Overview of images for girls at the graduation in grade 9

An overview of 9th grade prom looks for girls is a common spring trend in glamor and fashion magazines.
The list certainly contains edifying recommendations not to purchase a long dress, to choose a thing that will later be useful for other purposes.
In the new season, fashion designers began to move away from boring decisions - non-standard and shocking images are in trend. This category includes skirts with open tops and blouses, trouser suits that do not in any way resemble business ones, new cuts and decorative details, interesting materials and colors, funny and unusual accessories.

What kind of dresses can you wear?
The dress is a traditional prom dress for girls in the 9th grade, in which common stereotypes have long been prevalent in length (by no means to the floor, preferably to the knees or with a short skirt). Under the novelties of the season, bored decisions are certainly presented or it is argued that the choice must be made by the graduate herself. The opinion of fashion designers and stylists comes down to a list of conditions:
- long dresses to the floor at this age are bad manners, young girls do not go to a solemn event and must demonstrate their dignity;

- a deep neckline in combination with an open back does not look very attractive, and sometimes vulgar;

- the ideal option is a dress just above or just below the knee, which gives the figure a femininity and allows you to demonstrate beautiful shoes;

- a fluffy skirt can add bulk to the figure or create a feeling of discomfort;

- satin, tulle, chiffon and silk are beautiful flowing fabrics with aesthetic visualization, especially good for the beginning of summer, which will help a girl create a spectacular and memorable look.

Developed stereotypes deprive girls of many effective ways to look unique and attractive. It is not recommended to use only black or white.
Drawing on fabric, the use of natural materials are welcome, skirts of different lengths and various sets look good.
Stylist recommendations expand the horizons of possibilities: selection, taking into account the peculiarities of the figure, personal wishes of the girl (this is very important for creating a good mood and a feeling of one's own irresistibility), taking into account the most fashionable trends of the current season, rejection of the utilitarian approach. Graduation in the 9th grade, as well as in the 11th, happens once in a lifetime, and the dress for him must certainly be special. In the new season, at last, beautiful prints, contrasting combinations have entered the trend, the tendency to deviate from the boring monophonic version is clearly visible.

Choice of pantsuits
Choosing an outfit that would look at the same time non-trivial, spectacular and harmonious, you can order or purchase for a graduate a stylish composition that will emphasize the merits or hide figure flaws and provide amazing comfort.

The practicality of a trouser suit for girls is of the utmost importance, so you need to choose an outfit not from the point of view of its further use, but in accordance with your goals:
- a truly beautiful set is created with flared, cropped and tight-fitting trousers - here the features of the figure play the main role;

- female - does not mean pink or peach, the most spectacular options are white, black and red or combined in contrast (black with yellow, white with red, chocolate with gold);

- for the evening, a non-standard option is suitable - trousers with a tunic, top or blouse, a three-piece with a bolero or a military jacket will allow you to change one visualization to another after the start of the celebration;

- beige is a wonderful color, but too streamlined and neutral, so you need a spectacular addition to it - accessories or one of the items of a different color;

- an extremely open top, which will be very useful in the midst of the evening, is recommended at first to be covered with a fashionable elongated vest: for completeness of the illusion, it can be with a small collar - sharp or curly.

Textured and flowing materials are combined with cotton and linen, possibly with a slight addition of synthetics. A floral or geometric print is suitable for finishing a jacket or for one of the details. Flounces and frills are welcome, but not on the bottom of the suit. The elongated top will help cover full thighs, but girls with a beautiful figure, active and self-confident do not need it. Only one long option is suitable for them - a draped jacket with a deep neckline, which is absent or implies an extremely open short top or corset.

Possible accessories
Shoes are the main condition for a complete look. It should not only match in tonality, but complement the impression as much as possible, while at the same time creating a feeling of confidence and comfort.

You should not follow common recommendations, wear massive earrings and bracelets (unless the suit is made in combination with a print on ethnic motives). Need to experiment in front of a mirror - a thin chain, fashionable now polished natural stones in the form of a necklace and bracelet, original rings, small carnations in the ears can better shade beauty and youth than massive accessories that are suitable for more mature women.

The dazzling shine inherent in youth will make any jewelry spectacular. If you wear jewelry, then they are modest.
Additional accessories include:
- an elegant clutch bag (not necessarily in rhinestones, but of an original shape and made of good material);
- a handbag with a conductor clasp as the only decorative element;
- hair jewelry or an elegant hat.

In glamorous publications you can find great advice, but the main one is omitted by default: any woman, including a ninth-grader, should treat herself with love and not let anyone dictate terms.

This means that a boutique manager, stylist or even a mother should not impose on the future queen what she should wear without explaining why it is unacceptable in this situation.
Stylish examples
A real solution to the problem is possible only if you take into account all the subtleties of choosing an outfit, which are listed above.
- To choose a dress, you should focus on the correspondence of the appearance. Unconventional red or banal black for a flamboyant brunette. A neon blue hue will accentuate hair and skin, an elongated waistcoat with a stand-up collar will give the illusion of modesty at the very beginning of the prom.

- Cropped trousers and a short top without a vest are perfectly complemented by classic powder-colored shoes. A creamy white three-piece cut from a jacket with padded shoulders and a blouse with a wide neckline. The clutch is matched to the color of the hair, bracelets and rings are in harmony with rhinestones on unexpectedly black sandals that fit perfectly into the image.

- Stylish beige suit with contrasting trim is skillfully complemented by shoes, thin strap, makeup and earrings. The girl will stand out against any background, even if everyone is wearing fluffy ball gowns.

- A pair of trousers with matching shoes and a black striking belt is good even without jewelry, sandals, open and emphasizing the legs, give a special irresistibility and sexuality.

- A very interesting solution in a beige tone.

- Dress decoration - original cut details and a deep cut, on which the viewer's attention is concentrated.