Snake woman: description and compatibility

The Snake woman always attracts the attention of not only men, but also women. She is distinguished by intelligence, resourcefulness and the ability to achieve set goals. A description of the nature of such ladies will help you get to know them better and find out with whom the Snakes have the best compatibility in marriage.

Appearance and character
Each year, according to the Chinese horoscope, is named after some animal located in a certain element. Based on the year of birth, a person will have certain character traits.
Black Water
This sign is also called the Blue Serpent. He owns 1953 and 2013.
A woman born at a given time is sensual.
She is ready to sacrifice her temporary resources for the sake of another. She tends to break the rules without regret, and also does not like strict discipline and planning.

This element includes the Snake woman, born in 1965. Such ladies are capable of performing error-free actions and always choose the right path. They are able to focus on one thing and work through each step. The snake loves rest, always enjoys every moment and can create a calm personal life for itself.

Yellow earthy
The year 1989 is in the power of this Snake. Girls of this year are distinguished by a secretive disposition, a tendency to slowness and slowness.
Such a girl can easily build her career, gradually moving towards her goal.
Also, such a lady is characterized by hospitality, loves to create comfort around herself and will be a good wife.

White Metallic
The year 2001 is named after this Snake.Individuals born at this time have a quick reaction to any changes in the environment. They have a preference for passionate relationships that involve risk. They need real feelings and sincerity.

The eastern horoscope calls the Fire Serpent 1977 year of birth. The characteristic of such an element speaks for itself: Snakes are distinguished by their fighting disposition, they love to compete, they can easily calculate actions several steps ahead. If a woman does what she loves, she purposefully moves forward and always achieves success. In a relationship with the opposite sex, the Snake shows devotion and is ready to do anything for the sake of her beloved.
The Snake always looks attractive. She constantly works to keep her body in good shape. It is vitally important for these girls to feel confident, so they carefully monitor their appearance.

Everything should be perfect for them: nails, hair, jewelry, makeup. Visits to the hairdresser are frequent and mandatory. The Snake woman loves to experiment with her appearance, she often changes her style of clothing. Working on herself gives her pleasure, and she performs all procedures with great joy.
Women born in the year of the Snake have their own characteristics in character, due to which they attract the attention of not only the opposite sex, but also other girls. The following characteristic features of such a sign can be distinguished.
- They know how to communicate. In this, the ladies are helped by upbringing, culture, intelligence, elegance and the ability to enchant others. The snake knows how to show its merits, skillfully masking flaws.
- Such natures will always behave friendly, easily find contact with other people. They can maintain small talk, but a large and noisy society is not to their liking.
- Girls have good intuition, which they trust. Girls do not need advice from other people, because they themselves can know how the situation will develop and how to act correctly.
- To achieve his plan, such a person is ready for much. He will not neglect intrigues, deceptions. It is impossible to calculate in advance how a woman will behave in a given situation, so most often she wins.
- A woman born in the year of the Snake can be angry and offended. Failure can throw her off balance, some ladies attach great importance to little things. If the Snake does not like someone, she will hide her feelings and boldly express everything that she thinks.
- The snake is the most affectionate sign. She can be a mortal enemy or a loyal friend.

Not every man the Snake can get along with.
If a certain sign suits her, then others can lead to constant scandals and reproaches.
Despite the fact that the energy of this sign attracts many, it is worth knowing with whom the Snake woman gets along best.
With a rat
Such relationships run the risk of failure. Despite the fact that both people have similar interests, the Rat will become very attached to the woman and will be able to doom himself to risk.

With the Bull
Relationships can develop if both partners have a common outlook on life. If a man is able to take such an alliance into his own hands, the Snake will be able to work quietly and enjoy life.

With Tiger
Unwanted relationship, since such people will not be able to get along and understand each other. The Tiger is unable to perceive the wisdom of the Snake.

With a rabbit
With the Rabbit, the Snake can build a good relationship.
You can often meet couples between whom feelings flared up at first sight.
For a marriage to be successful, both partners must control their emotions.

With the dragon
Rarely can a relationship become long-term. The dragon does not like to be under the constant control of the Snake, and she does not like restrictions. The Dragon Man expects to be loved, to take care of him, but the Snake will not perform such actions, since she is completely absorbed in work.

With a snake
Such a marriage can be accompanied by problems, since the union is characterized by two extreme states: unconditional loyalty or outright hatred. Since both partners love to flirt, they will try to neutralize each other.

With a horse
Such a marriage is not always successful, since the Horse tends to show his love until the moment when she is in love.
When her feelings fade away, she can leave.
The snake is able to do the same.

With goat
Since the Goat is a spender, the Snake must have its own means of subsistence. Only in this case, the couple will be able to live together, but all the same, quarrels will arise between them.

With a monkey
Such relationships are also accompanied by problems. The union can only be maintained if partners are prudent and have common goals in life.

With a rooster
A good and promising marriage can develop between the Snake and the Rooster. Both partners will understand each other, will be able to find a common goal and strive for it.

With a dog
It will be quite difficult for them to live together.
Initially, both people will be carried away by each other, not noticing the flaws.
Then the woman will begin to show the instincts of the owner, and the man values freedom.

With Pig
The Pig can become a good friend to the Snake, but for the novel they have a lot of contradictions. The Pig man will annoy the Snake with his naivety, and she will bring her partner to anger with domestic intrigues and omissions.

