Dragon woman: characteristics, work, love and talismans

There is no doubt that every person is different. At the same time, it was noted that people born in the same year have similar character traits and behavior in life. The eastern horoscope with its patron animals will help reveal the secret of the characters of loved ones and look at yourself in a new way. One of the brightest representatives is the Dragon.
Character traits
People born in the Year of the Dragon are smart, freedom-loving, artistic, self-confident, non-standard and original in solving life situations. A woman born in the Year of the Dragon is the embodiment of strength and confidence, worldly wisdom, natural charm and charm. Due to her strong-willed nature, it is difficult for her to forgive the weaknesses of other people, she is straightforward, does not like uncertain situations and always strive for certainty in relationships with close people and friends. Such a harsh characterization does not prevent this lady from being gentle, generous, and funny.
This eastern sign of the Chinese zodiac also endowed her with the desire to shine in society, receive compliments, be in the center of events and the attention of others.

Lady Dragon will never flatter and curry favor, she always speaks the truth directly to her face, does not hide her sympathy or antipathy for a person. She has a complex character, it is difficult to find a key to her. The main characteristic of the personality of the Dragon woman is the desire for perfection in everything. She herself constantly learns, broadens her horizons and expects the same from other people. Possessing a magnet character, she often attracts people like her to her. At the same time, she is not interested in weak, lazy and passive people.
As a multifaceted and independent person, she is able to become a real leader and lead people.

Outwardly, a strict and unapproachable Dragon woman is kind and vulnerable inside, but if necessary, she is able to defend her point of view, to intercede for a weaker one. She is completely oblivious to criticism: He tries to turn all criticisms to his advantage, improving and correcting his own shortcomings. The Dragon Woman is often accompanied by good luck, a wide social circle. Intelligence and business acumen contribute to a quick climb up the career ladder. She is loved by her work colleagues, friends, acquaintances, everyone wants to communicate with her.
She is often involved in charitable activities, takes an active part in the functioning of various funds to help the poor and sick.

In family life, such a woman prefers to dictate her own rules and expects strict obedience from household members. Men adore such ladies, although the Dragon woman does not suddenly rush into a whirlpool of feelings and emotions, but carefully and very scrupulously approaches the choice of her man. An objective look at any situation and analytical thinking allows you to avoid many troubles. If the case is not interesting or there is a risk of suffering from greedy, petty people, she will easily refuse it.
She prefers to solve her problems herself or rely on a stronger partner.

In communication, the Dragon woman prefers people who are creative, courageous, bright, able to think in an original way. With such people, she does not feel bored and feels comfortable. Money for a Dragon woman is very important and plays an important role in her life, therefore, there are a lot of rich and influential people among her acquaintances and friends. Born this year is always well-groomed, fashionably and stylishly dressed. Going outside without makeup and hair is unacceptable for her. She believes that attractive appearance is an integral part of the image.

The sign of the Dragon is closely related to the five elements of wood, fire, earth, metal, water. Each element endows the Dragon with unique individual traits. A woman born in the year of the White Metal Dragon is characterized by determination, pressure and an "iron" grip in achieving her goal. The Fire Dragon endows lovely ladies with an inexhaustible supply of ambitions that directly affect their behavior and life in general. The Earth Dragon is a materialist to the tips of her fingers, practical, she has no illusions about the world around her, she tries to preserve her property.
From such representatives of the fair sex, strict, but sincere and warm-hearted mothers are obtained.

Manifestation in the business sphere
In business, the Dragon woman is wise, decisive and purposeful. Due to her strong-willed nature and analytical mind, she is able to work in a multitasking environment. Such character traits are ideal for people who want to make a good career and achieve heights in their field. With a tough and demanding character, she can be an excellent leader and lead the masses.
But straightforwardness and unwillingness to compromise often get in the way of communicating with people.

As a talented person, she can handle any profession. She shows great interest in everything new, unexplored, progressive. As a responsible person, she will complete any business and perform it at a high level. Most often, such a woman chooses a profession with a high salary. But if for some reason he does not succeed, he can easily change the field of activity and try his hand at another field. Good prospects for the Dragon are expected in any field of business, science, politics or creativity.
Such a woman will not hesitate for a long time and hesitate to solve the problem, but she always acts with lightning speed.

Love relationship
Thanks to the extraordinary and multifaceted qualities of their nature, women born in the Year of the Dragon are always interesting to those around them, they are adored, singled out in the crowd, fall in love, and are jealous. A large number of fans and admirers of such an outstanding nature can cause justified jealousy of this woman's partner. In family and love relationships, this fact will have to be taken into account. In both business and love, she can be tough and irreconcilable. In order to build a strong understanding and love relationship, it is best for a partner not to aggravate the controversial situation and not sort things out.
Such a woman cannot be told how to live, her natural nature cannot be limited to certain frameworks.

Long-term relationships Dragons can only build with harmonious signs. An original and rather reliable marriage is provided for two Dragons - him and her. Such a couple will never be bored with each other, all the positive features of their nature are doubled, mutual understanding and support provide a completely comfortable and harmonious union. The only drawback of such a tandem is the same negative qualities and character flaws, which, when interests clash, only intensify and can develop into a serious conflict or quarrel. Considering that those born under the sign of the Dragon choose a partner for a long time and carefully, they have wisdom and common sense.
In the presence of true sincere love and respect for each other, such an alliance can last for more than one decade.

