Characteristics of women born in the year of the Tiger

In the East, the Tiger symbolizes the growing strength of the new moon, as well as courage and energy. A woman born under this sign represents a rebellious and unpredictable nature. This is truly a fearless, fiery fighter for life. Let's talk more about the Tiger woman.
Elements and talismans
The ancient Chinese brought out 5 elements (or elements) - fire, metal, earth, wood, water.
According to the eastern horoscope, the sign of the Tiger is influenced by one of the elements, which determines the future character and fate of a person born this year. In addition, the effect of each of the five elements increases or decreases at different time intervals, in contrast to the elements of the earth - its effect persists throughout the year.
Thus, the power of wood can be felt in spring, fire - in summer, metal - in autumn, water - in winter.
By horoscope sign Tiger suggests the presence of talismans that protect their carriers. Astrologers advise paying attention to the strongest stones - diamond and amethyst, ruby and topaz have a less positive effect.

Consider the characteristics of women born in the years of the Fire and Wood Tiger.
Wooden, or "Tiger resting" (1914, 1974, 2034). Represents a confident, courageous person who clearly understands his desires and goals. Women born under the element of a tree do well in life. As for their careers, the leadership position is not for them, rather they are inclined to cooperate. However, the character of the Tiger girls is unstable, sometimes too pessimistic, and they also do not tolerate criticism.Therefore, in work matters, this trait can scare off colleagues.

Fiery, or "Tiger living in the mountains" (1866, 1926, 1986). Under this element, inquisitive, energetic individuals are born. Throughout life, they strive for knowledge. Qualities such as efficiency, optimism, hard work and enthusiasm help to achieve the intended goal in any business. The Tiger girl is an orator by nature, the soul of the company. Easily builds relationships with others.

Features of character and behavior
A tiger woman is especially happy when she manages to show her talents and capabilities. People around her are drawn to her because of her lively, optimistic attitude and great sense of humor. In addition, she is full of energy, which is charged to loved ones. In communication with a woman of the Tiger sign, in response, you can get all emotions, except for indifference. However, behind sincerity and affection hides a hot temper, which manifests itself at the right time.
The psychological portrait of a girl can be depicted as follows: she loves everything beautiful, especially with regard to animals. She is not afraid of contradictions and obstacles on the way to the cherished goal, it is in her nature to always go to the end.

Greater success is to be expected in the creative professions. There is the potential to become an artist, singer or actress. In general, the Tiger woman is optimistic, strives for inner harmony, does not get hung up on the material. Nevertheless, money is important to her - it gives her a sense of security.
A girl born in the Year of the Tiger loves to express herself, to demonstrate individuality - in this way she wins the sympathy of others, and also increases self-esteem. There is something rebellious in her character - she easily disagrees with the "wrong" regimes and rules.
Sometimes those around her are frightened by her insolence, insane strength, but it is worth understanding that such behavior leads to a positive result, which, by the way, the "warrior" willingly shares with everyone.

Like any woman, she needs support, a solid shoulder. In moments of weakness, the tigress turns off logic and surrenders to feelings. The person nearby should understand this, so it is important to comfort a weak woman. By the way, all this will return to the comforter many times more.
This horoscope sign endowed the girl with predatory qualities in an amicable way. Even in a state of emotional or material decline, a spark does not fade in it, which, being kindled, turns into a wild fire.

Description of astrological signs of the zodiac
Consider the eastern zodiac horoscope with a detailed description of the characters.
- Tiger-Aries - a person eternally running forward, enjoys the path itself. Girls born under the influence of two signs know how to love and appreciate their beloved.
- Tiger-Taurus - a real beast with a real outlook on life, while performing actions with caution. He is characterized by courage, prudence and prudence. A woman under the signs of Tiger and Taurus knows exactly how to get rich.
- Tiger Gemini - this personality combines fantasy and courage. Representatives of this combination do not accept conflicts, they try to avoid them by any means. Unfortunately, Gemini Tiger women are not always faithful in love, they are more likely to be in an open relationship.
- Tiger-Cancer - a bright, joyful girl who is often perceived as a jester. However, she is able to examine a person from the inside, understand his motives and draw conclusions.
- Tiger-Lion - the hallmarks are kindness, care, which are combined with the ability to control the situation. The woman of these signs is very curious, which helps in the business sphere, but interferes with the love one.
- Tiger Virgo - suggests a moral, honest, attractive image. The success of this person lies in her environment.
- Tiger-Libra - prefers to think rationally. People admire such a woman for her intelligence, oratorical qualities, and the desire to achieve career heights.
- Tiger-Scorpio - about this person, we can say that "devils are found in a still pool."A kind, calm girl can release poison at the right time. He does not tolerate frames and restrictions - he does everything as he wants.
- Tiger-Sagittarius - subtle, sensitive nature, especially appreciates beauty. Builds honest, peaceful relationships with people. She dreams of bringing inner and outer beauty to the masses.
- Tiger-Capricorn - has a powerful temperament, such a lady is not like anyone else. Her trump card is her sense of humor, which helps in business and personal relationships.
- Tiger-Aquarius - a reasonable tigress who can speak beautifully and a lot. She got used to demonstrating intellectual abilities. Leaves only brave men on its way.
- Tiger-Pisces - a very refined, delicate personality. Beauty comes from such a person. Differs in good taste. However, he prefers solitude.

