The sign of the Pig according to the eastern horoscope: what years were these and what are the characteristics of people?

The pig is considered one of the calmest representatives of the eastern horoscope. People born under the auspices of this totem animal are distinguished by a pleasant character, are loved by others and quite often succeed in life.

General information and dates of birth
According to the Eastern calendar, the year of the Pig is the final of the 12-year cycle, which is in constant repetition. The Chinese calendar also contains information that the dominant element is water, and the dominant sign of the zodiac is Pisces. The pig is responsible for such qualities as honesty, purposefulness and sociability, as well as superficiality and a certain laziness. In principle, the fate of people born in the year of the Pig is going well, and, in general, the year itself is pretty good.
- In 1935 The Year of the Pig began on February 8th and ended on January 27th of the following year. The totem animal was Blue and Wood, which means that this color and element had a significant impact on people's lives.
- The Year of the Red Fire Pig has lasted from January 26, 1947 to February 13, 1948, and the year of the Yellow Earth Pig was from February 12, 1959 to February 1, 1960.
- In 1971 The White Metal Pig exerted its influence from January 31st until February 18th of the following year. The totem animal in 1983 had a Black color and the element of Water. The interval lasted from February 17 to February 5 of the following year.
- Blue Wood Pig took care of the days since February 5, 1995 to January 24, 1996and the Red Fire Pig guarded the people from February 13, 2007 to February 1, 2008.
- Year 2019 goes under the auspices of the Yellow Earth Pig. It started on February 1 and will run until February 19, 2020. According to the Chinese calendar, the Pig will return in 2031. The White Metal Boar will rule from February 17, 2031 until February 5, 2032.

Influence of the elements
In addition to the totem animal, according to the eastern horoscope, the dominant elements and the color of the year also affect people's lives.
For complete success, the Water Pig lacks only ambition, since both activity and a reasonable approach are present from birth. For such a Pig, a family circle and a cozy atmosphere are important, and the range of interests is always extensive. This makes the representatives of this sign the nicest people.

The Earth Pig is smart and cares about the development of his spiritual life. Easily finding a common language with people and being an excellent organizer, she often takes under her "wing" those who need support. The hardworking Pig leads an active lifestyle and is always full of energy. It should be mentioned that in 2019, the Earth Yellow Pig is just patronizing.

The Wood Pig favors active people who are not afraid to act. This year, friendly and good-natured personalities are born, sometimes in too much haste in actions and judgments.
Since the Wood Pig always responds to a call for help, those who are ready to do the same will surely be lucky.

The Metal Pig is calm and peaceful, focused on home comfort and strong family ties. People born this year are prone to ambition and a constant change of interests. They are honest and open, but at the same time naive, which often leads to difficult situations.

The Fire Pig is distinguished by wisdom and often stubbornness. She prefers to listen to herself, stand quite firmly on her own two feet and follow the voice of reason. Therefore, the most common recommendation is to take into account the desires and views of others. Like other Pigs, the Fiery Pig is characterized by optimism and friendliness towards others.

Character and behavior
People born in the year of the Pig are different nobility, sociability and quite frequent success in life. They always follow their goal, trying not only for themselves, but also for loved ones. The characteristic of the sign suggests that such a person's childhood passes calmly and happily, but at an older age, problems associated with a lack of emotional stability are possible. However, having dealt with this issue, the Pig can continue to enjoy a successful and rich reality.
Pigs are good business partners and great friends - some of the best. As they age, they transform into caring parents and passionate but demanding spouses.

Men born in the Year of the Pig are very considerate people who take care of their spouse, children and parents. However, they are not always close to home comfort, and much more often, instead of a quiet evening at home, they prefer to spend time in a cheerful company. The surrounding people appreciate the Pigs for their crystal honesty and always friendly attitude. Sometimes they are called snobs, but this trait is rather a manifestation of great taste and style. The Pig man is sometimes deceived by those around him, but he does not hold any grudge against them and quickly forgives. Revenge is possible only in case of strong resentment.
The boar often falls in love and falls in love with many women. Despite his stormy youth, in marriage he becomes a faithful spouse.
Thanks to his energy and light disposition, the representative of this sign quickly conquers his chosen one and, together with her, builds a happy future.

Despite her gullibility and naivety, the Pig woman is quite demanding of her partner.She looks closely at the person for a long time, figuring out whether he meets the criteria important for her, after which she already allows herself to fall in love. From the chosen one, the Pig requires the same feelings that it gives itself. In a stable relationship, a woman is positive, calm and loyal. For a representative of this sign material well-being is important, therefore, if she does not earn money herself, then she will definitely find someone who will cope with this task.
The Pig woman is attractive and romantic, so she breaks the hearts of others without any difficulties. She does not need to somehow shine in society or to attract attention with active behavior - as a rule, a few words are enough for her to interest the right person. In addition, the Pig is quite creative in nature and often has a poetic gift. She loves life, entertainment and, without hesitation, spends money, which is always present in large quantities.

