Monkey women: description of character, career achievements in love

A woman born in the year of the Monkey has such conflicting qualities as cunning, independence, kindness and secrecy. The result is a rather unusual, but attractive combination for others.

general characteristics
The Monkey woman is interesting for those around them, who themselves are not always able to understand what is the source of attraction - her sparkling emotions and mind, or a well-thought-out cunning. In any case, people like to communicate with her, because the beautiful Monkey uses all its resources: artistry, wit, energy and emotionality. It is not surprising that in most cases such a woman finds herself in the center of attention of any society.
The monkey quite often from the very childhood knows what he wants from life, and her intuition and enterprise help perfectly along this path.
The failures that occur are usually the result of a change in the woman's mood, and not of some outside influence. She is not particularly striving for a career, but she is a good organizer, which contributes to her success at work. Nevertheless, she always puts family and home first. According to the eastern horoscope, 1992 was the year of the Black Water Monkey, and 1980 was the Metal. The symbol of 2004 is the Wood Monkey, followed by the Fire Monkey in 2016.

Character by zodiac signs
It is worth dwelling in more detail on each sign of the zodiac.
- Monkey-Aries represents a bright leader, for whom not only public recognition is important, but also the achievement of new heights. A woman knows how to insist on her own and remains true to her own interests.An active and straightforward nature is able to find a common language with many and bring any situation to a compromise.
Its characteristic feature is emotionality and a rather sharp change in mood.

- Monkey Taurus does not accept a different point of view and is distinguished by enviable stubbornness. Thanks to this, the woman is likely to have some communication problems, especially when the Monkey begins to impose his opinion on others. However, over the years this problem usually disappears. A comprehensively developed Taurus is able to support and help, but this quality comes to him already at a more mature age.

- Monkey Gemini - high-speed, contradictory and original nature. Her mood is constantly changing, she is rapidly changing her hobbies and meeting new people. She is always in search of new viewers and amazes those around her with her emotionality.
At work, she manifests herself as a creative and responsible employee, but only when the profession is to her liking.

- Monkey Cancer looks vulnerable and withdrawn, but in fact, all the habits and habits of a bright nature are simply hidden under a mask. Cancer has many ambitions and a great imagination, which, however, is backed up by common sense. Such a woman is intelligent and unpredictable.

- Monkey-lion - a sincere person, whose hallmarks are generosity and care for others. She constantly craves new emotions and impressions, is kind and loyal, therefore she has many friends and acquaintances.
The negative trait of Leo, however, is the constant desire to voice their opinion or impose the right position.

- Monkey Virgo lives only by his own principles and listens only to himself. A woman is a good organizer and has the necessary hard work to achieve goals. Nevertheless, quite often the Monkey "falls out" of a measured lifestyle and indulges in revelry and fun.

- Monkey Libra does not think of himself without communication. She is inclined to take risks and rarely thinks about the consequences, so she often gets stuck in unpleasant situations. A charming lady rarely succeeds in life, but only because she is not adapted to cooperation and always seeks to find only her own benefit.

- Monkey Scorpio has an extremely complex character. She is selfish, has willpower and is able to act to the end. Since such a person loves to control everything, the issue of power becomes dominant in any relationship.

- Monkey Sagittarius is an excellent organizer and leader. Hardworking and collected, she achieves significant success and realizes her own talents without problems. An overstated bar in relation to others often leads to problems in your personal life.

- Monkey-Capricorn lives in constant tension because of the many contradictions tearing her apart from the inside. Constant work on oneself can give her harmony, therefore, success in all spheres of life.

- Monkey Aquarius has a well-developed intuition, and originality is harmoniously combined with practicality. Such a woman has a non-standard outlook on any issue, which, together with a developed intellect, constantly attracts the attention of others to her.

- Monkey-Pisces - is sensitive and well "reads" the internal state of the people around her. She combines artistry, intelligence and charm, as well as the ability to adapt. Such a Fish is able to cope with any task.

Manifestation in the business sphere
The monkey takes up any new business without fear.
She is not a particularly responsible employee, but she gets along well with people and makes contacts.
Although her inclinations may lie in different areas, her preference is often given to traveling or making a significant profit.

Love relationship
In love, the Monkey seeks to quickly translate the candy-bouquet period into a full-fledged marriage, therefore, given the amorousness, he gets married quite quickly. As a rule, such relationships end in divorce, but already in the next ones, the woman shows great discretion and deliberation. It can be difficult for a monkey to build relationships, as she longs for leadership, but not every man will agree to obey her. If the partner manages to conquer the lady of the heart, then she shows a willingness to change, show flexibility and find compromises. To build harmonious relationships, the representative of this sign needs to look for a strong man who clearly knows what he wants from life.
Since the Monkey is quite light on life, loves entertainment, laughter and fun, her partner should understand and accept this behavior, and it is better to even join him.
Conflicts in the union can appear due to the touchiness of the fair sex or her self-confidence.

