Ox woman: characteristics and compatibility

A woman born in the year of the Ox is a strong personality with a kind heart. First of all, she is concerned about the well-being of her family and friends. There is not an ounce of selfishness in her character. True, when solving the problems of others, she forgets to ask their opinion, which sometimes causes some problems. Consider a more detailed description of the Ox woman in the article.
Characteristics of the Ox sign
The Bull (Fiery and Metallic) is a symbol of prosperity through fortitude and hard work.
The representative of this sign is characterized by reliability, calmness and prudence.
By nature, this woman is a hard worker, ready to do routine work. It will be difficult for others to convince her of something, since there are important traits in her character - stubbornness and firmness of intentions.

However, her natural reliability and responsibility lead to her cherished goals. A woman born in the year of the Metal Ox is always ready for work and defense, no matter what state she is in. But this lifestyle can negatively affect your physical condition, as well as relationships with men.
The attractive Ox girl has a high intellect, which, by the way, tries not to demonstrate. It is characterized by logic and rationality. In addition, outwardly she is modest, restrained. At the right time, female fortitude and self-confidence are manifested.
Astrologers notice that it is typical for the representatives of this sign to walk with their heads held high.

In life, he deeply respects customs and traditions, always tries to act by the rules.
Sometimes he blindly fulfills the wishes of others, for which he is criticized for the lack of his own opinion or imagination.Nevertheless, the Ox woman knows exactly what and how to do in order to bring success in the future.
In all areas of activity, she uses exclusively perseverance and dedication., including where others involve cunning and wit. Born in the year of the Fire Ox, the girl does not pay attention to other people's opinions, she herself clearly sees further actions and future results.

In love, marriage and family
In relationships with men, the representative of the Metal Ox sign behaves too naively. It is quite difficult for her to understand all the subtleties of the feeling called love and emotions in general. She is not too romantic, so you shouldn't expect from her delight from a date under the moon. In addition, her character is reflected in gifts - she prefers to give something strong, durable.
Men who want to conquer the Ox woman will take a lot of effort and long courtship. Only in this case, the companion will be able to reveal her soul, and eventually truly fall in love. Interestingly, outwardly she looks like a true lady, and having fallen in love, she turns into a completely different person.

Having won her trust, a man will receive a faithful companion in life. Such as she will never disappoint, we will always be there, listen and support. In addition, the Ox girl is quite independent to provide and even pamper herself with everything she needs.
At first glance, the relationship with such a chosen one is too boring and monotonous. However, a man can be calm about the cleanliness of his shirts, order in the house and a delicious dinner.
Such a partner makes a worthy spouse.

She knows how to spend less than her husband earns. In addition, he never ceases to achieve success in his career.
Yes, and the near-perfect companion has some drawbacks... Among them, rancorousness should be noted. She remembers quarrels and grievances in the smallest detail, recalling them at the right time. And also prefers to hide behind work in the event of a strong emotional shock. He tries to retire, withdraw into himself as a result of love disappointments.

A girl born in the year of the Metal Ox is patient, has an iron character, but she should not be tested. She is able to demolish everyone in her path. Fortunately, such situations are rare.
In relations with household members, she shows leadership qualities, her word is considered law. Despite the fact that material values are a priority, the wife and mother of the Ox sign is very fond of and proud of her family. In addition, in family relationships, she often shows selflessness - for the benefit of those close to her.

A girl born under the sign of the Bull during the day has a more active character, somewhere even aggressive, which cannot be said about one born at night. By nature, she is flint, she often listens to the mind than the heart. Others should know that you should not seek an approach to her through feelings.
Advice from astrologers: the representatives of the sign should relax a little, see the funny and simple in life - this will help to achieve inner harmony.
In general, relationships with people develop successfully, mainly due to the lack of selfishness and the ability to listen.

In a career
The Ox woman is a leader by nature, therefore, in her work she does not regret her rigidity, exactingness towards colleagues. Unfortunately, it is quite difficult to achieve success in the diplomatic sphere due to the lack of tact and respect for others. Nevertheless, she remains a highly respected person due to qualities such as honesty and integrity. In addition, he can easily inspire his subordinates to create a new and successful project.
Among other things, innate qualities help to achieve goals - dignity and morality, however, the result does not come quickly, since the business woman Ox will never turn down a dishonorable path. She is so independent by nature that she will not even accept help without persuasion.

Astrologers claim that her conscientiousness and decency are located at the DNA level, which, by the way, can be passed on to children regardless of what sign of the zodiac they are born under.
According to the eastern horoscope, it turns out that the sign of the Rooster will be able to add colors and the sun to reality for the steel-like Bulls.
The representative of the Snake sign will allow a naive girl to feel care, affection from a partner who is also distinguished by wisdom.

Rabbit (Cat) male compatibility
Harmony in the Ox - Rabbit (Cat) pair is possible only if there is complete trust in each other. This is especially important for a girl. The guy of this sign is usually intelligent and diplomatic, it is easy for him to achieve the location of the opposite sex. Thanks to the innate charm, the Rabbit (Cat) will be able to conquer the proud representative of the Chinese sign Ox.
However, her chosen one is very loving, which cannot please her companion, who will suffer from doubts and guesses. To solve the problem, a man must pay more attention to his chosen one. Otherwise, the Ox girl will cease to endure and announce the separation.

Having convinced of the good intentions of the partner, the Rabbit (Cat) will stop chasing fleeting hobbies.
In a pair of Ox - Rabbit (Cat), compatibility in love is quite high - about 80%. It is important for both partners to create their own nest where they can build a strong family. The main thing is the efforts of both sides.
Compatibility in marriage - 100%, friendship - 70%, business relationship - 30%.

Relationship with a man of the Year of the Goat
Such a union carries a lot of difficulties and contradictions, the chances of getting along together are practically reduced to zero. It's all about the character of the Ox woman - strong, principled, she will not tolerate a capricious, irresponsible man who does not take life seriously. In addition, despite the woman's iron disposition, she needs a sense of security, but the partner of the Year of the Goat cannot give her this.
In a love relationship, the companion will deliberately provoke the girl in order to bring her into conflict. The only salvation for this union may be an agreement where they will be able to distribute their roles. Only with mutual understanding, the Ox-Goat couple has a chance to grow into a family.

Astrologers assure that relationships in love and marriage can preserve common interests. And also an important factor is the sexual component of partners.
The overall compatibility of this tandem is only 41%. Separately in marriage - 40%, in bed - 55%, friendship - 51%.
A woman born in the year of the Fire or Metal Ox is a selfless nature. Sometimes, helping others, he forgets about his own happiness. Such as she will become a good friend and faithful wife to a man who can earn her respect and love.

The characteristics of people born under the sign of the Bull can be found in the video below.