Dog woman: characteristics and compatibility

People born in the Year of the Dog are fully endowed with the best qualities of this animal. The fairer sex lives their own lives, not forgetting about kindness and responsiveness. Sharpness and ambition can become both positive and negative qualities. Large companies are not to the liking of Dogs, distinguished by their purity of soul and a big heart.

General information and dates
Mysterious and often self-contained Dogs were born in 1946, 1958, 1970, 1982, 1994, 2006, 2018. Each this year was full of personalities who, when they meet, captivate and beckon. Woman Dog is distinguished by intelligence, attractive appearance. Among the representatives of this sign, there are exclusively educated individuals.
Disadvantages Dogs do not tolerate both in themselves and in other people. Justice is inherent in the highest degree, which is not to everyone's liking. But such qualities are very much appreciated by the really close people of the Dog woman, because she always worries and tries to help everyone who really needs help.
The finicky choice of life partners fully pays off with loyalty and depth of love. In marriage, the Dog becomes an excellent mistress, giving himself without a trace to the house, children and husband.

Character traits
Dogs born in years are distinguished by their individuality, which is not afraid of any fashion trends. It is also due to the high level of gracefulness and sexual attraction. Wit and exactingness help well in life, especially when you know how to clearly set goals and achieve them.
Crowded places are not for the humble Dog.Although this characteristic is often falsely perceived as indifference and coldness. Only the closest people really know the representatives of this sign. Pessimism is an inherent trait of Dog women. However, doubtfulness often leads to excellent results.
The inability to relax is often due to the fact that the Dog is engaged in several activities at the same time. However, this is completely imperceptible behind many positive qualities, because this sign is distinguished by incredible devotion and loyalty. Dog women do not lose friends, but only gain, because you can rely on them in any matter.

Do not deceive the representatives of this sign, otherwise they will be very upset.
The seriousness of Dogs may even seem boring to someone, but this is due to the inability to have fun without a serious reason. With the wrong course of affairs, excessive irritability and anxiety are possible. Of course, often Dog women themselves come up with unpleasant situations. All decisions are made by this sign with the utmost care and without rashness.
Very often among the Dogs there are women who struggle with everything bad all their lives. It is important for them that everyone around them is happy. They are ready to help anyone who asks for it.

A striking example of dedication is Joan of Arc, who was born in the year of the Dog and has many of the qualities of this sign.
Description of astrological signs of the zodiac
- For Aries Dogs straightforwardness, courage and severity are characteristic. Moreover, this manifests itself even in relationships with the opposite sex.
- Taurus stable, their behavior is easy to predict. The versatility of this combination is amazing. It is very easy for people born under this sign in the modern world.
- Dog under the sign Gemini - an obvious fidget. Her constant mood swings border on practicality, and her willingness to adapt to others is mesmerizing.
- Emotional and sensual Cancer sometimes forgets to be careful. For such women, fantasies are important, because without them there will be no strength in the real world.
- Leadership skills Leo Dogs amaze. Responsibility, self-confidence, the steely character of the representatives of these signs is to the liking of many.
- Virgo I like to serve, and it doesn't matter where and to whom. Everything that such women do is done strictly according to the rules. One cannot fail to note their hard work, calmness and discretion.
- Libra I like to be friendly, sociable and freedom-loving. For them, beauty and harmony are important, despite internal contradictions. Everything and always should be the way they want.
- Strong and discerning Scorpions capable of much. Difficulties they may have due to the desire for excessive freedom.
- Sagittarius adore society, and it becomes an integral part of their life. They are distinguished by reliability, seriousness, composure and playful disposition.
- For Capricorn order and discipline are important. In the first place for her is the embodiment of her ideas in life.
- Vodoleev can be seen from the easy attitude to life, passion for hobbies and pleasures. With all this, they are characterized by altruism and independence.
- Fishes they know how to perfectly feel the human essence and know exactly what the meaning of life is. The material world is too cruel for the practical, dexterous and emotional representatives of this sign.

