Rabbit woman: characteristics and compatibility

A woman born in the year of the Cat (Rabbit) is beautiful, passionate and sexy. She can literally drive men crazy at first sight. Smart and mysterious, she invariably attracts the attention of the opposite sex, while her compatibility with representatives of other signs largely depends on her personal qualities.

Features of the sign
The most unusual and dual sign is Rabbit, aka Cat, in the eastern horoscope, both of these animals occupy the same place... In many ways, this duality left an imprint on the character of women born under this sign. On the one hand, the Rabbit lady is fragile, very gentle and incredibly feminine, and on the other hand, she is very strong in spirit, courageous and completely independent of the opposite sex. Such a lady is distinguished by exceptional independence and self-sufficiency.

In addition to external beauty, she has a rather tenacious mind and ingenuity; the representatives of this sign have well-developed logic and intuition. According to the horoscope, girls Rabbits are capable of performing several tasks at one time, they are inclined to analyze information and make predictions, this quality is especially strong in Capricorns. The Rabbit girl is usually very sexy, she is distinguished by powerful internal magnetism, which does not depend at all on her appearance, although the representatives of this sign are usually very attractive.
It is unlikely that you will be able to speak with this lady in the language of logic.Even in a situation where she is forced to operate with numbers and real facts, her thinking and decisions are usually based on irrational perception, intuition and hypersensitivity. She is always based on inner harmony, therefore, when communicating, she invariably shows courtesy, friendliness and the most refined manners. These traits usually make her a good politician and diplomat.

From the outside, the Cat Woman may seem soft and docile - this is a common misconception, since the representatives of this sign are distinguished by great spiritual strength and self-confidence. It is possible that in their hearts these cats feel like real tigresses.
You can never be 100% sure of the Rabbits' reaction to certain situations - such ladies are unpredictable and emotional. Some tend to consider them cunning, others prudent - but this opinion hardly bothers the Rabbit girl, an innate diplomatic gift will allow her to achieve her goal and at the same time do without conflicts.
It is safe to say about the Rabbit woman that she is an amazing mistress., she literally personifies comfort and warmth, and she feels best in her own walls. The rabbit is distinguished by hospitality, the doors of her house are always open for family and friends. By nature, such a lady is a homebody, although she certainly appreciates the pleasure of social life.

The woman of this sign does not feel the need to compete with men, which makes her even more valuable in their eyes. Nevertheless, it is "a cat that always walks by itself." She will remain faithful to her chosen one, but she will not limit herself to attending social events. She always needs a place where she can shine. Any opportunity to demonstrate her wit, culture and erudition is important to her.

Characteristics by year
The main character traits of a lady born under the sign of the Rabbit, largely depend on the elements of the year in which they were born.
- 1987 year - fiery Cat. Such ladies have the ability to competently use any given opportunities, as a rule, they do not have material problems, in addition, they are competent financiers.
- 1975 year - wooden Rabbit. These ladies are extremely sociable, they easily adapt to a changing environment and have excellent creative inclinations.
- 1963 year - water Rabbit. The girls who were born that year are rather shy and shy, they take what is happening around them very close to their hearts, while they are distinguished by a sharp mind - like a sponge they absorb new information, analyze it and use it to benefit their personal development.
- 1951 and 2011 - metal Rabbit. Such ladies have the ability to successfully translate all their ideas into practice, in difficult moments they like to retire and meditate.
- 1999 year - Earthen Rabbit, these representatives of the fair sex very accurately determine their life goals and objectives, they always know exactly how to achieve what they want.

Compatibility in love and family
Usually men dream of such a woman - refined, invariably well-groomed, tastefully dressed, witty and resourceful, she is unlikely to leave indifferent the surrounding young people. Nevertheless, she will begin to accept signs of attention only from her chosen one. As a spouse, she chooses a companion-earner who can provide her with stability and a high standard of living.

- The Cat woman will be very happy with the Dog man - both signs characterize decency, partners will never dare to deceive, betray and treason. Despite the fact that their life together is likely to be calm and monotonous, they will still be fine with each other.
- Rabbit's complete harmony reigns in relations with the Pig, such marriages are based on trust, support and mutual understanding.
- With representatives of the Rat, Rabbits are waiting for a very stormy and emotional showdown, it is quite difficult for such people to adapt to each other.
- People born under the signs of the Rabbit and the Goat get along well, but only if a woman gives her man enough free space, such unions often break down due to mistrust and financial turmoil.
- The Rabbit and the Ox are perfect for each other, these are people for whom peace and stability are most important, they try to avoid serious changes.
- With a Rooster, a Cat woman's union is doomed to failure, partners in such a marriage will face quarrels, abuse and constant humiliation.
- In alliance with the Tiger, the Rabbit girl will receive a wonderful companion who shares her passion for travel.
- The connection with the Dragon is only possible if both partners become tolerant.
- The Snake man, like the Rabbit woman, appreciates a warm family environment, comfort and aesthetics. They will work together to arrange their family nest.
- In tandem with the Monkey, the Rabbit will not feel protected, which will make the woman unhappy.
- But the connection between women and men born in the year of the Rabbit will be filled with passion and love. These people are united by a common life values, which makes life together harmonious and joyful.
- The relationship of the Rabbit woman with the Horse is developing well. At first, both partners will have a passion for each other, but over time, these people are unlikely to have anything other than sex.

Business compatibility
Girls Cats are rightfully considered careerists, they always know how to achieve their goals and go over their heads. Most often, they realize their skills in a creative way, they make good designers, artists, literary and music critics, performers.

In their work, the ladies of this sign rely on the following inner qualities:
- refined taste;
- sharp mind;
- analytic skills;
- an exceptional degree of culture;
- diplomacy;
- politeness and tact.
Most often, representatives of this sign run their own business - they easily conduct negotiations and presentations, make good deals, and at the same time have the skill to correctly plan their personal time while their competitors are thinking - Rabbits women are acting. Relationships of such ladies with business partners of the opposite sex are very easy to develop - men invariably fall under their charm.
It should be noted that the Rabbit woman shows herself as a good competent leader. She always subtly senses the situation in the work collective and can quickly defuse the most tense atmosphere.

Rabbits achieve good success in business tandem with Tigers, Snakes, Dragons, Goats, and also with a Pig, but they will have the best business relationships with representatives of the Year of the Dog. Both are honest, motivated to work hard, and they are not afraid to share their experience. The dog will always be devoted to the Rabbit girl, who, in turn, will not quarrel with her partner over little things.

With the Pig, the representative of the Cat sign will have good financial wealth. Both signs stubbornly go to the same goal, along the way discussing all the nuances of cooperation. The most creative creative projects can be realized with the Rabbit and the Goat. A partnership with the Dragon can be successful, but only if the Rabbit woman is completely subordinate to him, in such a tandem, the division of duties is welcomed: she is responsible for the entire internal organization, and he solves strategic problems.
And here conducting common affairs with Rats, Monkeys, representatives of Roosters, as well as Bulls, in accordance with Eastern teachings, is completely unpromising... The joint activity of the representatives of these signs will not bring any tangible success, the partners will be in a state of stress and dissatisfaction with each other all the time.

You will learn more about women born in the year of the Rabbit by watching the following video.