Temporary tatoos

Features of Hair tattoo

Features of Hair tattoo
  1. What it is?
  2. Who is the haircut suitable for?
  3. Image options
  4. Tips for choosing a pattern

Those who have not heard of art clipping before have probably seen it after all. Patterns on the head, which are formed not with a brush, not with a marker and stuffing, but with scissors and a razor, are called a hair tattoo. This beauty experiment is suitable for both young and older people, gender does not matter either.... And only the client's desire, as well as the professionalism of the master, determine whether a modest drawing will appear on the head, or it will be something impressive, perhaps even provocative.

What it is?

Hair tattoo is a technique that creates a pattern on the hair. Short-cut strands alternate, and it is the sequential cutting / shaving that forms the pattern. You can do it with scissors, you can use a typewriter. But creating such a hairstyle at home on your own is almost impossible.

This technique appeared in 2008. Of course, similar experiments have existed before, but the technique has taken hold and developed relatively recently. Its founder is considered Thierry Gras, who managed to combine a hairstyle and a tattoo, to make an unusual art object right on the head. Naturally, such a creative experiment attracted a lot of attention, and people around the world wanted to repeat it - without pain, without the irreversibility of the procedure, it was possible to get an analogue of a tattoo on the scalp in a short time.

The technique very quickly spread throughout the world and developed... People were delighted with such a cool opportunity, they were happy to part with their usual hairstyles and become objects of everyone's attention. I just added points to the technique the ability to open the hair tattoo when you want, and close it too at will. The hair was divided into parts, the top was not touched, and the bottom was shaved to form a pattern. To demonstrate it, the upper part was tucked into a tail or in a bun, and the lower part was shown. At the same time, the top could be dissolved, and the shaved part could be hidden.

Of course, such a tattoo will not be durable - the hair grows back, the pattern is hidden under it, you need to either carry out a correction or grow it... But for a while, you can shine with a cool tattoo on your head. It should be noted that a big plus of a hair tattoo is affordable and low cost: yes, not every master will take on such a hairstyle, but you can find it even in not the largest city. And the price of the issue is quite elevated.

Who is the haircut suitable for?

Many do not dare to do such a hairstyle, believing that the transformation will look ridiculous, strange specifically on him. After all, the models who advertise the hairstyle, that's what the models are - everything suits them. However, if you don't try, you won't know, and the risk is small, the hair really grows back quickly.

This is who the hair tattoos are for.

  • For children... Especially boys. And this category of hairdresser's clients is probably the largest in terms of the request for an artistic cut. For girls, this experience is more shocking, there are many prejudices and stereotypes that prevent them from getting the desired haircut. It's easier with boys: and they themselves are mostly just happy to get something cool on their heads and become objects of attention.

  • Teenagers... When else to set up bold experiments on your own appearance, if not in adolescence. Both girls and guys are equally bold on this one. I want to stand out from the crowd, demonstrate and at the same time recognize my individuality. And the hair tattoo is still a pretty harmless way to do this.
  • Girls / women with a beautiful thin neck. Whatever one may say, but this is important, and the hair tattoo has to be considered as a whole, and not just as a fragment of a hairstyle. If the neck is such that it is a sin not to show it, then cutting will be just another compliment to her.
  • People of creative professions... These people are really demanding of their external image, which can be understood. And if you dye your hair, often change color, build up - the actions are more radical, then artistically cutting is an excellent compromise between experiment and victims.
  • People with beautiful features... If a person really has a beautiful oval face, expressive features, haircuts and such original hairstyles, such as those that involve cutting, are more suitable for him. Just long hair, volume diverts attention from facial features, and graceful haircuts, on the contrary, attract this attention.
  • People with unruly hair styling problems. Sometimes cutting it short is the only way to finally get your hair in order.
  • People with dark hair. Hair tattoo in contrast looks, of course, more successful. Owners of light hair should not abandon a fashionable idea, but you will have to consult with the master about changing the color or toning, and maybe other ways to make the cut more noticeable.

However, such a democratic hairstyle knows no boundaries, does not set limits, and will be done to everyone who decides on this experience. The main thing is to be mentally prepared for it.

Image options

The hair tattoo technique is most often performed on the temporal or occipital area, especially when it comes to women's haircuts. On the temples or on the surface of the entire head, the haircut goes if there is a guy, a man, a little boy in the hairdresser's chair. It is absolutely safe to make a hair tattoo both on the back of the head and on the temples.


This is one of the most popular requests, because there is no special symbolism in the patterns, they are performed with a focus on symmetry, aesthetics, and nothing more. That is, it is not scary to get into an awkward situation after learning about the true meaning of the symbol.

The patterns on women's haircuts can be different.

  • Can be performed on a very small area of ​​the head, that is, 80-90% of the hair will be of normal length.Only a small area is shaved (the back of the head or the temporal zone), and lines, waves, geometric patterns, complex and simple, are drawn there.

  • Cover the area from temple to temple through the back of the head... This option is for more daring girls who decide to bare a significant part of their heads. With the hair tied up in a bun, a full view of the hair tattoo opens up.

Patterns look beautiful and convincing if symmetry is observed, if the pattern is based on equal-sized figures and lines, there is no incompleteness of the overall pattern.

Patterns on men's haircuts are almost always a desire to give as much of the scalp as possible under a hair tattoo. Men take less risk and can even “paint” the whole head in this way, but elegance is precisely in the combination of untouched hair and a shaved area. Patterns can be found on the Internet as an example, come up with and draw yourself, or ask the master to come up with something exclusive.


