Compatibility of signs of the eastern horoscope

Rooster and Rat compatibility in the Eastern calendar

Rooster and Rat compatibility in the Eastern calendar
  1. general characteristics
  2. In love
  3. In work
  4. In friendship

Rat and Rooster are considered the most problematic couple in the eastern horoscope... If the representatives of these signs are destined to fall in love with each other, they will constantly face numerous quarrels and conflicts, which even the neighbors will know about. In order for the "feathered" and "rodent" to be able to establish relationships with each other and create strong bonds, they need to not only listen to each other, but also take into account the recommendations of astrologers for compatibility.

general characteristics

According to the eastern calendar people who were born in the year of the Rooster (1957, 1969, 1981, 1993, 2005 and 2017) are explosive. They are impatient and criticize others in every possible way. At the same time, the Rooster man loves to always be in the field of view of women. He is often considered a boor at a young age, but over time he becomes loyal and learns to appreciate the opinions of others. The Rooster often has capital, but he can squander it in a matter of seconds.

As for the Rooster woman, this is an extraordinary personality., which, thanks to its eccentricity and beauty, quickly attracts the attention of others. In addition, these ladies make excellent mothers, they have well-developed maternal instincts and always reliably protect their children. In marriage, the Rooster woman has no equal, she knows how to avoid conflict situations in the family and maintain comfort in the house.

Those who were born in the year of the Rat (1960, 1972, 1984, 1996 and 2008) are characterized by high aggressiveness, which often begins to manifest itself from childhood. Representatives of this sign always know what they want to get out of life and are looking for ways to achieve their goals in every possible way.Rat men always know who to make acquaintance with and are distinguished by their sociability and practicality. They love freedom and independence, so they try to leave parental care as soon as possible and start their own family. As soon as the Rat Man really falls in love, he immediately leads the chosen one to the altar.

Rat girls have a sharp mind and an interesting appearance. They know how to keep the conversation going and prefer to keep everything in reserve. Often these ladies can be found shopping at sales, they love to spend money on unnecessary things. For the rest, women are wonderful housewives and mothers, their chosen ones should not be jealous, as this will complicate the relationship.

In love

Since the representatives of both signs have a rather complex and quick-tempered character, it is not easy for them in the union. They immediately make claims to their chosen ones and express everything, without thinking about the consequences. As a rule, a scandal begins over trifles, then a couple says a lot of unpleasant words to a friend and an emotional bomb “explodes”. Then the Rat and the Rooster sit down at the "broken trough", think over everything and begin to regret what was said.

Unlike the Rat, The rooster always respects moral rules, which allows him not to go beyond specific boundaries.... The rat, on the contrary, preferring freedom, does not like any restrictions and always violates its obligations. Because of this, even the most durable union between the Rat and the Rooster can disintegrate at any moment. The Rooster will keep the Rat in every possible way, and it will break free. As a result, there will be many scandals and disputes, which will lead to an emotional explosion. This is how the relationship will develop in the two versions of these couples.

If between a couple (male Rat, female Rooster) there are sincere feelings that turn into something more, then the lovers create a union in which the harmony of the relationship falls on the shoulders of the woman. She is organized and will be able to take under her tender wing a rebellious companion, who, in turn, will understand that he has nothing to do but obediently obey his wife. If the Rat man declares a riot, then he should be released out of the home mink, this will save the relationship. To maintain a marriage, a Rooster girl needs to hide her temper and try to adapt to her beloved, this will make the family strong.

In addition, to maintain a strong relationship representatives of both signs should try to come into contact with each other as little as possible in conflicts and controversial issues. You can not quarrel over all sorts of trifles, since the violent disposition of both partners will initiate a break in relations. Lovers can channel excessive energy towards achieving personal goals and work.

It is also worth noting that the Rat man is not a romantic, so it will be difficult for a Rooster girl who loves beautiful gestures to wait for gifts and flowers from her chosen one.

The Rooster man, just like the Rat woman, loves home, therefore, strives to have a family. Such an alliance promises many problems, but despite this, it can turn out to be "loud" and long. For many, such a marriage will seem like emotional vampirism, represented by bright conflict outbursts and reconciliations in bed. The life of the Rat woman and the Rooster man together cannot be called boring and insipid. In addition, the couple has common interests in the form of hobbies, children and family, thanks to them, the relationship between spouses over time gains powerful support and has a chance for duration.

Despite conflict situations a couple can have a lasting marriage if the Rat girl establishes her life and creates comfort in the house, acting as the keeper of the hearth, and the Rooster guy becomes a breadwinner.

To prolong the existence of marriage bonds, a woman will have to prevent disagreements and disputes in the family, but, unfortunately, not all ladies can do this.If the chosen one of the Rooster still manages to control the situation, then he will thank her with real and pure love. In addition, spouses need to arrange a short break from home.

In work

A business union between the Rooster and the Rat often brings huge profits, since the representatives of these signs know how to properly manage money and have an excellent business acumen. Rat and Rooster are also energetic and adventurous, the only thing that can ruin their business relationship is the dreaminess and passivity of the Rooster... He can draw up various plans and think over ideas for business development, but rarely embodies them into reality, which in turn irritates the Rat.

Difficulties often arise between the Rat and the Rooster due to a different attitude to work, this makes the union in business unstable. The rat is a careerist and a realist, it tries in every way to get a monetary reward, therefore, it initially sets out a goal. As for the Rooster, he is not a practitioner, but a theorist, therefore his theories are always far from reality and do not have a chance to be realized. In addition, he is too passive and dreamy, which will slow down his partner's promising projects. Sometimes such a union falls apart very quickly.

In friendship

Good companionship is allowed between the Rooster and the Rat, since they ideally match each other in terms of intelligence. Their friendship strengthens mutual trust, but if the Rooster shows his temper, contradictions will arise, and even the most lasting union will fall apart. A friendly attitude is doomed to failure even if the Rat feels pressure from the Rooster. In addition, the "feathered" will always wait for admiration from a comrade, as he loves praise, but it is difficult to demand something from the "rodent".

At first he can admire the brightness of a friend, the Rooster will deserve his respect and attention only by concrete deeds.

For compatibility of signs with the Rat, see the next video.

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