Choosing a knitting machine

Knitted items are always relevant and in demand, but creating garments using conventional means is quite difficult and time-consuming. That is why in recent years knitting machines have become very popular, which boast a huge amount of functionality and allow you to quickly make clothes at home without spending too much effort and energy on it.

The main feature of the knitting machine is that it can significantly reduce the time to complete the work. The use of such a device greatly speeds up the knitting process, which is achieved due to the unique design and technical advantages. Among the main advantages of using such a machine are the following.
- Knitting quality. Such units are capable of automatically controlling the thread tension force, the size of the loop and other points that affect the final quality of the product. As a result, the clothes are flat and not warped, which has a positive effect not only on the appearance of the product, but also on its durability. To repeat everything during manual work, a needlewoman must have a lot of experience and be a real professional in her field.
- Eye protection. In the process of working with a similar unit, the needlewoman will spend much less time than making the same clothes by hand. This has a positive effect on vision and joint health. Hands do not strain, so after work there is no burning sensation in the muscles and pain in the joints.
- The possibility of obtaining products without seams, which has a positive effect on their attractiveness.A distinctive feature of such devices is that here you can use circular knitting, which has proven itself well in the manufacture of socks, gloves, sweaters or hats. There are special two-circuit devices on the market that do an excellent job of such things.

The main disadvantage of knitting machines is that when using them, you can work with only one product. If during hand knitting you can put off a thing and do something else, then here you will not be able to do the same with a machine.
In addition, some models on the market differ in a specific sound during operation, which can cause some discomfort for residents.

Knitting machines are divided into several types, among which the following should be noted.

This type of knitting is the main one, and the finished product is completely homogeneous. A distinctive feature of this unit is that there is only one needle bed.
The resulting product can be either thin or dense enough, depending on what kind of yarn was used. It should be noted that the products cannot boast of attractive aesthetic properties, which negatively affects their cost.

The main advantage of such units is that two needle beds are installed here. The devices include two different parts, the main one and the attachment, which significantly increases the possibilities. The final product boasts volumetricness, since in most cases double-sided fabric is used in such machines.
The main feature of such devices is the presence of unique functional and technological capabilities. For example, the unit can create double weaves, as well as shift the needle beds, as a result of which zigzags will appear. Such devices are often used to make children's clothing, as well as various accessories.

In such knitting machines, the needles are controlled using a punched card. Such devices make it possible to create beautiful patterns, as well as holes.
With the help of special built-in templates, the machine is able to process and knit almost any pattern.

The needles are controlled using a predefined program. It should be noted that thanks to the use of such an apparatus, it is possible to knit a product according to predetermined dimensions. The ability to install various software significantly increases the functionality of the machine.

Popular models
Among the most popular and demanded models, the following are worth noting.
- Silver Reed SK 840 / SRP60N... An electronically controlled car produced by one of the most famous brands. 500 steel needles ensure the fastest possible production of clothes, as well as high quality of the final product. Computer software makes it possible to select almost any pattern, thanks to which various design ideas can be brought to life. A distinctive feature of this device is the ability to create patterns according to predetermined dimensions, as well as a huge selection of weaves.

- Shima Seiki SCG 122 SN 5... Flat knitting machine of the 5th category, which is considered a universal device and allows you to create beautiful and monolithic products. The device supports almost all standards, so you can handle things with minimal indentation. Due to its advantages, the device not only ensures high quality of clothing production, but also consumes a minimum of raw materials. Composite needles guarantee yarn savings and efficient operation is ensured by a modern carriage.

- Brother KH 970 / KR 850. One of the most legendary models that guarantees professional knitting with harness.A distinctive feature of this machine lies in the carriage, which is able to cope with the creation of any patterns, scarves, blankets for both adults and children. The machine has a built-in memory in which you can store various rapports, which greatly facilitates the creation of new projects. If necessary, the device can be connected to a computer to update the software or set specific parameters for creating clothes. The device is capable of storing up to 600 rapports in memory, which provides tremendous opportunities when choosing certain weaves.

How to choose?
In order for the knitting machine to be able to perform all the tasks assigned to it, it is necessary to pay attention in the selection process to the following characteristics.
- Control type. It is worthwhile to find out in advance which device the needlewoman will be easiest to work with. There are both manual and automated options.
- Number of needle beds. The most popular are two-line options, which are able to create more weaves and great patterns.
- Device class... The third and fifth grades are in greatest demand, as they allow you to create the most popular items of clothing. It is worth choosing the 7th grade only if you plan to work with fine wool. Before making the final choice in favor of a particular model, it is necessary to find out exactly which items of clothing will be made on this machine.

How to knit on a loom?
One of the most important points in the operation of the machine is the selection of yarn, which should be done as carefully as possible. The durability of the product depends on this. Each machine behaves differently with a certain type of yarn, which must be taken into account when choosing. If you make a mistake with the yarn, then getting the end result will be quite difficult, and sometimes even impossible. It is best to abandon the Angora right away, since it very often clogs the carriage, which does not allow further work to be done.

During operation also safety precautions must not be forgotten and the manufacturer's instructions must be followed... When working, the bobbin must be filled evenly, the length of the thread should not exceed 500 m.
For rewinding threads, the ideal solution would be to use a special device.