Review of hairstyles for prom for short hair

Graduation is an important festive occasion for any girl. Each of them selects an outfit and a suitable hairstyle in advance. Today we are going to talk about how to style beautiful short hair for prom.

Best ideas
Let's take a look at a few of the most popular options for such hairstyles.
With a bang... The bangs are able to easily hide the imperfections of the face. In addition, it will help make the image more interesting. In this case, you can first curl your hair into large curls. Then they are combed, sprayed with varnish for fixing. After that, part of the strand is collected in a low bundle. It is secured with studs. If desired, the hairstyle can be decorated with a comb or a beautiful clip. The bangs itself can also be twisted slightly with an iron. In this case, you can make a more lush styling. To do this, a low tail is formed from the two lateral sides of the strand, then the rest of the strands are wrapped under it, everything can be fixed with the help of invisible ones. At the same time, it is better to fluff the top of the head a little. The bangs can be straightened and also fluffed a little.

- No bangs. Styling without bangs will allow you to visually stretch and narrow your face, open your eyes. The bangs can be removed in various ways. The simplest option would be a fishtail braid hairstyle. In this case, starting from the temples, small braids are braided, their ends will need to be stabbed under the hair. Then the rest of the hair is combed in small strands and styled, while forming a lush low bun. Styling with curls will look just as impressive. It will be the best option for hair slightly above the shoulders. Curls can be both small and large.In the latter case, the finished hairstyle will be as voluminous as possible.

In addition, there are versatile hairstyles that can suit almost any prom girl.
Braids... On short hair, you can braid small and neat braids (classic, fishtail, plaits). Often, a voluminous bouffant is made on the crown of the head with the help of a comb, and then they begin to make one braid. The finished hairstyle can also be decorated with hairpins with various decorations. This option for girls is suitable for graduation at school in grades 9, 11.

Beam... This hairstyle will open up your neck. The bunches can be made low, this will give your image austerity and sophistication. And you can also pre-wind the hair with an iron or curling iron and tie it up with elastic bands or fix it with hairpins. This hairstyle will work well even for those with hair that is higher than the shoulders.

Greek styling. This option is suitable for girls with any face shape. This hairstyle is most often done for short hair. At the same time, hoops with pearls and stones will look spectacular on styled hair. And you can also use products that are covered with satin, silk. In order for the hair to look as voluminous as possible, it must first be wound with an iron.

Babette. To make such a styling, first a tight and high tail is tied, then a chignon is hidden under it, it is better to fix it with thin hairpins. After that, the tail is unraveled and carefully hidden under the chignon. The ends of the hair are bent inward and fixed with invisible hairspray.

"Romantic" styling. In this case, first, all the hair is divided into two parts: between the crown and forehead, and also from ear to ear. Further, a parting is made on the side, the strands on the right are combed smoothly, and then stacked behind the ear. After that, on the right side, the hair is divided into five identical strands, each of them is curled, their ends are bent down. All this is pinned with beautiful clamps. Further, the curls on the back of the head are combed at the roots, slightly raised upward, while the upper part of the hairstyle should remain smooth.

"Wet" waves. The wet hair effect is created using a special liquid wax. Pre-curling or ironing, small curls are twisted along the entire length. After that, dry curled hair is treated with wax. It will allow you to clearly highlight each strand. If desired, you can make a small fleece on the top of the head.

Styling in the style of the 20s... In this case, you will need to straighten the curls, make a side parting. Then, using a special hair gel, curls are laid. In the end, everything is decorated, for this it is better to take a satin or lace bezel-ribbon, pearl jewelry is also suitable.

- Retro hair... In this case, large curls and a side parting are made with a curling iron. All strands are neatly laid in waves and fixed with varnish or gel. Later, all this is decorated with accessories with feathers or with a bright large flower.

For very short hair (pixie haircut), simple waxing is the best option.... It will help to give the strands smoothness and softness, shine. And you should also use a modeling gel. It will allow you to make a slight negligence effect on the top of the head, or, conversely, a perfectly smooth and even hairstyle. This styling does not need to be additionally decorated with accessories.
For a child at the prom in kindergarten, a hairstyle with several thin pigtails, braided from the top to the middle, is suitable. All of them are secured with elastic bands or small clips with decorations. And also on top you should put on a beautiful headband with flowers.

You can make two identical beams on top of the crown and fix them with invisibility, varnish or gel. It is better to decorate the finished hairstyle with a few small shiny hairpins.

Using accessories
To make the styling look more festive and beautiful, you can use a variety of decorations. A good option would be decorative flowers... They will make the image gentle. In this case, it is permissible to use both artificial and natural flowers. Headbands completely woven from such flower buds look beautiful.

Another good option would be tiaras... For graduation, it is recommended to pick up small neat products decorated with pearls, stones, rhinestones. Sometimes hoops are put on top. In this case, it is also better to choose thin models with a small amount of decor, so that the image turns out to be lighter and more feminine.

Small shiny hairpins are also great for short hair. You can fix several such elements at once on a hairstyle.

Beautiful examples
A great option for short hair is styling with curls. In this case, you can make large curls so that the hairstyle looks more voluminous. The ends of the curls obtained should be bent under a beautiful thin hoop.
If you have a bang, you can also twirl it slightly with an iron or tuck it gently under the hoop.

For prom, a hairstyle in light waves is suitable. They can be done with a curling iron or a small curler. To make the look more interesting, you should braid a thin braid on the side, starting from the forehead. You can fix it with invisible ones.

For information on how to do a simple hairstyle for prom, see the next video.