How to hold a graduation ceremony?

School graduation is still based on some fundamental traditions, but there have been many innovations in celebrating it. As a rule, they think about what it will be like at the beginning of the school year. Because you have to think over a lot - from images to script and venue.

How to choose an outfit?
There is a lot of controversy about exactly how to look at prom. Parents do not always agree with their children, and vice versa: in this case, stylists suggest picking up something from the classics, but modernizing it a little. For example, refer to classic recognizable images. Take the image of Holly (Audrey Hepburn) from Breakfast at Tiffany's - elegance, polish, perfection. Such an image will suit a slender graduate, emphasize her taste, and become memorable. Or for example view the gallery of the best exits of the representatives of the royal family: that's where flawlessness, relevance and beautifully crafted imagery comes in. They can be inspired by adapting the outfits to those that suit the family according to their abilities.

In short, the approach “go to the store and choose from what is available” does not quite work today. It is better to look through more than a dozen photos with beautiful images and think about how to repeat them. And the outfit can be sewn to order and ordered on the Internet. By the way, a traditional classic dress today can compete with a completely different type - a light dress with white sneakers. Not everyone accepts such a democratic idea and, perhaps, not all graduates face a similar image, but it is worth considering the option.
But it should still be clear that this is not an ordinary outfit, not an everyday one.

You can choose a beautiful dress in summer light shades (better with a charming floral print), short sleeve and just below the knee length, fitted. Lightweight, perfectly white sneakers go incredibly well with such an outfit. But since the image is simple, it breathes with youth and charm, you should not complicate it with a powerful make-up and bulky hairstyle.

For the guys from the 11th grade, different options also open up: from traditional suits, light-colored shirts and ties / bow ties to white shirts for graduation, brand new jeans (you can black) and also white sneakers. However, many guys at the prom want to trump, and they bet on shoes - they choose burgundy or red shoes, which immediately catches the eye.

Complex hairstyles are not in fashion: there should not be a feeling of a ton of varnish and other styling on the hair (both boys and girls). It is much better to just wash your hair, apply a mask with a shine effect on it, simply style it with a hairdryer or iron so that it is smooth, shiny and healthy. For girls, it is better to trim the ends a couple of days before graduation, so that an even and healthy cut will only help to look perfect.

For guys, a fresh haircut, the presence of form in the hairstyle and clean hair are important. The rest is not so important anymore. If a guy wears a ponytail, he can be with him at prom.
For styling, gels, foams, styling can be used, the main thing is not to overdo it with the amount.

It is worth mentioning about the parents. There is such a requirement for their appearance: smart, but complementary to the features of their appearance, and in no way so bright that the child himself turns out to be “blocked”. Often moms and dads try to dress in the same color scheme as their child - it looks cute and adorable. Well, hairstyles should not cause the feeling of a very long and serious preparation.

Where can you host your graduation party?
The school option has probably not been canceled yet. Although it all depends on the region, administration, municipal regulations and other regulatory issues. If the school decides to leave only the ceremonial part, other options appear.
- Cafe Restaurant. It is logical, traditional, but it is advisable to rent either a small hall or choose a small cafe so that the companies do not mix.

- Outdoors. Many classes decide to leave their hairstyles and dresses for the ceremonial part, and then give up their tents to nature. It's more romantic, more fun, and usually cheaper. Only the organizing side will have a lot of trouble, but everything is real.

- Holiday House. The option is not cheap, but the good thing is that in the cafe of the holiday home there can be a separate photo zone, and a separate place for a disco, and some kind of billiards for those who wish, etc.

- In a rented studio. Also a common practice. Some people take a large room, decorate it in an unusual way, make it a desirable place for photo shoots, master classes, webinars, holidays, while others rent this place for several hours. You can do the same with graduation.

Ultimately, everything depends on the budget and, of course, on the option that most people will like. But it's better to consider all the ideas.

Scene decoration
The simplest and a bit hackneyed one is decorating with balls. You can do it yourself (and save money), or you can hire decorators who will make everything much more professional.

What else is used to decorate the scene:
- large artificial flowers;
- cardboard decoration in the form of a stylized school;
- very long colored satin ribbons;
- shiny (fabric with the effect of shine, sequins) backdrop;
- a huge amount of confetti.

Separately, you need to arrange a photo zone, because there will be more pictures from there than from the stage. It can simply be a beautiful backdrop on a school theme or the so-called schoolchildren's corner: a school desk, a book, a blackboard in the back, where something funny is written in chalk, a bell on the desk, a globe, etc. forgot !? ”,“ let's laugh together ”,“ shut your mouths and sing ”, etc., of course, do not forget to do it.
Often, a photo zone is made in the form of an Instagram window, with tags already set, etc.

