All about mehendi

Mehendi is a real art that is popular not only among oriental beauties, but also among women around the world. You can now make such temporary tattoos not only in the salon, but also at home.

What it is?
The art of mehendi appeared a long time ago. Ancient Egypt is considered to be the place of its origin. There, many centuries ago, rich people painted their bodies and even their faces with henna. Subsequently, this art quickly spread in eastern countries. It gained particular popularity in ancient India.
Ornate patterns have been used to attract good luck and happiness. In India, mehendi began to be applied to the body from the age of three. In Muslim countries, only brides and married women could decorate themselves with such patterns. At the same time, the drawings were hidden from strangers. The patterns on the bodies of married women could only be seen by their husbands.

Dried cinchona leaves are used to create a natural dye. It is crushed into powder. It can be used to create drawings on the body both in pure form and in combination with various natural oils. In the second case, the color of the paste is brighter.
When applying mehendi style tattoos, the skin is not damaged. In addition, the painting does not last too long, so soon the drawing can be replaced with something new.

There are several styles of mehendi now. The most popular are the following directions.
North African... This style is distinguished by the severity of the lines. The patterns are often made up of neat circles, triangles, and squares.In Africa, such drawings were applied to all open areas of the body, and the feet and palms were dipped completely into a container with henna. This is due to the fact that the product is an excellent antiseptic.

Arab... This style is characterized by an abundance of colors. Floristic ornaments in eastern countries were most often applied to palms and feet. Arabic designs are usually created using natural henna. Therefore, they have a brown or reddish tint.

Indian... This direction is one of the most interesting. Traditional Indian henna designs are made up of flowers, spirals, animal figurines and other details. All these elements are perfectly combined with each other. In India, such tattoos are very often applied to the body on the eve of traditional holidays or before any rituals. The legs and arms are covered with such a dense layer of patterns that they seem to be wearing lace gloves or stockings.

- Asiatic... This style developed later than others. In fact, it is a mixture of Indian and Arabic directions. The skin was filled with both solid areas of henna and graceful patterns.

All these types of mehendi are interesting in their own way. That's why when creating your own tattoos in this style, you can use the distinctive elements inherent in different directions.
What do the different pictures mean?
Since mehendi is an art with an ancient history, each traditional design has its own special meaning.
Images of animals have been very popular since ancient times.
Elephant... This animal has many meanings. Most often it is associated with longevity and wisdom. Therefore, the image of an elephant can be seen on the shoulder or neck of an adult woman.

A fish... Fish patterns are usually kept small. They are most often seen on the palms and fingers. It is believed that such tattoos contribute to the quick fulfillment of the most cherished desires.

- Snails... Such drawings symbolize the desire to hide from problems. Snail shells are usually painted with flowers or stripes.

Very often, images of various insects are also used to decorate the body. So, butterflies symbolize future changes, and dragonflies - renewal.

Birds traditionally symbolize the desire for freedom. Most often, the following mehendi-style images are applied to the body.
Peacock... The image of this bird symbolizes grace and pride. Such a drawing will suit a bright and creative personality.

Owl... The owl figure is a traditional symbol of wisdom. Initially, rich people who had a certain influence on others decorated their bodies with such images.

- Martin... Many people associate this little bird with spring warmth. Swallows are often painted surrounded by vines or with flowers in their beaks. In addition, this bird can act as a symbol of good luck and luck. Finding patterns with drawings of swallows is very easy.

The symbol of freedom and the ability to think broadly can be the image of a feather applied to the body.

Floral motifs are popular all over the world. Drawings with neat buds usually symbolize the beginning of a new life. In addition, they are also used as protective symbols.
Very often, the body is decorated with images of the following colors.
Lotus... This is one of the main wedding symbols. It denotes purity and femininity. Usually girls put lotuses on their hands. During pregnancy, these flowers are also painted on the belly.

Turkish cucumber. In India, girls most often decorate their bodies with such drawings before the wedding. It is believed to help bring happiness and well-being into life. These wedding patterns are complemented by small dots. This is a symbol of the bride's love for her soulmate.

- the Rose... This symbol began to be used when creating temporary tattoos not so long ago. The flower is associated with love and affection. As a rule, they make it the basis of the composition, surrounding it with various small details.

Drawings with flowers are often complemented with patterns of climbing plants.Images of lianas symbolize the desire for development and the achievement of new goals. These flowery lines are most often used to create beautiful bracelets.

In addition to the most common patterns, there are other interesting motifs.
- Shri Ganesha. This is one of the most popular Indian symbols. The image of a god with an elephant's head and the body of a child is a symbol of innocence and immediacy. Girls often put these designs on their bodies during pregnancy.

- Crescent... A tattoo depicting a narrow crescent moon is a symbol of grace and tenderness. Such drawings are suitable for children and young girls.

- The sun... It is a popular symbol of immortality and a desire to explore the world around us. The sun image can be either large or very small. This will not change its meaning in any way.

- Triangle... A simple figure composed of thin lines is designed to protect a person from anxiety. Very often, a sun, a star or a point is drawn inside the triangle.

All of these traditional elements go well together.
Location options
Drawings made in this technology are usually placed on open parts of the body. Most often they are applied to the palms or feet. Volumetric patterns can go up, capturing the calves and forearms.
Girls also often decorate their belly with such temporary tattoos. This is especially true for pregnant women. Such wearable designs are not popular among men.
Creating elaborate thematic images, girls also paint small patterns on their faces. Usually dots or delicate patterns are located on the forehead.

