Dog and Ox compatibility

How compatible a man and a woman are will help to declassify the eastern horoscope - you just need to know the date of birth of the person. And although the compatibility of the Dog and the Ox cannot be called ideal, examples of their unions in life are often found. Will the relationship of these signs in love and marriage be successful? What pitfalls can lie in wait for them? How successful is the relationship at work? You can find out about this from our article.

Characteristics of signs
The Chinese horoscope, despite its wisdom accumulated over many centuries, is extremely evasive in answering the question of whether people born in the Year of the Ox and the Year of the Dog are compatible. These signs in a couple can either be consistently happy or be an example of a short-term relationship devoid of pleasant moments.
Here, the eastern astrologers do not give certain predictions, and the reason for this is the two complex nature of these signs.

Having both common features and cardinally opposite ones, the Dog and the Bull together form an extraordinary pair, on their way there may be many stumbling blocks that they sometimes create for themselves.
Speaking about the character traits inherent in a Dog, be it a woman or a man, it can be noted:
- friendliness and sociability;
- love of change;
- hard work;
- willingness to help someone who is in trouble;
- devotion;
- consider only their own opinion correct;
- they like to analyze and act logically.

The bull (aka Ox) often gives the impression of a "stone wall" behind which you can safely hide.
But over time, the wall can "press" with its authoritarianism, especially on freedom-loving personalities (which is the Dog). The ox is characterized by such qualities as:
- courage, self-confidence;
- hard work, responsibility;
- reliability, honesty and stability;
- authority and leadership;
- conservatism and dislike for change.
As you can see from the features, the signs have the same and opposite character traits. According to astrologers, representatives are pessimists, they are both neat, their actions are prudent, they are devoted themselves and appreciate the loyalty of their partner, they adore their family.

Love, marriage, sex
Astrologers compare the love of these different and at the same time similar signs to being in a minefield. And it depends only on the partners themselves how long and happy their union will become. To do this, it is recommended to hide deeper your selfish ambitions, stop arguing and offended, learn to yield and hear each other. Both signs in a relationship value family above all else, loyalty - this can unite them.
The differences in the characters of the Dog and the Bull will be especially clearly shown by the joint life. Paired with a woman, Bull Dog, you need to get used to the fact that everything will be redone behind him: from washing dishes to putting things in a closet. And the man Bull, living with his wife Dog, will always be surprised at the differences between his and her understanding of the order in the house. Mutual claims on the basis of everyday life can accumulate, resulting in constant conflicts. To make them less frequent, the Dog and the Bull should agree on who takes out the trash and who washes the floors, once and for all.

This couple should adhere to minimalism in the interior, so that there are no disputes over each figurine-dust collector, and also undertake repairs less often.
The material issue will also become acute. The Ox is inclined to accumulate financial resources, and the Dog, striving for good deeds, can spend them on charity in an instant. The bull loves old art objects that give status to his person. The dog is indifferent to any manifestations of vanity, it is more important for it that all the starving children of the world are fed.
The place where partners have no disagreements is bed. In this area, Ox and Dog are ideal for each other, becoming passionate lovers. The couple's sexual life is bright and emotional, at first the Dog is in the lead, but she should yield to the Bull, because satisfaction is guaranteed to both.

With age, this couple often looks for variety, but not on the side, but through role-playing games and goods from an intimate store.
Calling the union of Vol and the Dog vector, astrologers mean subordination. This union is characterized as "master-servant" with the leadership of the Dog. If such dominance suits both partners, and the woman highly appreciates the efforts of the spouse, then the couple has a chance to live happily together, especially since both the Bull and the Dog do not cherish their children, both will responsibly take care of them. In general, the two signs have the same outlook on life, they do not look in different directions, but in the same direction, and this also contributes to strong family ties.

He is the Bull, she is the Dog
When meeting a guy from a Bull and a girl from a Dog, love at first sight may not arise, but friendly sympathies are struck immediately. Gradually (or quickly) they develop into a romantic relationship. But the stumbling block in this pair can be the difference in life values: the Ox strives for prestige and for the universal approval of his person and his half, but vanity is alien to the Dog-Girl, she prefers to live as she wants, not focusing on fashion. Therefore, when the Bull wants his girlfriend to make an impression, and she puts on comfortable jeans, conflicts can arise.
The Ox will be annoyed by the independence of the Dog, and if he does not stop implanting his opinion, then the couple will have no future. But here it is also important for a woman to give up a little bit of her position and take into account the wishes of her beloved.

