Male Cats (Rabbits): characteristics and compatibility

A modern woman in her companion appreciates not so much the ability to show off, but rather pragmatic qualities and even some delicacy. These traits are fully inherent in men born in the year of the Cat (Rabbit).

Personality characteristic
According to the eastern horoscope, the Rabbit man is a real gentleman who knows how to behave and knows how to impress people. At the same time, you need to know that he does not do it on purpose - his impeccable manners are not at all associated with attracting special attention to himself, they are "innate" and are part of the style of behavior that the representative of this sign likes so much.
Another distinguishing feature of the Rabbit, which provides him with constant interest from the fairer sex, is the ability to keep a distance in relationships with people.

This gives him a somewhat mysterious look and makes women want to unravel the secret that is stored in his soul. Restraint also has an attractiveness, reaching the imaginary coldness, behind which, in fact, passion and sensuality are hidden. When you get to know the Rabbit better, you will understand that this is a very romantic and gentle person who is not at all adapted to modern realities.
And of course, not a single girl will remain indifferent to this man's ability to listen, and he prefers to listen to stories about other people's problems, but tries not to spread about his own.

The stone that enhances the qualities of the Rabbit is considered pearl... It symbolizes the lunar beginning, the power of the water element, the divine essence.
Pearl is a mineral of organic origin that forms inside the shell immediately after a foreign object gets inside, usually a grain of sand - a gradual deposition of mother-of-pearl begins near it.
Pearls are creamy, whitish, blue, silvery, pinkish, less often black. In ancient China, pearls were considered one of the most beloved and significant stones.

According to an old legend, in ancient times, terrible dragons fought in the clouds, from their collisions, terrible thunderstorms began, thunder rumbled, lightning cut through the sky, and when the battle ended, rain fell on the ground, and not ordinary, but pearl. The Chinese claim that pearls are a symbol of love, family and fidelity, which gives the representative of the Rabbit sign happiness and harmony in their personal life.
In addition to pearls, those born in the year of the Cat can be recommended turquoise and ruby - they have a beneficial effect on their vital energy and protect against outside encroachments.
The stones can be worn in the form of cufflinks, or you can keep a figurine with these minerals with you.

In friendship
Rabbits are rather easy friends, these people rarely test their comrades for strength, they do not have the habit of looking for a vest: they do not complain about their problems, do not seek help, and in addition, they rarely commit tactless acts. At friendly parties, they know how to have interesting conversations and can support almost any topic (from music to politics), which is why they are so appreciated in elite circles. Rabbits easily make the necessary acquaintances that open the door for him to the world of a great career.

However, male Cats lack the qualities that turn a close acquaintance into a long companionship and strong friendship.
Firstly, these men are too proud and pretentious, although they hide it. Secondly, as you know, friends are known in trouble, and the Rabbit prefers to be friends only with prosperous and successful people, they are comfortable in the society of winners.

In love and marriage
Cats do not consider it shameful to demonstrate feelings and admit their sympathy without the slightest doubt. Rabbit men do not know how to live alone, however, they do not go into all the serious at the same time. They are not interested in short-term relationships - they are looking for the one that is destined for them by fate. If one is found and will be able to conquer the Cat, the whole world will be thrown at her feet, but only if the partner feels that he is loved with all the pros and cons.
The exception is those born in the year of the Red Rabbit - such representatives of the stronger sex do not like monogamy.

Rabbit men do not fall in love at first sight, they try to get to know their lady well before they declare the seriousness of their intentions, such people believe in eternal love, they experience all failures very painfully and “lick their wounds” for a long time. Sometimes the price of disappointment in love for them is the abyss of depression, which can even cause a deterioration in well-being.
Women consider the Rabbit a charming lover, gentle and dreamy, who, behind a curtain of some coldness, hides his desire to have a quiet life alone with each other.
If the Rabbit man has found a woman who meets all his requirements, he will strive to create a family with her.
However, you should not think that marriage with him will be simple - despite the fact that he will bestow his companion with love and fidelity, the character of the Rabbit is rather complicated. This person does not accept compromise and requires his half to be inferior to him in absolutely everything. Sometimes he behaves like a child who can get nervous from scratch and start screaming, demanding that his desires be fully satisfied.Over the years, this situation does not change, because the Cat does not see anything wrong with such behavior, moreover, he believes that whims make him more charming and interesting for his partner, turning him into an unpredictable and boring spouse.
Of course, his loved ones have a completely different opinion on this matter, but if the spouse wants to continue her life together, then all that remains for her is to accept.