As a rule, a woman born in the year of the Monkey does not have any special problems in her personal life. Her brightness, naturalness and innate femininity attracts many men. Best suited for her is a life partner who belongs to a similar element, understandable to the Monkey and has a similar character. The zodiac sign should belong to the air or earth element and, ideally, represent Sagittarius, Libra or Capricorn.
A Monkey woman has good compatibility with Aries, Taurus or Leo, but one cannot expect good relations with Aquarius or Pisces.
As for the Chinese horoscope, the relationship between the Monkey and the Rat is considered almost ideal. A man and a woman have similar outlooks and goals, and they quickly develop an interest in each other. The Rat is attracted by the Monkey's charm and resourcefulness, and she, in turn, will highly appreciate his strategic thinking. Strength of such an alliance will be given by the desire for joint development. Since the spouses "look in one direction", they are happy to be engaged in joint construction of plans and the conquest of new goals. In most cases, such interaction leads to the organization of a successful family business, in which the Monkey is the generator of ideas, and the Rat is a reliable performer. Conflicts between spouses are quite successfully eliminated thanks to a mutual sense of humor. In general, the Rat and Monkey, when marrying, can expect joint personal growth, career success and strong feelings.
Monkey and Dragon are also able to build a very successful alliance. An artistic and original woman will become a real muse for her chosen one, and he, idolizing, will take on the role of a responsible family leader. The relationship of two people will be filled with passion and vivid emotions. The talents of both partners will make it possible to successfully implement numerous ideas. The Dragon in this sense will be the initiator of projects, and the Monkey will take on such responsibilities as inspiration and support.

Two Monkeys are capable of creating strong and stable relationships. Since the spouses have a similar character, they will be able to understand each other and move in the same direction. Nevertheless, an alliance filled with passion and adventure can meet enough pitfalls on its way. Alternatively, the desire to live one day and not think about the future, or "tug of war" for leadership in a pair, can play a bad joke.
Bull and Monkey, in principle, form a good pair, but only after a rather long period of "grinding". At the beginning of a relationship, frequent conflicts and rather serious quarrels are likely, and often the reason will be the "stubborn" personality of both partners. The bull will not understand his eccentric soul mate, and she will consider him a real despot.In addition, disagreements can arise on financial grounds, because it is typical for the Monkey to sometimes spend money without thinking what the Ox does not accept.
Monkey and Tiger are unlikely to last long together. As both leaders by nature, they will quickly begin to annoy each other and refuse to give in. Moreover, the Tiger may feel humiliated when his partner begins to claim equal rights. The financial sphere for the representatives of these signs is also problematic. Monkey and Rooster will also not be able to create a strong and happy union. The Rooster is busy with itself and its position in society, therefore it is not able to give the Monkey the opportunity to express itself. Such a relationship has a chance only for a distance and in the presence of strong feelings.

Monkey woman and Rabbit man, aka Cat, create a prosperous family subject to compromises and some work on relationships. The Rabbit must provide the Monkey with the necessary freedom to express emotions and satisfy ambitions. As a rule, he is not embarrassed when the spouse occupies a more prominent position in society and, if necessary, he can even use her authority and connections. Bringing partners together in such a pair will be the achievement of common goals.
The relationship between the Monkey and the Snake is quite complex and even difficult due to the difficult temperaments of both spouses.... The calm, but wayward Serpent does not understand, therefore, he does not accept the unpredictable behavior of the Monkey, and when she purposefully unbalances him, he begins to restrict her freedom. As a result, love is extinguished, and a confrontation begins, during which both people show themselves in the worst light. Monkey and Horse can form an alliance, but it will turn out to be quite difficult... The opposition of characters will lead to numerous conflicts, because the honest Horse will be shocked by the cunning intriguing Monkey.

The preservation of marriage in this case is only possible with the willingness to seek compromises.
Pig and Monkey are able to organize a successful marriage due to similar inclinations and prioritization. You should not really expect a woman to take on the role of only a housewife, although this may be what a man would like. Much better in a union works such a distribution of roles, where the wife becomes an assistant and support for her husband. Monkey and Goat have good compatibility. A woman in such a pair takes on leadership and responsibility, supporting her man, motivating him to new achievements. A Monkey with a Dog is also able to form a good alliance, but with common interests. A woman will be attracted by the prudence and calmness of the chosen one, and he will enjoy her bright nature. However, the question of honesty can be controversial.

For information on what the Monkey sign is, see the next video.