Suitable names for children
For a boy who was born in the year of the Pig, you can pick up many interesting names - both fairly modern and old. In the first case, we are talking about Denis, Alexey and Egor, and in the second - about Miroslav, Daniil, Semyon and Taras. It is believed that a child who received such a name in the future will be very successful in all aspects of life.... Not only career prospects await him, but also attention from the female sex.
A girl born in the year of the Pig can be named Daria, Anna, Christina or Valeria. Of the already outdated names, Valentina is suitable, and of the exotic ones - Gabriela. Choosing these names will bring a lot of good to the baby. In the future, both respect and attention of others await her.

Love and relationships
The Pig will have the most successful marriage with a person with a similar character. The representative of this sign is a good family man, which means that the union will be filled with warmth and care. The pig will always try to take care of the chosen one and do everything possible for his family. Representatives of this sign become good parents who pay a lot of attention to their children.
Problems can arise only in a situation where the passion of the Pig is not fully satisfied.

Work and career
A pig can work in any field and not only serve daily duties, but also succeed in it. Representatives of the sign always try to finish what they have begun, and therefore they never begin a task without first preparing everything. The boar successfully accomplishes the assigned tasks, and therefore is appreciated by the boss and comprehends one height after another. With such a person's finances, everything is in order - there is a good salary, and frequent bonuses, and regular increases.
At the same time, the Pig does not even have to "sit on" someone or use dishonest methods, because he always achieves results by his own efforts. From the recommended professions, it is necessary to mention those that are associated either with creativity or with communication. In this case, we are talking about doctors, social workers, actors or artists.

Description of astrological signs of the zodiac
Aries-Pig is a very bright and sunny person who attracts those around him with his childish attitude to life. He has a broad outlook, and therefore communicates without problems on various topics, shares his unusual thoughts and often jokes. Aries does not even try to impress anyone, but behaves so completely naturally that it attracts everyone around. His charm is considered one of the strongest character traits.
Surprisingly, another benefit of Aries is his ability to work... He deliberately approaches the realization of his own goals, works as much as necessary, and achieves successful results.

Taurus-Pig looks like a very good-natured person with whom it is very pleasant to be around. However, his calmness is often replaced by bright emotionality if a critical situation arises.If Taurus loses patience, then his rage and anger are able to demolish everything in its path.

True, then he will be very worried and even tormented by remorse, being a kind and unforgiving person.
It should be mentioned that Taurus always follows the smallest details, is punctual and efficient. Thanks to a serious and thorough approach to work, he achieves success, no matter what he undertakes.

Gemini born in the year of the Pig are pleasant to talk to and always ready to help. However, they cannot be called the most reliable partners, since it is difficult for them to move from words to deeds because of their frivolity and some absent-mindedness. A Gemini cannot be called a reliable person, since he can be passive, and forgetful, and overly straightforward. One careless word may well end in a conflict.
However, Gemini does all this not out of malice, but only because of his childish spontaneous nature. For him, it is always his own person who remains in the first place, and it is his problems that should occupy everyone around him.

Cancer Pig is a good interlocutor who is extremely careful in the conversation. He tries to bypass dangerous questions, not to touch on personal topics and not particularly show his own emotions.
Cancer has a certain successful image shown in public, and everything really important is hidden deep inside. He is successful, hardworking and purposeful. The ability to find a common language with others and constant activity allow him to realize any ideas. Of course, Cancer also has certain drawbacks, for example, he thoughtlessly spends money on the implementation of spontaneous whims.

The lion, born in the year of the Pig, is an extremely extraordinary person, subject to his desires. He spends money on any kind of entertainment, fashionable clothes and luxury goods.
Leo wins the respect of those around him not only by his appearance, but also by his manners, sense of humor and general erudition. He is energetic, positive and absolutely confident in his success. As a rule, he accompanies him, and failures happen only because of the unwillingness to control all the little things and pay attention to some banal aspects. Leo can be called an authority and a recognized leader for many people.

Virgo-Pig always tries to help others, but only those individuals who really deserve it. The representative of these signs is, in principle, benevolent, but can unpleasantly surprise with bilious comments or excessive demands. He constantly analyzes both those around him and himself, he doubts all the time, but does not show himself to those who are nearby. Virgo, born in the year of the Pig, is a very controversial nature. For example, sometimes she gladly organizes friendly gatherings, and sometimes she hides from even the closest ones. But, in general, Virgo has a very positive outlook on life and is quite pleasant in communication.

