Dragon men: personality traits and compatibility with other zodiacs

The dragon is a complex, contradictory sign of the eastern horoscope. This mystical animal has become the personification of majesty and pride. What traits do people born under this sign possess, we learn from the next article.

By the elements, the years of the Dragon classified as follows:
- 1904, 1964 - wooden;
- 1916, 1976 - fiery;
- 1928, 1988 - earthen;
- 1940, 2000 - metal;
- 1952, 2012 - water

Regardless of the zodiac sign, the Dragon man uses any situation to be in the spotlight. He appreciates his talents and is always looking for an opportunity to demonstrate them to those around him. To maintain his image of the first in everything, he is even able to ascribe to himself non-existent achievements. The words "I", "me" and "mine" now and then sound from his lips, and no one is surprised at this - such is the nature of the Dragon. Self-criticism is not in his rules, because his self-confidence simply leaves no room for doubt.

It should be noted that for all the overestimation of self-esteem, the Dragon man is not deprived of intelligence. He also has moral norms, ideals, which this person is guided by in life. He reckons with the representatives of the older generation, as they recognize their worldly wisdom and appreciate it.
Another important plus of this mystical horoscope sign is natural magnetism, which fascinates people and attracts to the Dragon.

When he manages to correctly designate a goal, even the most unattainable, his ability to foresee the development of events and an iron will help to get what he wants. The decency and honesty of this person is beyond doubt and deserves respect. If the Dragon saw a friend in someone, then he will not let him down and will be faithful to this person to the end. When the Dragon offends someone, it does not do it on purpose, but because of its explosive nature. In turn, cunning people who deliberately do mean things to someone cause him sincere rejection.

If the Dragon noticed that he is not taken seriously, he begins to be offended and angry, moreover, he can turn into a despot.
It is difficult for him to accept criticism in his address, and the slightest disagreement is perceived with hostility. A sense of his own worth sometimes prevents him from looking at things objectively, which inevitably leads to conflicts with others. At the same time, in the depths of his soul, he can be timid, because he is afraid of the thought that he will commit a rash act and find himself in a bad light. Of course, he does not tell anyone about this, maintaining a mask of self-confidence in any situation.

Arrogance often prevents him from making close friends - few people will enjoy communicating with a person who constantly strives to dominate. It prevents him from being friends and the fact that he seeks to select an environment not lower than his own status. He wants to receive as many benefits from life as possible, so he is drawn to people of high rank and privileges. ...

The dragon is subject to sudden outbursts of anger. He expels hatred from himself like fire and this makes him even more like a real dragon. True, a person of this sign worries about the opinions of others, so he tries to show aggression only when surrounded by close people. However, his anger passes as quickly and suddenly as it appears.
It is a sign of the Chinese calendar that is filled with contradictions.
For all the external bravado, he has a big heart, in which high ideals and belief in the best qualities of people live. Deep down, he is often unhappy, because he himself suffers from his contradictory nature. Devotion and inability to hear other people, natural charm and repulsive rudeness coexist in him.

In love
The charm and assertiveness of the Dragon makes this man very attractive in the eyes of the opposite sex. He seeks to impress the chosen one and does it with all ardor. But "calf tenderness" from him can be heard infrequently, because he does not need them to win women's hearts. He is able to conquer any impregnable fortress, demonstrating his strength and devilish attractiveness.

It is not so easy to tie up a Dragon man, because he initially chooses the path of short-term romances.
In his view, marriage is too troublesome, he seeks to preserve his freedom as long as possible and changes this attitude with great difficulty. Another reason why he prefers short-term relationships is the opportunity to constantly win more and more new ladies, and then, on occasion, boast of the next victories to his friends. His success among women is another reason to be proud of himself.

For all his high moral principles in relations with women, he does not always behave with dignity. Having enjoyed the next romance to his fullest, he is able to leave the annoying partner without explanation and try to attract a new one.
He likes a free lifestyle, and any attempts by those around him to guide him on the true path will be fruitless until he himself wants to connect his life with a worthy woman.

