Compatibility of signs of the eastern horoscope

Compatibility of Dragons and Monkeys in friendship, work and love

Compatibility of Dragons and Monkeys in friendship, work and love
  1. Character features
  2. Friendly relations
  3. Collaboration
  4. Love relationship

For many centuries people have been constantly attracted by the mysterious world and mysterious phenomena. All inhabitants of the earth have always wanted to know their future and predict future events. The predictions of the Eastern seers, who are engaged in drawing up both annual horoscopes and personal ones, help to open the doors to the unknown mystical and stellar depths of the world. Due to the high percentage of reliable information, oriental predictions have gained immense popularity among residents of different countries of the world. Before entering into any partnership or professional union, before starting a new one, as well as to determine personal compatibility, astrologers recommend consulting the stars.

Character features

The union of the Dragon and the Monkey is the source of harmonious relationships. Both signs have calmness, the ability to listen and hear the interlocutor, to adequately respond to criticism and draw the right conclusions, and they are also not shy about their feelings and are able to express affection, love and gratitude. According to Eastern mythology, the Dragon personifies financial stability, luck, material wealth, energy strength and longevity. This sign endows people with non-standard and creative thinking, energy potential, and leadership qualities.

    On the path of life, Dragons are constantly met by envious people and ill-wishers, with whom excessive sincerity and gullibility prevents them from fighting.

    The element of this period, which can be of the following types, can slightly adjust the character of a person born in the year of the Dragon:

    • metal - provokes loneliness and lowers internal sensitivity;
    • water - adds spiritual harmony and desire to lead a correct lifestyle;
    • woody - arouses an increased interest in art and a desire to bring all the things started to their logical conclusion;
    • fiery - promotes the birth of honest people who have practically no sense of tact and delicacy;
    • earthly - adds rationality and contributes to the most accurate distribution of vitality.

    The dragon has the following main traits:

    • a high self-evaluation;
    • incredible charm;
    • sincerity and excessive gullibility;
    • ignorance of backroom games and straightforwardness;
    • an increased sense of responsibility and desire to move up the career ladder;
    • desire and ability to manage subordinates;
    • Justice;
    • maximum self-confidence;
    • sociability;
    • the presence of charisma and inner attraction;
    • the presence of a subtle and outstanding sense of humor;
    • all-round development;
    • constant desire to learn something new and interesting.

    The monkey is a cheerful animal, the description of which is completely transferred to the astrological sign. People born this year have a mobile and inquisitive mind, as well as a constant thirst for new information. Despite their impatience and perseverance, Monkeys easily achieve success in their careers. When drawing up a portrait image of a person, it is imperative to pay attention to the element of his year of birth and to the character traits that she adds, namely:

    • metal - stubbornness, willfulness, sociability, pragmatism and enthusiasm only for their own interests;
    • water - emotionality, sociability and the ability to find a way out of all situations;
    • tree - pedantry, consistency and leadership qualities;
    • fire - variability, inconstancy and unpredictability;
    • land - modesty, not publicity and secrecy.

      The monkey has such basic features as:

      • playfulness and enthusiasm;
      • resourcefulness and love of manipulation;
      • artistry;
      • sociability;
      • arrogance;
      • the ability to benefit from any situation;
      • high intellectual abilities and the presence of an inquiring mind;
      • changing the mask depending on the situation;
      • selfishness and perception only of their own problems;
      • constant desire for a holiday;
      • incredible mobility and constant generation of new ideas;
      • masterly management of people;
      • independent decision making;
      • complete absence of complexes and constriction.

      If the roads of life of these signs crossed even for a short period of time, then they will never part and will lead to the emergence of strong relationships, both friendly and loving, in which harmony will help to fulfill their innermost dreams. The long-awaited meeting will definitely happen due to the energy of the signs and their unwillingness to stay at home. Leadership positions will immediately be intercepted by the Dragon, which will make it clear to the Monkey that you cannot play and joke with him. Despite the stubbornness and wayward character, the Monkey will obey the partner out of fear of losing him. The dragon will comprehensively appreciate the erudition and mobile mind of a partner, who will never once help him solve any conflict situations peacefully. Despite the large number of points of contact, the couple may also face certain difficulties, which are caused by excessive enthusiasm for work, as well as performing routine household chores. Both signs do not pay special attention to solving everyday problems that constantly accumulate and provoke the emergence of conflicts.

      The Dragon man is an intelligent, straightforward, understanding and educated partner who is frivolous about material wealth. Idealistic ideas about the chosen one prevent the guy from quickly meeting his family.In search of a partner, the Dragon is often carried away by representatives of the opposite sex, both at noisy parties and on ordinary walks.