The dog is inclined to be jealous of Vol's husband, and unreasonably, however, people born in the year of the Ox are very loyal and demand the same.
The mutual list of grievances can increase if at least one of the partners does not change his mind - then the boat of love will be smashed to smithereens.
It unites people in such a pair - their pragmatism and rationalism, they will always think before doing something, avoiding spontaneous actions. The compatibility of this pair is quite possible, because both the Dog-wife and the Ox-husband have the same goal - the well-being of the family. The main thing is not to put pressure on each other.

He is the Dog, she is the Bull
A caring guy looking for a serious relationship, the Dog will seem like an ideal for a Ox girl, focused on creating a strong family. Perhaps they will not have much passion, because the Ox and the Dog value the domestic joys above all else. The Ox wife, despite her leadership qualities, may prefer the well-being of the family to a career and support the Dog's husband in his professional activities. A man will appreciate this approach and will try even more for the good of the family.
But there is a risk that in such a couple the wife will become too picky, demanding unquestioning obedience to her orders, suppressing her beloved with her imperiousness. Although the dog is endowed with a large supply of patience, one day it can "break off the chain."

On this basis, conflicts can arise, right up to the Dog leaving the family, if the Ox wife does not understand in time that it is impossible to behave like this with a freedom-loving Dog.
A woman should become softer and more affectionate, stop being jealous for no reason and recognize the primacy of her husband.
The dog, feeling the weakening of the "leash", will become an impeccable husband and a loving father to his children. He will surround the whole family with all kinds of care. A woman will only benefit when she stops making increased demands on her spouse, and scandals and reproaches disappear in the house.

How to live happily ever after?
An ambiguous couple, like the Ox and the Dog, must take into account that they, living together, will have to adhere to certain positions. The bull will have to pacify its leadership and stubbornness all the time, occasionally transferring the reins of government to the Dog.
It is he who will have to smooth out the rough edges in the relationship, be a wiser partner and constantly cool the fervor of the Ox.
Astrologers can give such an alliance some wise advice.
- Be able to stop your tongue in time. Having felt that the course of the conversation is taking a conflict direction, you just need to shut up and let yourself and the interlocutor cool off.
- More positive. Vector union implies the acuteness of not only negative, but also positive aspects. The words spoken in a fit of jealousy and anger hurt the spouses very much. However, joyful moments are perceived more vividly, so that the positive from going to a cafe, to the cinema, a trip to the sea or communicating with children will only strengthen the emotional closeness of partners.
- Sometimes it is required to take time out and be separate from each other for the spouses. This will reduce conflicts in relationships, and long-awaited meetings will be colored with stormy joy.
- Both spouses are encouraged to find their own hobby, which they can use as an outlet.
- Both husband and wife should not get hung up on restructuring a partner for themselves, they need to respect and accept the position of their half, even if they consider it to be incorrect.

Friendship and work
What kind of relationships can develop in people born in the year of the Dog and the Ox, in the professional or educational field? After all, fate often confronts Vol and Dog in life. A dog is an animal that knows how to be friends, they are united by feelings of justice and rationalism. Therefore, the friendship of these signs can develop successfully.
However, even here disagreements may arise. The reason may be that the Bull requires the attention of a friend 24 hours a day and 7 days a week, and the Dog loves to walk without explanation "by itself." This upsets the Bull, and he will consider that the friendship has cooled down. But this is not the case. If the Ox begins to accept the Dog as he is, without making any claims, then faithful friendship is guaranteed for them for many years.
If we are talking about a male Dog and a female Ox, then friendship will be possible if the girl does not feel romantic feelings for a man.

After all, the Dog will be able to both be friends and at the same time love the Bull, but if he does not see reciprocity, then he will not reveal his feelings.
In work, the two signs do not have a very successful relationship, since they have different goals: The Bull chases after the material condition, and the Dog improves the world with his charity. Although the unifying qualities (hard work and responsibility) will work for the good in a pair, where the Ox is the boss and the Dog is the subordinate. But they definitely should not be engaged in a common business, a successful exception can be in a creative union, but only for a short-term. A striking example of such a union is a duet of two stars, which occasionally meet on stage, but do not intersect in everyday life.
For the compatibility of the Dog and the Ox, see below.