Compatibility of signs of the eastern horoscope

Rooster and Tiger compatibility in friendship, work and love

Rooster and Tiger compatibility in friendship, work and love
  1. Character features
  2. Friendly relations
  3. Collaboration
  4. Love relationship

Astrological compatibility of people is an important aspect that has a direct impact on the relationship between business and love partners. The Union of the Rooster and the Tiger is a partnership that can be long lasting. Their mutual respect, love and rejection of the constant desire to change their other half will help lead to harmony.

Character features

According to the eastern calendar, the Rooster refers to a versatile sign, which has a constant desire to develop and learn something new. The life of people born this year is filled with both ups and downs. Only the support of their close circle can help them to stay on top of success. Among the most striking features of people born in the year of the Rooster, it is necessary to highlight the following:

  • purposefulness;
  • activity;
  • originality;
  • fragility and vulnerability;
  • high intellectual abilities;
  • sociability;
  • irascibility, aggressiveness and warlike disposition;
  • striving for financial stability and making a profit;
  • erudition;
  • painful perception of ridicule;
  • constant desire to move forward and learn new things;
  • compassion and mutual assistance;
  • protection of the rights of the weak and the offended;
  • selfishness;
  • lack of communication and secrecy;
  • pride and heightened sense of dignity.

Tiger - a wayward animal with pronounced leadership traits, which is able to go against the opinion of the majority. It is with this that the traits prevail in people born in the year of the Tiger. The complete absence of fear of the unknown often leads the representatives of this sign to overwhelming success.The Tiger is trying to remove deceitful traitors from his entourage, but partners who are in a difficult situation will always come to the rescue. Sometimes his directness and openness are perceived by some signs as aggression, but this is far from the case, and the Tiger does not want to enter into conflict with anyone. The most striking character traits:

  • leadership;
  • straightforwardness;
  • the ability to make decisions quickly;
  • high intellectual abilities;
  • the presence of willpower and internal self-organization;
  • intolerance to lies and betrayal;
  • non-conflict;
  • charisma;
  • inner charm;
  • constant search for new experiences;
  • striving for financial stability.

Rooster man - an undisputed commander who, in order to control his partner, will choose the path of manipulation with the help of flattery and praise. This tactic does not always lead to long-term results, and sometimes it can provoke major conflicts.

For this sign, home comfort and coziness are of great importance, for the arrangement of which he will spend not only his time, but also finances. Everything in his life must be planned out and clearly arranged.

Rooster woman - an extraordinary person who knows how to present himself from the most advantageous side. A sociable and charming person is able to forever remain in the memory of the fans around her, despite the fact that her style does not contain bright, rich and flashy images. The following traits try to get along in her character:

  • sociability;
  • enterprise;
  • straightforwardness;
  • capriciousness;
  • love for noisy companies;
  • emotional stress;
  • the desire to tune people to their wave.

Tiger woman - a leader and strong personality who has a powerful and strong-willed character. She compromises hard and always sticks to the chosen line of behavior. This person does not tolerate manipulation and attempts to control herself. An active lady is practically not interested in everyday bustle, she is more tuned in to social life. Her actions are completely subordinated to fleeting desires and whims.

In this lady, you can see at the same time audacity, sexuality, courage, kindness and belligerence.

Tiger man - a noble person who is endowed with charm, charm and inner beauty. Such a person is constantly on the move, loves traveling and meeting new people, who immediately dispose to communication. His ideal image, properly chosen wardrobe, perfume and hairstyle cannot but please the opposite sex. To the environment that recognizes his leadership, this person will bring a lot of positive things, but opponents should be afraid of him, since the Tiger has the traits of revenge, rage, stubbornness and belligerence.

Confidence and a positive attitude will surely make the Tiger man a successful businessman and leader who can lead a considerable number of subordinates. This type of leader is not afraid of difficult tasks that he solves himself and requires full commitment from his subordinates. Love for beauty makes a man spend a considerable amount of finance on beautiful things and interior items.

