Temporary tatoos

What is henna for mehendi and how to use it?

What is henna for mehendi and how to use it?
  1. What it is?
  2. Species overview
  3. Forms of issue
  4. Popular manufacturers
  5. How to do it at home?
  6. How to use it correctly?

East is a delicate matter. His philosophy is distinguished by wisdom, and women are special beauty. All this is because oriental people have their own specific values ​​and wisdom. For example, body painting is believed to bring good luck. Perhaps that is why oriental women decorate their bodies with plant-based paint.

What it is?

Henna for mehendi is intended for painting on the body. Therefore, it is used for applying modern tattoos. Henna is a natural dye that does not cause allergic reactions. It also has anti-inflammatory properties and is capable of killing bacteria. By the way, these properties of the plant are very much appreciated in hot climates.

Drawings on the skin are different. They are applied with chemical paints (which is unsafe) and with henna. Five thousand years ago, either in India or in Egypt, then people invented painting with henna on the body. Such a unique technology was appreciated, and therefore it has survived to this day. Mehendi is painlessly applied to the skin.

At the same time, there is no damage to the epidermis, thanks to which this type of art has become popular in many countries, including Europe.

Conclusion: a drawing made with henna is a way of self-expression. Different people use it. Only for some people, mehendi is a beautiful tradition or a kind of amulet, but for other people it is a hobby. Henna drawings have a variety. In this matter, everything depends on the country in which women adhere to a particular style. Let's consider what styles are.

  • Arabic style provides for a botanical direction, since in this case small flowers, plants, fruits, etc. are depicted.
  • Moroccan direction provides clear lines and large flowers. In North Africa, people used henna not only for beauty, but also for disinfecting body surfaces (feet and hands).
  • Indian and Asian destinations are similar. The difference is that in the Asian direction, women paint the tips of the fingers, as well as the feet and palms. Indian, however, provides for the observance of various rituals. The drawing is designed to protect its owner from the evil eye. Images can be as follows: elephants, geometric shapes and flowers.

Species overview

Natural henna does not have a rich color range. This must be taken into account and remembered. And in order to better understand this issue, you need to familiarize yourself with the following information.


This option excludes plant origin. White henna is mainly used to depict wedding patterns. And white henna is also used in the art of body art. This paint is water resistant. Therefore, it stays on the body for quite a long time.

White henna can be used to create mehendi. It can also be used to lighten hair. Thus, we can conclude that under the name "white henna" you can be offered either a special acrylic paint or a special chemical composition.

Before purchasing a product, read its contents and instructions.


Very beautiful tattoos are created with the help of black henna. They complement the fashionable look of modern women. Tattoo artists use natural-based paint - henna. It is made from dried lawsonia leaves. If no special additives (lemon juice, vegetable oil, etc.) are added to the original powder, then when applied to the skin, the resulting paint will acquire a brown tint or turn purple.

To make black henna, paraphenylenediamine is added to the plant powder. You need to understand that such a chemical may well cause allergic reactions on the skin and even a chemical burn. Therefore, we note that the black product contains both natural henna and various additives. Before deciding to apply such a dye to your skin, you need to test it.

If the area becomes red, it is worth abandoning the biotat.


Colored henna is also made on the basis of natural powder with the addition of chemical elements... Therefore, the color can be varied: blue, red, green, etc. Often glitter is added to such paint. They contribute to the creation of very original shades. Manufacturers are different. Some people add a large amount of chemical elements to henna. More conscientious manufacturers use gentle methods when making henna.

It is important to know: the shade of the applied paint directly depends on the color of the skin... If you apply henna to very light skin, then its shades will be bright. On dark skin, the paint will look slightly different.

Natural composition

Natural henna is made from lavsonia leaves... Naturally, such a composition does not last long on the skin. However, the natural powder has antiseptic properties. In addition, henna is used for other cosmetic procedures. For example, for intensive nourishment and skin cleansing. Natural paint is a very old technique that is used to decorate the body with a tattoo. Natural dye it cannot cause allergic reactions, so it is safe.

Forms of issue

The variety of release forms gives an impetus for the manifestation of imagination... Henna for mehendi can be produced both in a tube and in a cone. It can be used in different ways: you can take a pencil, or you can prepare a mixture of powder. It should be noted that finished paint is the best option to save time, effort and money. It is made on the basis of a powder.As a result of careful actions, in the end, you get the most delicate paste, in which there are no lumps and foreign impurities in the form of sand.

If we are talking about a powder that looks more like a powder, then it should be noted that this is a very high-quality product. As a result of its application, allergies will not arise, and your drawing will hold for a long time. However, you will have to make a dye composition for mehendi from this powder yourself.

Next, we will consider the release forms in more detail.

  • The natural product in the cone is a natural colorant. Henna in this case is packed in a shape (cone) that is convenient for drawing. This dye is completely ready for tattooing. In addition to the main product, this dye contains about 13 herbs. Thus, when you apply paint, your skin will also receive nourishment and regeneration.
  • Mehendi drawing can be applied to the skin using a special pencil... However, remember: such a pattern will not be durable.
  • If you will use a composition that you make yourself from powder to apply a picture, then you will protect yourself from low-quality products.
  • Quick henna comes in the form of a paste. This dye fits into a tube. This henna is not durable, but it has bright colors. The pluses include the fact that such henna dries quickly. Please note: if you decide to use quick henna, then be prepared for allergic reactions, since chemical elements are added to such a product.

