Horse man: characteristics and compatibility

The horse is considered one of the kindest animals. It is believed that the qualities that she possesses are also transmitted to people born in the year of the Horse according to the Chinese calendar. But not everything is so simple: a person also receives obstinacy, strength and intransigence from his horoscopic sign. Especially when it comes to a man born in the year of the Horse.

Character traits
The bearers of the sign are always dressed up with a needle (at least, appearance is far from secondary for them). They celebrate those who manage to shine outwardly, try to match them. Men of the Year of the Horse understand what can be achieved through visual appeal.
Often these are people with natural charm, charming, bright, who know how to please. Moreover, the Earth, and Water, and Fire, and Metal Horses, according to the eastern horoscope, understand the value of external persuasiveness. It's just that some use it filigree, beautifully, while others realize the power of human charm, but something prevents them from showing it in the right way.
Male born in a year Earth Horse, more reasonable, practical. Born in the year Fire Horse can become an insidious seducer, a person held captive by passions. One who was born in the year Metal Horse, can be eccentric, unpredictable. A Water Horse able to become a great boss, an authoritative specialist.

The characteristic of the sign is clearly expressed independence.
These men understand that being under someone's control, acting according to someone's instructions, is not what they need.
Even in childhood, they show obstinacy, they can upset their parents with disobedience, but due to all the same charm they get away with a lot. They can openly take risks, even understanding the potential losses. In childhood, these boys will not be afraid to protect the girl from the insidiously hissing geese, although they understand perfectly well that they will not be able to escape. They like to rush into the attack and already during the performed action quickly figure out how to get out.
Usually, men Horses – they are very good speakers. They know how to speak in such a way that there are more and more people who want to listen, talk, enter into correspondence with them. They have a wonderful, lively, very clever, if I may say so, sense of humor. An excellent example of a witty speaker is Ivan Urgant, who was born just in the year of the Horse.

This is not to say that close contact with people from a man of this sign will always be quick. He does not make friends so often, as a rule, remaining faithful childhood friends. He can be a joker in a company, a pleasant and accommodating interlocutor, but close friendship is not a territory for many when it comes to the Horse man.
The sign is not devoid of selfishness. He may not choose expressions if something touches him, boils, and if he encounters qualities that are blameworthy in his understanding. For example, it will not seem to him too much to tell a stupid person that he is stupid, but to a greedy person to point out this quality of him. And since often in insults or straightforwardness the Horse man relies on his natural wit, the words spoken can hurt the person to whom they are addressed.
Although it is also impossible to say that a man is unfair, hastily in his conclusions.

Combination with astrological signs of the zodiac
A more accurate characteristic of the Horse man is the year of birth + month of birth.
- Aries. In an hour of difficulty, they can show special strength, endurance, courage. But we cannot say that it is enough for a long time. They are the first to be the first to respond to stress, stop panic, and provide help. But they themselves are the first to feel the rapid consumption of energy.
It is good if next to such a man there is a person capable of maintaining his inner fire for a long time - calm, judicious, purposeful. On the whole, these men are people of action. They are not so perceptive, intuitive, but they know how to lead, organize, manage huge teams.

- Taurus. They are hardy, persistent, capable of overcoming many difficulties even on their own. You should not get in their way, as in this case they are capable of serious aggression. Vindictive and a little boring, not averse to find fault with trifles. But they can boast of ebullient creative energy and the ability to find the most non-standard, but accurate solution.
They like to feel in the thick of things, to organize their life in a fun, exciting, interesting way. Behavior is changeable, they can be incredibly condescending, sometimes they are stupidly touchy.

- Twins. Eccentric, unusual, memorable. With tricks, they begin to surprise the environment from childhood. Playful people, gambling, able to spend a lot of money on nonsense or on a generous gift to a loved one.
Talented, eloquent, adaptive, they will find a company for themselves everywhere and will be able to win over. Fearless, impatient, like to show off. Tears for them – a tool that helps you get the right response... The most charming of the signs.

- Cancer. They have great imaginations from birth. If you turn this talent into a profession in time, tie it to a certain activity, they are able to reach enviable heights. They are very attached to home and family, and home improvement is more important to them than any other goal. They are often said to be brave, but this is a little feigned courage.
Many Horse Cancers are shy, but carefully disguise these traits. They are suspicious and picky about themselves, which is why they are often afraid to start a new business. They need a person who will believe in them unconditionally.

- A lion. Very domineering, just indomitable men.They want to please everyone, like to live in a big way and are not averse to boasting about it. Any routine is a burden for them, waiting and enduring are the most terrible things for these men. They like to try on a laurel crown, and this business will become the most beloved in the life of a representative of the sign.
After one victory, they immediately see a new goal, try to quickly move on to conquering it. They all the time need to confirm their own strength, to prove something to themselves.

