Characteristics of women born in the year of the Rat

It is believed that the Rat heads the eastern zodiac, which is why women born under the auspices of this animal are distinguished by their power and fortitude. They attract the eyes of men with their manner of dress, grooming, well-delivered speech and excellent manners. Depending on the year of birth, the Rat can be Fire, Wood, Earth, Water or Metal - they are different, but nevertheless have a number of common features.

Character traits
In the eastern horoscope, the Rat belongs to the male sign, and it is not surprising that the ladies who were born in the year of the Mouse have a strong, masculine character. They are brave and energetic, active, do not like to sit still, they have high potential, which they use to achieve their goals. Usually such a woman loves to demonstrate her solvency and independence, while she can be called a truly dangerous adversary - if conditions require it, she is ready to wage a long and fierce struggle.
These women cannot be classified as classic beauties, but they attract members of the opposite sex with their inner charm. Such girls are interesting interlocutors with a vivid imagination. In people, they do not tolerate lies and hypocrisy, they try to speak the truth, but at the same time they behave with people so as not to offend them in their own words.
In any actions, they always strive to achieve a result, leaving no unfinished business behind. Such a woman is an excellent business partner.The rat believes that every acquaintance can be of some use to her, therefore quarreling with others is not in her interests.

The Mouse woman is distinguished by rationality of thinking, she can even scare those around her with her halo of power.
It is not surprising that such an atmosphere does not leave indifferent representatives of the opposite sex - the Rat seems extremely sexy and intriguing to them.
Close friends do not happen often in the life of a Rat woman, because by nature they are prone to criticism., and acquaintances for the sake of the very fact of acquaintance are not interesting to them. Representatives of this sign highly value family coziness and comfort in their home, they are very diligent, they love to cook and equip their family nest.
Some people fall for her cheerfulness and outward calmness — and this will be their main mistake. Those who have been with the Mouse for a long time know that in fact it is a tense, restless and even aggressive person. Don't get in the way of this woman. This personality, filled with complexes, she works very hard all the time. Psychologically and emotionally, these women are in constant striving for the ideal and subconsciously, almost like teenagers, feel towards their own self-affirmation. In an effort to prove something, they often make erroneous conclusions, and if someone does not want to take them seriously, they react sharply and say quite offensive things.

Despite the fact that the Rat seems to be a balanced person to others, most of its time it feels insecure - it is gnawed at by the fear of remaining physically and emotionally alone. In fact, thanks to her intelligence and upbringing, she can have a fairly large circle of acquaintances. But it is difficult for her to maintain close relationships, to trust other people - she considers each of her friends as a potential deceiver, therefore, most often, only time-tested friends are included in her circle of loved ones.
In their youth, women of this sign often do stupid things, so their personal life does not always work out. The fear of loneliness dulls her intuition, and she often falls into the trap, although she knows how to perfectly understand people.

Description of astrological signs of the zodiac
Some characteristics of Rats can vary depending on their zodiacal constellation.
Aries - this is one of the most restless Rats, but at the same time one of the most aggressive. Instead of stopping and looking around, these women rush forward, scattering everything in the way. These ladies, in order not to be lonely, will go over their heads, they can break hearts and ruin families, and in the fight for what they consider to be their own, they can use any means. However, seeing what they have done, they begin to regret, but they will not change anything either.
Taurus - these are incredibly charming women who perfectly know how to use this quality of theirs. They know well what they want and how to achieve it, they feel great in any society. But touching their pride is dangerous - when angry, they become truly cruel.
Twins - mobile women of the Rat, whom it is simply impossible to keep up with. Most often, their thoughts are ahead of speech, and therefore, when communicating, it is often difficult to distinguish truth from lies.
Cancer - these are vulnerable and rather gentle Rats. They may seem calm, but a complex nature lurks behind the seeming poise. Rats born under the constellation Cancer hide a complex, contradictory nature.
These women know how to pretend like no other - their main goal is to prevent anyone from guessing about their true face.

a lion - you can't get in the way of such women, they are cunning, overly active and adventurous. Such ladies have great charm and authority. Such Rats require the most serious attitude towards themselves and for this they are always ready for any measures.
Virgo - This Mouse is called a shy girl who loves to put things in order around herself. They spend most of their lives saving money and replenishing their personal and family reserves - all these savings are extremely important to them.
scales Are truly adorable Rats. The sharp mind of such ladies can always suggest the right answer, but they usually restrain themselves and say banal phrases. They do this in order not to offend the interlocutor, since it is not easy for them to hurt others. However, least of all they are afraid of the prospect of hearing in response an offensive opinion about themselves, which can hurt their pride.
Scorpion - these representatives of the sign can be called the most dangerous and poisonous Rats. These are seducers and sorceresses, past whom it is impossible to pass by. Such ladies make excellent financiers, artists and critics.

