Tiger Dog Compatibility
  1. general information
  2. Tiger Men - Dog Women
  3. Dog Men - Tiger Women
  4. Cons of the union
  5. Compatibility
  6. How to maintain a relationship?

According to astrologers, this union according to the eastern horoscope is one of the most reliable and successful. Relationships in it are built on love, mutual respect and understanding. There will always be romance in them. However, it may take some time for the representatives of the signs to understand that they are two halves of a single whole. Love at first sight is rare in this case.

general information

The first feeling that arises as a result of the acquaintance of the Dog and the Tiger is mutual interest. In the future, representatives of the signs will try to get to know each other better, consider the positive qualities of a partner, and after that, real feelings often arise, and usually so strong that the couple literally dissolves in each other. These people are similar in one thing - each of them strives for the ideal. This manifests itself in various areas of life, including in the search for a soul mate.

However, not everything is as rosy as it seems at first glance. As with every pair, there will be conflicts here. Most often, for the reason that the Dog is too active and active, accordingly, it can periodically overtake its partner on the way to something. The tiger will not like this, because he always tries to occupy leading positions in everything.

However, in most cases, they manage to find a compromise, which preserves this tandem for many years.

Tiger Men - Dog Women

Such a pair can rightfully be considered ideal. They can even be called an example of harmonious relationships. They are highly compatible.At the moment of the first meeting, both man and woman feel interest in their partner and are imbued with respect for him. It helps to make friends at the initial stage. In order for falling in love and even stronger feelings to appear, enough time must pass. Nevertheless, a relationship built on such a basis has every chance of being long-lasting and reliable.

The tiger will not feel constant tension next to his chosen one. He will be able to allow himself to relax, and she will gladly give him such an opportunity. Dog woman is very sensitive. She will not strain her partner on trifles, and she is also quite wise to know exactly when to support him, and when to give him freedom. The loyalty of such wives leaves no doubt. One of the reasons why this happens is the fact that the Dog too protects the peace and balance of his man and does not give him a reason to be upset about such things.

The Tiger man really appreciates his soul mate for such an attitude. He tries to reciprocate and is very kind to her.

The chosen one can easily pacify the Tiger if he is angry or agitated. In turn, he tries to listen to her wise advice.

Both signs are very active. Their rhythm of life is similar, they are not bored with each other. However, it can be difficult for them to organize their life, so living together can begin with disagreements. We'll have to learn to jointly regulate everyday issues, to create comfort and coziness in the family nest. This requires systematic work on oneself and close interaction with each other.

It should be noted that the Tiger will not seek to seal their relationship by legal marriage. In this matter, everything depends on the behavior of the Dog. She must show wisdom and diplomacy in order to accurately but persistently convince the chosen one of the need for this event. However, in the case when the hints are correct, the man will quickly propose to the girl.

As for family ties, the main share of responsibilities will still lie with the Dog. However, she will be able to deal with them very successfully. The spouse needs to provide the precious wife with enough attention and provide her with the necessary support in time, thereby proving his love. Awareness of this literally inspires the Dog, and she will do everything to ensure harmony and comfort.

Dog Men - Tiger Women

This union is also considered to be quite successful. However, as in the previous case, mutual support, respect and love should serve as the basis for its creation. Both the man and the woman, born under these signs, are not frivolous, so the approach to creating a relationship for both of them is very rational.

They do not consider the moment of acquaintance as an electric shock, insight and butterflies in the stomach. To begin with, everyone needs to take a closer look at a potential partner. They try to learn as much as possible about each other. Sympathy arises in the process of communication, and over time it is transformed into strong and deep feelings. The Tiger woman completely trusts her partner. He takes full responsibility for his chosen one. A man fully understands her, is ready to support her in any endeavors, he will not ask for trouble in situations that are not suitable for this. He knows when to leave his beloved alone, and when to be near and hold her hand.

The Dog man is very worried about the comfort and tranquility of his soul mate. He wants to protect her from the whole world. The woman is very grateful to him for such an attitude. Her feelings are very strong, she literally lives the life of her chosen one, which, however, does not bother any of them.

Cons of the union

If we talk about the cons, it should be noted that Tigers are prone to excessive jealousy. And this does not depend on whether the partner gives a reason - the Tiger is jealous in any case.However, at the same time, he cannot be called a model of loyalty and devotion.

The tiger is quite capable of treason. But he tries to do it carefully so that the chosen one does not suspect anything (as often happens). At the same time, everyday troubles often become a reason for quarrels, therefore it is very important for a couple to distribute household responsibilities between each other so that there is nothing to swear over.


In bed

In this area, the couple's combination is just perfect. They match each other, getting real pleasure from bed pleasures. The Dog's sensuality allows her to agree to any experiments suggested by her partner.

The main condition is for everyone to perform their functions. A man should be a man even in sex. This will allow the girl to relax and surrender to his will. Perfect compatibility in bed, coupled with full understanding and mutual support in everyday life, allows this union to build long-term and promising relationships.

In business

The Dog and the Tiger can also find mutual understanding in the business sphere. They become excellent partners and can build a joint business quickly and fruitfully. The well-coordinated work of these signs can only be envied: they are responsible, executive and smart. This tandem easily and confidently achieves its goals.

Their common cause often develops rather quickly and successfully.

In friendship

As far as friendship is concerned, the answer cannot be so straightforward. It is impossible to say in advance whether the Tiger and the Dog will turn out to be true friends and reliable comrades-in-arms. Despite the fact that they have similar interests and goals in life, in some moments the struggle for leadership still comes to the fore. This upsets the balance established in the couple, and can lead to the collapse of such a relationship.

In general, this friendly tandem will never get bored being with each other. They have something to talk about, and versatility allows them to maintain a conversation on various topics.

How to maintain a relationship?

In order for the relationship to last for many years, each of the partners must take into account that they will need to be worked on. Even the strongest feelings cannot last long if left to chance. Astrologers give this zodiac couple several recommendations to explain exactly how they should behave in order to maintain harmony.

If we are talking about a woman Dog, there is a risk that she will devote herself entirely to her partner. However, one must remember that she also has her own feelings and desires. If a man is born under this sign, he should try not to limit the Tigress too much, since she is a bright and effective person and enjoys the attention of the opposite sex, but at the same time remains faithful to her chosen one. The same applies to the Tiger woman: she should not try to keep her partner within certain limits that run counter to his will.

A Tiger man should not get carried away by casual relationships, but he must remember that next to him is a faithful and loving chosen one.

For how the Tiger is combined with other signs of the Eastern horoscope, see the next video.

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