Temporary tatoos

Biotatu features

Biotatu features
  1. What it is?
  2. Advantages and disadvantages
  3. Varieties
  4. How long does a tattoo last?

Biotatu is today one of the most popular destinations for creating attractive and unique patterns on various parts of the body. This method makes it possible to attract attention, emphasize the sense of taste and individuality.

A distinctive feature of biotatu is that only natural paints are used for drawing.

In most cases, it is henna, which is a natural substance and is absolutely safe for the human body.

What it is?

Biotatu is an ultra-modern tattoo option that can be used to apply images using henna. Besides, other components are used to create a temporary tattoo, which mainly differ in their natural origin. The main feature is that henna affects only the top layer of the skin, so the pattern will be visible for no more than two weeks. And in order to get rid of such an image, there is no need to take certain actions.

The patterns will disappear naturally due to the renewal of the top layer of the skin.

Advantages and disadvantages

Biotatu is very popular due to a number of advantages that distinguish this type of tattoos from others.

  • The main advantage is that the component is applied exclusively to the surface of the skin, as a result of which it is not damaged, which practically completely eliminates the possibility of infection entering the human body.
  • Another positive point in this type of tattoos is that the drawing can only last for a short period of time, which favorably distinguishes the tattoos from the usual ones. The created drawing disappears in a natural way, does not require any manipulations on the part of a person. A few weeks after the tattoo is applied, it completely disappears, and no trace remains.
  • Variety of options. You can change the images on the body, based on your mood. For example, it is possible to get a tattoo specifically for a theme party or holiday. If you have certain skills, there is a chance to make such a tattoo yourself.

As for the cons, there are not so many of them. It may seem like a disadvantage to some that such images have a short period of time. And after a while, you will have to apply the drawing again. In addition, the range of colors is not as extensive as when choosing real tattoos.


Biotata is made not only with henna, but also with other components. Of course, in most cases it is the traditional henna that is extracted from the leaves of plants that is used. It is quite safe and can boast of its natural origin.

As a result, the drawing turns out to be brown, however many manufacturers add some other components in order for the final result to be in a black color scheme.

That is why it is necessary to pay close attention to the chemical dyes used in the composition, which can be quite dangerous and toxic to the human body.

Jagua is also used to create biotatu and is characterized by its natural composition. All the components that make up this gel are famous for their organic origin, therefore they are not capable of harming human health and are distinguished by maximum safety for him.

In addition, when creating this kind of tattoo, special bio-glue, sparkles, gold foil, rhinestones, velvet can be used.

This option can be used for parties and celebrations.

How long does a tattoo last?

It is quite difficult to determine in advance exactly how long a biotat will be able to hold out, since this factor is influenced by a huge number of factors, starting with the characteristics of a person's skin and ending with his lifestyle. For example, if the human body secretes too much sweat, then the patterns disappear much faster than in the case of dry skin.

If biotattoo is applied to arms or legs, then the image will last at least two weeks, but on the back no more than 10 days.

The main purpose of a temporary tattoo is to create images with a specific meaning on any part of the body. That is why the service life is not so important, because after a while it will be possible to create other important inscriptions.

The inability of the biotattoo to last more than two weeks is extremely important for people who want to get a permanent tattoo and cannot make up their minds. Using temporary options will allow you to understand whether such a drawing does not get bored after a while.

In the process of applying biotat, remember: despite the fact that henna is a natural product, it can cause allergic reactions in some people.

That is why you first need to make sure that there is no such irritation as a result of skin contact with henna, and only then apply the pattern.

Thus, biotatu is an ultra-modern way of drawing on the body using natural ingredients. Thanks to the safety of the substances used, you can not worry about human health and create spectacular images on the body.

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