Dog man: characteristics and compatibility

Dog man according to the eastern horoscope - a real treasure for those women who value simplicity, intelligence and dedication. Many zodiac signs have excellent compatibility with him. Those born this year are not too keen on receiving material benefits. Such a characteristic in a relationship is not a problem if the goal of a woman's life is not a luxury. A practical and modest representative of the sign does not like pathos and window dressing.
He falls in love seriously and for a long time, becomes a wonderful husband, father. With all this, in love and marriage with him, you need to be prepared for some difficulties. In addition to the year of birth, the month is also important for personality characteristics. Common features of a Dog man may differ depending on what sign he was born under: Cancer, Libra, Gemini, and so on.

Domesticated, not loving social life Dogs most of all value stability, confidence in the future. According to this principle, they choose their partner. It should be noted that financial well-being is important for the Dog primarily in terms of security, but not wealth. It is enough for him to create comfortable living conditions, but he will not work for the sake of money.
The Male Wood Dog has excellent mental abilities, they make good organizers, so they are successful in life. The Earth Dog is conservative, sane, cautious, phlegmatic, unromantic. The Fire Dog is more active, energetic, versatile, often carried away, the most passionate of all representatives. Metallic - decisive, able to take on great responsibility, disciplined.Water - the very charm, sociable, pleasant to talk to, good-natured.

Among the positive qualities of the Dog man are the following:
- intelligence;
- there is no need for lies;
- generosity and kindness;
- sense of justice;
- activity and diplomacy;
- cheerfulness;
- empathy, desire to help;
- nobility, courage.
The Dog man believes in moral moral standards, he will never violate the code of honor. Making friends with them is very comfortable, reliable, they never betray. They avoid cheerful companies, couch potatoes, so you can hardly be afraid that they will waste money or forget about the time. It is much more pleasant for them to watch a movie, go to a restaurant.
It is easy to communicate with him, he knows how to respect other people's opinions, stubbornness is alien to him. He never provokes conflicts.

In a circle of distant people, the Dog is often suspicious and anxious. You can often find pessimists among them. They are critical of themselves, always look for flaws and often consider themselves to be guilty in the current situations. There is a lot of skepticism in Dog men. In relation to enemies, the usually good-natured Dog can be very vindictive. In fairness, it should be noted that it is very difficult to bring it to this.
The dog does not strive for leadership, he is not interested in finding a new one, he loves to follow the path known to him... Therefore, they rarely make heads of high positions, but the performers from them are beyond praise. The Dog is also indifferent to money, this does not give her the opportunity to achieve wealth.
Very often, a number of complexes are hidden in men of this sign, they always doubt themselves. He really needs the support of his loved ones.

Career and money
Since this sign is not very ambitious and does not strive to be the first, it rarely climbs to the very top. But being an assistant to the main person is absolutely his activity. Dogs are born to be someone's right hand. The dog knows how to make decisions, help, her advice is always wise... Therefore, the role of the main "vizier under the sultan" is definitely ideal for the Dog. Whatever the Dog man does, he will reach the top in professionalism, he does not know how to work carelessly.
Diligence and knowledge Dogs are often highly rated by management, especially since they are not ambitious, they will never try to take the place of the boss.
If there is a force majeure, there is no better rescuer than a Dog. Such a subordinate requires constant support.
If he is lucky with his boss or wife, then such a man can achieve everything.

Family and relationships
Most often, the Dog man is an incredibly charming, kind, pleasant person. He knows women well, knows how to please, say pleasant things, most often he is gallant, sexy. He really wants to be successful with women, so it's easy to get into a relationship with him. The dog does not rely too much on the mind, so if he falls in love, he goes into feeling with his head. At the same time, such a man does not seek short relationships. He often gets married early because he dreams about it.
The Dog man wants children, he is unlikely to be attracted by a woman with child-free convictions.

This sign is ideal for a family, serious relationship, as a loyal, loyal, striving to create warm and strong relationships. For the sake of the family, he will do anything. Living with him is quite comfortable, he is not too demanding in everyday life, although he is jealous. First of all, the male Dog is a traditionalist, conservative, with him he will be very close in spirit and worldview of a personality.
It is unlikely that a rude, ill-mannered woman, vulgarly dressed, smoking, will win the Dog's love. He will also remain indifferent to the socialite, who cannot live a day without noisy events. He is looking for a completely different type. Important for him: education, upbringing, beauty, intelligence. In the family, the Dog man will not be a tyrant and will calmly give up leadership to his wife.At the same time, he will not tolerate if his opinion is ignored. There is no need to expect surprises from the Dog - this can be regarded as both an advantage and a disadvantage.

The relationship of a Dog man with five signs is best.
- Tiger. Tigresses are very feminine, patient, so they will be happy in tandem with the Dog. They both strive to do good deeds, to protect the weak. Often, the relationship of these signs begins with a strong friendship and only then turns into love. A caring Tigress and a loyal Dog are the perfect union.
- Rabbit (Cat). This is a very strong and effective union that does not experience problems in bed, life, relationships, everyday life. They know how to respect each other, honest, sensitive, loyal. Their responsibility is so high that there is no doubt that the marriage will be long and successful.
- Rat. The character traits of these signs are very close, so they quickly find a common language and complement each other. A self-confident Rat will add energy and activity to a skeptical Dog.
- Bull. A very good degree of compatibility of these signs instills confidence in a strong union. The dog gives the Bull peace, safety, comfort. It is next to the Dog man that the Ox woman blooms, forgets about fears.
- Dog... Everything is simple here: they are similar, therefore they understand each other perfectly.

These alliances have a slightly lower chance of success, but they are with the right relationship building.
- Snake... A calm life will not work here, but happiness is quite real. A snake can be dishonest, but it is caring, gentle and kind. There are a lot of common interests with the Dog.
- Horse... If the Horse woman becomes more or less wise and stops being stubborn, constantly showing temper, the marriage will be very successful. Despite the Horse's frivolity, she can pull herself together, especially since the Dog's amazing loyalty is very attractive to her.
- Rooster. The woman of this sign is confident, energetic, loves to be the center of attention, boastful. The latter is very annoying for a calm, honest Dog. If the Rooster can control himself, he will captivate the Dog.

This will require significant efforts on both sides. However, this relationship cannot be called hopeless.
- Pig. This union is doomed if the couple meets in their youth. But in adulthood, the chances of success grow. Life experience will allow them to be more loyal. The Pig will give the union cheerfulness, the Dog - sincerity.
- A monkey... This marriage will be saved by very strong love and passion. If it is, then signs of different characteristics will be able to overcome differences. The monkey needs to be more gentle and less judicious. The dog will have to independently pull himself out of depression and give up criticism.

Very bad
Under no circumstances will these signs find a common language with the Dog man.
- The Dragon... This union is doomed to failure due to constant disputes and quarrels. The dragon will be drawn to a vibrant life, he needs to make a vivid impression. The philosopher and realist Dog will not appreciate this "fireworks".
- Goat (Sheep). These signs have a lot in common, but they do not complement each other, but reinforce the negative. They will not be able to support, on the contrary, they will constantly argue over the slightest pretext. Moreover, these signs are capable of aggravating their pessimism, fears, anxieties.

For the characteristics of people born in the year of the dog, see below.