Solemn part of the evening
It is timed to coincide with the main official event - the presentation of certificates. The more long speeches, the more boring. The more actions of the same type, the more boring.
How to make the ceremonial part:
- For each chair in the hall, where the celebration will take place, put letters of honor. And in the place of children, and in the place of adults. Naturally, you will have to attach designations with names to the chairs (but this is real). That is, entering the hall, the child will immediately receive his diploma: not so much for study, but for uniqueness. There should be a text that denotes the main thing in the child's personality, some of his individual traits, the moments passed at school, the events where he participated. That is, something less formal and very pleasant.
And the teacher will receive the same certificate, only for his uniqueness. Everyone's spirits will rise at once.

- Start the celebration with a video and a song. This should be a clip that shows the entire school path of the class. At the same time, it is good if the song sounds, and the words “run” at the bottom of the picture. And let the whole audience sing. Although the solemn part is more of an officialdom, but such a beginning is appropriate. It looks touching, unites. And the director, the class teacher, who will be speaking soon, will better tune in emotionally.

- Introduce each graduate correctly. Everyone will be awarded diplomas. And so that it is not just a line of people going up to the stage, the presenter should write the script so that each child is named somehow. For example: "Maria Ivanova is the best artist in the class and a cheerful biology lover" or "Peter Smirnov is the master of the basketball hoop and the main joker in all lessons." And children are pleased, and no one will be bored.

- Break the threads. One of the Belarusian teachers shared this touching moment. At the graduation ceremony, the homeroom teacher is presented with flowers. And here's how you can do it: disassemble a bouquet of roses, one flower at a time, tie a thin satin ribbon to each. And it will be tied not only to the flower, but also to the wrist of the child who gives it. The tape should be long. At the appointed time, the children each bring their own rose to the teacher. Children surround the classroom, because they are attached to the rose, and therefore to the teacher. And then the presenter says: “The moment has come, without which the graduation will not work. You must let go of your children, let them fly out of the nest, break this thread.
It is very difficult, but they will fly to a happy future. " And then the classy scissors all the satin ribbons. As a rule, everyone is crying at this moment.

- Presentation of the certificate to the director. When all the children receive their certificates, parents can go up the stage to present a certificate to the teacher on behalf of the class. Its design depends on the creative skills of the parents. But the point is that it should include the disciplines that the teaching staff went through with this class: patience, understanding, ingenuity, openness, etc. And the director, as the main person of the teaching staff, must accept this original certificate.

Solemn part, official does not mean strict, boring, formal. On the contrary, it is better if it is short, dynamic and touching.

Scenario options
For many years at graduation they show comic scenes, congratulate teachers with humor with various rhymes and songs. But you can go further.
Let's look at a few ideas for graduation scenarios.
- Oscar style. This is the presentation of statuettes to teachers. With nominations, drum rolls, tension and even a real statuette (you can order in the gift shop). Sometimes, for full immersion, the presenters put on masks of actors - for example, Leonardo DiCaprio and Nicole Kidman, and present the figurines as realistically as possible.And the nominations can be as follows: "The best main role in the discovery of the world of algorithms and degrees", "The best directing of school holidays and discos", "The best soundtrack of our school years" - respectively, to a mathematics teacher, teacher-organizer, music teacher, etc. ...

- Hipsters. Children can choose outfits "a la dandies", as well as ask teachers and parents to support them with external images as much as possible. And there are always teachers who agree. This means that the prom should be filled with dancing and music. Necessarily one interesting number from children to teachers, one - from teachers to children and parental dedication. Better to take modern songs, but perform them with retro.

- Time for funny stories. This is being prepared in advance. Each teacher attending graduation should be given an assignment - to remember some funny (or touching) story associated with this class. And whenever they give the floor to the teacher, he will start his speech with a little storytelling. This makes the evening more dynamic, interesting and lively.

- Kids performance. Cooking is not easy, but it looks amazing. We need to take children from elementary grades, each of them is a small graduate in childhood. It is desirable that the guys were selected at least remotely similar to their prototypes. They will go on stage together, maybe they will sing something. And then everyone will be given the floor (they teach everything in advance). For example, the first one starts: "I am Borya Petrov, I am the best at solving problems on movement and dream of being Spider-Man" or "I am Nastya Svetlova, I like to play at recess in Winx and dream of becoming an actress." And so about each graduate. It looks touching, because the kids seemed to turn back time, reminded the guys who they were. The moment is reminiscent of the famous scene from Mary Poppins.

The more children think about the script, the more adults support them and help prepare even complex numbers, the more awaited and cool the holiday will be.
Happy Graduation!