In a hieroglyph, each stroke is in its place, each has a meaning. Basically, people try to put signs on the body with a positive meaning that can bring to life what they mean. And here you need to be very careful, make sure that this is exactly the hieroglyph that we want, check its spelling.

These are the hieroglyphs that appear most often on the head.

  • Sincerity... From the point of view of calligraphy, this symbol is really interesting, voluminous, and looks beautiful. And it is better to do it for those who are open to this world.
  • Happiness... A large symbol, in fact, compound. Do it for those who are looking for happiness or dwell in it, and are ready to devote even their hair to this.
  • the beauty... It is also a compound symbol, the complexity of which is obvious to the hairdresser. But hair tattoos are taken by people who are not looking for simple solutions. Suitable for people who realize that there is a lot of beauty in the world and are ready to make the world a little more beautiful.
  • Luck... Considering that such a tattoo is in any case temporary, a symbol of good luck usually appears on the head of those who have to go through something important. Pass the session, get a job, take part in a competition, in sports. And let luck be in your head and on your head.

One drawback of such tattoos is that if it is not easy to draw them, then cutting them off is even more so. It should be a wizard found by referrals.


the Rose - not just a beautiful symbol on the head, its meaning in the form of a tattoo is unhappy love. And even those who refuse to be attached to meanings, one way or another feel it and catch the glances of those who guess about such meanings.

And here sakura branch, for example, in artistic shearing, it means freedom and emancipation. Such a pattern is often combined with a pixie haircut.

Lotus it also denotes a close connection with the Universe. Supporters of Buddhism prefer to depict him on his hair, as well as those who are engaged in spiritual development, growth, and strive for enlightenment.

Shorn dandelion as if reminds of the transience of life, and clover is the unity of three human beings, the body, the spiritual world and the immortal soul.


Clear five-pointed starthat looks like the perfection of geometric lines will mean harmony with yourself. You can not be tied to individual figures, but cut abstract geometry... Suitable for women, men and children. Girls especially manage to organically represent such tattoos on the back of the head, under the hair gathered up. A triangle is formed going to the neck, into which the geometry is inscribed.


Such tattoos have become a favorite decoration for boys' hairstyles.... Probably because the association with Spiderman is as straightforward as possible. On the temples, the web really looks impressive. Moreover, it is not necessary to "shallow" it, you can cut medium-sized gaps, the image is still recognizable. Women also make spider webs, but much less often.

By the way, the web is also an image that means the ability to create.


If you do not want to be bound to some symbol or image, an abstract drawing helps out. He creates exclusively aesthetic effect, impresses with its artistic approach and filigree technique. It is with sketches of abstraction that clients most often come to the master.

Many people really like to come up with a drawing themselves, and if it is feasible, beautiful, well done, the master will not refuse the client.


An owl trimmed at the back of the head means a rich spiritual world, the insight of the owner of such a tattoo. She talks about self-development, wisdom (or striving for it), longevity.

What other symbols appear in the hair tattoo:

  • outlines of animals - if the lion, for example, symbolizes power and strength, then the buffalo will be a talisman against enemies;

  • snake - a symbol of temptation, it is associated with treachery;
  • brickwork in the drawing will talk about the strength of character, steadfastness;
  • microcircuits - people with such tattoos may lack emotionality;
  • cross - such drawings are mostly sacred, have a religious connotation;
  • lightning - willingness to conquer, to be sudden;
  • Fire - the desire to "light up", the bearer of such a hairstyle makes it primarily for the public;
  • butterfly - means readiness for changes, growth over oneself;
  • Scorpion - people with a heightened sense of justice prefer to cut it.

However, some drawings are nothing more than a desire to repeat a beautiful picture, without much subtext.

Tips for choosing a pattern

Among the recommendations is the readiness for the fact that the hairstyle will either have to be corrected, or subsequently go through a long period of splicing. If you are ready for this, there will be no disappointment.

Actual advice.

  • Hair tattoo goes well with creative painting. This is when the individual parts of the tattoo, cut by lines, also differ in color. It's harder to do, but the effect is amazing. Such hairstyles are not designed for a long time, and can be done specifically for any event. For example, such women's haircuts are made for prom and even for a wedding. However, men too.

  • If it's scary to "subtle", you need to stop at a simple version - just a couple of lines (three triangles at the back of the head). Over time, it will become clear whether you want to complicate the topic.
  • For children, those drawings that do not cause dual associations will be relevant. Especially if it is school time, and it is appropriate to adhere to the rules of decency. It is important that the children themselves understand what they have drawn, what it means, so that they agree with such a message.
  • Paired hair tattoos also look great, for example, for dad and son. You can find a drawing that will be cool both in the children's and in the adult version. With such tattoos, you can go on vacation, you will get a lot of cool photos and memories, of course.
  • Aggressive symbols for cute and gentle creatures - dissonance, and even if a girl wants such a protest, she needs to look for harmony. There are quite a few daring symbols that do not require a radical change in style. For example, it is better to make lightning than a gloomy drawing.
  • To make it easier then to grow together the short-cut area, it is better to leave a part of the hair of the usual length, and in the process of growing together, loosen it.

Although this is not a full-fledged tattoo, you will not be able to get rid of it so quickly. And if guys just have a very short haircut, girls will find the process of growing their hair more painful and time-consuming. In the meantime, many are tormented by the question "what then?"

About what a hair tattoo is and whether it is worth doing, see the next video.

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