Sagittarius - very dynamic Rats. Women of this type can be captivating, they have a real gift of persuasion, are distinguished by their openness and always try to act according to their conscience.
Capricorn - these women are distinguished by patience, restraint and rationality, so they always direct their aggressiveness in the right direction. Their charm is not striking, but that is why it does not become less dangerous - after all, these ladies perfectly know how to use it.
Aquarius - these Rats are extremely inventive, moreover, they are distinguished by a tendency to idealism. They dislike beaten paths; to achieve their goal, they use the most winding and unexpected paths. Difficulties do not scare them - moreover, the more obstacles arise on the way, the more satisfaction they receive.
Fishes - a rather strange combination, these women are impulsive and generous. They can be compared to a kamikaze that can throw itself into fire and cold water.

Work and career
The Rat woman is endowed with passion, she has a beautiful syllable and high literacy, therefore she can achieve tremendous success in any literary discipline - fantasy, comedy or poetry, but the most promising direction for her, without a doubt, is love lyrics. These young ladies feel a surge of inspiration, because words literally pour out of them. All the emotions and feelings that she describes on paper are bright, touching and natural. Quite a few Rat women have reached heights as children's writers. - deep down, they feel like children and like babies are drawn to the supernatural.
Rat women get along well with children and know how to establish contact with them, which is why they make good primary school teachers, kindergarten teachers, pediatricians or children's dentists - sometimes babies become even more attached to them than to their parents.
The charm of a woman born under the auspices of the Rat will make her a good seller, work with the media or in advertising.
She has a good ability to establish contacts, knows how to argue her position, and often her arguments have a very dubious relation to logic.

The Rat woman can achieve great success in the field of journalism and in show business, in these areas she will easily go up - she will make a witty TV presenter, press attaché or screenwriter. She always does her work in good faith and cannot stand sloppiness, can be meticulous and methodical.
Wherever the Rat works, those around him recognize her competence and resourcefulness. Despite this, paradoxically, women prefer to stay at home and be content with household chores, this can be a fatal mistake - work can become its antidote to sadness, and the fear of loneliness is perfectly supplanted by professional demand.

Love and family
The Rat girl is a very romantic person who does not at all hide the fact that for the sake of her beloved she is ready for the most reckless acts.They retain sexual relations with their chosen partner for many years, and literally immerse themselves in the family. In marriage, they value financial stability.
Rats highly value family ties, therefore they are actively involved in any family affairs. They give themselves completely to their children, parents and spouse, while they constantly monitor the professional growth of their husband and do their best to help him on the way up.

How to conquer it?
The Rat woman is a big dreamer, so she will undoubtedly be impressed by a fantasy date, and it is best to invite her to a bar stylized as an ancient castle. However, no less pleasure will be given to her by a Halloween-style party or watching a mystical thriller.
The girl always pays special attention to the appearance and manner of her companion - he must be neat, attentive and caring.
The gift for this girl should also be unusual. It is not its cost and value that is important, but the uniqueness and the feeling of antiquity that blows from the presented present. However, if your task is to quickly part with this lady, just invite her to the most banal cafe and buy the most ordinary rose.

If she falls in love, you will know it right away. As soon as a man, who is dear to her, asks for something, she immediately performs, but in exchange she expects the same passion. In a relationship, she will remain faithful until there is a good reason to change. After that, she most often reproaches herself and comes to confess.
But she will remember the betrayal of her partner all her life together, in case of a break, the Mouse will arrange everything in such a way that the partner will feel completely guilty of everything.

The union of a man and a woman of Rats can be called successful. Usually, both prefer a stable relationship, so they create a strong couple.
A marriage with a Bull will be a good one - most often such couples live to see a silver and gold wedding.
But between the Rat and the Tiger there is almost nothing in common. Their life is doomed to endless quarrels, conflicts and dissatisfaction with each other.
Rat and Rabbit are usually not suitable for each other., since these people are distinguished by completely different life values.
At first glance, an alliance between the Rat and the Dragon is impossible. But these people feel good together, and such families can be very happy.
The relationship of the Rat with the man Snake will be more like a mutual test of strength - the partners will be stifled by endless jealousy and envy.

A lot of "pitfalls" await the Rat in marriage with the Horse - these people lack mutual understanding, therefore it is not easy for them to be together.
Between the Rat and the Sheep, bonds rarely develop successfully. The Goat's easy attitude to troubles repels the Rat, who values calmness and financial stability.
The happiest will be the marriage between the Rat and the Rabbit. Their relationship is so harmonious that the spouses can always agree on any issues.
But marriage with a man Rooster will be problematic - a woman in such an alliance does not show much desire to support her partner's endless endeavors.
A relationship with a male Dog can be successful. The companion is helped by innate tact, which gives his companion a sense of security.
The compatibility of the Rat with the Pig is very good, there are almost no scandals in such a partnership.

For the characteristics of the Rat sign, see the following video.