Prom hairstyles

The prom is a great occasion to create a beautiful and effective hairstyle. There are many interesting options for fashionable hairstyles for such an occasion. In today's article we will tell you what styles and hairstyles will look especially attractive at the prom.

Fashion trends
Today, naturalness and naturalness are in trend. Among young girls, the lightest and most neat hairstyles on loose hair are especially fashionable. Uncomplicated attractive images that emphasize youth and freshness will be relevant.
Despite the fact that naturalness is in trend today, it is advisable for girls to think over well both styling and makeup for the prom. Naturalness should be shown only from the most beautiful side.

Not only natural and unpretentious styling is fashionable. At the peak of popularity today are traditional beautiful hairstyles in the form of exquisite weaves, playful buns or ponytails. It is better to refuse multilayer and rough styling.... This is due to the fact that today such details can significantly overload the image, make it disharmonious and even ridiculous.
Even if the hairstyle is intricate and complex, it should still be as light as possible.

How to collect your hair beautifully?
There are so many ways how to collect your hair for a prom in a beautiful and effective way. A harmonious and attractive option can be easily chosen for a holiday at school in the 11th or 9th grade. The good old classic tail will always remain in vogue.
A similar hairstyle can be safely created for a prom. You can give preference to the unchanged classics and form a smooth, low ponytail.

But there are other variations of this popular hairstyle. Modern stylists recommend creating more original textured styling. A textured tail will look voluminous, effective, but at the same time quite light and airy. It will not overload the girly image.
It is desirable that this hairstyle looks slightly sloppy, while remaining natural.

You can collect your hair in an exquisite bun.... Recently, this hairstyle has become very popular. A playful bunch, the volume of which is moved up, will look especially effective and original at the prom. In a similar vein, a girl can form an interesting volumetric shell.

If the specified styling is chosen, then attention is focused on the shoulders and neckline. Due to this, the beauty of the chosen dress will stand out more, and the neck will visually appear longer and more graceful. For girls with medium-length hair, either a smooth or wavy bun is suitable.

So that this aesthetic and neat the hairstyle turned out to be more festive and bright, it can be supplemented with various decor... Spectacular hairpins or hairpins will do. For many looks, hair tied up in a bun, decorated with fancy bows, is suitable.

A neat bundle complemented by an elegant diadem will look expensive and sophisticated. Such a decoration fits especially harmoniously into the images of modern graduates.

Girls with long hair can collect their hair in a variety of ways. Not only high voluminous tails will look beautiful, but also the lower bun, combined with weaving, or a playful bump. Such options look very gentle, harmoniously combined with almost any outfit.

We make beautiful curls
A sure-fire option for a fashionable prom look is a hairstyle with beautiful curls. Many girls prefer this style of styling, because it fits perfectly into many images, looks spectacular and festive. Attractive curls can be created at home without facing serious difficulties.

It is enough for the girl to have a curling iron and an iron in her arsenal. If the curling iron is of the uniform type, then the waves can turn out to be different in shape. A hairstyle like this is sure to amaze everyone at the prom.

Fashionable and stylish will look light curls on loose long hair... In this case, it is advisable to give more volume in the root area. Thanks to such simple tricks, the hairstyle turns out to be especially catchy and luxurious, and attracts a lot of attention. Beautiful curls are seen in a fashionable hairstyle called "Malvinka". It will prove to be an amazing option for long hair.
If you want your hairstyle to look as original and rich as possible, you can complement it with elegant braiding.

For prom, a girl can make a delicate braid from neat curls. This styling is one of the most popular. It is chosen by many women of fashion to create an aesthetic festive look.
If a girl is the owner of not too long hair (bob, elongated bob), then she may give preference to wrapping elastic and small curls. In this case, the parting can be made oblique, and the curls can be raised up.

For secure fixation of individual styling elements, it is best to use conventional invisibility. Several formed curls can be left on the face to make the girlish look playful, light and charming.

Braids and weaving
Very beautiful and spectacular images are obtained, coupled with graceful braids and beautifully braided hair. Braids of various variations look elegant in themselves.For the prom, the girl can form an original hairstyle with the creation of a French braid.

This type of styling looks especially attractive on long hair. In this case, the end of the French braid can be sealed under an elastic band. From those strands that remain free, you will need to collect a neat tail. The collected hair is then wrapped in playful bagels and then wrapped. The braid is wrapped around. To get a neat and attractive bump, it is better to use hairpins or invisible hairpins.... To fix such an interesting hairstyle, it is enough to use varnish.

If you want to create a romantic and delicate hairstyle for the prom, then you can form graceful curls, combine them with braiding.
This attractive styling will look very good even on medium length hair.

From braids, a girl can form a huge number of creative and very original styling, which will definitely not be ignored at the prom. One of these styling is fashionable "basket".

This option is suitable for both long and medium strands.
- The first step is to thoroughly wash your hair and dry it.
- Dry and clean hair is divided into 5 equal parts. In this case, there should be 2 parts on top, and 3 on the bottom.
- The strands located on top are fixed. For now, they should be left alone. In the lower part, you can form 3 simple neat pigtails, and at the end, fasten multi-colored elastic bands.
- From the formed braids, you will need to carefully form an attractive basket. Moreover, each of the braids can either be superimposed or twisted.
- Next, you will need to start working with the upper strands. Braids are also made of them, but less tight. They should be directed towards the back of the head.
- As a result, you should get very beautiful and lush braids, which should be fixed by means of invisibility. At this point, the original prom styling will be ready.
Braiding elements are great for girls who have short hair. One of the interesting options is weaving long bangs.

