Stylish images for boys at the prom in the 9th grade

Graduation is a holiday that remains in the memory of a student for many years, so it is very important to not lose face in front of classmates by choosing a suitable outfit and accessories. Many modern young men are no less scrupulous about their appearance, and therefore the question of choosing a costume for a prom is just as acute for them. The graduate must look strict and festive, but at the same time not trivial. To do this, you need to approach the issue of choosing an outfit quite carefully and even study some fashion trends.

What can you wear?
Modern fashion provides a very wide selection of festive clothing for teens. However, all the images compiled with them can be conditionally divided into two main styles:
- classical;
- casual.

Classics is a traditional style for men's formal attire that does not leave the fashion selections. A two-piece suit, which includes a shirt, trousers and a jacket, a tuxedo, or a three-piece suit, complemented by a vest, will look great both on a little boy and on a youngster.
A snow-white shirt and a dark suit are a sure-fire option for any event. You can play up the image with accessories, an unusual cut or the color of a jacket and trousers.

The casual style is suitable for those who cannot imagine their life without the usual T-shirts and sneakers. In recent years, you can more and more often meet graduates of grades 9-11, dressed in jeans and a jacket or replacing their usual shoes and a shirt with snow-white sneakers of an eminent brand and a polo shirt. A strict bow tie and a scarf in the breast pocket of a jacket will help to add formality to the image.

It is better to refuse a sports or youth-avant-garde style within the walls of a school.Leave your sweatpants for walks and fitness. After all, graduation is an official event, even from the casual style it requires a certain rigor.

So that the chosen outfit does not spoil the whole festive evening of the young man, you should follow a few simple rules when choosing it.
- If a guy does not have specific clothing preferences, it is best to opt for a classic suit. If, on the contrary, he is a big lover of fashionable outfits, you should choose a casual style.
- In cases where a boy goes to an event together with a girlfriend, his outfit should be coordinated with her. Often the color or style of the shirt is matched to the dress of his companion.
- When buying, you should always take into account the time, place and form of the holiday. In a restaurant and out of town, you need completely different outfits and shoes.
- You should buy not just the suit that you like on the hanger, but also the one that fits your figure well. Bulky jackets and trousers look good on tall, thin boys, but tight and low ones, on the contrary, are better to choose an even cut and dark shades.
- Both clothes and shoes should be neat first of all. As fashionable as the trousers are, they will look bad if they have stains and creases.
- Beauty is great, but convenience is also important. Rubbing your shoes and pressing your shirt collar can ruin even the most enjoyable prom. It is better to give preference to natural fabrics, clothes should correspond to the height and size of the guy.

Choice of accessories
Accessories can both refresh a rather boring formal look and completely ruin it, so you should be especially careful when choosing them.

Plastron, ascot, bolo tie or bow tie - any of them are suitable for a prom. In the classic version, you can complement the tie with a stylish clip, and for the casual style, choose an unusual pattern or color.

A festive boutonniere is appropriate not only on the wedding day, but also at the prom, if you combine it with a classic three-piece suit. This accessory will look especially good if the companion's outfit also contains similar elements. Boutonnieres are especially common among alumni in the United States and Europe.

A silk scarf with a snow-white shirt is an option for courageous and at the same time very sophisticated young men.
So that the triangle of fabric tied at the collar does not look like a pioneer tie, it is better to dwell on muted pastel shades and calm patterns.

A mechanical watch on a leather strap will help to make the look more mature and austere. On the contrary, sports models and watches with a narrow strap will add relaxation.

Cufflinks are an element of an exclusively classic style, you can't wear them with a T-shirt, but they will look comical with jeans. It is best for young men to dwell on jewelry alloys or silver, complemented by enamel and semi-precious stones or engraving.

Any classic model of suits goes well with leather or suede belts in dark colors. The most elementary method for choosing the right accessory is to combine its color with the shade of the shoe. For a casual style, a belt can be selected in lighter shades, with unusual buckles or weaves. You should not choose too massive options with curly buckles and chains - it is better to leave them for concerts of your favorite bands and informal parties.

Any belt can be replaced with leather or fabric braces. In the case of a classic suit, they should be matched to the color of the tie, and with a casual outfit, you can choose contrasting options. It is best to stick to shades of black, brown or blue for the most stylish look.

The last (but not least) element of the image is socks.They are matched to the tone of shoes or trousers, so they are bought last. Overly flashy colors, cropped models and provocative inscriptions or drawings should be avoided. It is best to opt for timeless classics and understated design.

Stylish examples
For those who like to stand out from the crowd, ordinary classic suits in unusual colors are perfect. A soft blue two-piece suit or a light green jacket with light-colored jeans is the choice for the most original graduates.

For those who are not ready to experiment with color, stylish jackets with patches on the elbows are perfect. They will give the image of relaxation and some bohemian chic. In addition, they can be easily worn in everyday life and at lectures at a higher educational institution.

This year, double-breasted men's suits have returned to fashion, which do not in any way resemble the old versions of our grandfathers' clothes. The fitted silhouette and modern cut add solidity and comfort at the same time. The long v-neckline stretches the figure of the young man, and the correct fit does a good job of masking body imperfections.

A variety of tuxedos and tailcoats, worn for the prom, look especially solemn. They will look especially appropriate if the format of the evening is a ball.

The cage, popular in recent years, looks familiar and comfortable and is suitable for those who do not feel too confident in formal sets. But unusual costumes made of silk and satin are only gaining in popularity, so they look especially fresh during the prom.