Hair straightening

How to straighten your hair at home?

How to straighten your hair at home?
  1. Features of the procedure
  2. Mechanical methods
  3. Cosmetic formulations
  4. Folk remedies

A well-groomed hairstyle is an important part of the image of any modern woman. Sleek, shiny hair is always in trend - you can see it in advertisements, it is the choice of many celebrities. Only a few are given such hair by nature. The rest have to strive for the ideal with all their might. The modern beauty industry offers more and more ways to achieve straight and smooth hair.

Features of the procedure

To begin with, I would like to say that not only women with curly and wavy curls tend to smooth them out. There are several more problems in which women resort to straightening.

  • If your hair is rather thin, porous and does not keep the shape of the hairstyle, you have to straighten it to look neat.
  • The type of hair growth plays an important role. It happens that they are wrapped on one or both sides inward or away from the face. Or when light waves begin closer to the ends.
  • There are hairs that frizz from excess moisture or excessive frizz, and they also become electrified.

To solve such problems, all kinds of procedures and manipulations were invented. To make it easier to understand, they can be roughly divided into:

  • mechanical - in which all kinds of devices are used;
  • thermal - where the hair takes the desired position after heating, it is rather a subspecies of mechanical straightening methods;
  • cosmetic - using factory or home styling products.

    Of course, the easiest way is to go to the salon, where you can relax while the master does all the work. However, there are some downsides to this. The most significant of them are the cost and duration of the procedures.Not everyone can afford to spend several hours in the salon and pay more than one thousand rubles for it. In addition, it is difficult to find a really good master, whose work result will be flawless, last a long time and will not damage your hair.

    Some procedures can be mastered independently, without the purchase of expensive tools and cash investments. Straightening at home can be done at any convenient time, without waiting for an appointment with the hairdresser and combining it with other things.

    The choice in this case depends on the hair and the expected result. For a girl with naughty small curls, even a slight smoothing effect will be noticeable. For others, it is important to get perfectly smooth strands along the entire length.

    Mechanical methods

    In extreme situations, when there are no special devices, you can use improvised means - rubber bands or invisibility. With their help, you need to fix wet hair in a stretched state - in the form of a tail or wrapping it around the head. After drying, the strands will retain their shape. But the most popular among the devices are curlers and electric irons.


    When choosing curlers, give preference to the largest, with a rough surface (they are also called hedgehogs or Velcro). Especially if you have long hair. Keep in mind that the ends of the strands on the side and back will not be perfectly straight, but slightly turned towards the face. In addition to buying curlers, you will need clamps - they will help fix the ends and prevent them from shifting.

    Step-by-step instruction.

    • All manipulations related to straightening should be started with washing your hair. If they are stale, even a good result will look untidy.
    • The strands need to be dried to keep them slightly damp. Then you should apply a smoothing cosmetic product, comb well, now you can start winding.
    • First you need to separate the bangs, place the curlers on the edge and wrap them towards the face. Then you need to pay attention to the central part from the forehead to the back of the head. Separate the strands of the desired thickness and wrap them inward. We do the same with the remaining side parts.
    • It takes at least two hours to dry naturally. And it is better to walk with curlers longer. It is not recommended to engage in this procedure at night - it is inconvenient to sleep, and the curlers can move out.

    In addition to straightening, this method gives the hair volume. To keep the result as long as possible, use a fixing varnish.


    According to the principle of operation, the hair straightener is similar to the usual one. To purchase it, you need certain financial costs. But then he can serve for more than one year. There are many budget models on sale. To protect your hair from excessive heat, be sure to apply a heat protectant spray. In any case, it is undesirable to use an iron for daily styling, as regular overheating destroys the hair.

    • We start from the occipital region. We fix the upper part with a clamp. We separate the strand, spray it with a spray, then comb it and place it between the heated ironing plates. We draw from the base to the ends and immediately lay in the desired direction.
    • Similarly, you need to straighten the entire mass of hair. After the end of the work, it is not recommended to touch the strands until they cool completely.
    • At the end, they can be fixed with varnish. With experience, the procedure will take less and less time. But do not forget about safety - do not keep the iron on one area for a long time and avoid contact with the skin.

    Cosmetic formulations

      On store shelves, you can see shampoos, balms, masks and sprays with a smoothing effect. This property is due to the presence of various additives in them. Reviews are usually ambiguous - not all products straighten hair really well, and they do not last long.

