Creating light hairstyles for prom

Every fashionista wants to look as impressive and stylish as possible at the prom. To do this, little girls and girls resort to creating a variety of original hairstyles. These are not always very complex and intricate compositions on the hair. In today's article, we will learn all about creating easy and beautiful prom hairstyles.

Hairstyle Ideas for Kids in Grade 4
Girls who graduate from grade 4 are also very serious about creating a beautiful prom look. There are a myriad of spectacular and aesthetic hairstyles to suit a given occasion. Attractive and lightweight options can be created with a pigtail, ponytail, or dressy curls.

With a pigtail
Young graduates of elementary school often decide to make a beautiful, but at the same time very light hairstyle with a pigtail at the prom. To create it, it is not at all necessary to spend money on salon services, since all stages can be implemented at home.

For graduation in grade 4, a pigtail hairstyle created according to such a simple scheme is perfect.
- To create a beautiful and simple styling, first, the front strands will need to be carefully assembled into a malvinka.
- After that, you can start assembling an attractive pigtail. During this process, you will need to pick up the side strands. In this case, one must not forget about observing the intervals.
- The remaining mass of loose hair should be in a loose state. In this case, the Malvinka will need to be braided to the very end.
This hairstyle will be as simple and easy to create as possible, but it will look amazing.It can be done quickly and easily.

With a tail
Hairstyles with a ponytail are no less spectacular and attractive. These are great kids options that are great for the 4th grade prom. One of the creative ways to create a hairstyle involves shaping a ponytail with a rose. This option can be suitable for girls with both long and medium-length hair.
If done correctly, the result is a very romantic and delicate styling.that looks amazing on hair with absolutely any shade. In addition, the hairstyle in question is in harmony with dresses of all possible types.

To independently form an original hairstyle with a ponytail, you will need to resort to the following manipulations.
- First, the girl needs to thoroughly wash her hair with shampoo and balm. After that, you will need to dry the curls using a hairdryer. At the final preparatory stage, it is imperative to comb the hair thoroughly and carefully.
- In the next step, you will need to collect your hair in either a high or a low ponytail. Both options are suitable - it all depends on the preferences of the young beauty going to the prom.
- Further, in the formed tail, it will be necessary to select a neat strand. From it you will need to weave a beautiful and neat pigtail.
- The formed interesting hairstyle is best fixed by means of invisible hairpins. In order for the resulting styling to remain beautiful and lasting longer, it is advisable to sprinkle it with high-quality hairspray.

With curls
If a girl going to prom has long hair, then a fashionable hairstyle with graceful curls is ideal for her. The creative side styling, complemented by large and voluminous curls, looks especially impressive. Also, with the help of modern comfortable curls, you can easily and without unnecessary difficulties form small or equally large curls in the style of a la Barbie or Hollywood.

If the girl has medium-length hair, then she can make pretty curls by means of an iron or curling iron with a special diffuser nozzle or corrugation. In this case, the beams should be slightly raised so that charming curls gracefully peep out of them.
The curls, released from under the French braids, collected in the form of beautiful headbands, or in a style called "waterfall", also look lovely.

Styling options for graduates in grades 9-11
For young beauties who have graduated from grade 9 or 11, there are a huge number of attractive and stylish hairstyles that are perfect for a prom at school. Many of them are surprisingly simple, quick to create with your own hands and at home.

The trend of recent years is slightly careless and the lightest possible styling with curls, braids, as well as spectacular knots or graceful strands. It should be borne in mind that perfectly slicked and smooth hair is no longer in vogue today. True, original styling in the form of a neat shell, bun or babette is still in demand and is quite popular, so you should not immediately sweep it aside. The listed options can be supplemented with stylish pigtails, curled curls, bangs or interesting flagella.

A win-win option for graduation in grades 9-11 will be beautiful curled curls, combined with light and slight disheveledness. The hairstyle can be supplemented with various decorative components, for example, bright hairpins, headbands or flowers - there are a lot of options. Graduates of the 9th grade are perfect for original styling, made in a non-trivial boho style. The same girls who go to the graduation ceremony in honor of the end of grade 11 can safely choose luxurious hairstyles with pile, as well as semi-assembled strands.

An interesting solution for a prom is a bun for long hair. The bundle can be placed both on the back of the head and on the top of the head - both options will look festive and harmonious. These variations of girlish styling are extremely simple to implement, which is why they are so often done at home, and not in salon conditions.

To make an ordinary light bun look more creative and unusual, it can be supplemented with flagella, cunning weaves, pigtails.

If a girl has short hair, this will not stop her from creating a bright and festive hairstyle that is perfect for prom. On short hair, playful curls will look great, as well as a side parting, combined with slightly raised bangs and curled ends.