Libra-Pig rather slow due to the desire to think it over and prepare well. This is what can become the main obstacle on his way to success. Such a person values his reputation very much and is afraid to seem ridiculous, and therefore is prone to doubts, experiences and self-criticism. However, this does not prevent him from maintaining optimism and sincere love for life. Libras have a sense of beauty and love home comfort, which they gladly invest in.
They are not used to saving money on food, clothing, or events.
The main goal of a scale is to achieve balance in all areas of your life.

Scorpio-Pig loves communication and cannot stand silence. He always chooses to act instead of going with the flow and hoping for circumstances. This quality, in principle, gives him the opportunity to succeed in life. Scorpio easily maintains contact with others, is not afraid to ask for help or, conversely, to provide help. He values money, although he is prone to generous spending, he always spends it with a specific purpose.Characteristic for the combination of these signs are such qualities as a thirst for new impressions and overflowing activity. Scorpio is equally interested in work and rest, and therefore he always enjoys life.

Sagittarius Pig loves communication and because of this sometimes behaves quite incorrectly, interfering with unnecessary advice in the affairs of others. Such a person is good-natured and active, he strives to take everything from life and to be in motion all the time. A Sagittarius can easily show excessive curiosity and "stick" his nose into other people's affairs, without even thinking about why it is wrong to behave this way. Sagittarius is rarely angry, is able to help with advice and never betrays other people's secrets. He is very positive and naive, which is why he gets into unpleasant situations.

Combination Capricorn and Pig creates a rather conservative person, whose prudence and adherence to traditions sometimes reaches the point of suspicion. He is distinguished by a positive outlook on life, as well as calmness and prudence in critical situations.

Aquarius, born in the year of the Pig, is a very purposeful person, despite the external calmness and passivity. He is constantly in development and in the process of achieving his goals. Despite all the seriousness, Aquarius is a rather cheerful nature with a positive outlook on life.

Finally, Pisces-Boar differ in emotionality and impressionability. They are very susceptible to the troubles of others, up to depression due to other people's suffering.
However, Pisces have a strong character that allows them to provide support, seek justice and achieve goals.

Pig with Rat will be able to live in peace if the second is ready to take control of her aggression and even obey her partner a little. But the friendship will be successful, because both signs love to relax and have fun with all their hearts. True, they should not start joint projects - while the Pig will approach tasks responsibly, the Rat will try to cheat for its own benefit.
Pig and Bull are similar in their attitude to life, but Pig is more anxious. Their marriage union can destroy precisely the dissatisfaction of the latter, for example, in the sexual sphere. Friendship of two signs will last, subject to rare meetings. The business will be highly successful by combining the strengths of both partners.
A family Tiger and Boar will become very happy with the ability of the "halves" to find compromises and understand the needs of their partner. Friendship will also become good, thanks to the mutual understanding of signs. Serious cases, however, are not recommended for them.
Pig and Rabbit could be happy if the Rabbit, in general, wanted it. Therefore, it is much more realistic to consider the friendly relationship between these two signs. A joint business project can be successful thanks to the luck and efficiency of the Boar and the resourcefulness of the Rabbit.
Pig with Dragon, most likely, they will not be able to find family happiness, but they will turn out to be good friends, whose joint pastime will be filled with fun.

Pig with Snake it is better not to get involved, since the latter will turn out to be a malicious tyrant who makes her partner unhappy. This is true for matrimonial, friendly, and business relationships.
Family happiness is unlikely. Horses and Boars. WITHmost likely, the relationship between them will be filled with anxiety, turmoil and irritation. In addition, the Pig will worry about the selfishness of his partner. The same applies to other types of relationships.
Pig with Goat create an almost perfect union filled with mutual understanding, happiness and material well-being. Two signs are capable of creating a sincere friendship or a successful business.
Pig with Monkey are also successful in relationships of any kind. Their interaction will always be filled with laughter, fun and communication.
Rooster Boar will find happiness only if he is ready to provide for the latter.The friendship of these two signs is doomed to failure, since these people are too different.
The key to successful interaction Pigs and Dogs lies in the ability to "rein in" yourself and stop being clever. They are advised to be friends, but not to do business together.
Finally, two Pigs will find happiness only by making concessions. They have a similar character and perfectly understand each other, therefore they are able to succeed in any kind of relationship.

Quite a few famous actors, actresses and other popular personalities were born in the Year of the Pig both in Russia and abroad. We are talking about such stars as Woody Allen, Henry Ford, Ernest Hemingway, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart and Steven Spielberg. This list includes Cleopatra, the Dalai Lama and Marc Chagall. Of the Russian stars, it makes sense to recall Oleg Tabakov, Lyudmila Gurchenko, Arkady Raikin and Sergei Bodrov Jr.

The characteristics of the Pig sign are shown in the video below.