Popular manufacturers

Now let's look at the best henna manufacturers for mehendi.

  • Golecha... This henna is very popular with consumers. The paint is produced as a set in cones. Their volume is approximately 25 g. Products have their pros and cons. Minus - it is easily washed off. There is also a plus, which lies in its easy application.
  • Releases white henna Pranastudio... Nice paint. It is contained in a cone that has a volume of 25 g.
  • KrasotkaPRO differs in a pleasant price and quality. It fits easily on the body. It's easy to get it. However, there is also a minus - it is a rather liquid composition.
  • Kaveri produced in cones. Craftsmen speak very well of such a product. The paint has an affordable price and excellent quality.
  • The paint produced in the form of a paste is also of excellent quality. Its name - Neha.
  • Glitter paste is produced by a brand such as Glitter tattoo... Paste is a good analogue of colored henna.
  • Black henna Indibird produced in tubes weighing 100 g.

How to do it at home?

There is a classic henna recipe for mehendi that you can make yourself:

  1. take a glass or plastic container;
  2. pour a bag of henna powder (1 tablespoon) sifted through a sieve into it;
  3. squeeze the juice of 2 lemons;
  4. add 1 teaspoon of sugar;
  5. add sandalwood, eucalyptus or orange essential oil to this composition;
  6. leave the composition for 24 hours;
  7. the finished mixture should resemble mashed potatoes.

Note: before fully applying this composition to the skin, you should apply it to the bend of the elbow joint.

If your skin does not turn red, then feel free to use this composition.

Here are some more helpful tips:

  • you can freeze the finished paste to use it later;
  • to reduce the time for making paint, you can put the container in a warm place or slightly heat the finished product, then you can use henna after 12 hours;
  • if the paste is too thick, add a little lemon juice to it.

How to use it correctly?

If you are just starting to learn in order to subsequently use henna for mehendi, then you should familiarize yourself with the following information.

  • Read manufacturer reviews... If you want a good effect, then you need a quality product.
  • Mehendi paste for sale in specialized places: in stores where Indian products are available, as well as in a salon where masters apply mehendi tattoos.If you want to dilute the paint yourself, then do it in advance.
  • Be sure to pay attention to the composition of the paste. If it contains a large amount of chemicals, then it is better to refuse to purchase. It is also very important not to buy an expired product.

The expired expiration date will tell you that the dye won't last long.

Next, you need to consider the following points.

  • It is better to steam the skin well before applying the tattoo.... Then henna will easily penetrate into open pores and will perfectly anchor in the epidermis.
  • Before getting down to business, lay a waterproof sheet on the surface of the table or couch. Then you will protect the surrounding things and your clothes from almost indelible stains.
  • The pattern may be uneven. Therefore, stock up on cotton swabs. If you draw the wrong line, you can quickly correct the mistake.
  • Hold the tip of the cone over your skin and apply light pressure to the body. Then your drawing will be flawless. If you need a thin line, then apply the composition in a thin layer. If you want to enhance the color, then you should apply henna in layers. First, 1 time, and then the second.
  • Biotatu dries within 7 hours... Therefore, choose a certain time and devote it to drawing a picture. Remember, during this time, you will need to avoid getting water on the drawing and try to move less.

You can see a full drawing on your body only after two days. Therefore, all the time while the paint is absorbed, try to avoid contact with the skin creams and water. High-quality mehendi stays on the skin for almost a month, does not lose its brightness and looks very beautiful.

Now let's see what you need to do to extend the life of your tattoo.

  • Care must be taken with the drawing. You need to start such actions immediately after you remove the dried powdery substance from the surface of the fresh pattern. Remember that a temporary tattoo, although waterproof, is water resistant.
  • You should moisturize your drawing with natural oil. (use sunflower or sesame seeds). But petroleum jelly or any kind of cream will not work, because these substances are chemical.
  • You should not rub the drawing thoroughly while taking a shower. Also, the drawing will quickly come off if you often swim in the sea or in the pool. Natural paint cannot withstand exposure to chlorine or salt. From this it quickly fades. If you cannot refuse water procedures, then lubricate the tattoo with vegetable oil. Then you should wrap it with a waterproof film.
  • Also, do not wash the dishes if you have drawn a drawing in the palm of your hand. And biotatu also does not tolerate perspiration. If intense sweating occurs, the pattern will fade.
  • Choose tattoo sites that are not in contact with clothing. If the drawing is applied to the skin of the neck, where the collar of the shirt is located, then you will ruin not only the tattoo, but also your clothes.
  • Remember, the drier the skin, the faster the cells dry out and fall off. Therefore, do not let your skin dry, otherwise the tattoo will quickly disappear.
  • Alcohol-based skin whitening lotions or creams may also cause irreparable damage to your temporary tattoo.
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