Work and career
Thanks to their wisdom and secrecy, women born in the year of the Snake are able to achieve great heights. The mind makes it possible to develop in any area. Especially well such individuals find themselves in science. Such an area is easily given to them, since they are not inclined to take risks and can work tirelessly on the task at hand. The desire to be the owner of expensive things and ambition also contribute to the material component of the Snake.
Diligence, high abilities, inclination to calculations and planning allow the Snake to spend the minimum amount of energy, getting the maximum benefit from their actions.

She will be meticulous about any task, no matter what she does: choose clothes, work or communicate with people. Cunning, manipulating facts, and avoiding trouble can also help you succeed.
Long-term projects are not to the Snake's liking. But if she gets down to business, she will see it through to the end. To get a profitable project, position, she can do bad things to opponents, bribe other people and even resort to deception. When a woman achieves a leadership position, she will put high demands on her staff. The lady considers it necessary to teach her team everything that is required for work. She will not spare resources on the development of the team.

The snake will always find a common language with his subordinates, works well in a team and will not interfere with the personal life of his colleagues.
And if you ask her for help, she will always help.
Love and family
A man who wants to be with a woman of this sign must have a strong and strong-willed disposition. Material wealth will help him succeed. In a relationship, a lady acts as a skillful manipulator, she can overcome her partner's psychological terror. She will begin to show softness only at a more mature age. Some partners can not stand it and run away from their beloved before the wedding, since the young Snake does not allow her soul mate to breathe.
After marriage, the girl will do everything possible to make her marriage strong and reliable.
Often many children are born in a family: in this way a woman binds her soul mate. A woman chooses her husband for a long time, often she has too high requirements.

She chooses not only with her heart, but also with her mind. Usually pays attention to intelligence, consistency, sophistication of taste and craving for music. Her partner must skillfully communicate on various topics.Almost every Snake is an owner. She will not be able to share her partner with anyone. The husband should only belong to her. This trait is the biggest problem that often ruins relationships.
Astrological signs of the zodiac
Ladies born in the year of the Snake differ in their characteristics, depending on the astrological affiliation of their zodiac sign.
Snake-Aries can always control its emotions, has the skills to manipulate other people. She will only take the position that is beneficial to her at a certain moment.
A lady will not risk her interests, even if it is about a loved one.
A woman will always move forward, she is distinguished by purposefulness, courage, and attractive appearance. In a relationship with her, it will never be boring.

Such ladies always emphasize honesty and fairness. This is the main thing for them. They will build all relationships on these components. Snakes-Taurus achieve a lot in life, tend to achieve their goals, know how to use their qualities.

The Gemini woman, who was born in the year of the Snake, is distinguished by brightness and personality. She can do several things at a time, is characterized by numerous talents. However, she quickly rushes into new affairs with her head and quickly burns out. Only support will be expected from the relationship and will not listen to any criticism, even if it is constructive.

A woman has a complex character, but still achieves her goals.
Women like to realize themselves as a person, and they do not really care about the monetary side of the issue.
Snake-Cancer gradually achieves its goals.

a lion
Natures born in this combination of signs constantly care about their own self-development, work on bad character traits, are characterized by down-to-earthness and pragmatism. Such women are endowed with perseverance, leadership habits. They often achieve high positions in society and are valued for their intelligence and good education. Conservatism does not allow them to easily change something in their life, they always value traditions.

Virgo-Snake is the lady who is lucky. They are often at the right time and place. They strive to stay with themselves, develop in different spheres of life, but best of all they are given a creative direction.
Such women are distinguished by their thirst for life and friendliness.
They will not initiate a scandal, they are trying to develop relationships in harmony. Ambition and self-confidence allows them to achieve their plans.

Such individuals know how to present themselves to others. They are able to correctly assess their capabilities, but only the most profitable are voiced. They belong to the category of pragmatists-theoreticians, they know how not only to draw up a plan, but also to adhere to it. A woman can inspire another with an idea, but she herself is not able to fulfill it to the required extent. She is also characterized by sensitivity, which can develop into obsession.

Such ladies appreciate the professional qualities of others and do not allow the presence of other women in their lives.
Scorpio-Snake is a progressive personality who is able to influence fashion trends.
A woman will rarely stop there and will always want more. The peculiarity of this combination lies in their inconsistency in relationships.

The nature of such individuals has a lot of contradictions. They have a pivot that will allow you to achieve any goals, along with susceptibility to melancholy. They love loneliness, getting inspiration from it. Such women can be engaged in the creation of new projects that will bring big money in the future.

Increased diligence is the main feature of this combination.
Women are not able to live without work and will always find something to do.
Innovation, rationalism, the ability to notice the main thing in any things make their life much easier.

Snake-Aquarius is always in search of something new. By their nature, they are pragmatists, they can calculate each step in detail and receive moral or material benefits from it. Ladies born in such a combination are distinguished by their versatility in talents and are able to realize themselves in different areas.

This combination has created great speakers and leaders. These women love publicity, are scrupulous about the way to achieve goals. They are distinguished by honesty, do not tolerate hypocrisy. Great stubbornness is inherent in the character, the ladies constantly prove the correctness of their opinion.

About the compatibility of people born in the year of the Snake, see below.
Poor me, almost incompatible with anyone. But, really, in life I can't get along with anyone ... (
Compatibility has nothing to do with it, nothing to nod at horoscopes. I believe that only personal egoism, bad character or the absence of positive examples of a happy family in childhood prevents us from getting along. This can and should be worked on. If you really want a family, then with certain training on yourself and love for your chosen one, you can get rid of selfishness and get a good family.
Well done! Optimistic!
Everything is correct. I recognize myself. Intuition is good (almost like a psychic), but as for men ... even my intuition does not help here. And in all other respects I don't even need to think - I feel more than I understand.