In a career
According to the eastern horoscope, the Rabbit can create harmonious relationships with the immediate environment, therefore, in the professional field, they can perform any role. Perhaps the only thing that they cannot afford is to be a pioneer, which is why such men very rarely reach career heights, and you are unlikely to see representatives of this sign in the positions of leaders.
Due to the accuracy and scrupulousness, good employees come out of Kots, they are often implemented in the field of finance and scientific experiments, but they do not accept free professions.
Due to their natural tact, these people achieve success in the field of diplomacy, philosophy and theology. They can make good brokers, hotel administrators and notaries.

A great couple for a Rabbit man can be a woman born under the sign Bull... This girl knows how to improve her life, she is hardworking, she works a lot and hard, so the Cat will be very comfortable and comfortable with her.
However, the Bull girls are very jealous, and the Rabbit easily falls in love with women, because the partner often loses her temper, begins to sort things out, and this makes life together unhappy. Only if a woman learns to believe and trust her partner, they can be together for many years.
Tiger compatibility is good - the tandem of two cats is successful, largely because their character is similar, it is easy and simple for them to guess the state of each other. At the same time, the Tiger strives to be a leader in everything, he is not used to retreating, and the Cat in partnership does not want to be led and suppressed.

If each spouse learns to step over himself and seek a compromise, then family life will be long and bright.
Rabbit men can bestow sensual and tender love on a woman of the same sign, however, in a relationship, partners are looking for protection, but they do not want to take responsibility. If one of them realizes that this cannot last any longer, he will simply start looking for a partner with a stronger spirit. There is little dynamic in the relationship between the two Rabbits., their passion cannot be called fiery, they have no desire to develop together, therefore such people can develop strong friendships, but the prospects for family life are rather doubtful.
In alliance with the Dragon, the Cat man can be happy, if everyone will try to prove themselves from the best side. These partners are united by sex life and a mutual desire for wealth.

A woman of the Dragon sign can create ideal living conditions for a Cat man, they do not hide anything from each other, because their relationship is always full of love and harmony.
Snake compatibility won't be as good, but these signs can create a good tandem - the wise Snake will guide the partner in the right direction, therefore, in this union, the spouses will harmoniously complement each other.
The life of the Snake and the Rabbit flows slowly and measuredly, such women are good for a long relationship with Rabbits, they can always find common interests and points of contact.
The marriage of a Horse and a Rabbit will be full of emotions and bright colors, temperamental women will be able to appreciate the character of their male Cat, but the desire of the fair half to be always and in everything first can create obstacles on the way to a long life together.

The Rabbit does not accept the Horse's desire to go ahead, this position of the partner is incomprehensible to him, and therefore disagreements often arise in the family.
But in business, such a tandem can be very successful: the Rabbit can always rely on his Horse and under its influence he himself becomes more responsible.
In theory, compatibility with a Sheep can be 100%, but in practice, such marriages are concluded very rarely, since in the family both are waiting for protection and do not want to build relationships with weaker partners.
If one of the spouses is ready to take responsibility, then their life will be quite comfortable, the house will become a common refuge from all difficulties. There is usually an ardent and harmonious bond between the Goat and the Rabbit.

Rabbit and Monkey are unlikely to have a stable relationship, since such women are intriguing by nature and love to play with their partners - the Rabbit man is unlikely to tolerate such an attitude. However, if such a union nevertheless takes place, then the Rabbit is guaranteed not to get bored - the hurricane woman will give him an excellent mood and the best sensations in bed.
A rather ambiguous relationship develops between male cat and female rooster, representatives of these signs are quickly seized by a violent passion, a bright woman will make a worthy pair to the restrained Rabbit. Both signs possess magnetism and invariably attract the attention of the opposite sex.
Poor compatibility of the Rabbit with the Dogas a rule, these signs bypass each other. The fact is that the Dog is a very suspicious sign, their spiritual harmony is constantly on the edge, from the very beginning of the relationship, partners mistrust each other, and this ruins the union in the bud.

In addition, the Dog is rather sloppy, cannot create the comfort that the Rabbit is striving for. The desires and aspirations of these people diverge, therefore, only friendship is possible between the representatives of these signs.
The perfect match for the Rabbit can be found from among the representatives of the sign of the Pig., usually next to such a woman, a man feels completely safe, she fulfills all the requirements of the Cat and creates for him that atmosphere of comfort and warmth in which he can hide from the hustle and bustle of this world.
See the following video for the characteristics of the Cat sign.