- Virgo. Optimists who are not afraid of the unknown, dream and boldly join in any, in their opinion, worthwhile adventures. At the same time, they somehow manage to pass by rash actions. They behave in a practical and sober manner, they are neither the ruin of hopes, nor the success "they are not blown away."
They are good friends, inspiring husbands, people who are not afraid of authority. They can realize themselves in a variety of areas, they get down to business with passion.

- Scales. These men may not have classic beauty, but they are not lacking in natural charm. Their thoughts are always ordered, they are rarely in chaos and confusion. They value spiritual comfort and are not devoid of commercialism.
They do not tolerate mediocrity, from an early age they have good taste. They know how to adapt, they easily start communication.

- Scorpion. Difficult, distrustful, perspicacious people. No one will be allowed to lead them. Stubborn and will never budge if they don't want to. They know how to endure and wait for the right moment.
They can show their cunning, but they themselves are sincerely convinced of the correctness of each of their steps. They never resist passion, pay great attention to their own sexuality. Sometimes women are too active in conquering, they are able to take not the most beautiful steps, they can be aggressive.

- Sagittarius. They run to their goal, yearn for victory, do not notice the column of dust and shortness of breath. They are often intoxicated by ephemeral ideas, but this does not slow down their speed. They are not always responsible, therefore they may find themselves in not the most beautiful situations. In the family, they are unpredictable, stability and living in perfect harmony from them is rash to expect.
They can search for their ideal for years, find it and be disappointed. They repent if they have done something ignoble. They are capable of both forgiving and sincerely asking for forgiveness.

- Capricorn. People who are ingenuous, kind, firmly standing on the ground. They have many good qualities. But their own spiritual comfort is truly important for them. They can cling to themselves, are often prone to self-criticism.
It is very important if there is a person nearby who does not stop praising and cheering Capricorn-Horse. They are closed, not very emotional. Sometimes it seems that they are completely on their own wavelength, they do not hear or see anything, but this is not so. These are honest and kind Horses, unless they fell under bad influence.

- Aquarius. There are many contradictions in this alliance. They are both generous and selfish. They are extremely perspicacious, but they do not know how to use this quality.
They know how to listen, are executive, are responsible. But they are often reproached for lacking spark. Tied to home and family. Beautiful but often awkward. They do not know how to praise themselves, they are afraid to be funny.

- Fishes. They are distinguished by some naivety, sentimentality. These people make ideal heroes, since they are ready to rush into the embrasure in the name of a great goal. Often they are characterized by superficiality, unwillingness to dig deeper, to understand.
They love to be charmed and believe that they themselves are capable of winning hearts. And they are really capable. Adorable, seductive, it is simply impossible to say no to them.

Work and career
Horses do not always choose their service at will. They can go with the flow, but since they are charming and know how to adapt, it is not difficult for them to settle even in someone else's place. In their work, they show character, can show outstanding qualities, slowly reveal their trump cards. They do not like to change jobs. We would like to be engaged in a personal project and if they succeed, the project is really geared towards success.
A bit conservative. Money is treated as a good addition to work, but not as an end in itself. We are ready to spend a lot and often on loved ones. It is important for them to take place in the profession, and not to collect a bunch of titles and regalia.
Their credo is "To be, not to seem."

Love and family
These men are easily addicted. They are amorous, not very faithful, they like to take a walk, have fun, be on the fly. The woman who will conquer them is not always beautiful, but she is confident in herself and in her own luxury so that those around her begin to believe in it. The Horse loves powerful women, playful, bold, sharp-tongued.
In their youth, they can actively walk, but suddenly it turns out that they will not forget their first love. And they will look for this image for a long time. Often people around do not understand why Horses like women are not the most beautiful and bright, but the Horse man loves those who are ready to drive him under the heel. Even if it is intelligent.
In a relationship, he must be kept hot, not relaxed, lively, ready for feats.

Most suitable for this sign are women born in the year of the Tiger, Sheep, Dog. But with other signs, such an idyll may not exist. Especially if this sign is the Bull. These two will constantly prove their own superiority, and only wisdom, patience and the ability to breed areas of activity where they may collide will help bring the relationship back on track.
With a Horse and a Rat, marriage can also be problematic. But even the most complex signs can become guides to a new round of life.
If the Horse man wants to start a new life, to change literally everything, he should converge with a contradictory sign for himself.
This alliance will sharpen intuition, "pump" patience, teach you to stop, listen, choose the right tactics.
The characteristics of the Horse sign are shown in the following video.