The Dragon woman will never sit at home and do housework. She needs to shine in society, conquer men, build a career. Her house is always beautiful and well-groomed, the children are under vigilant strict supervision, the beloved man is at her side and in everything corresponds to her partner. If the partner of the Dragon Lady does not appreciate her efforts to create comfort and coziness, she quickly leaves him and starts a new relationship. Boredom and monotony are not for her, because passion drives love relationships. And if this lovely lady liked a man, she will make every effort of mental effort, individual charm and brilliance to seduce and fall in love with him.
Important! Marriage and family relationships are not the main goal in the life of the Lady of the Dragon. Sometimes she remains single and does not get married at all.

Compatibility with other signs
Individual representatives of the signs of the eastern horoscope have good compatibility with the Dragon and can easily adapt to it.
- Smart and visionary Rat - one of the best options for love and family life. Both signs have high intelligence, ingenuity in love relationships, a desire to please everyone, a passion for money. The Wise Rat is generous with compliments that the Dragon so loves and appreciates. In turn, the Dragon Lady is ready to move mountains for the sake of such a partner. These signs are perfectly compatible.
- Union with the wise Monkey promises the Dragon passionate love, positive energy, creative embodiment of all kinds of ideas, such a union can be not only family, but also working. In family life, the Monkey will gladly give up leadership to the Dragon and at the same time will be very happy.
- A successful union can also develop with the Snake. Both signs have a lot in common: elegance, charm, remarkable intelligence, great ambition, wisdom. The snake will not insist on leadership in the relationship, leaving the Dragon in command. The main thing in such an alliance is mutual respect and the complete absence of jealousy on the part of the Snake.
- Union with the Tiger can be original, full of vitality, and common beliefs and ideas will only bring him together. The uncontrolled extravagance inherent in both signs can be a small hindrance to a perfect relationship, but good luck in financial affairs will save you from poverty.
- With a rooster the Dragon woman can have a passionate whirlwind romance, which can smoothly develop into a long-term strong marriage relationship.But there is a small obstacle - both are very jealous, in order to maintain a relationship, they do not need to get fans and female fans on the side. Impulsiveness, ostentatious bravado, magnificent oratory attracts the Dragon woman to the Rooster, but as a true selfish, she is not ready to deal with the problems of her partner.
- Pig man, at first glance, not an ideal partner for the Dragon. A practical, solid, slow Pig prefers calmness and stability, and the brilliant energetic Lady Dragon loves to surround herself with numerous admirers.
- Two identical Dragons - a harmonious union, but contradictory. Both will try to take a leading position in the relationship. Talented in everything, they can harmoniously exist side by side if they are not envious and jealous.
- The many-sided Dragon girl will find Horses in a man ideal companion for visiting museums, exhibitions, theaters, presentations. Both love to be in the center of attention of others and do not like everything related to everyday problems, the daily family routine, although they love to receive guests at home.
- Pig man Is the perfect fan for the Dragon. Madly in love with his chosen one, he is ready to fulfill all her desires, indulge whims, serve. The adoration of the Pig can completely ruin the selfish character of the cute Drakosha, but if she shows common sense and respects her soul mate, such a union promises to be long and happy. Both signs are prone to infidelity, which can push them to break up.

In the eastern horoscope there are three signs that are strongly discouraged from having love and family relationships with the Dragon.
- Rabbit will always be indifferent to the multifaceted draconian nature, he will not all the time give compliments, please, indulge the whims. Their relationship can be harmonious only at the initial stage, then the domineering and intolerant lady Dragon will begin to suppress the tender feelings of the Rabbit.
- Goat man loves family life, coziness, comfort, a dinner table set on time. For a temperamental and sociable Dragon, family life is always in the background. In addition, the capricious Goat is stingy with compliments.
- Sensual Sentimental Dog generally has little to do with dragon nature. For the Dog, inner emotional experiences, loyalty, reliability, tenderness are important. All these qualities are absent in the Dragon. Such an alliance is doomed from the very beginning.

Which talisman stones are suitable?
The most important stone talisman for the Dragon is amethyst. It strengthens intuition, clarifies the mind, stimulates analytical thinking, stabilizes luck in the financial and material spheres. Green chrysolite makes the Dragon happy, with such a talisman it becomes easy and calm. Amber eliminates health problems, relieves headaches, has a positive effect on the immune system, has anti-stress effect.

Iridescent opals can be safely attributed to Dragonstone talismans. Bright rainbow opal in a pendant or in a ring will save you from wrong decisions and miscalculations. Black and pink opal is perfect for a mature sign. Sapphires give the Dragon wisdom and develop memory, get rid of stupid hasty decisions.

A properly selected talisman stone will help smooth out and balance the negative and positive qualities of the dragon nature.
For the character of a woman born in the Year of the Dragon, see the next video.
Thanks! Great video. I am a Dragon, we all hate falsehood and betrayal. We will starve and live on the street, but we will never humiliate ourselves before the one who betrayed.