The last styling option will look especially impressive and harmonious if the graduate chooses for herself a beautiful dress in a classic style. Girls who graduate from 9th or 11th grade are very much in elegant Hollywood waves. This is as simple as possible, but very attractive hairstyle that is perfect for a prom.
If you want to give such styling a more elegant and spectacular look, it is advisable to decorate it with bright or shining hairpins, complemented by rhinestones or decorative stones. With these decorations, the hairstyle will become much more remarkable and expressive.

Spectacular Hollywood waves can be made very easily on your own.
- In the first step, you will need to comb most of the dry and clean hair to the left or right.
- Next, the hair will need to be carefully divided into separate strands, the width of which will be about 5 cm.After that, you can start the curling process. Start curling your hair at the back.
- It is important to treat the strand with a high-quality thermal protective agent or spray. Then it is wound on a curling iron.
- The strand will need to be held on the surface of the curling iron until the hair has time to warm up completely (about 30-60 seconds).
- This procedure will need to be repeated in turn in relation to each of the strands.
- Having finished processing all the strands with a curling iron, the curls will need to be carefully combed so that they acquire the necessary S-like shape.
- At the end of all the procedures carried out, the styling should be fixed with a hairspray with a shine effect.

A good hairstyle for a young girl is a feminine Malvinka. It should be noted that when creating such a composition, a small but neat bouffant is made on the hair in the upper part. It is best to fix it with invisible hairpins, which will not be conspicuous. The rest of the hair can be twisted slightly with a curling iron. To complete such a charming hairstyle, you can use beautiful hairpins, decorative ribbons or small bows.

The hairstyle called "fish tail" is very popular and fashionable. It is very easy to do, but it looks amazing. This option is ideal for dresses of a variety of cuts. For example, it can be a long and tight-fitting outfit or a prom dress with bare shoulders.

This is how the fish tail is made.
- First, all the strands are collected in a tail, either on the left or on the right. It needs to be fixed at the very neck. At the same time, you do not need to tighten the tail too much with an elastic band.
- Next, the formed tail is divided into 2 equal parts.
- In the next step, it is necessary to very carefully separate the strand, the width of which is slightly more than 1 cm on the outer left side of the tail. This component should be thrown towards the center. Then it is attached to the right half of the hair.
- Similar actions will be needed for the small strand on the outside of the right half of the tail made earlier. It should be thrown to the center and connected to the left side.
- After that, all hair will need to be carefully braided.
- The formed braid will need to be well fixed with a hair tie.It can be either colored or transparent - both will do.
- At the next stage, you will need to very carefully remove the upper elastic band, which was previously responsible for fixing the tail. Thanks to this, the braid will look much more natural and harmonious.
The finishing touch is to stretch the braid links in different directions. Due to this, the braid will acquire additional beautiful volume.

For an evening in honor of graduation from grades 9-11, you can make another simple hairstyle - beach curls. Despite its exclusively summer name, this styling is perfect for various holidays and special occasions. Step by step, it is done very simply and quickly.
- Start creating a playful beach look at the back. In this case, it is necessary to separate the strands of about 5 cm.
- Each strand should be well treated with a good quality heat protectant. After that, the separated hair can be safely wrapped on a curling iron.
- Each strand must be kept on the appliance for 30 to 60 seconds, depending on the level of hair density.
- After removing the strand from the surface of the curling iron, you need to apply a high-quality branded varnish to fix it. Thanks to this, an interesting hairstyle will be able to hold out until the end of the evening without losing its attractiveness and neatness.
- The procedure must be repeated with each of the strands in turn.
- After completing all the operations for curling each strand, you need to very carefully pass the hair through your fingers. Due to this, it will be possible to straighten beautiful curls a little, give them volume.
- Complete this playful prom hairstyle with a medium hold nail polish.

Girls who prefer more creative and original styling can make two flirty buns for the prom. Together with a bright dress and accessories, such a hairstyle will look especially interesting and impressive.
Let's consider in stages how to correctly make two bundles for the prom.
- At the first stage, you will need to divide your hair into a straight part. They will need to be combed, and then fix both parts with rubber bands.
- After removing one gum, you need to apply a special lipstick for styling at the top and bottom of the root zone. Further, using a comb, the product will need to be distributed over the surface of the strips.
- After that, the strands are again collected in a tail and fixed with an elastic band where the future bundle should be.
- Before styling your hair into a bun, you will need to comb and beat the hair.
- You can fix a flirty bun using universal invisible hairpins. The same actions will need to be carried out on the other side of the head.
- At the end of all procedures, the hair is sprayed with varnish.

Beautiful examples
- A wonderful and very light hairstyle for prom - a voluminous and slightly sloppy bun with small loose strands falling from the temples.

- A high tail made of perfectly straight strands or curled curls will look beautiful. The hairstyle can be combined with bangs or thin strands in the temple area.

- An effective solution is a Hollywood wave with hair combed on the right or left side. The hairstyle will look great on both long and medium hair.

For information on how to make a simple prom hairstyle for short hair, see the next video.