Let's consider in detail the relationship of a hot temperamental Dragon with women of other signs of the eastern horoscope.
- Dragon and Rat. The rat is prudent and prudent. No matter how the Dragon despises the cunning of people, this lady can win his heart with praise and other female wisdom. No matter how contradictory their characters are, such a tandem manages to create a strong family, a successful business and an intimate idyll.
- Dragon and Bull. The Ox woman appreciates stability in life and seeks to put things in order in her, while the Dragon man cannot give her this. He simply does not need it, because it is much more interesting to live in an atmosphere of novelty and adventure. If a short romance between them is quite possible, then there is no need to talk about a long-term marriage in this case - these two have too different outlooks on life.
- Dragon and Tiger. Both partners in this union are distinguished by energy, courage and a thirst for novelty. This makes them closer, but for a successful family life, everyone must learn to negotiate with a partner. Then their romance will not only be bright and unusual, but also become the beginning for a longer and more serious relationship.
- Dragon and Rabbit. In these relationships, the Dragon can show all his masculinity, and the Rabbit - gentleness and feminine wisdom. She needs the protection of a stronger partner, and our hero is ready to give it to her with pleasure. In addition, the Rabbit has the ability to listen and empathize, so she will become a good friend for her temperamental spouse. I like the Dragon and her ability to make contacts with the right people, practicality, a wide outlook.
- Dragon and Dragon. Both partners in such a tandem are leaders, and this prevents them from understanding each other and finding mutual understanding on various issues. In addition, women born under this sign are much more goal-oriented than men, and they are better at realizing their plans. This fact can annoy the proud Dragon. It is very difficult to call their union harmonious.
- Dragon and Snake. Similar in temperament, these two signs form a wonderful pair in which harmony and mutual understanding reign. The imperious and active Dragon is glad if a sensual and philosophically-minded companion is with him. Such a wife not only creates a comfortable atmosphere for him, but also helps to direct his ebullient energy in the right direction. She is able to negotiate with people, make beneficial connections and thereby promote their family to well-being.
- Dragon and Horse. The union of these two extraordinary people is unpredictable, they are both ready for adventures and experiments. They are interested in being together, but the over-activity of both partners can become a snag.
- Dragon and Goat. The goat is very sensitive to the manifestations of other people's emotions, so it can be offended by the tough manner of communication of the Dragon. She also enjoys taking care of her home and spending a lot of time with her family. The freedom-loving and unbridled Dragon quickly gets tired of such a pastime, and he rushes in search of new adventures.
- Dragon and Monkey. The monkey is admired by the charismatic and bright Dragon man, so she gives up the reins of the family to him. Together, this couple is never bored, each of the partners sees a source of inspiration in the relationship and is ready to discover each other's new talents again and again. This fruitful union will allow them to achieve material well-being and creative success.
- Dragon and Rooster. Due to the criticism of the Rooster's wife, the Dragon may begin to show aggression. This marriage is not the most harmonious, and the spouses will have to make concessions to stay with each other. Only if they work on themselves will partners be able to find a common language and form a strong family.
- Dragon and Dog. With the commonality of some personal qualities, these people are not just together, since their temperaments are too different to form happy couples. In such a tandem, most likely, quarrels will often occur, and this will not bring happiness to either of the partners. The dog is bad for the Dragon for family life.
- Dragon and Pig. The Pig and the Dragon are able to complement each other, neutralizing flaws and enhancing virtues. A pig is the person who can create a reliable rear for the Dragon, give him a sense of peace and confidence in his abilities, since deep down he often doubts himself. The large-scale personality of the Dragon man does not always find support and understanding of those around him.This is also hindered by his excessively strict requirements for others. And yet, no matter how complex and contradictory the Dragon is, he has bright ideals in his soul and is very glad to meet people who are able to appreciate him at his true worth.

For more information on the characteristics of men born under the sign of the Dragon, see the video below.