      There are also analogues of salon procedures that can be done at home.It is important to do any of them accurately and correctly, so it is better not to do this on your own, but to seek help from your household or friends. For a start, it's best to try an inexpensive option from the mass market. More expensive products are best purchased in specialized stores for professionals. On the Internet, there are even advertisements of masters for the sale of rectifiers in small portions. But it is better to contact a trusted seller with good reviews, otherwise you can come across harmful substances in the composition and damage your hair.

      The most popular procedure in this area is keratin straightening. The tool usually comes with instructions. But the sequence of steps is approximately the same in all cases.

      • First you need to wash your hair once or twice and rinse it well.
      • Then dry with a towel or hairdryer, but with cool air and not completely.
      • The hair is well combed and pinned to the bulk, leaving a few strands below. This is where you should start.
      • Keratin must be prepared according to the instructions. Everything you need for this (including brushes and a container for liquid) is best bought immediately in the store, along with the product.
      • The strands should be as thin as possible. The straightener is applied along the entire length, stepping back from the scalp by a few millimeters. It is better to purchase a slightly larger volume, since the first time it can be calculated incorrectly.
      • Then the hair should be combed with a fine-toothed comb and left to absorb for half an hour. You do not need to overexpose, this time is enough.
      • The final stage is the most crucial. In the same order in which you applied the keratin, you need to go over the strands with an iron. You cannot skip this stage, since it is heating that promotes the penetration of keratin into the hair.

      It is better to plan this procedure in advance. Since after it, you cannot wash your hair for three days, apply any cosmetic products to it and do hairstyles. Care for keratin-smoothed hair should be appropriate. There are whole lines of funds that support the result. The advantage of this procedure is in a rather long-term effect (up to six months). However, a way to straighten natural curls quickly and forever has not yet been invented.

      Regrown roots deserve more close attention - the procedure will have to be repeated so that they are not very noticeable.

      Folk remedies

        Even before a large number of factory-made cosmetics appeared in stores, there were many folk recipes. Despite their apparent simplicity, most of them gave good results. Moreover, they are based on natural ingredients that will definitely not cause negative consequences to curls. These include the following.

        • Gelatin mask. First you need to prepare a container and a brush. Gelatin must be poured with water so that it swells. And then dissolve it in a water bath or in the microwave. The proportions of water and gelatin are usually written on the package and differ slightly depending on the manufacturer. On average, you need 3 tablespoons of water for a spoonful of gelatin. If the consistency is thick, it can be diluted with any hair wash (balm or mask). While the gelatin dissolves, you need to separate the upper part from the hair and pin it. Start from the bottom, spreading the mask along the entire length. Then it is better to wrap your head with a film and a towel. And after two hours, you need to rinse your hair well without shampoo.
        • Banana yolk mask. To prepare it, you need to take 2 yolks, half a banana, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of liquid honey and 2 tablespoons of any vegetable oil. The banana needs to be chopped in a blender and combined with other ingredients. A similar mask is applied in any convenient way. It takes half an hour for it to work.
        • Masks with oils. Any vegetable or cosmetic oil can be used here (not to be confused with essential oil).They can be found easily at a pharmacy or specialty store. It can be burdock, peach, coconut or grape seed oil. Each of them has its own properties that need to be considered. But absolutely all oil masks smooth the hair scales, thickening it. You can mix 2-3 varieties in one application. After applying the product, the hair must be combed and wrapped with a film or towel.

        This mask can be kept for several hours - depending on free time and desire. As a result, even the fluffiest hairstyle will look much neater.

        There are a few more popular tricks that complement mechanical straightening methods. Namely, the use of fluids that not only smooth the hair, but also fix it in this position. To do this, use:

        • beer mixed with lemon juice;
        • sweetened tea leaves (we are talking about the minimum addition of sugar - no more than a spoon per glass, so that the hairstyle does not look stuck together);
        • chamomile broth;
        • vinegar solution.

        For ease of application, it is best to pour the liquid into a spray bottle. You can also add a couple of drops of oil there. Any of the above means is first applied to the hair, combed. And only then they start straightening - with an iron, with curlers, etc. Folk remedies have many advantages. They have been tested over the years, and even among friends there will probably be those who have used something like this at least once.

        Another plus is the availability and low cost of ingredients, as well as the ease of carrying out procedures. It's a shame that the straight-curled hairstyle only lasts until the next shower.

        For information on how to straighten hair at home, see the next video.

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