Ox and Monkey Compatibility
  1. General characteristics of the zodiacs
  2. Relationships in love and marriage
  3. Friendship compatibility
  4. Bull and Monkey in a business relationship
  5. Tips for Strengthening the Alliance

The Eastern calendar allows you not only to determine the approximate qualities and character traits of a person born in this year, but also how he will do things on the personal front. For example, after studying the information, it will be possible to find out what kind of relationship the Ox and the Monkey can have.

General characteristics of the zodiacs

A person born in the year of the Ox has such positive character traits as prudence, reliability and even some conservatism. The bull remains faithful to what he sees fit, and also reacts poorly to the need to change the established rules. This kind of character is often viewed by other people as slow and a little inhibited.

The monkey is more active and artistic. She has a good imagination and loves to be in the spotlight. but the Monkey is also characterized by such traits as prudence and deliberation... Representatives of this sign rarely act under the influence of emotions. The monkey is quite cunning and resourceful.

She always strives for new emotions and is not able to live a calm and gray routine life. It is important for her to be right in an argument and, in general, to arouse the admiration of others.

Artistic representatives of this sign interact well with money - they come into their hands without any problems. However, Monkeys are not too fixated on banknotes - those emotions and events that can be obtained with the help of money are much more important for them.They are unfamiliar with economy, but they always live a bright and eventful life. Nevertheless, quite often they commit spontaneous actions that can harm others.

In love and friendship, the Ox manifests itself much better than his partner. He values ​​loyalty and is incapable of betrayal mainly because of his moral principles.

Bull girls are not frivolous, and therefore any relationship is considered with the prospect of long-term and, of course, marriage.

Representatives of this sign are calm and restrained, but their willpower allows them to achieve incredible results in life. In general, Bulls and Monkeys are quite different, which, on the one hand, contributes to numerous collisions between them, but, on the other hand, becomes a source of attraction between a man and a woman.

Relationships in love and marriage

The Monkey woman and the Ox man will be happy in marriage. The purposeful Ox will first achieve his charming darling, and then provide his family with a happy future. A woman will favor a reliable partner, feeling herself protected, like “behind a stone wall”. He, in turn, will fall in love with the girl's light character and intelligence and will gladly demonstrate her to others.

However, do not forget that the Monkey is quite smart. Her decision to marry may be a deliberate calculation, although respect for her spouse will not be affected in the least. In marriage, she is capable of treason, but only if she does not feel the attention of her husband, his interest and desire to please her husband. With children, the Monkey is not in a hurry, because he does not want to lose his usual way of life and mobility.

In this case, the bull will have to be persistent and convince the lady of the heart that with the birth of a child she will not lose anything, but only gain.

If in a love union a man turned out to be a Monkey, and a woman - a Bull, then their relationship may not be as successful as in the previous version. Both partners have leadership qualities, and therefore they just have to learn to be patient and give in. Romantic relationships emerge rapidly, and the courtship period is distinguished by a special passion. But for such a relationship to be long-term, both the man and the woman will have to change themselves. A man born in the year of the Monkey must learn to control himself and show respect for his spouse.

A Ox woman in marriage becomes an ideal housewife, a reliable partner and an excellent mother. Nevertheless, she will have to become more loyal to her husband's habits of thoughtlessly spending money, making spontaneous actions and even being slightly windy with the other sex.

By adopting each other's characters, as well as slightly adjusting their own, the Monkey and the Bull will be able to create a reliable and strong marriage.

Of course, such a pair of opposites cannot do without contradictions. The main problems of the union are jealousy and quarrels due to different temperaments. Monkeys of both sexes, as a rule, create enough reasons for the Bull to be jealous, if he only has to go headlong into work or children and stop paying attention. Nevertheless, it does not always end with betrayal. Quarrels can arise due to the fact that the Bulls need time for themselves, and the Monkeys constantly need communication. In addition, conflicts can arise due to the desired leadership of the Monkey man and the Ox woman.

By the way, conflicts in the family are also possible because of money, since representatives of these signs have different views on the issue of budgeting.

The bull is prone to economy and even a certain stinginess, and his spending is always deliberate and practical. The monkey, on the other hand, can easily part with the money, without thinking about the consequences. To eliminate contradictions, this issue will have to be worked out.

Sexual compatibility is excellent in both combinations.The Monkey woman and the Ox man perfectly complement each other, and therefore sex remains passionate even in marriage. By the way, quite often it is used to eliminate conflicts. In a pair of male Monkey and female Ox, the intimate relationship is controlled by the representative of the stronger sex. However, it is he who is also prone to infidelity in the event that he receives less attention and warmth from his wife. And The Monkey is inclined to transfer resentment in a couple to the matrimonial bed, and the Bulls are inclined to refuse sex in case of suspicion and uncertainty about the loyalty of the half.

Bulls, by the way, are not particularly prone to the manifestation of romance, but the Monkey will gladly take on this side of life.

The marriage will be much more harmonious if the spouse is a Bull and the spouse is a Monkey. A man will provide a reliable rear, and a woman will fill every day with emotions and joyful events. In addition, the girl is an excellent motivator, able to charge her man for new achievements for the good of the family. The Bull, by the way, will gladly join all the eccentric ideas of the Monkey, if they do not contradict his rules of life.

The marriage union of the Monkey man and the Ox woman is less successful, since the frivolity of the spouse can destroy any relationship. However, knowing your flaws and being willing to work on them can make a relationship successful and long-lasting.

Friendship compatibility

The friendship between the Monkey and the Ox can be strong and extremely productive. Representatives of both signs will be able to bring something to the relationship and advise a friend about something important. The Monkey will teach the serious Ox to relate to life more easily, enjoy everyday life and, possibly, reveal his creative streak. The Ox will help the Monkey develop character traits such as tolerance. The durability and success of this friendly union is possible only with mutual respect, willingness to learn from each other, and also with humor to look at the difficulties that have arisen.

Bull and Monkey in a business relationship

The business union of the Monkey and the Bull is strongly recommended. It will prove to be very successful and, most importantly, competitive.

The monkey in these relations will gladly take up the creative component - it will actively generate a lot of ideas and non-standard solutions.

The bull will meticulously and accurately bring all of them to life. Since both signs have well-developed intuitions, they should not worry that the business will suffer due to deception.

Tips for Strengthening the Alliance

In order for the relationship between the Monkey and the Ox to be more harmonious, they should adhere to a few simple rules. Active representatives born in the year of the Monkey should take as given the slowness of the Bulls and, instead of urging them on, appreciate that they always achieve their goals and show reliability in all possible situations.

Bull women serve as a reliable rear for spouses, helping them to build a successful career, and Bull men become support and support for their wives.

Bulls are advised to listen more often to their creative and groovy partners. They will not always understand their point of view the first time, but over time they will appreciate how much joy and new emotions the Monkey can bring to life.

Both in marriage and in friendship to representatives of different signs it is important to spend time interesting and productive with each other. The best solution would be a common hobby, but even in your daily routine, you can improve the quality of interaction.

The characteristics of people born in the year of the Ox, see below.

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