Compatibility of signs of the eastern horoscope

Horse and Rabbit (Cat) Compatibility

Horse and Rabbit (Cat) Compatibility
  1. Character features
  2. Friendly relations
  3. Collaboration
  4. Love relationship
  5. Marriage
  6. Intimate life

Having met their soul mate, each person is interested in how compatible he and his chosen one are in accordance with the Chinese horoscope. So, the Horse and the Rabbit (Cat) can become an interesting pair. This union awaits both difficulties and very happy moments. In some ways, these lovers are similar, but in others they are absolute opposites. Let's take a closer look at what types of relationships are possible between the Horse and the Rabbit.

Character features

Characteristic features for the Rabbit are wit, charm, openness. He quickly disposes of people and is very vain. Male representatives like to consider themselves Cats rather than Rabbits, they prefer to dress brightly in order to be noticed in the crowd, and, in general, being in the spotlight is a constant task for the male Cat. At the same time, he is quite restrained and is unlikely to be ready for any risky event.

Representatives of the fair sex, born in the year of the Rabbit, are distinguished by their prudence. They use this property both in their professional activities and in their personal life. This does not mean their commercialism or that they are getting married "for money." The inner qualities of a man are very important to this girl, but his good material condition in her eyes will give him even more charm and sexuality. For the fact that the chosen one will provide for his lady-Rabbit, she is ready to thank him and sincerely love him, even if at the beginning of the relationship these feelings were not in her. Family values ​​are not the last for her.

A man born in the year of the Horse belongs to the most striking personalities.He admires himself and needs appreciation from others. This young man dresses well, he is clean, wears good men's makeup, and all this gives him even more self-confidence. Sensuality is developed in him, and he also adores the attention of the opposite sex. It is also common for a Horse man to fall in love quickly and sincerely. Even at a business meeting, this young man can afford to flirt with the lady he likes. However, most often he is attracted by the sexual component, but, as a rule, the passion passes quickly, and therefore he rarely has long-term affairs.

Horse Woman is a bold, ambitious, bright personality. She knows from childhood what she wants and in advance begins to pave her way to a brighter future. She is constantly improving in her professional activities and often reaches career heights. In communicating with those around her, she is inherent in openness and straightforwardness, which not every person will like.

The Horse Woman prefers to surround herself with loyal people and highly values ​​their honesty. She has a difficult disposition, which only gets more complicated with age. She is quite demanding of the opposite sex and is looking for the ideal in everything. Sometimes it takes her several years to understand that in a relationship there can be not only happy moments, but also crisis situations.

Friendly relations

In friendship, these two signs have pretty good compatibility. In this case, it does not matter who is in a friendly heterosexual couple Rabbit, and who is a Horse. In both, opposite character traits are manifested, and this is what becomes the guarantee of a strong and long friendship. The Cat and the Horse complement each other, but it is important for them not to cross the line of friendship and not go on to a love relationship after friendship.

A good love union can develop between these signs, but if friendship was preceded by it, then the relationship is unlikely to become serious.

Most likely, they will need to learn to adapt to the character of the chosen one and endure the temperament of each other, and this is very unusual after an open, sincere friendship.


This is not to say that the Horse and the Rabbit can become good colleagues. Their professional attitude is very different and this hinders a successful corporate alliance. So, the Horse develops unique projects in order to present them and be at this moment in the spotlight. The horse is not afraid to take risks, as long as at the end of the event, applause and words of praise await her. The prudent and careful Rabbit will not take risks, but he will undertake the obligations to perform the usual routine work.

If a professional union develops between the Rabbit and the Horse, then the Horse will definitely become the leader.

The Rabbit feels more comfortable in the role of the performer, and the Horse, on the contrary, seeks to win the attention of others. The work environment is important for the Rabbit, he prefers to work long and hard in comfortable, stable conditions. The horse does not mind, by the nature of the activity, often changing the office and leaving for meetings.

Love relationship

A love union between a Horse and a Rabbit is possible, but they will have to be prepared for a variety of difficulties and learn to suppress some character traits in themselves. So, for the Rabbit, the most important thing in a relationship is a feeling of comfort and security, and a temperamental active Horse is not always ready to give him these sensations, and she may be bored with a serious and too responsible Rabbit.

In a pair where a woman is born in the year of the Horse, and a man is born in the year of the Rabbit, a lady will take the leading role. She is energetic, assertive and even courageous. Initially, the Rabbit will attract the Horse with his intellect, she will be interested in joint conversations, and he will like the Horse's interest. From this the beginning of the novel will begin. Further, the relationship will be somewhat similar to friendship and it is unlikely that ardent passion is possible between them at all.

The horse is distinguished by irascibility and ambition, with its straightforwardness it can repel others, and this can oppress the vulnerable Rabbit, he will have to give way to his eccentric darling in many ways. The rabbit often shows indecision, avoids conflict, may remain silent, and this irritates the emotional Horse. In addition, the Horse is more hardworking, it seeks to improve its well-being and sometimes earns more than its lover. This situation can lead to a break in relations, since the Horse does not want, contrary to the conventions, to be a breadwinner in the family and destroy the semblance of an ideal marriage, and the Rabbit will be too vulnerable to perceive the career success of his partner. All this will provoke a breakup.

If a pair of Rabbit woman and Horse man has formed, then more favorable prospects await them.

The Cat Lady will be able to establish family life, create comfort and coziness in the house, she will give her chosen one affection, care, she will not be afraid to become a follower in his hands. The Horse man will feel courageous in such conditions, he will always be grateful to his domestic Cat for the warmth presented, and the relationship can be very comfortable for both. Financial responsibilities are also well distributed in such a pair, or rather, they completely rest on the shoulders of the Horse, and this suits both partners.


A marriage between these two characters is possible, although it can hardly be called ideal. In a pair of a man-Horse and a woman-Rabbit, good family relations will develop, however, the wife should be prepared that her active husband will spend a lot of time with friends, since a family weekend on the couch is not for him. Sometimes the Rabbit woman will have to endure adultery.

The Horse-wife is hardly capable of creating a cozy family nest, which the Rabbit man so dreams of, she is quite happy with the ascetic living conditions. The leader in such a family is a woman, and even a balanced Rabbit will sometimes come into conflict with her.

Children will help to establish family relations between the Rabbit and the Horse.

Both of these signs treat their sons and daughters very warmly, however, Horses strive for children only when they are confident in their well-being, and Rabbits gravitate toward children at a young age. When the offspring are born, love for them will unite parents so opposite in character and make such a family happy.

Intimate life

The sexual side of the life of the Horse and the Rabbit also cannot boast of harmony. In this area, the Rabbit and the Horse have completely different views. The rabbit is gentle, affectionate, he sincerely loves his Horse, she is more inclined towards experimentation and not even against rigid forms, and this becomes an obstacle to successful intimate relationships. That is, the Horse cannot give the Rabbit sensuality, and the Rabbit is not able to overwhelm the Horse with passion.

You can find out more about people born in the year of the Horse and about compatibility in a pair from the video below.

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