasant smile. They will appreciate good housewives, therefore, the Bulls will definitely appreciate the practicality, the ability to cook deliciously and beautifully set the table.
He likes a woman who will be ready for new experiences. He falls in love with those who are able to surprise him too. He will like intimate surprises (not necessarily in sex, but those that happen without witnesses).
To conquer the Bull, you need to look good, do not forget about relevance and moderation, be easy-going and economic... He will love the confidence that comes from a woman. This means that even if you don't cook very well, you need to serve even the simplest dishes beautifully and with dignity. And don't flirt - Bulls don't like it when people ask for compliments.
Even if it seems to you that the Ox man is absolutely indifferent to you, it is too early to be upset. Behind the silence, lack of special emotions, growing feelings can be hidden.Give him time - and he will definitely show them. Perhaps he just thinks that he is not worthy of you, or he has not yet figured out how to conquer you.
He will not be scared away by the girl who is the first to declare her feelings, rather, on the contrary, he will be grateful to her and become even more attached to the object of his passion.

It is also interesting how the relationship of the Ox man with women of different signs is built.
- Rat. The union promises to be strong and successful, these are energetic friends who will forgive each other's misdeeds, understand and support. No one will bend under anyone, which will allow each partner to feel free.

- Bull. Together, two Bulls can reach very high career heights. But love relationships do not always develop as well as business ones. However, such a couple can live a long and happy life if both put work and common cause first.

- Tiger. And in this tandem, problems are outlined - it will be difficult for the Bull to cope with the temperament and throwing of the Tiger, he will find fault with laziness, lack of organization, disorganization of the partner. And the Tiger will reproach the Bull for not knowing how to profitably invest and spend it wisely.

- Pig. Such an alliance is promising, because these partners will give strength to each other, nourish. This is a couple that can develop, and in which everyone knows how to take care.

- Rabbit (Cat). An interesting combination that can be polar. Union with a woman of this sign will be happy if they quickly learn to negotiate.

- The Dragon. Difficulties await this couple from the very beginning of the relationship. The Dragon may not like the slowness of the Bull, and he will get angry at the irascibility and eternal claims of the Dragon.

- Snake... A stable and reliable union, in which the Snake sets goals, and the Bull parses the goal into tasks and goes to it with perseverance. They will be able to understand each other and agree.

- Dog. Relationships can be tricky if people don't stop constantly evaluating and redesigning each other. But they have a lot in common, and it is important that this common prevails.

- Horse... Such a couple will have to work hard to adapt to each other. They have different views on life, different attitudes towards risks and material values.

- Goat (Sheep)... Conflicts can arise due to the fact that the Goat will devalue the results of the Ox's labor, constantly compare him with others. And he will not like her superficiality and the ability to easily relate to things in which he is used to being thorough.

- A monkey... And here there are enough difficulties and contradictions that can be smoothed out only if people came to relations after the collapse of the first family.

- Rooster. A stable and harmonious union, in which speed, values converge, where each partner finds support and a kindred spirit.

Real life is more complicated than horoscopes; there is the concept of individuality, personality, social circumstances.
But astrological knowledge can direct and orient first of all towards self-development.
The characteristics of a person born in the year of the Ox are given in the following video.