Work and career
Thanks to innate strength and perseverance, the tigress is able to achieve success in any field. The woman of this sign is a combination of attractiveness, intelligence and good manners. All this helps her to build relationships with colleagues. However, due to unwillingness to obey, he often conflicts with his superiors.
If a Tiger girl sees an opportunity to overtake men in business, she will not miss the opportunity to compete for a "place in the sun."

Having set a goal, he goes to it only in honest ways, using his own strength. In addition, perseverance and female charm help to climb the career ladder.
The Chinese horoscope says that others are charged with the energy of this woman, she literally scatters ideas.
Women born in the Year of the Tiger often serve as directors or run their own businesses.

Love and relationships
The Tiger woman is a romantic nature. In addition to natural playfulness and passion, sentimentality is sometimes manifested. Having fallen in love, he can be very jealous of the chosen one, turning into a grumpy lady.
The young tigress does not skimp on emotions, adding fire to the relationship with the young man. It is advisable to learn how to control such outbreaks.
With age, she turns into a calmer, wiser woman who knows how to relax in time and take a break from love stories.

Relationships with men in Tiger women cannot be called stable. Paired with such a woman, tears will alternate with laughter, joy with despair. It is important here not to lose yourself, not to lose self-esteem, otherwise the partner will do the same.
From the chosen one she expects understanding, support, as well as full acceptance of her herself. In the family, he often shows his leading qualities.
To prevent family life from becoming a routine, the spouse should surprise his beloved, especially in bed. With a suitable man, it will be possible to build a harmonious union in which a Tiger woman will become an ideal spouse, lover and friend.

How to conquer it?
The imperious tigress draws attention to strong, independent men, but is not going to obey them. But if he really falls in love, he will be able to calm down his ardor, though not for long. Expects admiration from the chosen one, which will eventually become uninteresting.

To win the Tiger girl, a man must not skimp on praise and gifts. The first date has to be perfect, otherwise there won't be another chance.
The tigress adores unpredictable, generous men with good taste.
It will take a lot of time and effort to build a serious relationship with such a partner. Do not hesitate, having won the love and trust of the tigress, you will be in good hands - she will not let you go.

Couple Tiger - Rat can be called peculiar. Both partners have completely different personalities, while they can create a happy union, but at the same time, they can quickly disperse. The Tiger girl is a freedom-loving nature that does not tolerate obligations, while the Rat guy prefers stability, he is strongly attached to the family. Nevertheless, he does everything so that his companion does not need anything.
Strife more often occurs due to the concentration of the Tiger on the career or the stinginess of the Rat.

Family relationships Tiger and Cat (Rabbit) cannot be called ideal, although they are very stable. In this union, each partner manages to express himself and realize himself in the profession. Spouse Cat literally inspires his beloved, throwing up new ideas.
Despite the man's calm disposition, he manages to help and solve the problems of his explosive tigress, for which she is very grateful to him.

A woman born in the year of the Tiger is more suitable for a man of the Horse sign. According to the eastern horoscope, this union shines with happiness and tranquility. It's all about the point of contact - both partners are united by purposefulness. The spouses are equally optimistic about the world, motivating each other to go only forward.
Small disagreements can arise on the basis of everyday life, but even here they manage to come to a compromise.

A woman born in the Year of the Tiger is a strong, successful person. She looks at everything with burning eyes. Such girls make good wives, but an independent character can "cripple" a man. The main thing is to meet a worthy companion who will love and inspire.
For more information about a woman born in the year of the Tiger, see the video below.