Evening hairstyles with a tiara
As mentioned above, the tiara is a very popular adornment for many girly prom hairstyles. Instead of a tiara, you can use a beautiful crown, a graceful rim. Such things are often complemented by other attractive elements - colored ribbon, kanekalon, bows, flowers, and so on. With the help of an elegant tiara or crown, a girl can easily decorate almost any hairstyle formed for a festive evening.

For example, women of fashion with long hair can create an original asymmetrical styling with curls. The latter are laid on one side. To complete the chic hairstyle, a shimmery tiara is perfect. If you do not want to use a tiara, then you can resort to decorating the styling with a beautiful rim.
Such a decorative component looks especially attractive in combination with a hairstyle made in the Greek style. Looks with such components are always sophisticated, elegant and feminine.

DIY quick hair styling
Since today the most natural and slightly sloppy hairstyles are fashionable, a girl can do quick styling with her own hands at the prom. Such options are easily performed at home, do not require the use of special professional devices and tools. A quick styling done right can be a truly chic addition to a girly look. Quickly and simply, the graduate will be able to independently make the lower bundle from the braid. A similar hairstyle will look gentle and original. All operations will take no more than 10 minutes to complete.
- First you need make a little bouffant in the area of the crown.
- Further all hair will need to be braided into a classic braid, or use the popular fishtail technique.
- Now the pigtail is tucked up from below, making a bundle... The latter is fixed with invisibility.
- The next step is easy but creative the hairstyle is complemented with several thin released strands.
- Home fast styling is recommended to be supplemented with beautiful decorative items - butterflies, flowers, bows or other accessories you like.

There is one more quick and attractive option for creating a wavy bundle in combination with braiding... The hairstyle looks romantic and neat, but it is created quickly and easily.
- First, you need to wind your hair using either a curling iron or curlers.
- Next, the shock is divided into 3 parts - 2 on the sides, 1 behind.
- The hair on the back is collected in a lower bun. If desired, you can make a spectacular bouffant on the crown.
- Braids are woven from the strands on the sides. After that, they are fixed from behind over the previously formed bundle. The finished hairstyle should be supplemented with a beautiful hairpin or hairpins.

Many girls really like another option for a quick and beautiful styling.
- First, clean hair needs to be dissolved, and then a side parting should be done.
- The strands should be wound on large curlers, or use a curling iron / iron. The curls will need to be fixed with varnish.
- At the top of the head, it will be necessary to form a volume, referring to a light fleece.
- At the next stage, a small attractive spikelet is braided from one side. The braid is slightly fluffed up.

A light braid braided diagonally will look interesting in a girlish look.... A hairstyle like this will perfectly complement the ensemble for a prom.
- At the first stage, the girl will need to select 3 strands at the temple on the left side. A pigtail is made of them, directed towards the right ear.
- Gradually, you will need to add an additional part of the hair to each turn.
- At the final stage, the formed weaving will need to be slightly fluffed up. At the same time, the tip of the braid is allowed to be neatly hidden. After that, the styling is fixed with a high-quality varnish.
- Various decorative components will be useful - hairpins or small flowers.

Another simple hairstyle is perfect for many girls - Hollywood curls.... This option is perfect for a prom. The hairstyle can be done without any problems at home, without spending a lot of time.
- At the first stage, the graduate will need to do a side parting.
- Next, the strands are wound on curlers with a large diameter.
- The formed curls are laid one to one.
- After that, the strands will need to be neatly laid on one shoulder, secured at the back with hairpins or an attractive hair clip.
- If the girl does not have a bang, then you can slightly raise the curls in the forehead area.

Hairstyle styles
There are many interesting styles that you can use to create a beautiful prom hairstyle.
Let's take a look at the main features of the most popular destinations that are perfect for a festive evening.
- Greek... An insanely popular style that turns out to be relevant for a variety of occasions. Girls can create Greek hairstyles both for prom and for other serious celebrations, for example, for a wedding. The main nuance of the style in question is that it is suitable for hair of any length. You just need to take into account that usually additional bouffant is required to make the twisted strands look more voluminous.

- Retro... Interesting style. She is often chosen by women of fashion who like hairstyles for dandies. Styling hairstyles are very diverse.
The original "Babette", a magnificent ponytail, "The Corolla of the World", "High Flight" are suitable for the prom.

- Brigitte Bardot style... Perfect for graduation styling. Hairstyles designed in a similar style are distinguished by their elegance and volume.At the same time, the styling remains smooth, the hair is selected as carefully as possible.

Beautiful examples
At the prom, a girl can give curls the shape of elegant wide waves, make a side parting. If there are no bangs, then you can add a little extra volume at the hair roots. This styling is extremely simple to create, but it looks amazing at the same time.

A high ponytail, collected from previously curled hair, will look positive, bright and stylish. In this case, it is advisable to give the mop additional volume, and then pull out thin curls near the face. This hairstyle is also created without unnecessary difficulties, but it turns out to be spectacular, ideally emphasizing the beauty of the girlish look.

Lovers of creative and bold looks can make for a prom styling in the form of a large and voluminous bow. The latter can be combined with a voluminous bun, or loose strands curled with a curling iron. There are many options for performing this hairstyle. In any way, it looks bright and unusual.

Another beautiful prom hairstyle awaits you in the next video.