      Despite the desire to find the perfect companion, the guy can easily forgive all the shortcomings of his beloved.

      The Dragon woman is an arrogant person who feels better than others. If a competitor appears in the lady's field of vision, then all her efforts will be directed to her elimination. Most women leaders belong to this particular sign. Routine homework does not arouse enthusiasm in a woman, her task is to earn financial resources for the maximum arrangement of her home and for a comfortable life for all family members. The lady approaches the choice of companions for life and partners very thoroughly and scrupulously, therefore not all signs seek her attention. The exception is the Monkey man.

      The Monkey Girl is an impulsive and unrestrained person who makes the maximum amount of effort to equip her home. Her flexible mind is able to find a way out of even the most difficult situations. The Monkey man is an active and cheerful person who is always at the center of any company and is able to support any conversation. This person will punish the representatives of the opposite sex with his ability to look after beautifully and ardently say compliments. Among the huge number of fans, the guy scrupulously and meticulously chooses the most worthy partner. The character is also influenced by the combination of the year of birth and astrological, which corresponds to the date of birth.

      Friendly relations

      The Dragon man and the Monkey woman are signs that have supersensitive intuition, so they always choose the right persons for communication. They have a higher level of compatibility due to their large number of points of contact and common interests. In these relationships, there is never boredom and routine. Their friendship persists over the years and never cracks. The Monkey's flexible disposition will allow her to smooth out and remove all acute and painful moments.

      If the Dragon learns about the secrets of a partner or about his double life, the relationship will instantly end and all his attention and energy will be directed to solving only his problems. A friendly relationship between a Monkey man and a Dragon woman will harmoniously develop only if the guy agrees to take on a secondary role and completely obeys the strong-willed nature of his partner.

      Due to the large number of common interests and love for entertainment, relationships will always play bright colors, and partners will retain interest in each other.


      The Dragon man and the Monkey woman are ideal business partners, whose ideas complement each other and become a source of financial profit. It is better to entrust the safety of material values ​​to a woman, who will prevent not the targeted waste of money, but it is better to put the implementation of new ideas on the shoulders of a man. If the partners sit in their chairs and do not fight for the boss's place, then their firm will be successful. The opposite situation will develop if a man is born in the year of the Monkey, and the woman is under the sign of the Dragon. Harmonious partnerships will develop only with the right distribution of responsibilities. The leading role should be taken by a woman, but control over financial flows should completely fall on the shoulders of a man. Only if the Monkey trusts the Dragon, joint work will bring not only pleasure, but also profit.

      Love relationship

      The Dragon man and the Monkey woman are a harmonious love union, in which they completely complement each other. A charming, spontaneous and witty girl, near whom there are always fans and friends, will immediately fall into the man's field of vision, and magnetically hold his attention.The outbreak of sympathy will quickly develop into a whirlwind romance, in which a woman will become a goddess and a muse. The joint life of two signs will take place in an atmosphere of romance and passion. In love, both partners will not adhere to frames and established boundaries.

      To create a lasting relationship in marriage, the capricious Monkey likes and needs a strong and strong-willed Dragon., which will become a stone wall for her and protect her from the vicissitudes of fate. The woman, in turn, will become a muse for her partner, who will not only inspire heroic deeds, but also support in a moment of despair. The leader in this marriage is a man, all of whose requirements must be met unquestioningly. This position does not frighten the cunning partner, who will not enter into open conflict, but also will not allow her interests to be infringed upon.

      This union has great prospects to become strong, reliable and durable. Partners can also boast of ideal compatibility in intimate relationships, which will always be filled with tenderness, sensitivity and pleasure. It will always be present due to the absence of sexual constriction and conservatism.

      Cheating is not characteristic of this couple due to the constant courage and the desire to get new sensations.

      If a man is born under the sign of the Monkey, and a woman is in the year of the Dragon, then the situation is a little different. The beginning of the novel will be stormy and bright with no prospects for a serious continuation due to the windy behavior of the Monkey, which will not be able to recognize the true face of it the first time. Only a man who is completely confident in his partner becomes a good spouse and family man. Further relationships will be based on mutual understanding and trust, and the dullness of everyday life will always be decorated with interesting ideas of the Monkey. Even sexual relationships will always be varied and exciting thanks to the agile mind of the Monkey. The Dragon will boldly give the palm in sex to a partner, which he will never regret.

      Despite the fact that many are ironic about predictions and horoscopes, astrologers recommend not to ignore this information, which in most cases contains the necessary and useful data. Over the past years, there has been a steady trend towards increasing confidence in Chinese horoscopes. To get the final positive result, you should not ignore and dismiss astrological information that has been collected for hundreds of years.

      For information on the compatibility of Dragons and Monkeys, see the next video.

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