Friendly relations

The partnership between the two signs is difficult regardless of gender, and success is only possible if both partners significantly reduce their ambitions and learn to listen and hear each other. The responsibilities of the Rooster will always include the correct planning of events and their rationality, but the Tiger will be able, in spite of everything, to defend not only his rights, but also his friend.

Only by following a few simple rules can friends build strong friendships:

  • absolute equality;
  • lack of a leader in a relationship;
  • perception of each other's opinions;
  • complete absence of disdain and mutual criticism;
  • lack of secrets and backstage games.

The friendship of a Rooster man and a Tiger woman is a more harmonious relationship than marriage.In these relations, mutual assistance and support will always reign.


Tiger and Rooster are a good tandem in work and business. Energetic partners will constantly generate new ideas, and their hard work and energy will help to bring the most daring ideas to life. To preserve peace in the team, these signs at the very beginning of the path should strictly stipulate the spheres of influence and not meddle in each other's work, but if difficulties arise, be sure to listen to the opinion of a colleague. A two-way rejection of leadership positions will help to keep the peace in a pair.

Only the Rooster, who is used to spending money rationally, can provide financial stability to this union. and will not allow the Tiger-spender to recklessly get rid of material goods. Only categorical arguments about the opening of new directions in business will be able to keep their partner from financial waste.

Love relationship

The marriage of a Tiger man and a Rooster woman will work out only if the wife takes the place of the leader, who will need to pacify and restrain the freedom-loving disposition of her husband throughout her life. To create a strong family, a woman must constantly monitor her chosen one, direct his efforts to improve family well-being. Also, peace and tranquility in the family is influenced by the ability of partners to yield to each other and find compromises. A strong-willed and freedom-loving Tiger must have a constant sense of a reliable rear. Otherwise, this union is doomed to collapse.

Their common features will help to unite a complex pair:

  • activity;
  • intolerance to routine life;
  • perceiving only one's own position and ignoring the opinions of others;
  • constant desire to move forward.

The Rooster woman will always praise her man and constantly emphasize his successes, which cannot but please the chosen one. But do not overdo it with flattery, otherwise the Tiger may flare up and get angry. His wife will be able to remove his negative emotions with the help of affection, care and home comfort. In turn, the man will be able to distract the chosen one from the routine and revive the cooled feelings, which will certainly help the couple to prevent the collapse of the relationship and avoid breakdown.

The quality of sexual relations directly depends on the desire of the partner to meet the needs of the spouse. If the Tiger man does not put his wife's feelings first, then the dissatisfied and militant Rooster will not forgive his chosen one.

To prevent quarrels and divorces in this union, astrologers recommend a woman to be less hot-tempered, and a man not to criticize his partner, who is very difficult to perceive claims against her.

Marriages where a man was born in the year of the Rooster, and a woman belongs to the sign of the Tiger, are more compatible. Despite their mutual desire to be leaders, they find a way to share power without conflict and quarrels. Couples where the husband is a little older than his wife are especially strong and durable. With age, the Tiger woman becomes much softer, wiser and acquires the ability to compromise.

The Rooster husband is the ideal home owner, who takes all household chores on his shoulders. The family budget is not left without his attention, which is completely under his control and excludes inappropriate expenses and waste of money.

This union is strengthened not only by mutual understanding and love, but also by harmonious sexual relations, which are filled with passion and madness. It is behind the closed doors of the bedroom that these signs can quickly solve all problems without quarrels and conflicts.

The lack of masculine personal space can violate marital harmony. The partner just needs to sometimes meet with friends and attend recreational activities. A man should be able to make decisions about the arrangement of his life.Often to outsiders it seems that the union is insincere, and love is completely absent in it. But this is an erroneous opinion that does not correspond to reality.

For the eastern horoscope of the Tiger, see below.

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