What is required for application?
To apply tattoos, you can use ready-made kits for creating patterns. But these kits are quite expensive. Therefore, it is much more profitable to buy the necessary tools separately.
First of all, you need to choose the right paint for yourself. There are two main product groups.
Natural dyes. This product consists exclusively of dry powder. It is absolutely safe to use. The product nourishes the skin and makes it healthier. The downside of this natural dye is its poor color palette. Using this henna, you can create only brown patterns. The result will depend on the characteristics of the human skin.

- Synthetic paint... Additional components are used to create brighter colors. So, to obtain a rich black color, a small amount of graphite is added to the paint. Acrylic dyes are used to create a white paste. People with sensitive skin should not use synthetic products. This can lead to allergic reactions. To make sure that a person is not allergic to a new product, apply the mass to the back of the hand for half an hour. If during this time the skin does not turn red, then the product can be used to create temporary tattoos.

Dry powder for making pasta at home is also easy to find on the market. This product is mixed with strong tea, sugar and lemon juice. The ready-made mixture is easy to apply to the skin.
Homemade pasta can be frozen briefly. It is stored in the freezer for three months. Do not re-freeze such a product.
In addition to paint, a person planning to create an original painting on the body will need the following tools.
Wooden sticks. They are used to create fine lines. To make them even and neat, it is important to choose sticks with sharp ends. You can also use wooden toothpicks instead.

Cotton buds and discs... They are needed to remove unsuccessful parts of the picture. You can also discolor brown spots with hydrogen peroxide.

Stencils... If a person does not know how to draw, he can use ready-made stencils to create temporary tattoos. It's very easy to work with them.

- Butter... When applied to the body, henna tightens the human skin. To soften it, the surface of the epidermis is lubricated with oil. This is done both before and after work. To soften the skin, you can use both special products and conventional aromatic oils. Aromatic fir, tea tree and neroli oils are best suited for this.

It is necessary to work in a well-lit room.
How to apply correctly?
Before applying tattoos, you should definitely practice drawing your favorite patterns on paper. This will allow you to fill your hand.
The technique of applying a pattern to the skin is as follows.
First you need to prepare your skin. It must be thoroughly cleaned and then moistened with quality oil. To make the drawing more vivid, the work surface can be additionally moistened with lemon juice. If hair grows in the place of the future drawing, it is recommended to remove it. The fact is that henna lasts much longer on them than on the skin. Therefore, when the drawing is washed off, the hair in the selected area will remain red for several more weeks.
If stencils are used to create temporary tattoos, they are fixed on the skin at this very moment. After that, a thick mass is distributed over the surface of the selected area. If purchased paint is used in the work, the pattern is applied to the skin with gentle movements. At the same time, the lines should be thin and neat. When working with a cone, do not touch the skin. It must be constantly kept in weight.
If something went wrong during the work, the stains must be gently wiped off with a disc folded in half or a cotton swab.
When the drawing is ready, it must be thoroughly dried.... The product is absorbed into the skin for at least 20 minutes. But keeping the paste on the skin costs 60-90 minutes. This will help make the drawing more vibrant and more durable.
When the paste dries, a flaky crust will remain on the skin. It can be easily cleaned off with dry wipes.
You cannot wash off henna with water. The paint may partly wash off, so the color will turn out to be uneven.

Tattoo care tips
In order for the drawing to retain its attractiveness longer, it must be properly looked after.
- The first two days after applying the tattoo, you cannot wet it. After all, the drawing acquires its final appearance only after 70-80 hours.
- A mixture of sugar and lemon juice will help add brightness to the tattoo. It is applied to the finished drawing for 15-20 minutes.
- You can soften the skin not only with essential oil, but also with a fat cream. The same product should be used in the future and on a daily basis.
- People with such tattoos on their bodies are advised to refrain from visiting pools and saunas. Such procedures negatively affect the quality of the tattoo.
- Do not rub the tattoo while taking a bath or showering. It is best to gently rinse the area with the pattern on the skin with water.
If you properly take care of temporary tattoos, they will last on the skin for at least a month.

Over time, the pattern on the body begins to fade. At this time, many have a desire to remove it. This can be done in several ways.
- With a cotton pad. It is pre-wetted in hydrogen peroxide. You can also use regular alcohol instead.
- Toothpaste. This product is applied to the skin in a thin layer. After a couple of minutes, it is gently cleaned with a sponge. Then the paste is washed off with water.
- Soda and lemon. These products are mixed in a small bowl. The resulting gruel is applied to the body. After complete drying, it is gently peeled off the skin. Then the cleaned area of the body is washed with warm water.
After removing the tattoo, the skin must be treated with a moisturizer or any vegetable oil. It also helps to make it softer and more well-groomed.

Beautiful examples
When planning to decorate your body with a beautiful pattern, you should pay attention to ready-made ideas for modern temporary tattoos.
Lettering... Using henna, the body can be decorated with various inscriptions.They look very nice on the collarbone or hand.

Traditional patterns... Such abstract drawings are usually applied to the body in the summer or on the eve of New Year and other holidays. This will help you stand out and create a bold look. For the New Year, such a tattoo can be supplemented with a spectacular pedicure or manicure.

dream Catcher... The dreamcatcher sketch looks neat and simple. This underwear pattern is considered a symbol of protection from evil spirits and bad thoughts. It is most convenient to place such tattoos on the forearm.

Fern... Like other patterns made in the floral theme, this one serves as a symbol of man's closeness to nature. The foliage image can be supplemented with ornate patterns or vines.

- Elephant... This popular Indian symbol looks beautiful both on the hands and on the stomach. The elephant is usually complemented with other traditional details and colors.

The chosen tattoo must certainly please its owner. Therefore, you should not draw the first pattern that comes across on the body. It is better to choose something unique for yourself or create an original sketch yourself.