Work and career
Dogs are not careerists: they do not have strong leadership qualities.
In work, women of this sign only need to reach the position of the right hand of the main leader in order to be happy.
Such an employee is always ready to help, gives good advice, easily navigates difficult situations. Nobility and a cold mind are prized, and when combined with intelligence and discernment are excellent qualities of an irreplaceable worker.
A job well done doesn't always have to end up with huge rewards for the Dog. Material benefits are of little interest to her, much more important is the relationship with the people around her. Any task that this sign undertakes will be completed with high quality and high speed. Dogs can be entrusted with even the most difficult and responsible tasks. There is no such profession with which they could not cope perfectly well.

At work, respect and encouragement are always waiting for her. At the same time, the Dog always copes with its problems on its own, without disturbing others. Most often, this sign selects a specific industry and becomes an excellent specialist in it. Legends can be made about the diligence, honesty, and efficiency of the Dogs.
Subordinates like the leaders of the Dog, who are attentive and always try to help.
Also worth noting is the quality of dedication. It is very important for them to do something, otherwise self-criticism cannot be avoided.

Love and relationships
Modesty and shyness in dealing with men is inherent in almost all women born in the year of the Dog. Representatives of this sign often have many psychological complexes and fears. Contacts with new people are sometimes very difficult for them. Stress, suffering and even anticipation can become an obstacle in relationships with the opposite sex. It takes a long time to get close to people, which is why Dogs have long-term relationships.
Often this sign is found in the field of volunteering, but where exactly Dogs should not be looked for is in any fun clubs. Women Dogs prefer to spend their free time with benefit, not only for themselves, but also for others. Excessive devotion sometimes interferes with them, since in the first place they have close people, and not themselves.
Family for Dogs is sacred. Marriage is very important for them, and they consider divorce to be something unacceptable. To preserve the union, the representatives of the sign are ready to make any sacrifices.
If too many grievances accumulate, then the woman will certainly show anger and aggression.

Dogs have no specific requirements for their soulmate. A very important factor is the love of the partner. The ideal companion will be a stronger and more grown-up man who will be able to show wisdom, authority and care. The sign has a clause about the loyalty that representatives show themselves and expect from others.
The Dog woman approaches the search for a man very thoroughly, as she wants an ideal relationship. She doesn't like short novels. Life practice has shown that Dogs often try to start a family over and over again.
A Dog cannot be a housewife, since its inspiration is what is happening in the world around it.
If you do not give her freedom to some extent, then such a relationship will quickly end.
A common business or hobby with your spouse is ideal. However, it must be borne in mind that they love very dynamic activities.

How to conquer it?
The insecurity and insecurity of Dog women border on wisdom, discernment and modesty. As a result, this leads to the fact that it is very difficult to conquer it. If you manage to get closer to the representative of this sign, then you can be sure that this is really for a long time. It is important for the Dog that she feels comfort and love in the presence of a man.
To win the hearts of the representatives of this sign, you can use a pleasant romance. For example, take her out on a date in a scenic location.
It is worth clarifying that they are especially sensitive to nature walks.

A concert of her favorite band, a walk along the river under the moon, a sunset on the seaside or on the roof of a tall city building can touch the ice on the heart.
A man will have to repeatedly prove that he is primarily interested in the spiritual side of the Dog woman and their joint future. It is very important for the representatives of the stronger sex to show their lively mind and their spirituality.

The Dog woman's union can be happy with a few signs of the eastern horoscope. For example, the most favorable relationship can happen with Dog, Pig, Ox and Rat. But with other signs, everything is complicated.
The horoscope claims that the Rooster man is definitely not suitable for the Dog woman. However, if both partners are quite patient, then over time everything becomes good. The rooster will constantly courting his companion, and she will find flaws in him. To hurt each other will become a favorite pastime for both, and this is what can become a strong connecting element, because their forces are approximately equal.
An interesting relationship can turn out in a pair of Rabbit-Dog. In this alliance, a woman will always be the best friend who will never lag behind her man. The attraction between them can only be envied. Even at a distance, they are ready to be faithful and have a passion for each other.

The compatibility of signs such as Goat and Dog cannot be called otherwise as strange.... Any question facing them easily turns into a global problem that cannot be solved. Moreover, each of them could easily cope with it alone. Pulling in different directions is a common occurrence for them. Of course, they try to live in obedience to each other, but this is clearly not good for them.

You will learn more about women Dogs by watching the following video.